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Volume 1.

Vishnu Atnos. '.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page1

Author: Domingo Herbella Rivero
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The message to the initiates, title Strange right? For in the
technological world in which we move, really any form of
communication would be faster, and sometimes might seem more
reliable. But to my way of understanding the magic of a letter it is
something that none of those forms of communication can
compete. One collects the card and looks over speculates thus be
found within escriturado. You can see who sent it, and get an
idea. But to know that is what awaits us, only the imagination
can bring us.

Therefore I transcribe some letters that may never have an answer

yes or maybe, who knows? What if I intend to reproduce each of
the letters that come to my being, and as I said wait for the
answers that one way or another my teachers to offer me.

I have the good fortune to have some ingrown teachers, who have
contributed and clarified many doubts in my being has been born.
But under no circumstances I will discuss a series of letters,

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page2

because they have enough with the existence they have chosen to

My great and first teacher in this life was life itself, because from
the first breath I had to inhale until the day I should leave. She
teaches me without remission, she is not a caring teacher, not
even looked at the time one goes through, rather it is the great
stern teacher who expects nothing of one, just to understand that
life is, and because they happen so many patterns in it that we fail
to understand at first, but both appreciate in the next. As I thank
her. As the great responses and interpretations that I carry out
the Sutras, in which I have found many of the answers to these
big questions.

But I do not want to dwell too much in this prologue in which I

use my mystic name. I leave here so that everyone can try to
understand what I wanted to expose.

Vishnu Atnos. '.


The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page3

Letter 1 May 2016. Pg. 5

Letter 2 May 2016. Pg. 8

3 Letter Mantrinim letter Aral. Pg. 13

Charter 3A. May 2016. Pg. 17

4. letter received on 8 June 2016. Pg. 21

4th Response Letter. June 2016. Pg. 24

Sutras.11.06.2016 10:41. Pg.45

Sutra. 2. 06.18.2016 10:53. Pg. 54

3. 25/06/2016 10:35 Sutra. Pg. 60

4. 02/07/2016 10:55 Sutra. Pg. 79

Sutra 5. 09.07.2016 10:43. Pg. 92

Sutras 7 to 10. 16/7/2016 / 10.42. Pg. 114

Sutra 6. 23.07.2016 11:04. Pg. 138

Sutras 11, 12. 07.30.2016 11:00. Pg. 155

"Chart 1"

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page4

May 2016

Letter to my beloved teacher Mahavatar.

Sunday 8 May 2016. My well beloved teacher, we find ourselves

on the threshold of man understood as a future, yet there are few
things that have changed since your appearance, long ago in

You are a noble being, a clean energy springs from you, I think
because they do not say this would be stupid, but I assert and I
am sure that you follow the work of this poor dupe, who dares to
expose this letter to you want read many reviews that will receive
you, but I decided to do it, because I think even my great teacher
you come with me in the decision.

All I want to expose your life, for he who is interested in you, you
can do it today without mishap, believing to have controlled
everything, with new technology, but the more conceived as
control over all escapes his reality.

Mahavatar my dear teacher, a great spiritual movement born, a

large part of humanity has chosen to really soak up what many
established as spirituality.

I am nobody but I think big mistakes are being committed, what

are you worth to this race of beings seek spirituality through
spiritualism ?, or what good they try to see ghostly lights when
the only reality which are slated to establish as a guideline of
spirituality, would be searching within themselves, because they
found out if they are not able to see what awaits them inside?

I'm nobody to even become aware of the difference between them

and my personal work. I know my dear teacher, but really there
are many people who come to me for help. I not really know if

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page5

what I'm doing I have a good end. I have to say that I have always
intended. But I also know that they can find that dweller on the
threshold that within triggers, and shows them their wildest
desires, your deepest fears, this is what many takes to escape
terror, and even some to impose any demands or away in a cruel

But this is normal after my understanding has reached the point

that is at this moment. Under no circumstances I understand my
way of discernment as true, only as a step towards my evolution.

But my dear teacher, how I can understand human beings? How I

can always face the same since the birth of her fears?

They believe they are at the dawn of a great change, and that this
change will take them out to a new way of existence. When all
that concerns the vast majority really is, although they are in a
relationship that has long been dead. If being they believe love will
be faithful and will give them the smile they desire. How can they
be a little more consistent with what they are, if when you look at
his childhood, all they see are only those moments of placidity
with their parents, forgetting this way all the punishment, which
in life they torture remains to understand the reality of their

My dear teacher, I started this series of letters, talking a little

about the existence of human beings, just so you understand that
although I might find at the dawn of the future, continue to set
the absolute disregard to the reality of what we are , leaving aside
the true self and giving space and consideration to form, one that
gives them the option to simply be experiencing what they have
chosen this place. The shape is only the vehicle. It is what we need
to establish our life in this area, which is neither the beginning

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nor the end of anything. But this kind of issues the go slowly

A hug my beloved teacher.

Always yours.


"Card 2"

May 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016. My dear master, I am still waiting for

answers to questions, is really perhaps very soon, but you must
understand my beloved teacher Mahavatar, my knowledge ask for
more of what we understand, because my truth must be conceived
from a greater perception stay.

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I ask a thousand pardons for this maybe my ambiguous and
strange way to proceed. But this humble neophyte has taken steps
that would expose below.

The first of my actions has been away a bit of my work, which

previously thought was absolutely necessary, and almost an
internal obligation to my being. For what has been given me in
me as determined as a duty to facilitate this who need that
knowledge. Over time I began to establish a kind of virtual
classroom, always starting from this understanding of
spirituality, which offer everything from absolute humility and an
altruistic way to proceed.

My first mistake was giving things as I actually thought they

were, when reality has shown me that nothing is in a certain way,
just fall into a distorted understanding procedure, when we took
our way to understand, from there we this understanding, the
integrity that it really is. And I fell into that way of thinking
about things, I am now at a different point. I have moved away
from providing such help to give those who thought for a second
that I could, his appetite for discernment, and I knew that if I gave
them the wrong way to discern their reality, would they be and
falling into a deep spiral, which lead us to the same corruption of
gnosis itself. This would not be pleasing and comforting to
anyone. That is why my dear teacher I must ask.

How do I know when I have to share what in a moment

understand how real? How do I do ?, If I know that eventually all
knowledge mutates depending on the degree of experiences in life
pick. How to share what at this moment is entirely a certainty,
but a second later is only half true? Or even that is.

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My dear master, to be sure of the answer and understand
everything the same refutation suggest me understand that
everything would be more positive away from what I see today as
a way of making a wrong action.

The second question has left me entirely without arguments. In

one of the studies I've done, among them there is a book that I
consider of great knowledge. At the time when it was deeded
everything was in a state of complete confusion and the certainty
of what was done, it was far from an understandable reality that
today could envision. But on the other hand also they had
evidence that ignorance, lack of reality that were able to see, gave
them a wider and different vision that we possess today.

In the times we live in, everything is so locked in the exchange of

information, which is today one of the most precious assets. It
leads me to even have a little fear reality, because they do. Because
in that way of eloquence called society, they do not want to expose
what moves behind, but when we realize that all this web called
community is not required, it may be a little late for many of our
brothers. But this perhaps then we play with more time and calm.

Going back to what in that book escriturado in the 19th century,

which in me, he has awakened. I can say that in a wonderful
knowledge, which today I understand far as my being may be
unraveling it, was born in me a way of perceiving, which in my
heart some time ago has been established disclosed. It's different
take from a more close friend to this world empirical
understanding. My way to assimilate is much closer to the
category that can be defined as mystical, more intimate. In it I
could intuit better courageous beings of light, and at that time
also had very complicated, because they and their media were very
archaic at the time. Communication by letter was what could be
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page9
enjoyed, since the phone could not be found in all parts of this
planet. In Africa, India, South America, Central America, much
of Asia and even Europe, was let alone developed an arrangement
in which we could call from anywhere, but ordinary mail was
certainly the king of communication.

But perhaps in this communication system it could also be

provided therein many things that might go wrong, and this lead
to misunderstanding with tragic results.

My dear teacher, I since I can remember I had the gift of healing,

not knowing again what he did, but what they offered me the
result of what forged, was the patient. My hands reached where
the disease was often this was being carried out without any of it,
he or she should tell me. Being able to see how the patient came in
with her wince, and soon left without any suffering, it is
something that I have always found the most wonderful. What
happens inside me tells me that nothing in the world can afford,
this is one of the reasons that lead me to altruism.

As I said before, two things which give a wonderful way to

understand the inner and outer world, I was defrauded on way, or
made me feel rather bad. After the talk, I understand what I
conceive, to expose at any time say it should be as I perceive it,
and neither judge I only felt pain for it.

In a paragraph of this wonderful book this teacher tells us that

there is a person who has paid some dues, leaving his sister and
her six children going hungry, but that has decided instead of
sending that money so necessary to her sister, pay the fees of a
society in which he was a partner. This teacher defends that
person and action.

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My beloved teacher, how someone who is in a state of spiritual
exaltation so wonderful, can defend something like this?

I know I'm not one to put between said the actions of teachers, I
know that I have now retired from active teaching more by the
fact doubt about what I set as true as it can mutate over time.
This makes me wonder again if I do will be wrong, and even
negative for neophytes. But this leads me to wonder even if my
effort should be paid, if I charge for my actions. I know you feel
what I feel, and I know you know the answer inside me screams:
Never! That can not be done, because if you do stop feeling your
reality to turn love into a business, if you were to put a price on
my work serious healing a simple way to treat a person with his
illness in just another patient. Not as the person who arrives full
of hope to my door, and thus is often determined their condition,
each patient is a life, a personal evolution, not a wad of cash.

My beloved teacher Mahavatar, answer me when you can, I will

be attentive to the possible answer.

A fraternal embrace.


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"Letter 3"

"Mantrinim letter Aral"

April 2016.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016. This evening on the four o'clock

thunder sounded, so I got up to unplug appliances salon. When I
went back to bed, I had no sleep. I did not want to hear audio
book, so I just thought. I took possible one hour going over the
events of daily life and above all, how to solve the issue of the new
neophyte in the OFL I'm sending all the books of Peter Deunov,
Mikhael And Michal Portnaar and that led me to seek a solution
to Tere and Petra can also download and others. There was no
way to sleep, so I stepped back and put my hands on his belly, that
in the end I always calm.

After some time I started to feel the swirl of stomach chakra

column. I was glad because I did not feel a long time and I was
thinking how interesting, although lying, no matter energy flows
behind. After several minutes he stopped feeling that chakra and
began remolinarse the heart, also from behind. That would never
remember me, one after another. I was happy. And I did not
expect or want my dream, that when the heart ceases to feel, start
The THROAT CHAKRA! Impressive, for the first time in my life
I could feel it. In beginning to feel tickles back at the nape. WHAT

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page12

A THRILL! It is that vital energy is rising Kundalini. Wonderful.
I was accompanied by the entire sky. Few beings endeavored to
guide me and heal after each tripping. And now they were to help
flow which matured in his time. I hunched over the face of
emotion and gratitude and a tear was born to walk on my cheek.
As I read about the Kundalini; sometimes he is trying to fan it
naturally soft, through breathing and imagination. But as always
and everywhere, an invisible hand soothed me, saying that there
is no hurry, and everything will come in due time.

And today possible was happening. He does not look like anything
of what I read about it. When he finished the sensation in the
throat, I thought I will go up to the third eye, but no. Just for a
moment I felt as if my consciousness was looking down from a
peak, as a room ceiling, possibly pushing it out. I felt right foot as
if pushing something heavy, so I moved my leg to free his foot.
But there was nothing behind was the strong flow of energy
swirling in the foot.

Then again I felt remolinarse the stomach chakra on the column,

then climbed the heart, throat, everything behind. Then he left ear.
I remembered that there is going to be eight of which I spoke
"Vishnu Atnos" or take a walk, as explained by Drunvalo
Melchizedek, in the context of the Egyptians, and the key of life,
the Tau. I do not know what happened, but then went from the
left ear, where much felt, and went for a moment to the right ear.
Then I felt the third eye, but not as I usually feel normally,
outside. I felt in the head and later felt the crown. That beautiful!
She cried, thanked and asked to be wise to share all this with
beings who could understand him. This filled me with emotion
and cried, I was afraid to wake my beloved Vishnu Atnos, who
slept peacefully beside me, crying so much.

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And I fell asleep. I dreamed I looked for my dear Vishnu Atnos,
but not where I was supposed to, so I looked into another room
where they put new chairs for children to learn there. Vishnu
Atnos was about three girls and one teacher. Jellybeans brought a
cart so I was happy and offered to those girls. She was not sure if
that teacher will not be against it, but when I looked recognize
her. It was our SILVIA who returned to Asturias. We took lots of
hugs and talked. We sat all three, Vishnu Atnos, Silvia and me
and with great enthusiasm wanted to tell them the experience of
chakras and energy, but I could hardly talk and several attempts,
whenever I started, Silvia entered me in conversation, so I left ha
ha. Then we look back, there were sleeping in a bed three girls.
They saw little feet where they had tattooed the bar code, which
pointed to about three arrows moving. He had written Albo more
plants, but I do not remember. Vishnu Atnos, as always, is
immediately noticed and said, that way the girls can do what they
want with their energy and all. What a pity.

I'm just at a time when reviewing books Peter Deunov, Mikhael,

Michal Portnaar, Max Heindel, The Mahatma Letters, etc. To put
it in audio and share with others ... And everything is fitting.
Give me clues are very magical way to find what's right ... I had
planned to meet the test with Samael and finally was sure not to
delve into that source.

Today when I write and I think, in the head in several places I feel
energy flows. Like right now. In the entire front, on the bridge in
the mouth, it seems that I go up to the stars. As if something
would suck me. Very nice. Before, when reviewing the letters of
the Mahatmas to upload to facebook, I felt the same flow in the

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Heat, fulfillment, inspiration, energy at the temples ...

Mantrinim Aral always yours.

"The 3rd Letter".

May 2016

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page15
Thursday May 19, 2016, my beloved Mantrinim, try to explain
what comes to my mind that as revelatory experience, as well as
amazing, and foreboding dream that you mention us here.

First of all I must say that is a memorable teaching, which IMHO

must say I never forget this experience. It works much about it,
because what you felt. In my understanding, it is the opening of
those wonderful and very advanced chakras.

Many are those who are thrown long time experimenting and
working on this issue may never come to feel so hard, your energy
as perceived without searching. I apologize because it is not
entirely so, as in your case being more or less aware of what you
did, you have searched. That is why as tax your hands on these
points of pure energy. It should be borne in mind that the great
energy we use in these large centers, is extraordinary for many,
and different actions, which gradually will discover.

Moreover the description you make of how you felt, how these are
manifested within you, either in the front or rear is something
almost perfect in my humble understanding, in my case when the
awakening of the third eye (I explain this is because of the chakras
that I have very awake), felt the same way, it was like a great
whirlpool which tickles me into a huge very focused on certain
point, did not extend, could only feel at that point. Today this
chakra allows me to recognize certain things, it is activated as you
need. For example, when someone comes negative, the active is me
long before this creature approaching. It is similar to the stomach
chakra which is also activated when something will happen or
someone leaves a little loaded. But you understand that very, very

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page16

Expose the energy of Kundalini not say anything about it because
one feels when nothing else to say, nothing to describe. Everyone
should experience it as their own experience. You describe yours
as we have experienced through every feeling of love that
produced great excitement, which dragged your eyes from crying.
With just the above, who can internalize it has the great
experience of a great awakening, which need not be the same as
yours, but your story takes us to a true demonstration of a great
awakening energy, of that great energy to the They called

I can only congratulate you and to congratulate the hidden

master who both work performed but wonderful compensation
picks. Congratulations.

In your dream if you allow me I will discuss some things that I

can see. For now your search is always that you've done for a
long time, which is none other than finding your loved one. But
now for you is much easier to find, because as you recognize all of

On the other hand you bring jellybeans, which is the reward a

child always intended. This way you attract every child that
within these adults is sleeping, sweet who have always hoped to
wake up, because there is no more wonderful sweet to be able to
open my eyes.

Once you recognize who were coming to look, but also watch the
girls which are three, this is a great number represents much of
what your inner feeling and is, for the three represents the energy
union of two heterogeneous powers, with that union give way to a
third, which after the experience of Kundalini see something
wonderful and normal.

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Watch the teacher as someone we know well, and that after his
last start see it as a teacher. In addition there were three girls and
we, the six is a large number, the sixth chakra is the one that you
had a pleasant experience that night, there are no coincidences.

Again you mention the number three, in this case we would and
nine other sacred number in its entirety, are only notes I see in
that dream so wonderful. The representation of society and way of
repression and control, you set through the bar code marking
these girls, really every adult within it have that child, and
certainly has been the society who echo to child sleep in a dream
that lasted until the adult dies again, or finally stripped of that
mantle, that veil that will not let him be who he really is.

Through wanting to share the knowledge of great beings like those

you described as, honor all that being who you are and evolves in
a wonderful way. That way of thinking about what one should
happen, these basic tests that lead us to grow and understand
things in a more extensive and internally. They are me
understand something wonderful and constructive, although one
takes you often have to face his own self. Therefore, any evidence
it just excelling is new knowledge that helps more fully
understand your truth.

Never change and follow your way to work, everything comes to

you all will help you become more yourself.

A kiss and a big hug.


The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page18

"Letter 4."

Received on June 8, 2016

Granada, June 2016.

My beloved teacher.

First of all thank you for being able to direct you to this very
personal and direct way.

For years I have been asking myself questions. And one answered
me again and again. Were many, many times I can not remember.
He could not find the time or the person with whom to share.

Until it arrives I think the moment I got tired and dejected I got
carried away by what life brought me, without any knowledge.
And so they stayed within my being, unanswered.

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You get used to living like this, and without asking, just continue
with the ups and downs that come to you. Only work to live and
little else.

But now thanks to you for your teaching, your determination to

make me think, I began to ask again. Constantly, unable to stop.

Since then and thanks to you and I have many, many answers.
But I sense that you know that inside me is a big question, as
unimportant, but the easiest and most difficult time.

What is life?

She's very pretty have to live it, you have to feel and you have to
enjoy it.

But what is it?

And following this question arises another.

What is it for?

Why do we exist?

Why do we exist?

Who decided it me? OR

Me wanted to be me?

If everything is energy does she gives us life?

If not created or destroyed only transformed, how is it?

Why everyone has a job?

Why do I get so many questions?

Why my life is a pure question of all, and I want and I need to

mourn and get excited?

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What am I looking for?

My truth?

My peace?

My tranquility?

What do not I?

You can be happy, with your loved ones and side really can not
communicate, they can not even say I'm thirsty?

Years and years Why?

You can be happy with you having other things that you know as
wounded, without knowing it?

