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TRANSLATION LOGO: UNIVERSITY OF CUENCA | jus Bouse in 1867 = porns Pe ACT No, 002-fer-etm-nd-2019,- Inthe city of Cuenca, the tweatieth day of March of 2019, in the Secretary's office of the SCHOOL. ‘OF MEDICAL SCIENCES of the University of Cuenca, the examining board proceeds to obtain the final caleulaion forthe degree of LICENTIATE IN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS of the siudent: MOSQUERA LOPEZ. ERICK THOMAS, Nations identification eatd no, 0105119671, of ECUADORIAN nationaliy, who has finished the career of Nettition and Dietetics with 3 uration of 9 eycles, inthe mode of class attendance and whose research work ited INTERACTION MEDICINE ~ NUTRIENTS AND MEDICINE ~ MEDICINAL PLANTS IN THE. PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW.- According to the Graduation Regulations of the SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, the ‘examining board proceeded tc prepare the ealeulation: 60% ofthe average f all grades except internship $0.47. 25% ofthe average grade for ntemship Performance 21.96.- 5% ofthe graduation grade ofthe Internship 433 10% of the Thesis prade 9.50. TOTAL: 86.26 ‘The final grade to oblain the Third Level Degree of LICENTIATE IN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS is: 85.26 / 100 ecuivalent to VERY GOOD. The student started the career at the SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES of the University of Cuenca on 10-MAR-2014 and completed the last eyele on 31 August 2018.- ‘As evidence thereo the Dean sighs together with the undersigned Secretary, who eetifis.- (Signature indecipherable) - (Signature indecipherable) BERNARDO JOSE VEGA CRESPO, MD- ANA BEATRIZ GUAPISACA VARGAS, Es. DEAN SECRETARY ~ ATTORNEY.~ (Stamp: UNIVERSITY OF CUENCA, SCHOOL OF MEDICAL. SCIENES. I Certify that this is a ‘rue copy of the original. Cuenca, 21/03/2019. (Signature indecipherable). The Secretary of the Schoo). LCERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE, THIS IS A. COMPLETE AND ACCURATE TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Cuenca, 30 April, 2019 Lhe ~~ Alia Boroto Director (Centro Cultural Fouatoriano Norteamerieano “Abraham Lincoln” : CI.No. 0102060449) : ‘Cuenca —oundor 2 ‘Tels $937 2823898 / 593 998079748 Eimil: Gx vA Factura: 001-200.000067275 20190101007002047 DLIGENCIADE RECONOCIMENTO DE ARWAS N 0190101007D02047 ‘ita, NOTARIO(A)OORIS MARIACABRERA ROIAS da NOTARIA SEPTIMA, compare) MARA ALICIA SOROTO ‘CARRASCO porter) de CEDULA 010205049 de naclenalidad ECUATORIANA, mayoree) de ee, sotago ci DBVORE:ADOAA, domain(s) an CUENCA, FOR SUS PROPIOS DERECHOS on cldad de COMPARECIENTE: quan) ucla) uf) mascot) onl Scart que aise, eae) ayaa a) nema) uous) on oe i adorable y aos, sono cnsauorl aii). aa coal fms) nmi an uri ecto do ‘doo cl dy f, Lapeer pra se elena qe me cantare ura nove dl arc dlesoco de It Ley NotriaE proret econocnieno nov era contri dl dcunonte ae aroced, ‘corey eo ata Nota, oa respon alguna Ses un onl CUENCA, 91 OE WAYO DEL 2018, (sz, pc Sa Gas ovo ooRS UNA cARERA ROMS zi NOTARA SEPT DHL CMTE CUENCA men REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR Pa Deen Goma Regie nec y Catia CERTIFICADO DIGITAL DE DATOS DE IDENTIDAD Numero unicode identicacion: 0102060448 Nombres del cudadano: BOROTO CARRASCO MARIA ALICIA Condicién del cadulado: CiUDADANO. Lugar de nacimiento: ECUADORIAZUAYICUENCAVGIL RAMIREZ DavALos, Fecha de nacimianto: 7 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1972 Navionalidad: ECUATORIANA = 3 Sexo: MUJER. Insruceién: SECUNDARIA Prefesion: ESTUDIANTE Estado Givi: LivORCIADO (Cényuge: No Rests "Nombres del padre: BOROTO SWIRNIAK RICHARD NICHOLAS Nacionalidad: ESTADOUNIDENSE Nombres dela madre: CARRASCO CARRASCO GLORIA MARIA, Naclonalidad: ECUATORIANA Fecha de expeticién: 24 DE AGOSTO OE 2012 Condieién de denante: SI DONANTE a ‘Senne sicacneamente

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