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No Proverbs Meaning Context

1. Absence makes the Being apart from people 1. A : I still mad at my best friend for
heart grow fonder. you love or care about lying to me, so I asked her to
made you think of them stay away for a couple of days
even more and your and right now I just miss her.
feeling towards them B : The rumor is true, absence
will increase. makes the heart grow

2. I haven’t been with her for a while,

and her absence makes my heart
grow fonder.

3. He leaves me to pursue his dream.

I let him go and I will support him
to be the person he always wanted
to be. I will not worry with the
distance because I believe
absence makes the heart grow

4. Relationship is not just about love,

but have to loyal and trust each
other. So, when far from each
other, their absence makes the
heart grow fonder.

2. All is fair in love and An acceptable behavior 1. A : You basically stole someone’s
war to cross the limit and idea just to get the highest
being unfair only to get score?
what you want. B : Oh come on! All is fair in love
and war.

2. I’ll do whatever it takes to win the

match and I don’t care if someone
gets hurt because all is fair in love
and war.
3. All is fair in love and war. So,
when he realized that his close
friend was attracted to his girl, he
did anything to keep him away
from his girl.

4. In order to go on a date with Elle,

Paul tricked her into believing that
her boyfriend was seeing another
woman. Well, all’s fair in love
and war.

3. Beauty is in the eye Not all people have the 1. Don’t think about what everyone
of beholder same opinion about what ever said or think about you.
attractive is. Beauty is in the eye of beholder.

2. My friend judges her as a beautiful

woman, but I don’t think so
because beauty is in the eye of

3. She said that a beautiful person

must have a perfect face and body
but she forgets that beauty is in
the eye of beholder.

4. My mother doesn’t like John

Mayer music, but I love John
Mayer music so much. Beauty is
in the eye of the beholder as they

4. Honesty is the best Telling the truth is better 1. I’d rather get hurt by the truth than
policy than lying even it’s very comfort by a lie because honesty
hard to do. is the best policy.

2. She might be very disappointed

with me by not being honest
because she ever told me that
honesty is the best policy.

3. You’re feeling guilty now. It’ll be

better if you’re saying all the truth
with her. Don’t you know honesty
is the best policy, do you?

4. When we’re looking for a job, the

important thing that we always
have to keep is honesty because
honesty is the best policy.

5. Ignorance is bliss Not get affected by 1. Being someone who knows too
something that is not much will makes you get more
known. anxious. Trust me, ignorance is

2. I still curious about what happened

on Labor Day, but I think it’s
better for me to stay in the dark.
Ignorance is bliss you know.

3. Your ignorance is bliss. If you

know what he has done for her,
you’ll be upset.

4. I was wonderfully happy using my

Wi-Fi every day and ignorance
was bliss until I found out how
much electricity it consumed.

6. Laughter is the best Laughter can cure the 1. When you are sad all you need is a
medicine negative feelings and good company who can cheers
improve someone’s you up and makes you laugh
overall health. because laughter is the best
medicine after all.
2. He still can laugh even though he
got sick because he thinks that
laughter is the best medicine.

3. We know life is hard and we’ve

through so much pain, but it
doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it.
We can relieve the pain simply by
laughing. It is because laughter is
the best medicine

4. After she broke up, her friends

recommended her to go out more
as laughter can be the best
medicine for the heart.

7. Like father like son. A boy who is resemble 1. Like father like son! I just
his father either in the realized that he exactly looks like
terms of appearance or his daddy the moment he talks.
2. I always believe in the saying like
father like son, and I know this
little baby will grow up to be just
as handsome and talented as his

3. Like father like son, his smile

remains me with my husband and
it always warms my heart.

4. A: Vansca, I don’t know that your

son is good in playing guitar
B: Well, like father, like son.
That what his father loves to
8. Practice what you Do the things you advise 1. To be a good leader you need to
preach someone to do. have an ability to practice what
you preach.

2. You said you will never mind

someone’s business. You need to
practice what you preach, don’t
be such a hypocrite!

3. By practicing what you preach

you will gain so much trust from
people around you.

4. Other countries need to see that we

practice what we preach when it
comes to human rights.

9. There’s no smoke When something bad 1. You wouldn’t get any trouble if
without fire. happens there always be you didn’t do something wrong
a story and reason because there’s no smoke
behind it. without fire.

2. A tiger at the zoo suddenly

rampages for no reason. But I do
believe there’s no smoke without

3. He says the accusation is fake, but

there’s no smoke without fire,

4. Before James was arrested for

driving drunk he had been in a lot
of trouble at school as well. I
guess there's no smoke without
10. Two heads are better It is easier to do things 1. You will only run into the dead
than one with help than do it end unless you ask me for help and
yourself. together we can figure this out.
Sometimes, two heads are better
than one.

2. If you need my help to arrange

your room, never hesitate to ask
me. You know it well that two
heads are better than one.

3. These problems are difficult to

solve by yourself alone. I think
you should discuss how to solve it
with your partner because two
heads are better than one.

4. In doing this assignment, we

working together as a team to
make it better like the old saying
two heads are better than one.

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