All these questions come to me without knowing why.

I was always with a bandage until my teacher arrived and began

to teach me things I never even heard. Only it worked like
machines. And for what? During these many years one without
knowing why.

¿My fault, of society, of our principles that follow, and now


Just give infinite thanks for teaching me to live, hoping with all
my heart illusion reply.

One big hug, Tey. '.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page21

"Letter 4th"


June 2016

My dear child, my dear Petra, or Tey. That gives me comfort to

get your letter, which helps me be a little more reflected in your
words, because you expose yourself these questions are very
similar to those extol inside me for so long.

I asked teachers iluminasen my being, with the answers given to

letters that I offered, the great beings of light who help us. And I
get this your kind letter. The great Guru Mahavatar, sure he can
through my answer us both. Because thou hast done guided deep
within you.

Let's start from the beginning right?

You mean to me as a teacher. I do not I have never opposed

anyone in the way you want me to go. Whereupon does not mean

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page22

that I am or ceases to be a teacher, who feels just expressed, but
always what he feels and understands. But when a being refers to
himself as such, it is that it is far from being the great neophyte
life, so it is very unlikely that such a being acquires the knowledge
it provides.

Tey really dear, it's not you who should thank that get me
through ordinary mail, which fascinates me so much that it was I
who asked you, why thank you very much.

You speak of your loneliness, as she and her through you were
expressing the big questions, which were manifesting your

Well dear child, you must understand this, silence is never as you
can understand, because if you can not conceive what moves
around you, it does not mean you're really alone.

Beings in an evolution higher than that for the moment we walk

because we are in a fairly obvious density. As I say these things
are an energy, a vibrational state and a very different, which in
this space we can develop speed.

This does not allow us to be consistent with its existence, which

does not mean for a second that way. Therefore the questions
posed in solitude, in the silence of your being. They have been
heard by those truly interested in them stop and listen. Who
knows? perhaps my reach me through my great teacher
Mahavatar the right to what really questions, answers because
sometimes expose words suggest questions to our needs, but deep
down we dare not question the reality of what we need to hear .

Often are those that have a question, and the answer comes time
in an automatic manner, and we are convinced saying That I'm

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page23

ready! For we must understand that it is not that one is ready, the
answer almost certainly is your teacher, or some being of a
different evolution has given you, or you have helped findest that
answer, which otherwise I would be away for it to be perceived.
But we express ourselves saying, I am ready. At that point all we
do is inflate or sick a little more of that ego, which is actually
necessary, but when ill becomes a great enemy.

Always remember my dear child, that one should have ears to

hear, and a selective mind to collect responses, they always arrive.
The big problem is when we all feel close to any idea that reaches

As you express me in your letter I had to be a moment of painful

transition, but do not worry, for that stretch of life like you, go
through it many beings. Most do not transcend, do not follow in
your search. You give us thank those who have helped you, but I
always understood that it was you who made the first move,
because it had not been you who decided to hear anything you
never had occurred. So thank you very much for listening and
decide to open your being to that great awakening.

IMHO there is no more important or important than another

question, because each show the truth of your being, your light
deficiencies, to become one in you. So we try my teachers and I
respond as sincerely and deeply we can expose. We turn this
moment to show the first question, which is the trigger for the

Well your first question is something that perhaps many are, but
for what it means not even think to raise it:

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page24

What is life?

Of course this question requires sit and think a lot about what
this may mean, and thus may be triggered.

First we should stop to understand what you know with this


Because we think that questions, what is your life? Because

everyone understands their stay in this place, in a very different

I can also stop and think, if you want to know what life is like
here? or actually what is life? This would lead us to think that
actually ask me for life in its essence, this means that transcend
the flesh, and I really questions the existence beyond incarnation.

It is not easy as you see the answer to your question, so we'll

leave it for last, and will begin to answer the question.

Expose an issue with emphasis on the first question. But what is

it? This will be resolved when we answer the first.

What is it for?

Good to have an existence, either in this space in which the

incarnation or after incarnation is necessary, your existence is
due to changes you need in order to develop a better
understanding of all that you can surround.

First to understand your question, you should get away from the
image the mirror gives you, if you look at life from the perspective
that gives you this incarnation, you understand that living in this
existence is quite chaotic and devoid of all experience light, which
take you to the appropriate stimulus to be able to thrive. In this
incarnation, one must overcome the flesh, understand that it is

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page25

only a transit of understanding, just a way to collect the proper
knowledge to move forward. Once out of this incarnation you
must forget this physical state of this thy face mutates over time,
as this progresses it becomes, and sometimes leaves us even
surprised by the changes that occur in the body. But all that is
born on this plane of limited significance, must die. When you
mature your knowledge, nothing will cling to this life, why you
should begin happy. Leaving behind what you brought great
experiences. Some may be more positive than others, but all have
been taught. So one lives torque to move forward in evolution,
which after you pick up here will take you to transcend to a new
way of understanding, new knowledge.

I think with this I have just explained, I have answered your other
two questions, Why and why we exist? If you really have not been
sufficient clarification response you send me another letter which
will be very gladly answer.

Who decided it me? Or I wanted to be me?

These are two questions in one, we can say that there are many
answers for them, depending on the religion or philosophy one
practices. As I do not practice nor any religion, philosophy or not,
try to answer me according to my teacher East.

In my humble understanding, one decides to incarnate or

reincarnate again, depending on the knowledge or experience you
want to live. Therefore this will lead to a new stage of life, a new
way to experience the existence in this place of extreme density. In
your case it has been on Earth, but it could be on any planet of
this universe. All this just depend on some factors that will
determine what you want, it will result which should embody.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page26

This sounds a bit strange, but I know what I have been taught
that the Earth is just one of thousands of planets that can support
life. The big problem is to stipulate everything under the
knowledge that the human species determined as true or as a lie.
The human species, humanity develops in its evolution due to
many shortcomings, made by the mistakes of beings who are
incarnating, these oversights lead to a certain evolution,
according to errors committed in the planets on which we joined.
I'll give you an example.

Imagine the adventurer who first walked a virgin forest, should

not leave behind nothing, rather their serious obligation which no
traces remain or stay in such a place. But this is clueless and left
some things behind, like a glass bottle. Aboriginal observed that
bottle, this is something that they never had met. It is something
so special that begin to extol as a new god, so the bottle means to
them, and this leads to an evolution that nothing would seem if
they had not had the contribution of that bottle.

This has transcended present-day humanity, a species in a

declining trend. The experiences that everyone comes to develop
in this or any other planet, are entirely personal. But the traces
lead to what we now understand humanity as progress. This is
the first part of your question. The second part tells me that's
what you want to clear.

Why did you choose your body?

Your body is secondary, one must be consistent in their care, if he

is well able to easily cope better conviction and the experience
you've come to enjoy. Therefore behold your body as your
sanctuary and your vehicle. No matter Whatever this body, the
truth is that will help you get to where you belong, and he will be

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page27

useful in everything you need to deal with here. So as the body is
really secondary though necessary, one picks up the body on the
right to education must live. As experience has been that you
choose it, you are partly consistent with the choice of your new
body too.

I imagine a Tibetan Lama, as I refer to them in this area have a

highly developed evolution. Imagine this being in its next
incarnation should enjoy life in the West. Although later it is
discovered as Lama, as he so wished. Remember that to have
adequate experience, you must be born in a body that is at that
side of the planet.

So dear child, if it is you who chooses a big part. That's what I


Your following items are three, because I think that some are the
consequence, that you rest your questions occurred.

If everything is energy, is she gives us life? If not created nor

destroyed, only transformed, how is it? For what?

"June 21"

E taken some time to continue clearing the issues you've raised

me, but not simple. That is why I take my time.

First it is my duty to teach, which is energy. This is generally

what we refer to as energy:

It is that they have the ability to set something in motion, the

strange thing here is that what is in motion is an energy producer
itself, what we check is that you need energy to put something in
motion, which It turns with the same movement can produce
their own energy.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page28

I know that you are referring to the inner energy, that is perhaps
what we represent. But before turning to that subject I want you
to really know what is energy, types of energy we use without our
account even we do.

These first four energies to which I will refer we can find within
ourselves without any problems. First it is:

Potential energy:

This is the energy that speaks of power, strength, ability your

body has to perform work. Whether this journey, to break rocks.
Also think about the move, eat, think, drinking, defecating etc.
Any work done by your body depends on the potential energy. On
the other hand, the potential energy is developed in a magnitude
of a simple scale, always greater ease of use than others of a nature
speed and voltage.
You can acquire positive or negative values, taking overall
meaning of repulsion in the positive case and attractions in the
negative. Because're two ends of repulsion and attraction, for
example the planets revolve in its orbit, without being attracted
by the sun to reach its end in him, or wander through the
The kinetic energy:
This is the energy produced in your body because you move. We
can define as the work needed to accelerate a body with a given
mass, from rest to the specified velocity. Having gained this
energy during the accelerationThe body maintains its kinetic
energy unless its speed changes. For the body to return to its
resting state negative work of the same magnitude as kinetic
energy is required.
Imagine for a moment a person who decides to run, at the time it
is changed and begins his career is producing the kinetic energy.
Actually if our career we could push pulleys they reached a

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page29

dynamo, we could end up producing electrical energy, which does
not mean that occur on the inside but that's another step.

Mechanical energy:

This is interesting because it is the sum of the first two. It can be

defined as the ability to produce an instinctive work having a
body due to mechanical causes such as position or speed.

Imagine the potential is the force you put to start the movement,
which is converted into kinetic energy in the moment that this
occurs. Well when the movement has begun, we are not aware of
everything that is necessary for it to remain, there lies this
mechanical energy which revitalizes each mechanism is necessary
in the movement.

electromagnetic energy:

Is the amount of energy stored in a given region of space, which is

credited as the magnetic field. East It is expressed in terms of the
intensities of magnetic field and electric field. Magnetic fields are
produced by any electrical load. Remember how an electromagnet
works, it is through an electric charge, get a magnetic field,
electric charge is set in motion creating elementary particles. This
is very, very interesting.

elementary particles: These particles are those that are integrated

into all matter, they are not composed of smaller particles, it is
believed. It is not yet known to possess internal structure, which
does not mean that they may have. Electrons and neutrons,
components of the atom, protons are referred to as elementary
particles known today that neutrons and protons still are
composed of smaller particles, but this is a world within a world,

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page30

which as we go along we realize that not It is ending. But really
these entities so tiny, they give way to that we can feel the
electromagnetic energy, which charges its power to other energies

These are the main energies will use to understand the answer to
your question, but first I want to expose these other existing
energies, they too eventually affect more positively or negatively:

The electric energy:

This energy is due to the existence of a difference between powers

at two points

The nuclear energy:

Is one that is released from nuclear reactions, these can be natural

or artificial.

Thermal energy:

It is the energy we get through the heat, such as train its

principles, fire steam needed to make the train would walk.

The renewable energies:

Are those obtained from virtually inexhaustible sources, such as:

Blue energy: which is obtained by the difference of salt from

seawater and river.

Wind energy: The wind obtained, its name comes from Eolo.

Geothermal energy: It is obtained from the internal heat of the


The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page31

Hydropower: This energy comes to us through the great
waterfalls of artificial dams that often devastate wonderful

The Ocean thermal energy conversion: This give us the seas and
oceans due to the change in temperature between the deeper,
colder and more shallow and warm waters.

Tidal Power: It is one that can take advantage of the tides.

Solar energy: This energy is obtained from the sun, picking up the
electromagnetic radiation that comes to us.

Photovoltaics: That which we obtain from solar radiation, and

acquired by a semiconductor device called a photovoltaic cell.

In this series of questions about energy, this is the first you've


If everything is energy, is she gives us life?

Energy is one of the parties who conceive and help that life is in
you, and on this planet. But many other planets have many and
varied forms of energy, but are not inhabited, or at least can not
define who they are. Energy can help ensure that your material
entity if possible, be defined and exist. Our true state of existence
can not precisártelo, as pure energy, yet so I think it is
manifested. My humble view of this state of actual existence is
made up of energy, vibration and speed. Therefore we must
understand that I express my humble knowledge that she has
much to do in your life. But in my conscious reality expresses me
this, she can help you as you do your vibration and your speed,
this does not indicate at all that she really gives you existence.

To do this we should try to look for what we really are and would
understand that apart from what in any of the incarnations may
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page32
possess, besides that we are, that knowledge, that wisdom which
thousands of centuries of existence, we have acquired. This is not
energy, this is what really helps the energy can be articulated in
the quantity and the right place.

Therefore, she gives life to the body that you buy, be it in the place
that is revealed. But it does not give life to your reality.

If not created or destroyed only transformed, how is it?

This is a wonderful thing, you really amounts to a way to

understand more exalted. Really nothing remains in a certain
way, from the beginning of time, energy even manifests itself in
different ways, although denominate all her energy.

The much-maligned matter these days we live in the spiritual

realm, she never got annihilated, for she is continually
transformed. Even reaching the molecular decomposition, it is not
just being destroyed rather could ensure that this is transformed.
For matter is composed of atoms and molecules that are what
really enliven matter. What happens is that it's always beautiful
to talk about the energy of matter. From the spiritual point of
view it exalts himself above manner. This is due to the
malpractice that matter to miss.

The man has a concept of energy as far as he is able to

understand. Energy as I tried to show here, if you create energy
in different environments we have captured. I do not mean that
nothing we can create energy, but if from a movement we can
reach to create an energy that could not previously conceive.
These elementary particles were safe out there flying. In my
conviction is entirely sure, they gathered at the moment we start
a movement of friction. For example. With produce friction heat is
an energy base, also friction produces a magnetic energy. None of

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page33

that was there before, or maybe yes, just waiting to be put in place
in an orderly certain factors, which should give a definite result.

At any rate, if we do not start the mechanism we do not get the


For what?

To understand this, we must define the different energy states

have set out above for you to understand. These are:

Potential, kinetic, mechanical and electromagnetic. They are in

the right structure, so that your body can have existence. Without
them the bodies could not exist, therefore you could not come into
this world, to experience this material embodiment. Remember the
four, and identify them in what I now present!

In the case of this birth has to do from the moment the act of love
is made, with that great spark of life inherited also called energy.
This is manifested by the union of sperm and egg. As this is
fruitful at the entrance of the exhalation same high energy is
produced, which will be the first energy our body possesses.

This will spark energy exploding as each cell divides, so that the
body maintain vitality itself, long before you pass into that entity.
When the organs begin to have an independent existence, they
begin to work with a new energy form. Thus we proceed to create
an internal energy, which helps every member within the body.
The third form of energy, is one that runs along the outer
perimeter, defend us against any aggression that comes from the
cosmos, solar storms, electronic devices, etc.

Most assaults are electromagnetic, albeit with more advanced

knowledge, you understand that there is also a kind of energy
aggression that humans can get to make.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page34

Finally, you get your body you who also bring energy, vibration
and speed, all this bears a certain frequency, to fit the elected
body. You bring with you the ability to collect the knowledge you
need to reawaken.

"June 23"

Why, everyone has a job?

Today is a very special day, today is the day in which we connect

with our four elements are actually five, but that's a different

And I decided to try trasmitirte what I think or know of the

question, I will do my best to my mind let me.

Questions for individual work of each to understand should go a

little further, we must move the moments in which embody so
before we decided.

In this place of transit in which we resolve not to return, or come

back to this place. There are in my opinion, many things which
are very different from each other. Each is integrated into what I
call a circle of vibration, energy and speed.

Our vibration really is what differentiates us, to each other, to

vibrate at a certain scale, this helps us to meet with those who
hold the same vibrational we scale it be known on earth race or
species. Each circle keeps individuals in an identical vibration in
the same evolutionary state, we must understand is that we are
beings in a given vibrational state, which means that someone in
a different state of vibration, "I'm not saying neither inferior nor
superior ". Vibrational difference not allow different frequencies
canarrive our evolutionary state, we never get to the stage of
evolution maintains that another circle.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page35

Once this is understood and individual level, whether the entity's
circle it, decide to incarnate or reincarnate here depending on
what you want. This is done to enjoy a certain experience, sure to
get a feel and live this experience, the individual must go through
many other minor tests. Even sometimes the only thing you get to
experience is death itself, which is why there are babies and
children who die at a young age.

Experimentation is what leads to that which has so often been

defined as the search. All this experience it seems that we must
carry out alone. This is far from the truth if we are consistent
with our lives and remember this as Sido. We will check as there
have been many who decide to spend with us a moment of our
existence. There are many other beings who have a similar
experience and even almost the same as us. But this does not
mean that we can establish a link with these other entities, this
occurs because the vibrational circle from which they have come,
is not the same as ours. Sometimes it happens that you encounter
beings but not forwarded in your own search, if you congeniáis
perfectly. That is why you found a brother or sister, an entity in
your circle, a being with your own vibration, but a different
experience to yours. That is why many times these experiences
not can conceive or understand the actions of beings in this world
in this dimension are made are very different and individual, that
is as simple to understand as the glimpse that is your experience,
and Not yours.

I think this answers the question, but I want to make a point

more. The evolution of the species, the body, not of the person who
inhabits this dimension. The procedure humanity unfold riding
societies etc. We can assert that the causes of this are the ones who
came to this dimension in order to have a personal experience.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page36

Well, as I said before arriving in achieving the climax of
experimentation, we walk by this place a while leaving debris
behind us. These entities carry spoils to a concrete and specific
way to proceed, to get to understand things from such a limited
prism, very few are able to conceive a little reality here unfolds.

As in the example above I have raised you. Imagine again that

adventurer who decides to enter the jungle. Remember that
nobody before she set foot, he should avoid leaving any trace
behind, not even his footsteps, as this could alter their actions, all
a chain of errors.

In our reality what we have been doing in each incarnation is,

leave many traces and other garbage behind us. Each individual
has gone through this space, this has led to the current evolution
of this species, this place in which we embody. Which has as a
consequence in this present what develops as humanity.

Well, I hope to be today, today, a little more consistent.

Why do I get so many questions?

Why my life is a pure question of all, and I want and I need to

mourn and get excited?

What am I looking for?

My truth?

My peace?

My tranquility?

What do not I?

My dear child, this block of questions inside you must find the
solution, but I think with what I have exposed you to this moment

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page37

easier to find, the find appropriate solutions to this set of issues. I
think your experience is largely based on feel, but this is personal,
your feelings are always very strong. Perhaps within you there is
a great lack of these feelings, so you need to feel deeply and
intensely, so in this way you can take with you what the feeling is
able to give. It is my humble opinion.

"July 15"

Can be happy, having at your side dear beings who can no longer
communicate, they can not say you have not even thirsty?

Years and years Why?

