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Today, I am fine with my work, I like math and chemical processes, and I feel
comfortable working in an industry with a group of colleagues. As they say: "Choose
a job that you like and you will not have to work any day of your life”.

But if I have to say what would be the ideal job or my dream job, I would choose to
be a professional poker player. Because the dedication and the work hours are few,
the job is fun and you earn a lot of money. Also, you are famous and you are on
television. This work would be great!

You would be relaxed, without worries during the week, you are only nervous when
you have to play a game, then everything is fun and free time for you.

The only thing that you have to know is the plays, be a great strategist and be very
lucky. This is the ideal job, just play cards and win millions of dollars.

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