You can always be happy, just depends on what you understand

as happiness, what one feels that he completes his happiness.
Reality tells us that you will not feel the same way, because what
you makes you feel happy is different to what a person say a
different experience evolution or drive you to understand
happiness. Imagine a being that all they want to be happy is a
new car, at the time that this desire to see completed, and that car
to get it. At that moment this will take you to feel empty again,
and this will lead to crave something new to fill it and make him

Happiness is a state in which we could live continuously, since

the happiness and love for all, and all are closely related. When
one is happy and expands his love, and should not seek a certain
point, to drive you to feel that momentary masked form of

You can be happy forever, even taking your side the most horrible
ogres, since happiness expands on the inside and outside flows

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page38

through the energy it produces. That tender smile that the
beholder helps you reach happiness too.

If someone thinks that this material dimension needs you, you

will know. If there are things that have transpired, they already
have little need for you while you're incarnate. Rather you need
them. Many times it fit your life and make you know they are
there, you will support so long as they have need.

You can be happy with you having other things that you know as
wounded, without knowing it?

First, as I've said, yes, you can always find happiness because she
is in you. Let's see, if you hurt someone without evidence of
having consciously do it for damage. First you can not relieve that
guilt, because it really is not yours. In that conscious portion you
really did not know what you were doing, but if you go over the
facts will verify you could have otherwise provided. This is almost
always what people usually say. I tell them there is no past,
because it ends up forgetting. There is no future, because it is not
determined. Only the present is what establishes life, the
experience you are carrying out.

You can not base your present in some details of your life that
have ceased to exist, and if they have energy or force is because
you insist you to give, when that force is enlarged, eventually you
lose hours of this of your life, in that which has no existence.
Therefore I tell you, if you force yourself to settle that account,
and you know who you damaged. Embrace her, give her a
thousand kisses and ask that forgiveness with all the love, which
heals everything. Once this is done let it return to past issues
wherever they are no longer a present, so they become forgotten
and thus disappear.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page39

¿My fault, of society, of our principles that follow, and now

My dear child, now that you are aware of what society, what it
produces and how your being enslaved for an indefinite period. At
that time you you gave your energy, because even the only
defense. Nor know other archetypes, other forms of knowledge, it
is normal. Now when you wake up a little more each day. Today
to be you in the real root that is your life. At this time to be free to
be you who heads what is and what is not in your life. Here you
present to enjoy the reality of everyday life. And especially now
that you have learned to love yourself, like you've never done.
Well now you know what love is. A big hug.

In my first letter, I made a series of questions to my teacher

Mahavatar, who answered me, or rather is responding me with
something that to me to come, did not expect through the Sutras I
give the answer suitable to my questions, but it really is not the
Sutra who answers me, makes him the clarifications we get in our
sessions on Saturdays. They are giving me the strength and
clarity to get the best answers to the questions posed above. So I
am determined to expose here every Sutra, thereby understanding
me has given me, as the appropriate response to the issues raised.
For me it's a whole wonderful reality, I hope it is for everyone
who comes to this writing. Thank you very much. GOES

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page40


06/11/2016 10:41

Sutra. Sanskrit word that tells us it is the second division of the

sacred Scriptures, addressed to the Buddhist laity. Sutra means
aphorism, sentence; book of aphorisms or judgments. There Vedic
Sutras, Brahmanical and buddhic. Also it means guide, lace,
thread, etc.

I put this transcript on the meaning of the Sutras, because I want

to present them in all their understanding. I'll take the great work
of analyzing them personally, not under the stigma of one religion
or another. Only under the shadow of the interior that each have.
Working with all the light that they can offer us, hoping the look
increasingly dimplus diminished.
As Blavatsky says, the Sutras are a type of teaching that everyone
should try to analyze. When this is understood it is also a guide.
This is a personal statement.
The first Sutra that I will expose belongs to a great master of
India, his name is. Sri Yukteswar. He has written a book called
"The sacred science". In this book we discover the Sutras. He
conceived as its meaning, which is not far from mine. Why I put
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page41
only the Sutras, not the meaning he observed at the time.
Introduce one of their own and one of Budha.
I want to emphasize one thing to get here I had to drink from
many sources, but to clearly explain the meaning of some words I
did, the Esoteric Glossary of Helena Blavatsky. First of all always
we are grateful to his great contribution. On the other hand
always giving my honest opinion, of what for me awake each of
the Sutras, in the most intrinsic of my being. Thank you very
SUTRA 1. Parambrahma, or Spirit or God. It is eternal, complete,
without beginning or end. It is the one and indivisible Being.
This is his first Sutra, we will begin by analyzing the first word
that its meaning may come to escape us. Parabrahm or
Parambrahma, is a Sanskrit word, literally means superior to
Brahma. The Infinite Brahma, the "absolute" reality without
attributes and without a second. Universal, impersonal and
nameless principle. The supreme eternal principle, omnipresent,
infinite, immutable, inconceivable inexpressible; the only
Absolute One, the only Absolute Reality, that which is supreme
and eternally unmanifested, which precedes all manifestation;
Uncaused cause of the universe, rootless root of everything that
was, is and will be. Parambrahma is not "God" for the reason that
it is not a God. That which is supreme, and not supreme, it is
Parâvara ": It is supreme as a cause, not supreme as effect. As
reality without a second, the omni inclusive Cosmos, or rather,
the infinite. Cosmic space, in the highest spiritual sense, is meant;
It is, in short, the collective aggregate of the cosmos in its infinity
and eternity, this and that Universe or Jagat, to which no
distributive aggregates can be applied. For our senses and
perception of finite beings. That is not, in the sense that it is the
only deity.
Because in this whole hides his coeternal and coeval emanation or
inherent radiation, which, periodically becoming male and female
Brahma power, transforming unfolds in the universe is
manifested. The spirit or consciousness and matter are the two

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page42

symbols or aspects of Parabrahm, the Absolute, which form the
basis of being conditioned, either subjective or objective is.

SUTRA 1. Parambrahma. Spirit or God is eternal, complete,

without beginning or end. It is the one and indivisible Being.

I have made the clarification that you may understand the first
word more widely. As it is for me to understand how attractive, is
the way in which we are clear, which is inside and outside at the
same time.
Well but the big question is: Who speaks this Sutra? This Sutra is
really what we are talking about within, and outside. As I
described does a moment, this Sutra, girders clarifying the great
being, which is supposed to describe or you describe.
Parambrahma, is that great that everything can be in that great
internal and external manifestation.
SUTRA 1. Parambrahma. Spirit or God is eternal, complete,
without beginning or end. It is the one and indivisible Being.
Our body does not describe here, but if that inner and divine
being who we are. Think for a second what we are. I repeat! Not
in the body, which is a necessary part of this dimension, but it is
only the vehicle, he also represents the great work of exaltation to
well done, but this is not the case. We are dealing with the reality
of what we are.

We are a very definite energy which produces a sort of very

special vibration. Our energy is what we really are. This is not an
energy which belongs to the cosmos, the universe or others.
Nothing can possess, rather than each of us, because that is our
reality, we certainly can not get an idea of what is, of what it is
made or where their limits. That's why it's so big, it's like you
can understand almost like God himself.
The Sutra tells us is full eternal without beginning or end.
Energy has no beginning or end, is eternal expansion. We can
understand that when we give life to energy. Energy begins its
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page43
movement beams of neutrons and electrons, the movement of
atoms which are everywhere. As we are all conceived in this
existence in particular, for what today we think of as true and
unchanging, not to say so, because we can only compare it to
what we understand here.
I want to expose a little something we've already touched on the
letter from my dear neophyte. When we expose the body's energy,
in this we have three types of basic energies:
The energy that you buy from your parents.
The energy used to protect the outside.
By last. The energy you use to power your interior.
Those are the physical energies, but you are in your essence
energy as well. Each of us are producers of energy, this energy
force that each one of us, not like that of any other being, is
All energy is based on two movements,these girders is made of
attraction and repulsion, aided by gravity. By that I mean. To
understand we put an example: When the attraction begins, this
energy takes the electron to the nucleus, thereby generating a
speed a certain energy is effected approaches. For this movement
to continue consummating, begins the second movement the
repulsion or separation. This alienates the electron from the
nucleus, thus continuing the movement, and energy is still
produced. With the repulsion you could reach disintegrate the
electron, but does not by force of gravity that has attached to the
core. This can warn himself with gravitational movements of the
planets, you will observe how they approach and move away from
the sun, but in the end none ends up lost in the cosmos.
Attraction and repulsion can be defined as producing energy
movements. If we want to take to religion or philosophy we could
find many examples of these movements. The attraction may be
found in the time talking about the gods and repulsion, when they
give birth or mention of demons. But both are needed for the

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page44

wheel of life keeps turning, and on this wheel we would be
gravity, without us because these beings end up lost in history.
Look at atoms.
In this life they are very important because they are all giving
density and shape to everything, but always that which is matter
only. Recall that the less density atomsplusare separated. To come
up with something that we perceive it as a zero density, atoms are
also there, but they are so far apart they can not give definite
form, can not realize anything we can perceive.
Then think for a moment. When we have a body, how will these
atoms? Are they tight forming material, or super apart?
We are physical beings, or rather our body. This has limited
resistance, but it is noticeable. That means that the atoms in our
body are joined together leaving a rather short separation. Think
now on oxygen, a gas, we do not have in the family of materials.
Thusin the gas are separated, as atoms, which can not be seen the
dense body they are forming. They are there but can not be
distinguished. But if a being with a viewspecial, which allowed
him to see beyond what we perceive, we observe us. This being
could see that we move from a high density, as if it were a kind of
gelatin, and the amazing thing is that this same gelatin comes
within us, and allows us to move forward. Think now for a second
what you expose. Electricity, does can appreciate? Without
touching of course.
Certainly not, because the same manner as in a gas atoms are far
apart. That is why they need a driver to transport. Sometimes
electromagnetic energy travels through the air, this is also a
conductor. This often ends up harming us. On many other
occasions this static energy makes even the hairs stand on end.
While power is a form of energy. We could really say that energy
is appreciable.
The movement itself generates energy but we can not appreciate
the naked eye can only observe the physical part. Or if a spark
occurs, because we have decided to put together both poles. If we
take this a little further we come to think about the following.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page45

As we are energetic beings actually. We may even conceive many
beings without a shell, bone without a physical body. These beings
could move to your side and do not you would give account.
Contadora want you to think carefully.
Think for a second energy is eternal, is complete from beginning
to end, it is one and indivisible. However much they try to break
the will always be something else remains to be known in it.
Then the first Sutra. Who speaks not of a god.
He talks about you, talk about me, about us. In short talk about
each and every one of us, showing us what we are in our deepest
I want to add that the sounds are energy, as vibrate. This keeps a
movement which produces the vibration. All movement is power
generator. For example: The Om, is a Bheeja, the Bheejas are
sound, they really mean nothing beyond his sound, his energy
and his strength inside. But these sounds which no one can really
explain its provenance, vibrate very specific ways, generating
energy itself that leads to who originates, altered states of
consciousness, a condition, a time you could not get otherwise
may occur way.
I want you to understand that we have made a personal
explanation of what this means. But one Sutra, you must work
hard, so that it can get inside, deep inside. This way there will
come a day that explodes with greatness of his reality. It's not just
a phrase, it is a mass of energy that needs lots of attention.

Sutra 1: He observes; It has clearly. The fool sleeps as if he were

already dead, but the teacher is awake and lives forever. He
watches. It has clarity. (Budha).
For everyone who approaches these studies should be noted that
these first two Sutras, and all who come after, one must approach
them with tranquility, respect and enthusiasm. Well, you're
wonderful writings we are studying. Are very, very deep, we are
entering pure spirituality.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page46

Think for a moment Who can speak Budha ?, From his folly? This
makes is that his folly is about to disappear. It is not a question,
it's a fact that if you are willing to change that which produces a
pain in you, and you are willing to Get rid of folly. The fool all it
does is keep stumbling. Well, not to not even look encountered.
Do you understand?
As more than once I said. Observing the trodden path and check
the pain, and dirt why we had to go through. That's something
always wonderful as thishelp tothey do not ever mess your feet in
the same mud. That is why everyone should leave foolishness
behind. Just giving account that it really was a fool, you'll stop
this nonsense. You understand that she would not let you see
beyond your nose.
He watches; It has clearly. The fool sleeps as if he were already
dead, but the teacher is awake and lives forever. He watches. It
has clarity.
Look tells us that the fool sleeps as if he were dead.
And so, because as zombies move. Most women and men, with
nothing inside that push them to look for move. Not knowing that
there is a universe which will drive to feel their reality within, one
that conceives in his life. To mourn, if you feel you have to, to
sing, to laugh, to fly in a reality that you understand, and nobody
has to understand it for him. The fool does not even want to wake
from that dream of death, which can not even dream, just be there
in a comatose state, in which nothingplusBeyond the apex his
shoes at sight offers. That is all you can see, the only thing that is
willing to see.
I remember the story in which a neophyte teacher repeatedly told
-Acógeme in your womb and poured over me your wisdom or
And the teacher said:
You must be dying before me.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page47

Time passed he repeated the same scene, until one day the
neophyte shot off a cliff, fell to the bottom stumbling in its fall by
the many crags emerging from the mountains like needles, and
eventually died. With all zipping around the teacher he went
down to the beach where the body was neophyte. He picked up his
remains, and breathed into him the energy of life, which everyone
thought lost. A few seconds later he returned again to this
existence, from that moment he became his neophyte.
All we must die in order to be the reality of what we are. When
the moment of his death in life comes, it is when reality leads us to
understand where we were so far. We all must empty the full
glass, as in a glass that is full nothing else can enter.
The second part shows how the teacher is awake and lives forever,
he observes, it is clear.
The fool is the great sleeper, we must wake of folly. Also when we
wake up and let the fool behind, what we become? In awakened
beings like the teacher. Bone and this please pick carefully. A time
we are awake some teachers, that's a true reality, when we are
awake we come to a master. Then you must understand that
anyone who leaves behind a fool becomes master. But you must
realize that becomes master of himself.
He lives forever because he senses his immortality through what
he is, it makes us aware teachers, teacher observes a conscious and
has clearly.
One sees when awake, but it clearly at the time that he is a
master, it can separate what observes the feeling, so always be
objective in analyzing what he gets. We are conscious vibration.
We are a great teacher in power.
Sutras are wonderful lessons. Study it in depth and be happy.
Asirvadam namaskar.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page48

06/18/2016 10:53

Think for a second in the previous Sutra, in Parambrahma shown

us, which is above Brahmâ. This does not mean it's better or
worse, what difference is the vibrational state, depth, along with
the wisdom that each dimension can be exposed. It's like Brahma
and Brahma, according to one transcends this place goes to a
different dimension, which can be more intensely developed
knowledge here may not be able to reach even imagine. Think for a
moment when everything disappears, Brahma appears again.
Brahma, which in order to remain in this universe needs the
energy of the lesser gods, or the great duality, Vishnu and Siva.
The unit always leads to duality, and duality to trinity, and this
to the 10,000 beings.
Peace not fully even to reach, they are now both peace as lighting,
which in this dimension can find. The longer they last, and most
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page49
often reach that time, can determine a more or less enlightened
being. Since there is no state of enlightenment, only small
moments it take you to enjoy.
All who know me pretty much, you know that I do not like it, get
a lot in the rankings. When exhaling outside wonderful phrases,
they carry their own energy, which has been expressed by one
who has exhibited. But apart from this, the phrase itself and for
what it says, should lead to loose or resonate within the listener,
that for everyone inside is prepared to understand.

Why I like each expressed as feel. For each you gets from within
its own light, your own peace. Phrases, which hides them, is an
intrinsic knowledge. Therefore we must understand that the way
that everyone has to reach deep down, to that peace. It does not
have or be similar to another can use, so the frequency you can
emit, nothing will resemble any other being can exhale. Think for
a moment that being able to express is wonderful.

SUTRA 2. He Parambrahma lies the source of all knowledge and

love, the root of all power and joy.
Parabrahm or Parabrahman. I do not want to expose you again
the meaning of Parabrahman, since it is already exposed in the
first Sutra. So I want to start with the explanation directly.
Not a god, if not all. Be unlimited as he is, he's all. Like it is that
everything in our being, it is our energy. Therefore we can take it
to ourselves. That way we will be Parambrahma, as we
demonstrated in and out through our energy.
In Him (Parambrahma) lies the source of all knowledge and love,
the root of all power and joy.
Think for a moment that we are rational, we are feeling from
understanding. Not going beyond our being, from what we are in
the reality of these Sutras.
From a point where the reality of what we are, is neither more nor
less than heavenly beings action within our physical existence.
What tells us this great Sutra is the following: In the first part he
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page50
In Him, Parambrahma, lies the source of all knowledge and love.
In us is all knowledge, all the source of our wisdom. Our love
persists within us. But look to even understand our own
knowledge and our love, that we each have originated in our
energetic being, we need to collect the instruction abroad. But
what this teaching specifically reveals is. Most of the time is spent
asleep awaken our knowledge, that cognition is exclusive, which
is in a dormant phase, it is a knowledge that we already possess
and that we should just wake. Therefore with great abundance are
the particularities clinking in our being, there are many sounds
that seem to have heard that, profuse beings we embrace, as they
have always been there but we do not remember. We can assert
that we too long in a stage of daydreams, like in the morning
when we wake up, we're here, we're aware, but far from all
He Love is the root of all power and joy. This is the second part of
Sutra. Think for a moment about you. Call up one of the great
moments of your life, the best time in which you you can feel. For
example, to feel the full freedom, it is something sublime. always
controlling that space, in which the power of the ego can disarm
us from reality, that tells us that freedom, and we can show.
When all feeling part of a way of feeling pure, at that moment all
of them are imbued with love. Love offers us do it from an emotion
achieve superior. The power to feel really what we are. For the
simple fact that they demand.
The power should not disqualify because they explain how ego, it
goes far beyond.

SUTRA 2. He Parambrahma lies the source of all knowledge and

love, the root of all power and joy.
This Sutra tells us that when we wake up to the great god within,
to our being, who can be inside and outside of what we are. We
awaken the origin of our knowledge and reached the depths of our
love, which is the root of all power and all joy, with him transcend

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page51

what they have infused us as existence, reaching a superior feeling
that shows a reality that nobody can find us.
Power as I said is not what makes us stand out in society from the
ego. I want to give you an example.
Tell me, can you run around, and walk, right? Well there you
have power, walking. You indicadme, Do you feel why you
destacáis? A simple question, surely would answer no. And we
not really stand out for it, because everyone does almost
automatic way, without giving the slightest importance.
Now, next to a paralytic, ¿You excel? Unwittingly do, our
movement course makes us stand out. This is due to the
importance given that prevented being. Through it, you realize
the power of walking. There are beings that in speaking of power,
think this is not good. But Tell me, have you to blame for that
being can not walk ?, What will you do for your feelings well ?,
Sit down in a wheelchair ?, This is what you going do to highlight
your side? Since you have the gift of walking and no.
That's a humility infringed by the feeling that you encounter the
issue of that being. It's not ego really, but do not you give
account, that if you try to see your status as a problem, what you
do is accentuate it. Sometimes if we leave behind our feelings,
those that cloud the reality of what happens, and do not allow us
to be objective. consistent ye therefore as let the feeling back,
understand that what we do is limit, nothing more. Do not think
then that power is part of the ego, the ego is us. The ego is just one
more of that which we are a part. The problem comes when the ego
becomes inflamed, and suffers a strong tribulation, it makes us
believe ourselves possessed of great powers. This gradually sicker
the ego, in turn he manipulates telling you things like: These
powers make you be a superior entity. It would therefore be good
recapacitaseis the following:
At the moment you percibisteis bad that I sentíais next to the guy
in the wheelchair. You were not really you who was being the
owner of that situation. Rather, those feelings were manipulated,

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page52

spurred by the ego. As has been the ego, which for a moment to
cast excel, the difference between him and you. We need to
understand that we have hundreds of different powers, we have
within us the gift of feeling what that power is. We must
maintain that after transmute it and understand it, would be
quite wonderful glimpse of what one man's power to another is a
single action. The man in the wheelchair looks like a great power
walking, but walking the rest is just a daily action unimportant.
When all power ceases to be an exception, we will understand that
the actions we undertake depart from love, balance and inner
peace. In this way we will stop trying to be more or less than
anyone else, just be a magical reality.

Sutra 2: Fast as a horse race. Atento between carefree awake while

others sleep, swift as a horse race, leaving its competitors behind.
It is wonderful to see how many times elements that have nothing
to do, are highly related. Look, for this Sutra, it is closely linked
with what you just explained. In this second Sutra of Buddha, it
exposes us something very, very similar to the previous Sutra.
Atento between carefree awake while others sleep
Here he is speaking to us in the way how we can be among
society. Atento between carefree awake while others sleep. Look,
attentive among the heedless. Events in your daily life, you have a
hundred examples, in which you may feel more or less like this.
Where you will see how society attempts to crush, and crushes it
is not helpful. As people spend more or less through life without
paying attention to anything or anyone because society has
already blinded. But however you any little thing makes you feel,
because ye are awake.
Atento between carefree awake while others sleep, swift as a horse
race, leaving its competitors behind. (Budha).
Look what the Sutra. He will ensure that when you are already
awake among the sleepers, your speeds are different, for your
states of consciousness have nothing to do with those who sleep,

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page53

why you seem what are you going superfast, then to the reality
that you observe ye movéis to permanecisteis speed always. That
is why, and though sometimes painful, we must admit that we
will leave behind many of these beings, friends and even family.
Not because it is our decision to do so, rather it will be the
decision that these beings end up taking. Well, since they could
not endorse, they will expose many and varied forms of reaction.
Because of this exhibit numerous ways of expression. In which
they seek guilt, because under his truth, this is all that can allow
them to feel good. So they get a way to explain why we should
Almost never we who proceed to separation, as I said, but we will
always cast the blame for what happened. Reverently I ask you
what toméis not wrong, it is just a simple misunderstanding.
Spirituality, the great love that few understand, is what leads to
many desapeguen. When is only one which progresses inside, the
internal speed is such that nothing can re-attach or enslaving. It
is what I love to throw free. Only you, and you, are the ones who
decide, anything or anyone, you can manipulate or engage. For
though they arrive someday do, are not they who manipulate you,
or you hooked. You will be you and you, for thinking that means a
sacrifice who bear it out. But even if you concibáis, do not hesitate
ever to come back the day when you no longer aguantareisplus.
As the Sutra says your speed will be such that forsake them all
behind. Namaskar Asirvadam. '.

25/06/2016 10:35

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page54

SUTRA 3. Parambrahma brings up the creation, Nature inert
Prakriti. Om, Pranava, the Word, the manifestation of the
Almighty Force, comes Kala, Time; Esa, Space; Anu, the atom,
the vibrational structure of creation.
Parambrahma, that are each, each are the god. Which governs
your world, your world is now aware, that led you to understand
everything around him is happening.
Parambrahma, brings up the creation, inert Nature Prakriti. Om,
Pranava, the Word, the manifestation of the Almighty Force.
Let this first part. It shows us that this being does emerge
creation. Reflect, set yourselves for a moment to imagine what we
really are, and understand. We are ablando of what we can create,
we can ask, we will get to create something? If we enter the
natural condition of creation A man and a woman may create?
The union of the feminine and masculine, delivering two energies
contrary, always give access to a third. The result of this union,
has nothing to do with the two original. Therefore I say that a
man and a woman, in that almost celestial union that takes place
during the carnal or sexual union. Created with this union, a new
body, which will be the carrier of a new existence.
We must understand that we are all dual. We have within us the
option to create a new organism, it will offer the power of life to
that body, in us is the magic that brings us to offer the first
energy contribution to that entity. This is like the first breath of
life. This energy is also known as the ancestral energy. It will be
used as the contribution of life in that vehicle, which we use in
this dimension. We are that creative part of everything, because as
before our arrival, our parents were responsible for offering a
vehicle to maintain a blissful existence in this life. But that's the
rational part, the part in which we are only a carnal entity, which
thinks this is the only reality, what it represents as a physical
entity. The legitimacy of what we are, waiting patiently for it is
time to awaken our knowledge. At the time when that moment
comes, we understand that what was real, no longer is. We come
to understand that all that certainty was just an outrage

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page55

committed by beings who even believe that this is how they
perceive it.
SUTRA 3. Parambrahma brings up the creation, Nature inert
Prakriti. Om, Pranava, the Word, the manifestation of the
Almighty Force.
Therefore Reckon up for a second. We do emerge creation. As the
body given to us or we are allowed to use for a given experiment
in this dimension. This body comes to us actually being just a
machine, a necessary interior with wonderful ability to play. We
got him, but the hard work is still to run, this is transformation.
True creation begins to move from the machine that is the body,
that he may flourish an individual, unique.
we can only each of us carry out this great metamorphosis, I do
not speak of awakening. I speak of our body, before being
inhabited by our being, for that God who is able to benefit from
the five bodies. For we can not do everything at once, we can not
transmigrate our body, and give true life, true existence, we need
a proper process. The body without us would be nothing more
than a machine, which is why we are committed to understanding
this other way of conceiving creation. As we are able to create the
reality of the existence of such a machine called a body, a human
This is a difficult subject, I'd like you might do them much
attention. As we have already ventured, parents provide you the
body, creating matter. But parents can not give us, it is the driver
channel can approach the physical body. This in turn consists of
five bodies.
We can understand that exposed it so far, shows the creation of
the physical body. Therefore we can rule that parents give us the
first body, which also we helped create. In the instant legacy that
spark energy is produced in the same second, someone who will
occupy that body, begins to create the other bodies. Until finally
the energy body, it is the union of the physical body, which is the
creation of parents. With the energy body, the creation of the
child. It is very important to reconsider the following. Parents

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page56

through the inherited energy, you provide vital power for that
body to maintain optimal development. Which in the early years
of life it will be very appropriate, since one can not develop in
isolation. Therefore and until each of us to be able to order our
existence, that energy will lead us to have great defenses.
When you speak of the inert nature, you may think it is one that
has little reaction. You must think that after the above, what has
just reaction is the physical body before being occupied. But this,
just be a reaction to the outside.
For this body before we occupy it, as a machine that is, we can say
that has a fabulous order inside. For example: It developed among
others, three kinds of wonderful energy. These are set so that the
vital functions of the body can be developed, but really, can not
get beyond that. Without the reality of what we are, this body
could not love, might not know what pain is. Your brain would
send an order, but this order would not be registered through
feeling, just through the senses that the body can offer. His ears
could penetrate the music but this would not do vibrate, or even
have a taste for certain genre. I would not know what to eat,
because I could not understand it best, tastiest, etc. All that
depends on body function, could be carried out. But I could not
learn from it, much less could conceive the reality of what it is or
represents. It would only be what is there.
Think for a moment that I am going to say. At the time a machine
they can provide the feelings, the machine will have great need of
becoming a human being.
SUTRA 3. Parambrahma brings up the creation, Nature inert
Prakriti. Om, Pranava, the Word, the manifestation of the
Almighty Force.
Therefore, it is we who do emerge creation and giving real life to
the lifeless body. We in the knowledge that we carry. We must
make our first job, which is none other than to give real life to the
physical body. I elapsed after an indeterminate time, through
experimentation, and the pursuit of what we are. Of what
isplusaway from the reality of what the body, and matter offers. A

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page57

new search begins differently, which is what many of you are now
taking place. We need to understand that many others in his
experience not looking for something like that, it is not what we
have come to develop.
SUTRA 3. Parambrahma brings up the creation, Nature inert
Prakriti. Om, Pranava, the Word, the manifestation of the
Almighty Force.
I present here a little of that which might be well be to clarify.
Om, we can conceive of as the Word, the manifestation of the
strength of any will. In the Bible we are told: "The Word became
flesh". The verb really, what is what is wanted to express with
Om vibration occurs, it is a vibrational jolt to whoever puts it
outwardly. This is accentuated shudder inside, although I must
say that in a short time, a form of insinuation exalt abroad.
Therefore we can assert that the verb is vibration.
The first thought that occurs, gives life to that jolt, that inner
tremor. Reckon up for a second, still has not been expressed that
vibration on the outside, as this is just a thought.
When a disembodied being, decides to incarnate again. That
vibration that thought produces, and carries with it a certain
energy, which is exhaled at the right time when that decision is
taken. In that same second start creating the first body, the
transcendental body.
I want you to understand first of all that expound here, is my
personal way of understanding, this tells me:
Before you are aware, and complete entities. In this material
dimension, we are energy, vibration, and speed. This energy and
vibration united in one, support the conscious awareness of all
those memories that remain with us every existence. Indeed this
knowledge is the major cause of that particular vibration, that
energy and with their union lead to what we are. These three
factors together, contain what is known as Sophia, or easier to
understand, our wisdom. This is what really possess.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page58

Vibration, it determines an essential part of our being, for it
largely takes us to adopt a character, a way of defining the
existence of a very specific way, so in our vibrational frequency
can affect: The day we born, moon, planets, barometric pressure.
Endless certain frequencies of external vibration, which
wecarryna we maintain a certain behavior. Actually these ways of
proceeding beyond conscious control, therefore we increasingly
need to be a little more knowledgeable of what really did it. To not
end up being slaves of these vibrations, which eventually
transmuted into feelings, many of them will end escape our
control. It is certain that we shall finish being slaves to them. So
that this will never happen, you need to understand that our
energy is ours.
I want to make a small point. Our energy and vibration, resemble
in many factors beings who graduate here. We could even get to
indicate which are very similar to certain groups of beings who
embody here. Without a mature appreciation that occurs. We can
confirm that in the course of our history in this place, we'll
distinction, we could say that we seek even without being very
consistent at first that this is happening. For this reason I can
assure you that this time is more or less long, the just localizing.
The reason is that they can be found both us and them, we move
the same actions, we have all gone through the same pools full of
that social mud. We must understand that in the vast majority of
the time, we have nothing in common physically, but internally
there is such a strong bond that find everything within us stirs us
and our guts vibrate in a certain way. On the other hand we must
realize that our energy, and our vibration frequency are very
similar to these beings. That is why we feel so natural, so well
next to each other, do not need nothing else to be close, sometimes
you not even need to say anything, just with what we feel is
SUTRA 3. Parambrahma brings up the creation, Nature inert
Prakriti. Om, Pranava, the Word, the manifestation of the
Almighty Force.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page59

We can conclude what the Sutra tries to tell us, or what we
interpret it is:
In our conscious birth, not the primary birth, that we perform at
the very moment we arrived at this dimension. In that conscious
birth, we are lucid beings, so we decided to create the necessary
bodies to trasporten us to our physical body, which awaits us
below. To do this we need to keep our vibration, our energy,
speed, and our wisdom, for all this is the real union of what we
are. But in order to be consistent all this, we expect a third
awakening, to be conscious, which will help us to begin a search of
our knowledge.
We can understand that as in some places it is said: "The Word
became flesh". The verb is the manifestation of that powerful
force, and, irresistible. The verb is vibration, energy and speed.
Each one of us is the result of what is understood as the verb. The
verb awake through vibration and energy that really is
knowledge, and this stimulates our wisdom, for it is recorded
most of the knowledge required for the awakening comes. Our
wisdom is what creates the feeling that raises the vibration be
transformed into fraternal emotion. This brings us to the intrinsic
knowledge, he gives us the vibration or certain feeling, which
allows us to beplus consistent in that moment, in which we found
to be a vibration and energy very similar, which we carry each of

Sutra 3: Thoughts astray. As the size archer and puts his straight
arrows, the master directs his straying thoughts. (Budha).
As the size archer and puts his straight arrows.
In this first part of this Sutra, think of who might be the only one
who can know if they are good arrows. The only one who can
know whether you will use arrows are good, or are not, is the
goalkeeper. Think for a second Who will be the archer?
The archer are each of us, each one of those more or less aware of
their existence, is an archer loaded with a quiver full of arrows

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page60

that never end. Think for a moment, those arrows Which direction
is constantly moving?
They always go forward and always moving at the speed that one
is able to give. Reflect for a second, what does the Sutra, when he
speaks of those arrows really? They are nothing but your
decisions, your determinations. They are all that from inside do
you find directly outside. Most of the time without directing, only
an effort to expel them. Like the archer in the midst of battle he
does not think, just act, just an end is to expel the more arrows
better. Who are the only ones that can determine remove
decisions, determinations etc.? Remember that the only ones that
exist within a body like that you occupy, ye are not your body that
makes decisions. Ye are those you occupy the vehicle, the temple.
Therefore we are each of us to determine and draw our decisions
and determinations forward.

As the size archer and puts his straight arrows.

Tell me, goalkeeper, will you know what their arrows ?, He will
have the opportunity to review them, and set the parameters that
differ? The arrows of the archer must all be equal, if not, he
should change the way draw his bow, he must establish the
performance parameters of its arc, exposing a bolt or another,
because failure to do so White could not collected.
Think for a moment that archer in full hunting, or worse, in
battle. Tell me. Could he stand to change the tension of his bow by
having different arrows? Him to stop in time to think, I'd be dead,
or the prey will escape.
So, Are the arrows should be equal force?

At this time, we will take this archer, his bow and quiver of
arrows, inward. As each of us should take it to the depths of his
being. Think for a moment of your life in which you mantuvisteis
a discussion, with whom he was, anyway. Remember as you
soltabais arrows were direct, to where you wanted to target. Our

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page61

thoughts departed immediately where everyone wanted arrived.
Because they were direct ?, The move knowledge? Or simply, was
the time ?, It was full of warmth that feeling I was controlling
IMHO I think at that time there was no thought, do not
albergabais knowledge no hope, only you madurabais your arrows
directing the sole purpose of doing harm. The pain in this case,
was the feeling that a certain vibration, I have to be born in that
particular way. At that time he was controlling you. I carried it
incapable See yourselves, not even podíais know, what was
shooting your bow. you were not even for a moment conscious of
what certain and painful that were your arrows. Until it was too
late, to break the bow and shoot arrows. The pain almost always
ends up being the bearer of unconsciousness, internal upheaval,
which leads us to launch an attack defense, we do it with the same
force they are doing with us. Knowing that pain really is not even
real. For though the battle begins with any information, whether
it is consistent, true, or not. This always ends up with the pain
that produces the same battle, either because of ego, or lack
thereof. In this event, he harassed so at the end we hate. This
makes everything lose track of reality, so we ended up in the most
painful target.
Surely everyone to see past for a moment, it is almost certain. You
will be with me at that moment that you control the feeling, and
that feeling always comes a thought, for even external, which
comes makes us think. The case is always that thought before any
So therefore we can say that this is a wild thought, it would be
totally astray.

This is the first part of the Sutra, I hope you may have a little
clearer, let's turn to the second part now. The master directs his
straying thoughts.

If each of us could get to control the wayward thoughts, this

would result in each of us a wonderful change. As we are

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page62

conscious really, certainly no one wants to hurt you love.
Although sometimes we find very strange cases. But back to what
feels most, and does not understand. Is that who led them to it, at
that moment, it is the possession of that ego that betrays. This
exposes them to the most horrific and diverse fantasies that
returning to the same thing all that develop inside is pain.
Consider for a moment what the Sutra says. The master directs
his straying thoughts. The teacher is able to give love always, and
no matter what happens, the teacher with his presence gives you
harmony and peace that everyone needs. He does because his ego,
and feelings are under your control. We could never say that it is
he who is under the control and influence of feeling. Therefore,
when one teacher is about, how it is in an area of peace, and
balance, once he understands and feels the lack of one who
prostrates before him. Well when we got to him, quickly we fill
that space, and even what he let us inside, with that energy
within us carry. Therefore it goes without saying much,
sometimes it is better to be silent and feel the reality of what the
teacher offers.
Sutra 3: Thoughts astray. As the size archer and puts his straight
arrows, the master directs his straying thoughts. (Budha).
You are now at the point of knowing that you can apply it, or let
it pass. Just everyone is aware of what he considers more accurate.
As the goalkeeper happens to him, he only exposes his
arrowsfeelings defense. But in the end it's just a victim of his
But if the time comes that thought the exposed energy, if this is
minimal and not let them grow, learn from it, and under no
circumstances let it develops. When this happens, it will be the
master you are working. Not the archer, if not the teacher.

SUTRA 4: Anu, or atoms, are the cause of creation. The whole of

them are called maya, or the Lord's power to give rise to illusory
creations; Anu and each individually is called Avidya, Ignorance.

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Anu, or atoms, are the cause of the dense creation. It is the
physical creation, is what this Sutra is softened. Although in my
opinion we should start by considering to understand the atom,
and what is its composition. I would like to begin by
understanding that makes us Sutra him. In order to have a more
extensive knowledge, as I usually do. I want to understand what
is beyond my vocabulary, to my knowledge. That is why I start
with the word,Anu.This is a Sanskrit word, which meansatom.
One of the epithets of Brahma, which is said to be an atom,
exactly what is the infinite universe. Referring to the pantheistic
nature of Divinity.
As you can see we exposed the nature of the divine, as a way of
understanding panteísta. Thatplayed pantheism, is the one that
identifies God with nature and vice versa. People who tend to
refute pantheism, eventually judge him as blameworthy. But it
would be quite right to stop and think about how can a thinker,
consider the Deity as imperishable as universal and eternal. If not
Nature one aspect of it, if it does not encourage each of the atoms
nature, and whereby the ecosystem is only the physical aspect.
The visible manifestation or body, as it were, of the supreme deity,
or rather, the soul of the world. It animating principle everything.
According to the teachings ofBhagavad Gita,the supreme deity
Brahma, or at all. It is both spirit and matter. Lower nature,
matter, is origin or matrix all beings; while his higher nature,
spiritual, is the vital element that encourages and sustains.
Brahma is, therefore, the greater whole, the efficient and material
cause of all creatures and all forms of matter, or, as expressed in a
visual comparison, is the Potter and the pair mud formed vessel.
He governs it as the god who gave creation to all, but we must
understand it as the divinity that gives creation everything we
understand in this material state is more or less dense, more or
less related to our senses, all this is because the atoms so they
The physical composition of the atom can be defined as positive,
negative and neutral energy ultimately as before we discussed

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page64

briefly. Occult or magic, you talk about these three parts of a
whole. On the way the magician, we know as Jachin and Boaz.
Are the two large columns, but also the middle path, which would
be the neutron. So serious: electron or Jachin Boaz would proton
and the neutron middle path. Our way by which we walk in this
life can give us a choice. We can always move toward the positive.
This might seem beneficial, but think for a moment. One who is in
the positive, do we effectively see reality as it is ?, is someone who
can be objective? Like the one that addresses only the negative
side, it could be consistent with what is?
We must be reasonable, and think that anyone who is in one part
or the other will be limited. In this way they can never be
consistent with reality, with the truth that we develop as we
acquire knowledge. We have the option to walk the middle path.
But sometimes we approach a little bit negative, and other times
positive, because this way we will know a little of each without
getting drunk, and we can not lose any of the columns. This
approach will always give us a wider knowledge, to be consistent
with the reality we are living. Think coolly now, if you do not
know that there is more than one column,plus a form of
knowledge, it will take you to a great limitation.
I am going to tell me something that happened a while ago. It's
absolutely true, and that might help us understand a little more
what we are trying.
Years ago my knowledge was much lower than today Regento,
which is why we did things as more certain, and consolidated. As
one of the principles of the path of knowledge, walk the paths of
knowledge without stopping much to collect the honey that these
will bring. In these paths we will find the necessary evidence, and
constant, so that one desapegue of reality marked by beings who
previously walked along a path equivalent to that traffic now. But
one must always be consistent that every step taken, no one can
take it for you, and one footprint on the road is marked. It is not a
reflection, a shadow of something that was already there. Really
why I always say that before anyone could move around, but

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page65

never have spoken. Well, as I indicated "Nobody can leave your
footprints behind."
At that time, which was still a neophyte, one of those schools of
mysteries. Conceived teaching offered me as totally true, it was
what we used to teach. But my reality is that everyone must find
his own way of understanding knowledge.
But as I said, at first you find yourself absorbed, this leads to very
difficult, lucid being of reality that this knowledge awakens one.
Until this really pisses inside, and from that moment you can not
avoid being aware of it.
It was at that time happened. On a spring afternoon without that
it can be emphasized as a very special time. I found myself with a
partner, describing a lesson for me he understood very positive.
The lesson was in line with a theme that many unknowns, and a
lot of ink, had to jump on the waiting eager folios. The subject was
death, and he, as I could understand. At that time my knowledge
was much more limited than today. At one point I said:
You can always choose from.
This I said, I do not think it was mine, although my mouth came.
The wonderful thing about this time is that from the beginning in
my left hand, felt like a kind of cold, which produced in me a chill.
There without knowing it was a very negative entity, which we
listened carefully. At the precise moment I said, I could choose. I
felt like a relief. This feeling really knew it was not mine, was that
being, of that entity. I could see a moment later all was thanks in
that being continuous, and huge. It is expanding abroad a great
harmony and happiness. A moment later sensation disappeared,
and this being, this entity left.
What is this ?, Why do you present here this remembrance?
You think for one second, how this entity was ?, where he had his
existence? This being discovered in the negative part of its
essence, perhaps he never chose, possibly everything that had to
live led him to understand that that was his refuge. Perhaps
seduced by the negative side, there was lost. Be that as it may this
subject could not be consistent with what it was, could not even

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page66

understand, that something more than that part in which he lived
could exist. He was totally limited, nothing but his world could
discern. So when he heard that had the power of free choice, he, at
that moment his broad view, and he could choose. That gave him
the opportunity to break free, to be able to have existence
elsewhere, perhaps a place he knew, but had forgotten.
Do you understand? When we are in one of the two columns, we
can not be consistent with our reality, by the limitation that it
produces. So either one or the other we will be free and happy. Let
us be consistent the middle path, and how we can enjoy the
experience, knowing albeit in a more ephemeral way both
columns. E indicate that the story was true.
Be consistent, from this moment, you have the power to
impregnaros what both inside with columns, for what is defined
as evil may only be a conclusion, for those who have exposed him.
Everyone has to live their own experience to conceive that this is
so, like what can be considered good or bad. But the important
thing here is that just get close to each of these columns is enough,
because we impregnate with their energy, they will transmit us to
our inner certain thoughts.
As we have seen before, we all have thoughts. If we know we can
stop them before they happen to be an external emanation. For all
thought arises from a chosen idea, it sprouts a sentiment
expressed by the selected idea. When an act, either evil or
goodness comes to us, we give life to our own thinking, and this
let them grow into a feeling. This is unstoppable at that moment,
he arrives without reference to your mental body, with a very
specific purpose. When this thought we call less, just by the
energy we use it, we must understand that this energy depends
on what you bring with that thought. It is this positive, or
negative, while this energy is minimal it can not hurt you.
What harm comes at the precise moment when we carry this
thought, and feeling that produces more energy power. This
energy that we impose that thought is of greater capacity, at that
stage we lose track and control all.

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Forgive me I have perhaps gone a little of topic but I think this
clarification was entirely necessary.
We return to the Sutra. He expressed to us the importance of
atoms, they are in us, form part of our body, our dense or physical
part, they possess in themselves the three roads in balance. At the
same time we are always walking the path of the three roads,
which separates us from them is just the condition you're willing
to understand.
Anu, or Atoms are the cause of creation. The whole of them are
called maya, or the Lord's power to give rise to illusory creations.
Always Remember that the neutral is the middle path, the path of
balance. This is what we must try to achieve the purpose of our
existence. The second part of this Sutra, we have explained
through the creation of positive and negative thoughts. We
manifest this a little more. They may develop, or stay in the
inkwell these thoughts, when they do not take creation, when your
energy is not enough to get to explode, they are just an illusion,
many are those thoughts that we suppress one or another way. In
doing so, they are learning that way of understanding, and often
thought gives us even meditating deeply, that thought no more
energy than he has in itself because nothing else will offer. As a
result we become targets, we will understand why this thought
occurred. In this way we can get to the root of the problem.
Which, hidden among several ideas, not let us see the reality of
what occurred in us, great pain!
Are these hidden, positive or negative thoughts, we must
understand that today, they are just mere illusions. Illusions are
those currently in force are left uncertain, however unrealistic
they often can cause pain or joy. You must understand that you
can not base your existence on what does not exist.
For example, jealous. Most often than not based on that, mere
illusions, which are carried by great energy, which produces
among others the imagination. Without being very consistent
with what we do, we can manipulate our thinking, as if this were
something totally real. He or she can deploy abroad, stating that it
was carried out, thus conceiving great suffering to the loved one.
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page68
This would be even negative example of illusion, there are also
positive. For example, when you buy a lottery ticket, the joy that
emplazas at that time so that you could bring TENTH leads to
overwhelm your being that illusion, of that joy. With that energy
so positive, you can get to even contemplate what would you do
with that money, producing it within us, a celebration that takes
us feel plethoric. We must understand that the illusion of that
award, is a mirage but as the chimera holding jealousy. Both in a
final you can get make you feel very bad. We must understand
that we start from the creation inside and outside the field. When
this is in thought, not matter. But once the idea speculation, we
outside, exposing our energy into it. This ends up becoming
something material. Think of one thing, "Nothing is out that has
not previously been inside."
That's why so very important, feeling deeply what ferments
inside, before giving life abroad. Remember that sometimes even
before it has external creation, thinking that is not rejected, you
may injure internally. For that same thought, which ferments
within you, collects the energy that feels appropriate at the time.
This can make decaigáis deeply, reaching truly deplorable states.
This is only because, what they believe. As you put great energy
dose and inordinate attention. Therefore what treasures a life
within you, you do not really have. Since this is a fiction in all
creation, but you have made it, and have given all that he needs in
order to exist. Look, something as simple as a thought, which is
just a spark of energy. Within, this being an energetic part, far
from the physical part, you can get away with your car, with your
Think how many are psychological diseases, all those thoughts
come from, that energy which we set, and we focus to a non-
existent point within our mind.
Why should we think that in this consumer society, in this society
of disinformation. Because little is truthful information, it is
almost extinct. Men and women increasingly isolatedplusAnd
slowly filling their heads, a large crowd of unutterable,
inconstant, unfinished thoughts, and all with a great
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page69
warmongering content. This information we collect from a wide
range of different ways. As it can be via a computer, television,
etc. This is the reason why it is becoming more positive
imagination challenged, this being almost crippled by the great
effort it takes out all that great trash, we are bombarded with
daily. Thus giving loose rein to the negative way of imagination,
thereby creating great monsters who develop fears, hatred and etc.
For this reason decompensation our atoms rather than being in
consensus and harmony, become chaotic, and out of all balance.
This would come to produce physical illnesses with which our
bodies, and sometimes even our essence, what we really are,
concludes energetically and physically damaged.

SUTRA 4. Anu, or Atoms are the cause of creation. The whole of

them are called maya, or the Lord's power to give rise to illusory
creations; Anu and each individually is called Avidya, Ignorance.
Notice how the Sutra calls. "Ignorance"
We all know the ignorant. Consider for example, who speaks of
everyone in town, how rubbish into. And even once, for his
comments, he has been able to end the life of any person. Reckon
up it, because this is similar to when an atom within us is wrong,
why your energy chain can reach trasformar, many of the
necessities of life forms within you. Passing this way even a
genetic fault, and sometimes death. We may find that the worst is
not that, it is that this internal failure that can affect us both, can
become hereditary. Therefore I ask you to think deeply about this,
"Ignorance is the worst pests".
When wars are unleashed, it is nothing more than to return to the
complete ignorance to the people, so being able to govern better.
The great shame is that at that time the rulers think they have
power. Because at that moment administered to an ignorant
population. This they have done in all parts of the world, so when
you are truly free, is when you despejáis ignorance of your
interior. As you are now doing, since you gave your first step
towards inner freedom, from that moment, freedom Anido within
your hearts.
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page70
Asirvadam. Namaskar.

07/02/2016 10:55

In our last class, I had a little forgotten, exposing the meaning of

Avidya, therefore begin with what she means, so in my humble
opinion, the previous Sutra, be a little clearer.

Avidyâ wordSanskrit meaning:The opposite Vidya knowledge.

Ignorance caused and produced by the illusion of sense
orviparyaya misjudgment, false concept. Nescience, error, false
knowledge, lack of knowledge. One of the fiveKlezas and the
twelve nidanas Buddhist. I think it is absolutely necessary to
reveal the meaningKleza. It is a word that comes to us from
Sanskrit, and meansLove of life, but literally pain and misery.
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page71
Clinging to existence, and about the same asKama. Love of
pleasure or worldly, licit or illicit enjoyments.Kleza also means
pain, grief, sadness, anger, desire, confusion; obstacle; distraction.
Buddhism is designated by this name every imperfection produced
by the moral evil: there are eight species, which are the capital sins
or ten, among Buddhists of Ceylon.

The word Avidyâ, we are also talking about the nidanas that we
can understand also it comes from Sanskrit and means us. The
twelve causes of existence, or a chain of causation, "a chain of
cause and effect throughout the course of existence through twelve
links". This is the fundamental dogma of Buddhist doctrine, "the
understanding of which solves the riddle of life, revealing the
inanity of existence and preparing the mind for Nirvana". Here is
the list of the twelve links:

1 Jati, birth, according to one of the four modes of entering the

stream of life and reincarnation, chatur Yoni means: The same as
Karmaya or " four modes of birth ", ie the four-way entry into the
path of birth as are ordered by the Karma: (to)
Birth matrix as It occurs in men and mammals; (b) Birth of an
egg, as in birds and reptiles; (c) Moisture and air of germs, such
as insects, (D) by suddenself transformation, as in Bodhisattvas
and Gods. Each of the four places to be born in one of six gatis. I
also want to explain the meaning of this new word:
Gati.The six conditions of conscious existence. They are divided
into two groups: the threegatis upper and three lower.
The first are the you should, the asuras,and men (Immortal); the
second creatures in hell, theAnimas lyou hungry demons, and
animals. However, the last three are the personalities who are in
theKamaloka, elementary and animals. The seventh mode of
existence is theNirmânakâya. That term Gati has many other
uses: course, march; track, path; goal; destination; refuge;
medium; process; achievement, acquisition, etc.
2nd.Jaramarana.Decrepitude and death, old age and death,
following the maturity ofskandhas.

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3rd.Bhava. Karmic agent which leads every new be aware to be
born in this or that way of existence in the Trailokya Y Gati.
4th.Upadana. The creative cause of bhavaWhich thus becomes the
cause ofJatiWhich it is the effect, and this creative cause of birth is
clinging to life.
5th.Trichnâ. Love, be pure or impure.
6.Vedanā.Or feeling; perception senses; This is the fifthskandha.
7.Sparza. The sense of touch.
8.Chadâyatana. The organs of sensation.
9th.Nama rupa.Personality, that is, a form with its corresponding
name, symbol of the unreality of the manifestations of material
10th.Vijnana. Perfect knowledge of every perceptible thing and of
all objects in their concatenation and unity.
11th.Samskâra. Action in the plane of illusion.
12.Avidyâ. Lack of true perception, or ignorance.
nidanasOr cause of existence, is the fundamental principle of the
whole doctrine of Budha. The word means: chain of causation or
origin of dependency.
We can also find their names pali, which is the ancient language
of Magadha, which preceded the more refined Sanskrit. Buddhist
scriptures are the all written in that language. In this language
the twelvenidanas tell us the following:
avijja. Ignorance of the truth of natural religion.
Samkhârâ. causal action, orKarma.
vinnana. Personality awareness, self, me.
Nama rupa.Name and form.
salayatana. Six senses.
phassa. Contact.
vedanā. Feeling, sensation.
tanha. I desire for enjoyment.
upadana. Clinging.
bhava. individual existence.
Jati. Birth, breed;
JARA, Upâyâsa. Decay, death, sorrow, regret, despair.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page73

nidanasalso it means: cause, origin, first or main cause, essence,
original form, knowledge of the causes; purification, purity; rope,
tie and so on.Avidya is represented as an old woman, this is very
curious, since explain to me, have you talked to many elderly ?,
Have you tried to explain something? All or almost all of them
can happen when you get to a state elderly. For the elderly it is no
longer likely that new knowledge can collect. Why most elderly
only based on the knowledge they have collected in the course of
his life, if in this time span collected knowledge is somewhat
decadent, the old man will be as we are describing.
But time imagine an old man who has had a prosperous life, and
his knowledge has been developed in a large measure. So your
mind will remain like a sponge, he is always willing to learn. Our
brain, our muscles, like everything in our body if we work it
would eventually atrophies, remains minimal.
Why it is so good that always should follow in this internal study
of knowledge, for gnosis slower or faster. I always report keeping
track training, which willcarryto continue to collect everything
you can get, why you forsake you never learn. The old man who
in his life has not progressed much in the pursuit of knowledge,
reaches a point where it is completely closed to everything new
that can reach out, as also your ego tells you, being old know
more than most, by the disease that has ego will come a time when
this old man would not listen to anyone. This is because of the
way in which they have lived, they will find themselves as beings
attached to their feelings, and that the limited even more.
Remember that once and in places where a clean, extensive
knowledge was imparted to these our elders were given a great
honor and veneration, but this was because the vast majority of
them never stopped learning.
In the past we have given Sutra, IMHO it has not been all cleared
up, as I would have really liked. That is why I want to dwell a
little more on what I find in this Sutra, or what in me, he can
resonate. That is why I want to do a more extensive explanation
of it.
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SUTRA 4. Anu, or Atoms are the cause of creation. The whole of
them are called maya, or the Lord's power to give rise to illusory
creations; Anu each individual is called Avidya, Ignorance.
We are not this body, our composition can not be defined in the
material plane. So being here even within the body, we are entities
which we can not identify as tangible. You must understand one
thing, everything in this place, in this dimension is, if it is
composed of atoms, so we talk about creation, for everything you
have created a composite structure of atoms.
So you can understand it better, you must understand that there
is emanation and creation, What is the difference between
emanation and creation?
Emanation refers to everything that our inside to outside rushes,
of our being what emerges is an intrinsic part, a form of energy
that does not need the union of duality, or the atomic structure to
reach have a presence, more or less subtle.
Emanation is that energy coming out of you, is a real part of what
you are, of what we can get to always return. For your inner
energy it is inexhaustible. With her, with that energy you can do
healings, you can help the energy stability of those who need it to
feel far from their peace, and you can even provide that pure love
which is part of your intrinsic energy, that love is the energy
more tremendous that man can possess, and which today still do
not understand.
With this I want you to understand that when we talk about
creation, speaks binding of atoms necessary to reach that creation.
We can understand that it may be from a human body sculpture.
Emanation energy is that part of the absence of atoms having to
hold the matter, since it is entirely immaterial.
Even the air seems immaterial actually has its density, in my
humble way of understanding such clouds floating in the blue
space, seem to have little density, but when they become fog at
that moment created in me a atmosphere of peace and calm. As we
move through this fog outside felt like millions of tiny droplets
end up getting soaked, it shows the actual density that may be
because they are really water. But when we see this element in the
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page75
sea, oceans, rivers, it seems that its density is much higher, and it
is only due to binding the atoms in each state have on this
element. Therefore the cause of the physical creation is the union
of atoms. Anu or Atoms are the cause of creation.
When atoms are joined create matter, be it more or less dense,
material gives origin as everything is in this dimension. But
really the great illusion is believed material beings. Therefore it
matters or maya is what gives us the creation of illusion.
The great illusion creates matter, as we understand, and we
assume that everything around us is as we perceive it, but when
we understand that everything is made of atoms. From that
moment, we realize that nothing is as we perceive through the
senses. As the sense of sight, touch tell us how solid it is, what we
are seeing or touching, when it really is only the union of tiny
entities called atoms.
A rock even perceived as something very hard, is not iron-clad, all
that happens is that countless highly compressed atoms have
almost decided not to leave space between them, which is why the
stone is so hard. That is the great illusion.
The great mistake of man is to feel this body as conceived through
the senses, and think that this is so, that he is that body. Imagine
now that atoms decide to go changing, suddenly on a stone the
atoms cease to be compressed, increasing the space between them,
the result would be in our perception, that the stone has the same
stiffness as a chewing gum. At that time we would verify that the
mutation everything always depends on what we can not
perceive. Therefore we can assure that matter, maya, is something
liar, and illusory. Or maybe you are our senses, and the
conviction that we give to them. Anyway, I can assure you under
this knowledge that develops inside me. That all matter is
creation, and energy is an emanation, therefore there is that great
leap from one to the other.
But look, in this dimension are used to each other, this is because
the energy needs of matter, energy, but after all what previously
have explained, you know, what we understand by subject, is an
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page76
illusion, it does not exist. Since this is the high energy atoms
released through their union.
With the understanding that this offers us, we can take a glimpse
as they may form the materialization.
It would be nice to explain this a little more.
Materialization is performed through the energy emanation, for
If you want to be in two places at once, you need to do is to walk
your body of desire, or mental. I must say we have a dense
physical body, or. A vital or energy body. A body of desire, or
mental. Astral, or intellectual body. Finally, a causal, or
transcendental body.
The order agreed, should be given to the desire body, but also in
this work the other bodies involved. In fact you do not, it would be
impossible to complete a desired result. In the physical body,
which was born the idea through a spark passes it to the next
body. The energy body begins to understand this concept, but
without being able to decipher all. Send energy to the mental
body, it is able to break down the energy that has come at a certain
thought. Once you assimilate it sends to the intellectual body.
This, which conceives is the coherence of that thought. If it does, it
sends the transcendental body. This body automatically rises with
that thought, until it reaches to produce certain that thought
produces feeling. This transcendental body then descends with
that feeling and all information that has occurred in this way, to
the intellectual body. The provides guidelines on how not done,
what kind of consequences we can derive from it, and the energy
work we have to do to make it occur. When this is very clear,
down to the mental body. This gathering all the information that
the intellectual body brings him to proceed to focus the energy
body the result of the transcendental and intellectual bodies. With
this information the energy body will manifest wherever
necessary. The end result is to experience, in order to achieve,
have been shaped, through attachment of the atoms that can reach
the body or placed in the defined form, where need to be at that
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Atoms that are loose energy you're grouping with the emanation
of your energy, which in this case is the one that comes from the
desire body, which remains part of your own body. This will
perform to get in the place chosen have a manifestation of that
part of your being. While you many kilometers away, I must say
that part of your being, that body of desire is the same as the
physical body, when it maintains its materialization. For
otherwise we could never know that one who is materializing. To
do this, and before you open your energy conveyed a strong
message, which requires transport order to carry out, so all this
information is printed on the energy itself imposed on the body of
desire. This in turn sets the same power to each atom that is used
for such work.
We must understand that this is not an illusion, like those created
by illusionists, they can only create fantasies.
Moreover and within us, each of us is an illusionist, a creator of
fantasies, although this seems almost impossible, it is. Remember
for example when we suffer any psychological illness. When we
are under its influence we are able to create illusions, which
sometimes lead us to a dream world, fantastic. Also when the
disease has caught us we can give life to fantastic creatures. They
are these authentic, chimeras, that does not mean they are not
beautiful, and positive. The great reality leads us to these rather
almost always turns out to be quite the opposite.
That under a psychological disease, but not in itself a disease
occurs, even through so we can create the illusion fantasy.
Sneaking a shadow leads us to identify with some fantastic it can
be be etc. The illusion is a trick your senses.
However what I have stated is not fool, what I'm saying is
poderte move to trabes union of atoms. A part of you will be
captured with the help of that body of desire, the girders of your
energy and help the atoms are doing nothing more than
wandering through space, you plasmarte wherever you needed.
We continue to expose a little more of this wonderful Sutra.
The whole of them are called maya, or the Lord's power to give
rise to illusory creations;
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page78
It is necessary that from now understand that this material world
is an illusion, if we understand that everything is made of atoms,
believing as real, as a solid, everything around you is living
within an illusion.
And each individual Anu is called Avidya, Ignorance.
Each atom is called ignorance is lack of anything that can help
you understand, or lack of knowledge. Remember that either from
awareness or consciousness, the ignorant is almost a mechanical
being, he acts from impulse and reflection, of what another has
seen develop. Imagine for a second, an ignoramus who observes
what another being is doing. But that be what is taking place, it
performs poorly. The ignorant will never do that job well, because
even over ignorance does not allow you to ask anything.
That's like the ignorant acts, therefore if the atom not reached
unite here in this material dimension, nothing would be as you
can understand now, for matter would not have existence, so an
atom alone is so only one atom. As I have already said. The atom
essentially has components, but that an atom is a piece of stone,
should join his brothers leaving a minimum gap between them, to
achieve the hardness that has the original stone. Consider that at
the same instant in which the bonding between atoms is
produced, from the time it is stone. Remember, as long as only one
atom, he is ignorant of all that may develop.
Look, each of you in principle is individuality, creating around
what with that individuality is able to solve. But when we
gathered with others like us, we create a set of material, social
beings. This brings what to produce, leads to an illusory reality
creation, the concept of life. At the moment we parted, that
created society, that is when you really give us realize our
God the omnipotent being, as in the Sutras and even religions I
could get a quote, or name. He said that talks but does so through
the material. Which as we have seen does not exist as such, it is
the union of all atoms. God is explaining in a way for some, and
another for those who can read. So who has ears to hear listen,

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and what he gets, subsists with the following: Nothing is what it
seems, because nothing really is, if you do not want to see. Just
depends on who observes.

Sutra 4: Only love dispels hate. In this world hate he never yet
dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient and
inexhaustible. (Budha).
In this world hate he never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels
So you could never ending hatred, applying more hatred. We split
first understand what they are telling us that dispel word.
Dispelling make objects disappear, bodies, bodies, means that just
with it.Love is all emotion that can embargarnos is why it is
greater than anyone can perform control over it. Love is even
above the reality of what we are, why only he can do away with
Think for a moment, what is hate ?, What is formed, as produced?
He hateIt is a feeling of deep antipathy, disgust, hatred, enmity or
repulsion towards a person, thing, or phenomenon and the desire
to avoid, limit or destroy its target. Hatred can also be based on
fear, it always has a defined objective, whether it is justified or
not. Hatred is often described as the opposite
oflove,wavefriendship. He can generate aversion, feelings of
destruction, loss of integral balance, and occasionally self-
destruct. Hate is not justifiable from the rational point of view,
because it undermines the possibility of any rational
understanding, any dialogue, and even coherent thought. It is
possible that people who feel this hatred come to develop an
aversion to individuals or organizations.
Hate is an intense feeling of disgust. Hatred can develop oneself,
or others, whole groups of subjects, people in general, the
existence, society, or everything. And when you determine hatred
even towards oneself the tendency usually end existence.

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This hatred is like a great fire, which burns us inside, this is the
reason why when the individual is totally inflamed, hatred seeks a
way out of it. When you finally get rid purpose, devastates
everything in its path, as does the fire. Think for a second, what
element can control or extinguish it?
there is only one that can get to master it, it is none other than
water. Love is very similar to water, because if we look at this
element in his imperious mode, it can rage, sulfided, angry. In
this state the element can produce, greater than the fire itself
catastrophe. The same love, often about hatred. This occurs at the
time when love has gone to an extreme, so high that it completely
controls the individual who he loves. But to reach this state really
love disappeared, leaving behind the ashes of enslaving all feeling,
such as love. When this occurs the consequences are horrible, we
destroyed the loved killing also in love, or her. Originating with
this act eventually a great hatred of each other, even sometimes
even they think that that hatred still love.
But now I want to express is a very important premise, opposites
always end by win, of course they will end touching. In this
example in which this extreme jumps in light I want you to be
careful to observe and someday if you have the opportunity
apliquéis. At the time that for one reason or another, someone
close to you at that time is found inflamed by hatred. "That
observe without saying anything." When you least expect Give
her a sincere embrace of love. It comprobareis as their reaction
will be quite upset at first, and seconds later can only keep silent
and calm down or leave. If the two lovers are grass of the purest
love, they really only look and understand their stupidity, they
kiss and love will enlighten splendorous without having to burn
them. In this world hate he never yet dispelled hate. Only love
dispels hate.
Sutra 4: Only love dispels hate. In this world hate he never yet
dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient and
inexhaustible. (Budha).
This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible. (Budha).

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The Great Sutra, tells us that pure love, the primary love that
never goes away, because it is always there. We just need to be
consistent he has always existed. We just have to open ourselves
to love, which expands, and never ask anything in return.
Therefore, this Sutra, which says you are. To remove any hatred
do not fall into hate, if not wrap of that pure love, that you have
within you. Thus hatred will disappear.
Think for a moment at that time in your life that you have
forgiven because forgiveness is filled with love that hatred, that at
a time of your life occurred due to a very specific action.
Remember that filling that moment of love, understanding,
humility. Is the purest forgiveness, you will succeed with this
hatred disappear.

Here I end this lesson. But I want you to remember that nothing
is as you perceive, only that which is not created by the atoms,
and is emanating from our deepest selves. Any energy as
sentiment is issued, so it is real, it is within everyone. Emanation
shows us the truth, atoms show you a fictional reality, you must
have eyes to see. always remember.
Asirvadam namaskar.

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07/09/2016 10:43

I want to start this new chapter, with two entries that I consider
very helpful. There are many times a person shows what many
others thought, but for one reason or another were not able to get
them inside. The first person told me the following:

I'm new to all this, but what yesterday has helped me try to delve
a bit and clarify some things. I hope gradually get better
understanding everything.
This exposed boldly. Of that shown, without thinking too much,
because I think my teachers helped me, to me came to me:
He thinks we're all here to learn, because the exchange not only of
words but of power, is the deepest we can convey. This fills us
with a deep draft and an exacerbated effect, this gives us a special
contribution to our being recognized again that which to him
comes, and thus the vibration is becoming more aware. Veras
little by little feeling anger.
The second question was as follows.
Why, Brahma, is masculine?
To which my conclusion had to be wider so he could understand
the reality of what he sought.
Faced with this question Blavatsky tells us the following: Brahma
is aSanskrit word. It is very important thatthe student
distinguish betweenBrahma, neuter,Y Brahma,male, the creator of
the Hindu Pantheon. First,Brahma,or Brahman, is the
impersonal, supreme and unknowable Principle of the universe,
all of whose essence emanates and to which everything returns as
it is incorporeal, immaterial, unborn, eternal, without beginning
or end. It is omnipresent, omni penetrating, soul from God loftiest
even the smallest mineral atom. Brahma, neutral with to the short

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page83

end, or Brahman, is the Supreme, the Absolute, the supreme
Divinity, the universal Spirit and eternal, full, penetrates, he
sustains and animates the whole universe; It is the beginning and
end of all beings, they all emanate from Him, and to Him,
everyone returns to finish the Kalpa. In some passagesBhagavad
Gita,the voice Brahma equivalent to "nature" or "matter", and
others seem to mean the Vedas.
After this wonderful clarification of the meaning, and a little
history of Brahma. I consider absolutely necessary to distinguish
between Brahma andBrahma.
Brahma, term which also comes from Sanskrit, and what it says is
this.It is the declared male Creator; There is only periodically in
its manifestation, and then reenters thepralaya, that is, it
disappears and is annihilated. Brahma, male, with to the long end
(to), It is the God or creator Principle of the Universe, or in other
words, is the temporary personification of the creative power
ofBrahma. There is only periodically during the period of
manifestation in the world, after which disappears and returns to
Brahma, Which he proceeded. Brahm, together with Vishnu and
Siva, form theTrimurti or Hindu Trinity.
This tells usBlavatskyI try to explain to me what comes to me,
and this is the following:
Brahma, not Brahma,It is a finite being in the incarnation of
creation. Creation always need of duality, to develop its existence,
is this the way it is, which is why Brahma It should help Vishnu,
and If you,to move forward. But when this Brahmain your
conscious emanation is an infinite being, this is something that
can not be determined, it is an energy entity, of pure power,
formless. At that time you do not need duality in order to have his
immortal existence.
Brahma Vishnu feeds, and If you, to create.
Nevertheless If you,and Vishnu. They are issued not created, are a
part of energy Brahma. Brahma would be zero, non-
manifestation, which emanatesBrahma, and which is 1, 2, will be
If you. Union of the energy of Brahma and Siva, arises 3, which

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is Vishnu. This give way to other major gods 100,000, as each god
in turn gives creating new gods, and so continuously.
In Chinese philosophy, also it contemplates this procedure.
Remember that the most important thing is, when Brahmais not
manifestation, it is zero. But you must understand that zero is
everything, but nothing appears on the outside. Once it manifests
it does inBrahma, the one, which of the exhales, or emanates two
renumbered If youOf them three, which is Vishnu.
Zero was the last known number, because he could transcend out
nine. Think for a second that this supposed limitation. The
universe was produced to conceive zero in all its manifestation.
With this primary expression is achieved emanation give to one,
the two, three. Thus begins the creation, which ends up
manifested in the more than ten thousand beings.
Just think for a second that if we put the numbers name, what
happens is what we've already seen. when Brahma manifest, it
emanates Brahm, subsequently Power Brahma emanate the two
great gods, which are: Vishnu, and If you. Which it indicates that
this separation of the sexes, male and female emerged.
InsideBrahma, is masculine and feminine, it is an androgynous
being, which means it's all, like it is Brahma,which is zero. Non-
manifestation, this means that only emanated from theBrahma,
who like him is an androgynous but more limited being. Therefore
what reaches both the distinction is the limitation of each other.

5. SUTRA aspect Parambrahma, consisting love Knowing is

Kutastha Chaitanya. Being, Individual, as his manifestation, is
one with Him.
First of all expose the meaning of the word omniscient, which
means: is one who knows everything, he even know what's going
Parambrahma appearance consisting of the Omniscient Love is
Kutastha Chaitanya.
Remember who is Parambrahma? He is us from the point of view
that we are studying.

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Parambrahma appearance consisting of the Omniscient Love is
Kutastha Chaitanya.
Therefore the appearance, or the visible form of what we are, is the
omniscient love. I have set up which means omniscient, so I think
it's good to ask these questions. Do you know your external love,
and internally ?, Can you conceive of love at all? How many
times we have spoken to embrace the trees, to feel, to open
themselves to the love that is in everything. When you come to
feel that pure love in what you are, then your transformation, it
will be producing great strides, as this will mean that feel together
your reality, all that surrounds you can also feel with force your
When you are able to remove the veil of Isis, the veil that obscures
you beyond your nose, from that moment you can observe life as
it really is.
Parambrahma appearance consisting of the Omniscient Love is
Kutastha Chaitanya.
It tells us, the visible shape of each of us is love that transcends
everything and is aware of everything. The moment that you
succeed without looking, without thinking it appears at the time
when love becomes an absolute in you, at that moment can feel the
energy around. This is the moment we arrived to a greater
transformation of our inner being. Here Kutastha called
Chaitanya, this is a word that comes from the Sanskrit. Kutastha
root portion, which means eternal, exalted, immutable, etc. And
Chaitanya, soul, consciousness, etc. The Uttara Gita puts us in
the following way: That which remains as mere passive witness
between Hamsa, and no Hamsa, this is the Paramatma, the moral
of the human being, is the imperishable spirit, Akchara Purucha,
as Kutastha Chaitanya. The latter expression is equivalent to
double Atman Buddhi, ie the union of the two highest principles
of the human constitution.
That ye might have a concept, a notion of what is love and what is
hate, this is enough to poderos get an idea of what this place you
can carry. Remember that we do not need a leg break us know that
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page86
this is very painful, because we know it is pain, and for him since
childhood spent in repeated cycles.
When our conscience is dilated, and walk the middle path, as we
have understood what is our freedom, and what it consists. From
that moment that our journey is not inclined to either side,
because we know the two sides now have the option of free choice.
Right now no longer need to internalize looking for it, because
from that moment we are free, it helps us understand that we've
been locked up long time.
If ye PARAIS to study some words used here will realize that we
are talking about, that internal and external part, you can feel a
great love, but think for a second if we leave it inside, if not
manifest outwardly, this limits us and keeps us growing. Or
conversely think of the feeling that makes you believe, you feel like
exhaling outward, and returns to the interior, helping us to
always grow. But when this love is not categorical, it is not real,
it will further limits. As you remain in a painful fantasy.
Indeed here it speaks to you as always for the two sides, physical
and spiritual. What in the spiritual side feels depends after the
physical let it emerge. For many are the times that feeling starts
from the inside, but ends up being a different one which manifests
on the outside.
We must learn to be complete beings from inside, outside and
from outside to inside. Love is the greatest of energies.
Even that great inner god must evolve. Now that he is free inside
you must learn to be inside and out. It is absolutely necessary to
be one inside as well as outside, it does evolve, develop, this will
take you to really be a teacher, a god.
5. SUTRA aspect Parambrahma, consisting love Knowing is
Kutastha Chaitanya. The individual self, as his manifestation, is
one with Him.
The individual self, as his manifestation, is one with Him.
But to be a complete statement, you must accept the individuality
of each of the parties must understand you assume a part born of
emanation, and another creation. Both sides once you are here, in
this dimension, and arrive to be aware of it, from that moment
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page87
you will understand the following: In this dimension requires us
to use a body, which is created by thousands of millions of small
beings, they form it so that each of us can have the great
experience that life offers us.
Therefore you must be consistent with it, and cherish it, as
thousands of millions of people have their existence in that body
which you dwell. They like you, have come to this dimension to
enjoy their experience. These are not so aware with what is your
life, and thereby provide what to your body. A cell can not
understand all the magnificence that is your existence, she can
only understand what their union forms, only that structure
which it is part.
They not even together can understand the full magnitude of
what they are forming, each cell, each atom has its individual
existence, each of them has a job in his life, just as we establish
each of us in this society. Each of us can do their job, like atoms
and cells, have the option to observe how great it is anything that
we can comprehend.
While each is a unique, which when in conjunction with other
does work, can go to outer space or create buildings etc. Such has
as do atoms, and cells. Even imagine for a moment that every
planet is an independent being, which can also join his brothers in
their work, and thereby create wonderful galaxies, black holes etc.
Thousands of items of which we can not carry our imagination.
But as an individual, it is a being with its unique existence, like
each of us. They like us, they face the confines of the physical
universe, and spiritual. Each is committed to try to understand,
just to conceive a wayplus realistic internalizing everything to
everyone, we get, not knowing what to every step we can ensue.
You need to understand this wehelp toit can be to conceive a
certain way. By understanding this primary awakening our inner
being is ready Hallam to desmigajar that vague knowledge that all
parties must be consistent just pick it up at the right time. We are
ethereal and physical beings, when time either one way or the
other, just feel like you can enjoy that wonderful love, which
produces the conscious perception of what we are. Impregnate the
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page88
external, and internal, with that pure energy. All have a meaning
at that time, a force, and a different feeling and be born to stay.
I want you to put this much attention. Love is the great vital
energy, which look down on take or understand it as carnal. It is
necessary that you understand that love is enormous, that love is
always there, we should try to collect anything, do not try to find
anything. To find love is only necessary to open up to him.
Only by understanding from the infinity of his power, likening
from our finite consciousness, from our deep knowledge. For love
produce abundant loftiest understanding, which can assure are a
small part, we can not even guess everything it can be. Until love
comes with all his power, open to us bringing what we need every
time, for love comforts us, gives us courage, etc. Only love always
gives us what we need.
When you meditate do not seek more than love in you, inside and
It is the much-maligned love, so stupidly carried lie. A large
majority of beings, just come to the notion of affection, control,
etc. And they call that love. Have the perception that love only
exists through the couple when reality shows us that love it is in
every tiny part of this world, as he enters each of you, because
love was already in you . Remember, nothing can pick it no longer
within you.
Although this I am going to say it sounds weird, it's a great
truth. LoveIt does not recognize differences between sexes. He
does not recognize shapes, or places. Love is one and one must
admit it is. Love comes to all alike. The big mistake we are, trying
to understand it, to distinguish it and use it under different
labels, we are human beings, that we destroy love.

Sutra 5:How can you pick a fight? You also will have a better life.
How can you pick a fight? (Budha).
How can you pick a fight? You also will have a better life.
I would like for a moment that pensaseis in a fight that you have
marked. Tell me, these two parts we have tried, internal or
external. What is the altered ?, What is disturbed first ?, inside or
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page89
outside ?, The spiritual part, or animal part? Go away for a
second that memory, rememorad that lived experience at some
point in your existence which was evoked the confrontation.
Centraros which of the two parties first was altered, Think about
it. First your minds, your energy, mental spiritual part, whatever
you want to define it, is what is flooded by thousands of signals.
They all bring a feeling that transports our energy body. And our
internal derangement is energetically altered by seconds. So there
you have the answer to the asked questions, it is that inner part
that first one is altered.
Understand that in your interior we can find feelings like
arrogance, conceit, arrogance, contempt, etc. They are all part of
the sick ego, because at that moment is that whoever active
affront. Any of these pieces of your spiritual being, are disrupted,
so always resorted to defending that which is external, and that is
occurring, unfortunately it ends up escaping our control. At the
very moment you see this part of being injured, pride grows in a
moment after giving rise to the part of the ego, it spurs you to
make that person feel, strong and wise you are. Instinctively, you
start through the word, strength, and negative energy, through
the prosecution Procures stay above your opponent. Therefore
what we need is to commit ourselves to work on our inside. Thus
we endeavor to always keep our feelings in check and not let
feelings, we have submitted to us.
The ego produces this primary collision, thereby starts the
internal handling. This only comes to producing at the time when
our ego is sick. It is quite unlikely that this should occur
otherwise. Think for a second, when everything is balanced ego is
just what it represents, it is the ego, when the ego is, there is no
problem handling.
But now let us place ourselves at the moment when the sick ego
can not take more, this has grown enormously, exhibiting in our
minds a multitude of different messages, which come to us
through that series of ill feeling and fantastic. Once these feelings
make explode our most primal instincts, comes a new and

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page90

destructive message. This is he who unleashes such tremendous
energy, which automatically exhale outside the meanest violence.
This first is usually verbal, but if the other guy continues his
opposition, our ego is overcome by the power of the word. Just
then it takes us feel the warmth of theignorance, which leads us to
awaken and strengthen the animal part. That heat rises until it
automatically being given step, and control the dense part. That is
the time when physical violence begins. At that moment one is
still aware of what happens, There could still stop this vile act of
violence, for no act of violence should be carried out as a
justification. The problem occurs when a second later, violence
becomes so brutal that the animal comes into play, and it
disappears being evolved to only present a social entity loses all
control of what you are doing. Think for a second what I have
already said, but remarked here observe that when the animal
takes the reins, the inner man, bone what we really are gone. any
controls and any awareness of what is happening is lost. Actually
I ask, think, rethink, we can not let that part which each have,
which really is what we need to pull away from our reality. As I
say if we let this Animal entity ever take more and more
consciousness, one will eventually disappear. The man eventually
regress to get back to a wild state, almost entirely, which survival
will be all for it, as happens to any animal. It is necessary to stop
and think that the animal remains within us, in that part attached
to the physical body, which has not yet developed a conscious
The only thing that can stop the animal's internal and external
knowledge, and pure feeling, deep love. Some animals, or mostly,
ignoring the insects as they remain a world apart. Animals
express and feel love, deeper feelings. But barely they conceive a
moment retention of these feelings becomes less extensive in time.
Of course always depend on the animal, because your time is also
very different from ours, therefore we consider a minute,
depending on the life of each one of these beings, that minute is an
hour, or even a much longer time.

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It is absolutely necessary that we reach an understanding in
which we reach observe how other living beings manifest love.
What species can separate us, it is that discernment of a state of
inner consciousness, and different. Remember that if you want a
dog much is certain he will never tell you, he loves you from his
soul, he is not that body. This will never come to understand. I
find it sad even claim that much of humanity does not understand
well. So perhaps we should stop and think that we are not so
different from animals as we thought at first.
How can you pick a fight? You also will have a better life.
So here exposed understand that violence can not rise, rather sink
into a deep physical condition, in a way to remove ourselves from
the rest of our bodies.
Porting this knowledge, we grabbed us a constant evolution of the
inner self, of what we understand as an existence, as we got to be.
If a day comes which surpass the physical man, then nothing need
him. None of this bodily entity will specify, as a vehicle he nor
will we need. From that moment he will become the physical body
with its primary energy, but nothing else, he will be just one more
Transport animals when they die their energy to a form of
transient universe, which is in a lower phase which man occupies,
therefore violence only leads to involution.

SUTRA 6.Atom, under the influence of Chit, universal

knowledge, forms the Chita or that state in which the mind is
calm. Al spiritualized, this is called Buddhi, the Intelligence. Its
opposite is Manas, the Mind, in which dwells Jiva: the
Ahamkaara be infused, or Ego, the concept of separation of
individual existence.
Atom, under the influence of Chit, universal knowledge, forms
the Chita or that state in which the mind is calm. Al spiritualized,
this is called Buddhi, the Intelligence.
The atom under the influence of Chit, or universal knowledge.

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Let's see what we can find the Chit definition, as each word comes
from the root latelySanskrit. Which means:pure or abstract
consciousness. Intelligence, consciousness, mind, thought,
perception, heart. Among the yogis,Chit It is synonymous with
Mahat, the first and divine intellect. This leads us to seek the
word Mahat, but behold as he tells us that Chit is pure
knowledge, pure wisdom. Let's continue with Mahat. A new way
to analyze or word.Mahat,or Mahant, its root is Sanskrit literally
means Big. First Principle of universal or cosmic consciousness
and intelligence. In the Puranic philosophy it is the first product
of the radical nature orPradhana,that is the Mûlaprakriti; the
producerManas,thinker and the principle Ahaṅ kāra,egotism or
feeling of "I am" in the lower Manas.Mahat is the name par
excellence, is given to Buddhi,or Mahâbuddhi, Intellect or
intellectual principle. It also means: big, vast, abundant,
numerous, large, powerful, prominent, illustrious, etc.
Atom, under the influence of Chit (universal knowledge) forms
the Chita or that state in which the mind is calm.
Notice that speaks to you the moment the unit or atom under the
influence of universal knowledge, or Chit, reaches a state in which
the individual mind is calm and complete.
Consider for a moment the concrete knowledge that we can give
bone existence through understanding, it is defined and finite.
But universal knowledge, could not be understood or assimilated,
because of its nature is infinite. This knowledge will be forever,
and everywhere without limits. Because at the time it had a
limitation, from that moment, it could no longer be universal,
because a finite knowledge would become. Therefore it is
universal, infinite, this occurs because the atom enters an
immutable peace. Let's pass the individual. Being in a persistent
evolution, like the atom, at that time in an individual state. At the
moment this being evolved to Gnosis understood, when he reaches
the internalization of essential knowledge. In that evolved or
enlightened being, he reaches universal knowledge, this leads him
to understand that state and energy that it produces. This

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page93

transmutes, in a being totally calm, which transcendsplusBeyond
the physical, the production of what most believe and states.
When this comes mental calmness, serenity lavish spreads abroad,
reaching any entity approach. From that moment we consider
wisdom, or Sophia, which is as broad as the universal knowledge.
Think of the time when you go to meditate, Reckon up for a
second what happens. If we are realistic when we begin to
meditate, hundreds of thoughts, sounds and sensations attack us,
this is so. Well before flying, we must know how to walk.
The great trick of all meditation is to stop giving importance to
esses thoughts, sounds, sensations, etc. At the moment we got to
get to that space of silence and peace. Which leaves us in an
immense tranquility in this territory without borders. When we
are there, that is Buddhahood, a state of calm, harmony, and
Atom, under the influence of Chit, universal knowledge, forms
the Chita, or that state in which the mind is calm. Al
spiritualized, this is called Buddhi, the Intelligence.
Notice that even shows us a big step, he tells us that at the time in
which it is spiritualized, reaches that state called Buddhi.
Brushing up against states such high mutation and improvement,
from that moment one is no longer aware of her body, which
occupies the room, not knowing of nothing but itself. At that
moment we are only there in that deep peace. When you reach
that state of consciousness from there you can go without being
very careful about it, anywhere in the time you decide. Therefore
the unit to leave the state of ignorance, without having to take a
job in common, must discover the area in which knowledge
penetrate inside. As a result we get to this state of profound peace,
eternal cognition. Most of the time we should not try to control
what happens to us, because at the time of doing so, we are
putting a hook to the physical body, which will not let you
immerse yourself in this universal knowledge, for him you will
continue trailers.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page94

SUTRA 6. The Atom, under the influence of Chit, universal
knowledge, forms the Chita or that state in which the mind is
calm. Al spiritualized, this is called Buddhi, the Intelligence. Its
opposite is Manas, the Mind, in which dwells Jiva: the
Ahamkaara be infused, or Ego, the concept of separation of
individual existence.
Al spiritualized, this is called Buddhi, the Intelligence. Its
opposite is Manas, the Mind, in which dwells Jiva: the Ahamkara
or Ego imbued be, the concept of separation of individual
Let's turn to the second part, Manas, or mind. I want to first of
all express what you can bring this word because it is very broad
meaning.Manas or Manah is a term that comes from the Sanskrit,
tells us it is the mind, the mental faculty which makes man an
intelligent, moral being, and distinguishes the gross single; It is
synonymous withMahat. However, when not specified,
meansEgosuperior, or the sentient principle, which reincarnates
in man. When you are qualified, it is called by
TheosophistsBuddhi Manas, Or spiritual soul, in
contradistinction to its human reflection, the Kama Manas.
Manas, the fifth principle of the human constitution, derives its
name from the Sanskrit rootman, Think, and means the actual
mind, the thinker, what us think,egowhich reincarnates him
repeatedly accumulating the experience gained in earthly life.
This principle is dual in its essence, and hence its division into
Manas, or lower intelligence, terrestrial, which is closely linked
with the animal soul,KAMAY Manas,or superior intelligence,
related toatmaY Buddhi. Vehicle or instrument of the spiritual
soul, Buddhi. We can also find a reflection of the higher Manas,
along with theBuddhi YAtmanConstitutes the upper Triad,
evergreen, while the lower Manas, attached to the lower principles
physical body, etheric double vital principle, and animal soul, the
lower quaternary form, that is,personality transient. HeManasIn
man, it is the reflection of the Universal Mind, or the third
constituent principle of the universe, counting from the bottom
up. Rama Prasad. HeManas of theosophical literature should not
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page95
be confused with the Sankhya philosophy. According to the
latter,Manas is the internal organ of perception and knowledge,
common sensorium or internal sense which regulates and governs
the action of the senses; analyzer is the impressions that they
receive; the principle that combines, synthesizes and develops
feelings transforming them into rudimentary concepts, which are
then transmitted toAhaṅ kāra andBuddhi. It is also the faculty
feels, desires, doubt, think, runs and reflect; impulsive mind that
incites operate the five organs of action. So in that system,
voiceManas It comes to mean: mind, thought, soul, mind, heart,
feeling; intelligence, reason, knowledge, intention, will,
inclination, desire, disposition, etc. FrequentlyManas It is
included among the indriyas.
I do not want to stop here to explain what the Manas is
lower.This is the mind, or terrestrial intelligence, which currently
dominates the human species. It is closely linked with the animal
soul, why designates theManas lower with the name of Kama
ManasDeeply selfish and passionate as it applies intelligence to
the satisfaction of desires, passions and instincts of the human
beast, to achieve a refinement of the pleasures of the senses and
give rise to certain aberrations and anomalies they put man below
the brute. To this Mephistopheles meant when, speaking of the
man, directed the Lord these words: A little better live, if you had
not given this glimpse of the celestial light, which gives the name
of reason, and not used if there to be more bestial than any beast.
The lower Manas is what makes the personality is considered like
me and deceived by the feeling of separation, it is judged distinct
and separate from others, Yos, without seeing the unit that is
above what they can achieve the senses. The lower Manas acts as
instinct in animals.
I also found the definition of Manas KAMA also comes
fromSanskrit.Literal mind means: The mind of desire or passion.
Among the Buddhists, is the sixth of theChadâyatanaor are the
six organs of perception or knowledge, hence the highest of these,
synthesized by the seventh, calledKlichta, spiritual perception of
what vitiates this Manas lower, or another name the animal
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page96
human soul. Just like himManas or higher Ego It is directly
related to the vijnana,the tenth of the twelvenidanasWhich is the
perfect knowledge of all forms of knowledge, whether relating to
the object or subject in the nidânico chain of causes and effects,
the lower theKama ManasIt is just one of the indriyas or organs
roots meaning. Thus it may be mentioned only superficially.
With what is stated here might be enough, but I want to bring
you the meaning of all forms of Manas, since according to the text
to study, what we're directing it, changes considerably.
Manas sanyarna or Manas Samyama. Perfect concentration of
mind and mastery of it during practices Yoga.
Manas sutratma. This compound word means: Mind and soul
thread. It stands forEgo, or entity that it reincarnates. It is a
technical term of Vedantic philosophy.
Higher Manas.Only rarely it manifested in this period of human
evolution. It is the most noble and sublime aspect of the mind, the
immortal principle of ego. Heegopermanent and imperishable,
that in its evolutionary march, will collect all the higher
experiences, and tends ceaselessly traced to the spiritual
soul,Buddhi,the eternal, the divine. After repeated birth, the entire
Manas acquires sublime condition, reconcentrated in
individuality, and man, purified and full of absolute altruism,
illuminated by lightManas top, enjoy the view of the inner eye,
pure intuition, and becomes a true genius, a Mahatma. Then the
man fully acquires free will, and will always work according to
the Divine Law. Another superior powers of Manas is called
Kriyasakti, or the mysterious power of thought which enables it to
produce external, perceptible phenomenal results by its own
inherent energy.
Manas taijasa. Literally: Manas radiant; a state ofEgo higher
than only the greatest metaphysicians are able to conceive and
understand. It is the human soul,Manasilluminated by radiation
As we have seen, there would be clear conception of manas in this
Sutra, if we had not discussed here the different ways to use this

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page97

word, and meaning that the phrase acquired it. As in this Sûtra it
SUTRA 6. The Atom, under the influence of Chit, universal
knowledge, forms the Chita or that state in which the mind is
calm. Al spiritualized, this is called Buddhi, the Intelligence. Its
opposite is Manas, the Mind, in which dwells Jiva: the
Ahamkaara be infused, or Ego, the concept of separation of
individual existence.
In he is speaking of that lower Manas, in as close to meat and will
not allow us under any circumstances, that you may be free in
your evolution. He is by all means not marchéis, by fears that this
will produce the lower self or carnal, it assail us with those
sounds, sensations, and thoughts. They shake your being with his
stridency, thus defying to your deep peace, they do not let us
reach the state of internal intelligence, the transition space
vacuum, to that place where each of us without without
dominations body arrived to be the reality of whatwe are, all that
we represent.The ego, mind, and everything that is conceived as
morality, are the chains that do not allow us to be free, not even in
a mental state in which each of us should be masters of our
existence. Nothing and no one could reach the Buddhic state of
meditation, stringing letting ego and feelings that this leads us to
produce, in an internal virtual space behave as in life itself. One
can be a complete individual, when he is aware of what it really is,
and what you really want. Because people mostly move by reflex,
by instinct as well. When the movement is reflexively follow each
other, and only want what others have, there's the sick ego, and
all its allies. They are part of you, but in turn are to blame for not
allowing you to be an independent unit. One is the outer self in
union with the inner self, when this binding occurs, one is the one
who knows, who has the need at all times to be himself, for it no
longer has that compared. In this existence when one reaches the
point of not having to follow anyone, or compared to move
forward. This is due to the leap in its evolution that allows you to
be who he really is. No matter what they think or what they try
us. At the very moment when we have reached that point of inner
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page98
wisdom, we must be consistent in one thing. Once this point is
reached quite impossible to backtrack, because when you get to
know each other, you can not go into hiding.
We can also see that move instinctively. Just think for a second
that our being is fraught with primal instincts. They are the
inferior aspect of Manas,that is their instinctive principle, which
is attracted to the Kâma the seat of desires and animal passions.
Defined as animal Monad, and as animals aspectsdefense which
warn us of different times and needs. As they can be from an
attack and how to defense or escape, how to get food. But even
though they all seem to touch something very beneficial to be able
to stay alive, it is necessary for us to consider, and we conclude
that these states, we do not differ in any of the animals. This
primal instinct combined with inspiration, which I must dwell a
little on what this humble word we want to expose, because it
says nothing, it only vulgarized to expose the spoken or written
word, however itgenerally it not quite knows what it is. It can be
said that there is a wealth of inspiration that comes from our
teachers, the true leaders of humanity, which suggest or projected
in the mind of man's ideas, it, usually do not have to do more
than express them in its way by word or in writing. But we
should reconsider, how often this happens, however modified by
the ego, we say good idea I've had, I'm ready, which brings us to
this form of communication increasingly look more diminished.
True inspiration is distinguished from the inner energy
manipulation, what I mean, when such an invocation. In the
latter, the subject is passive, it remains exposed to the influence of
any astral entity, which is in the vicinity, we think we control the
time, since it is we who carry it out, nothing is further from the
When a man is under such influence, is an unconscious ignorant,
because at that time the biggest mistake, as I said is, be he who
believes it controls the situation. But reality tells us that nothing
knows what he is doing, what book this action your body, you can
not even tell who is manipulating, which is more serious
remembers nothing of what happened to wake up.
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page99
While in the state of inspiration from the Masters, man remains
conscious of everything he does, knows who lends fragments of
expression, we can follow with great interest everything that
happens, and all remember him clearly. Other times Inspiration
comes from Ego one, the superior or divine self, even in this case
the inner self does is guide or exposing the solution to an issue
that otherwise would be almost impossible for us having been able
to solve.
In other cases the inspired ideas come from outside, from someone
else in the astral world, or higher or lower beings who inhabit the
higher planes, must think that when we disincarnate we neither
have the option of being able communicate with the carnal world
or dimension in which we find ourselves, we can only do it in ten
or twenty days immediately after death. To communicate with the
deceased be more time, always take place through one of our
After this exhibition I strongly ask that you consider thoroughly
every thought, suggestions according to their own intrinsic value,
we should not believe too easily any suggestion of this kind we
get, as long as we are not completely sure of the source of
inspiration sometimes even the idea that we should lower it looks
bright reality of the body to check what makes us feel. Therefore
we should not reject any of a thoughtless way, but it should not be
allowed to blind some things just because we arrive. For example
an ornate with that message at that time we would like to solve.
Or, take us to understand something, a name, an image with an
attractive appearance, etc. Think no shortage beings who have
genuine desire to deceive. These beings as you know need your
negative energy, and they are perversely skilled in the art of
Therefore I ask you to bring your knowledge always, to an
internalization and understanding of what comes to you.
Parthian east of a primary structure or a wonderful inspiration.
For all this we can route to be part and consequence of that
universal knowledge, which can grasp it in our wisdom, not in

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page100

the mental part, or Manas, rather independent part you express
the reality of what you are.
The imbued with Ahamkara, or Ego being, the concept of
separation of individual existence. This word Ahaṅ kāra,or
Ahamkara, comes from Sanskrit. she describesthe concept of "I",
the self-awareness or self-identity, the feeling of one's personality,
the "I", the egotistical, and mayavic,beginning of man, because of
our ignorance which separates our "I" yo unique and universal.
Individuality, personalism, pride, selfishness, egotism, the feeling
of self-consciousness or be personal. It is the principle by which
we acquire the feeling of one's personality, the illusory notion that
not I, or physical, bodily, or subject. It is the spiritual self, that is,
that we are, we act, we enjoy, suffer, etc. Referring all actions to
Me, which is inactive, immutable and mere spectator of all acts of
Think of this, here I express something that later I want to stress
this, this is the differentiations between that I, external, what we
give, and show others. And that inner self, which is the reality of
what we are. The ego is the ego, and the ego. For the inner self
metaphysical self it is what we are when it is in its standard state.
But he is also part of the physical self, when it is closest to the
Think for a second about what I comment below. In the same
instant that transcend meditation, when that time comes we
detach us from the body. Physical ego, that we develop in this
state of consciousness, concludes that there is something more
than him. At that point the physical self, understands that there is
a rude away from the state. Which is beyond what I could imagine
that social, the same distancing is what this ego led him to feel
that he was the only one. Thus the ego, that physical I can not
allow marche consciousness that form of higher self. This
unsettles him, he can not understand what is really is not that
indivisible unity, but rather is a divided entity. The self that
transcends and I who embodies both are the ego.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page101

Each being is conceived under the experience of superior
knowledge, which reaches deep inside. At the moment we are able
to understand, from that moment awakens in us calm in the
physical self, or lower Manas. Caged that I begin to make progress
towards an irremediable awakening. Receive without being able to
understand at a first time, the rays of Buddha consciousness, the
higher self. In the same interval of peace, light reception, and
knowledge. One begins to be able to look and see who really is.
But to achieve this, one must try before overcoming your ego,
your mind, and everything with what society invite you to feel
that you are. For you are an individual being, and incomparable.
So you are each of you.
Asirvadam Namaskar.

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16/7/2016 / 10.42
From this point I would like fortalecieseis your attention, because
what follows is already a knowledge of a very high spiritual
status. It is therefore necessary to determine your senses from this
moment as necessary everything here, from this moment we will
expose. We start with explaining the Sutras from 7 to 10.
Sutras. 7 to 10. Chita, the spiritualized Atom, in which
Ahamkara appears, the idea of the separate being, existence has
five manifestations, electricities belonging to the ether. These five
electricities belonging to ether are the causal body Purusha.
Through its three attributes or Gunas. Sattva, positive, Rajas,
neutralizer, and Tamas, negative, the five electricities, Pancha
Tattwa, give rise to Guianendriyas, organs, Karmendriyas,
organs of action, and Tanmatras, sense objects. These fifteen
attributes, plus the mind, and intelligence, are subtle seventeen
members, Lingasarira or subtle body.

SUTRAS 7 to 10 Chita, the spiritualized Atom, in which

Ahamkara appears, the idea of separate existence of Being, has five
manifestations, electricities belonging to the ether.

Before we begin to know the meaning of Ahamkara or Ahamkara,

Madame Blavatsky our beloved gives us a great contribution on
it. Ahamkara or Ahamkara. Sanskrit word attributed to the
concept of "I", the self-awareness or self-identity; the feeling of
one's personality, the "I", the egotistical, and mayavic, beginning
of man, because of our ignorance which separates our "I" of
universal only one. Individuality, personalism, pride, selfishness,
egotism, the feeling of self-consciousness or be personal. It is the
principle by which we acquire the feeling of one's personality, the
illusory notion that not I, as a body, matter is the Self, Spirit, that
is, that we are, we act, we enjoy, suffer, etc. All actions referring
to me, which is inactive, immutable and mere spectator of all acts
of life.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page103

Remember that in the previous Sutra, we've played a little this, I
told you that aclararíamos more broadly, it is time to extend these
concepts. Think for a moment what is here Sutra says. If ye really
PARAIS to look at it from the inside, perhaps we reach a similar
conclusion. In my humble view, I could solve this beginning we
have before us, as the solution, and forgetting the true self, or
inner self, for it down to the reality that in this life we present and
we as true, and unique. What we do is bring the lower ego reality
of self, to feel a death, a final, with the vehicle is determined that
the ego, that I am. This is part of this finite existence of being, this
will take you to the limitation of time and space, and not only we
condition bitterly, if not that sick all primary feelings, or those
from the physical state , the denser state of being, the lower
That's the part I earthly or physical, which is separated from the
sublime I, the transcendental Self.
Because of this separation, this denial of complementation, fits
within us always feel the lack of a void, an absence, lack really
noticed is the omission of the other party we are, that I. The
forgotten see this other part of our reality, involves a great danger
which means that at the moment to appreciate that part of our
divinity, we feel frightened. This will reach a point where we do
not recognize.
We can achieve this situation by the knowledge that we have
acquired in this social entity, stop listening to our inner voice,
which sometimes part of our ascended master, and others of that
higher self. For this reason we can reach that state of
unconsciousness, to this form of inner ignorance, because it can
fall into oblivion of our divine being, what we are and always will
be. It is necessary that do not spurn that God is the inner
manifestation and outside of self, all that energy, vibration, and
speed, all being aware of what it is. All bodies involving every
part of our being, our self, and our power that resides in them.
We are at this time and in this place facing that part of the
separate self, the physical, or lower. Believes that part of it is
conscious it is the only one that has an existence. That is why you
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page104
should look to an external creator. Well as I said I that great
deprivation, more exalted, we will search for what we fail to
decipher, as this is much more magnanimous than everyone can
come to personify in this existence.
Humans have forgotten that part of the Creator, to be
unknowable, which has inside. This has changed in order to look
abroad to fill their lack stereotypes, lack of energy intensity. That
is why everyone must find the courage to find that I, that higher
Manas. Which is expected to be consummated in the unity of the
self, plus the self. This is the way in which thought should be
given to awaken, to be able to join with that which is beyond what
our stereotypical knowledge exposes us.
This kind of knowledge, eventually can not fight with the truth,
because no further than ourselves, is the sleeping part which tells
us: Listen to me because I'm here.
Trying to unite with the inside, is our end, that way we can
graduate, beyond where we came. In order to consciously go, but
without letting fenezca our body. As well as great beings largely
succeeded. As he could be, for example Buddha, Christ and even if
this was once embodied.
I hope this a little clearer from this moment, energy correlation,
and the separation car we infringe, and subject us from the
outside, to annul the truth of what we are, which we are more
than a whole being on the outside, and interior.
Chita, the spiritualized Atom, in which Ahamkara appears, bone
appears as a manifestation outer self. The idea of separate
existence of Being, has five manifestations, electricities belonging
to the ether.
You remember the five koshas or five bodies, let's give now but
before I make a small section that will be worth as clarification.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is the sacred number five par
excellence, since it is based on the five movements in the five
accented organs, and the five major organs, which are the energy
of the body. In and through the movement of the first circles, and
these may represent an organ, it involves a color, odor, etc. It
teaches us how everything depends, and is twinned fused in their
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page105
existence to the rest of the other four bodies that can personify. All
this gives the existential force occupying the body. This shows us
that inner universe, it would be nothing without the external.
Complementation of both ultimately results in the coarse or dense
body. Like the self, or lower Manas represents the lower ego here,
nothing would be without the I, or higher Manas that transcends
beyond space and time.
In this first clarification hope remain entirely clarified what he
intended to expose you. Remember that knowledge is your ally,
and need as much as the food.
We march quickly to the different ways of understanding the
Sutra, but the word Chita much attention to me and I intend to
break it down a little more, if possible. It comes fromChit,pure or
abstract consciousness. Intelligence, consciousness, mind,
thought, perception, heart. Among the yogis,Chit It is
synonymous with Mahat, the first and divine intellect. As in the
previous Sutra we could see.Atom, under the influence of Chit,
universal knowledge, forms the Chita or that state in which the
mind is calm. We talk about the cheetah as the state of mind
crying. As we see are states of great depth as the wordMahat or
Mahant, which means the largest. First Principle of
consciousness and universal intelligence or cosmic. In the
Puranic philosophy, it is the first product of the radical nature
orPradhana, that is the Mûlaprakriti; the producerManas thinker
principle, andAhaṅ kāra. Word that we discovered at the
beginning of this Sutra.
It's time to return to the Sutra which says:
Chita, the spiritualized Atom, in which Ahamkara appears, bone
appears as a manifestation outer self. The idea of separate
existence of Being, has five manifestations, electricities belonging
to the ether.
As we have already conceived expose the differences between our
lower and higher self. Then it tells us that the separate
manifestations idea to be has five five electricities belonging to the

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page106

I do not want to dwell too much on this word because later I will
will discuss a long result of its meaning while the ether what we
can call that invisible fluid that fills the space transmitter all
manifestations of energy.
It means that in every manifestation in which energy is
discovered, whatever it may be, in the space of transmission of
that energy is the etheric fluid, such as:
When we perform a healing in which we lay our hands well before
touching the patient, the ether and is between the patient and us,
this is why energy is transmitted there where it should. With this
you can also comprise the distance healing, such as ether help this
energy not disintegrate or force is lost because it is surrounded by
the etheric density, which is formed as a channel that helps
transporting said energy , where it should arrive. Entended as
this that energy is not lost, it is a lot of energy left in the etheric
space is still there up to where it should be, and at the right time.
That is why you must think that many beings during their
existence in this living space, called third dimension, or gross
dimension. Here they have left a certain energy for a right time
and a particular person in this etheric space. That is why we are
often surprised by a certain energy, which comes to us without
warning, without knowing exactly happened, because we could
not say from whom we have received, let alone where he has come,
and much less than that time that energy come to us arrived. Well
it has come at the time that corresponded. We need to understand
that in a time which we can not say, someone put it there is a
fixed reason to arrive at the right time.
It is wonderful that you can understand this, then perhaps in an
instant in a previous life, even that energy you left you so that
you arrive in this present life. Paradoxes surrounding this kind of
understanding are many and wonderful.
Now I want to pass that diferenciéis between the etheric body, and
what a person can conceive as ether. Belonging to the electricities
ether. These five electricities belonging to ether are the causal
body Purusha.

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To understand more intensity must start by explaining what we
want to say the word Ether or Ether. Students are very likely to
confuse Aether, with the Akasha and the Astral Light. Not one
thing nor the other, in the sense that describes the Ether physical
science, is as follows. Ether is a material agent, although so far no
physical device has been discover; while the Akasha, is identical,
in a sense, the Anima mundi distinctly spiritual agent, and the
astral light. Only the seventh and highest principle of Earth's
atmosphere, so impossible to discover how the Akasha, and the
true Aether, being something that is completely different plane.
The seventh principle of the Earth's atmosphere, or the astral
light, as it is called, is only the second of cosmic scale. The scale of
forces, principles, and cosmic planes of emanations on the
metaphysical plane, and changes in the physical, is the cosmic
snake biting its own tail is one that reflects the upper serpent,
which is reflected in turn by lower.
It is a hypothetical medium highly elastic and extremely subtle,
that all space is assumed filled, not excepting the interior of solid
bodies, and be the means of transmission of light and heat.
However we can ensure that both the ether as the primordial
substance things are not hypothetical but true realities. The
Akasha is the synthesis of Ether, Ether is the Superior. Ether is
the coating, or one aspect of Akasa; is coarser form or body; fills
the emptiness of space, or rather, the entire contents of space, and
its characteristic property is sound, the word. It is the fifth of the
seven principles or cosmic elements, which in turn has seven
states, issues or principles. This material element is almost visible
in the air at the end of the fourth round, and will be fully
manifested in the fifth. Aether, like the Akasha, is the only
element origin. Aether physical, or lower Aether, is only a
subdivision on our plane, the astral light of the Kabalists with all
its effects both good and bad. Positive, phenomenal, always active,
Aether is a force or substance; while the omnipresent, omni
penetrating Ether is the Noumenon the first.Noumenon is a
Greek expression that speaks of lto be true essential nature, as
distinct from illusory sense objects, or in other words: the thing,
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page108
essence or unknown substance, as it is itself, as opposed to
phenomenon, that is the way through which it manifests to the
senses or the intellect. Thus, the electric spark is a phenomenon of
electricity, etc.etheric body, astral body or astral double. Shade or
ethereal counterpart of man or animal; Linga sharira. Do not
confuse the reader with the astral soul, another name of the lower
Manas or Kama Manas, as it is called, which is a reflection of the
superior Ego. The astral body becomes the bridge between the soul
and body.
I know this is not easy to expose, but it is also a great find for
anyone who approaches him, internalizes it, and then take you to
Electricities belonging to ether. These five electricities belonging
to the Ether, are the causal body of Purusha.
We have just established a fairly extensive explanation of the
ether, as it can work, as can serve us, and give us the bridge
between one being and another. The Sutra speaks of the
electricities belonging to the ether, which can be found in this
unexplored part in that place, in that empty space, which can not
prove nor rule out an understanding to say, which is in a certain
way, or is not. Just think for a second that where nothing is, this
could become a great transmitter of sound. If this could be true
sound would propagate at high speed without losing any of its
vibration. If the vibration is not lost, all that we can transmit
vibrational or energy either. For the Aether so we can understand
what surrounds it, and does not allow even a small spark of that
energy is lost.
I want this to comprehend well, because what is essential
immediately try, but if this is not within the following may be in
your minds just one more digression.
Think for a second adjusting these bodies necessary to have
existence in this reality we live. Reckon up for a second that some
of those etheric bodies occupy that space, which is why they are
great receivers and transmitters of energy and vibration. These
bodies each in their mission can break down this information, so
that it can transmit at the end of the physical body. Conceive for a
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page109
moment that the further the physical, nearest the Self, or Manas
superior. The further the self or lower Manas, furthest from the
primary ego.
Later I will lay before the five bodies, why now I do not want to
stand too much on the explanation of all, I just want parame one
of them. In the causal or Purucha transcendental body. It is this,
farthest from the five bodies, the physical body over etheric body.
This is one that helps to transcend, to move from one state of
consciousness to another. Since it is the first of the bodies that our
being must build to reach the physical body. But this show much
more widely.
At this moment what I need is a clarification. You need to think
in the ether, and energy, for a second imagine the thousands of
millions of different energies full of knowledge, that roam the
etheric mantle. Reckon up the energies How come not to mix into
the ether? As I said in that etheric plot will be hundreds of
thousands of different energies, which for her, and it unfold. If
these mingle energy, purity, state, and carries her message would
be lost. Think ether as an envelope drawn by the energy
surrounds but does not touch, only the guide Ether kept inside a
field of repulsion and attraction, therefore the energy is drawn to
the etheric field, in the precise moment that energy is channeled
halle complete. Start the other hand, the repulsive field will be
activated so that it is completely individualized. In this way the
energy will be isolated from the rest of the energy that can travel
vast ocean etheric. If you open your eyes and ears you can get to
find that knowledge which I set before you now.
We will expose the end of Purusha, think of it as the definition of
self. Purucha, or Purusha. Sanskrit word that brings us to the
meaning man, the heavenly man. Spirit; the same as Narayana,
under another aspect. The spiritual self. In Sankhya philosophy is
designated with this name to Spirit as opposed to matter, Prakriti,
or Pradhana. It is an elemental, primordial, simple, pure, spiritual
principle, conscious, eternal, uncreated, not a producer,
changeless, inactive, mere witness or spectator of the operations of
Prakriti, and that "the manner of cosmic mirror, it is reflected
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page110
and reveals the whole universe, or are all changes that operate in
the Prakriti, in the course of evolution. The Purucha, and Prakriti
are the two primitive aspects of the Divine One, and unknown.
Originally, they are the same thing; But coming to the plane of
differentiation, each of the two evolves in an opposite direction,
the Spirit falling gradually into Matter, and is ascending to its
original condition, that of a pure spiritual substance. Both are
inseparable, and yet are always separated. As in the physical
plane, two equal poles repel each other, while two opposite poles
attract each other, so are the Spirit and Matter each other: are the
two poles of the same homogeneous substance, the radical
principle Universe. In his free condition, the Purucha is so
different from everything we know, and as above is the scope of
our limited understanding, which can only be defined by
negations, "is not this or that", "it is not so or which way. "
However, it can be said that it is abstract thinking, aimless, and
the light that illuminates the spiritual life. It is also the Spirit of
Life that animates Matter, the Prakriti, and its contact imbues
activity, which successive changes she experiences originate, and
they will pass on the same Purucha. Unlike Prakriti, it is simple
and not compound, and therefore, is absolutely free of modes or
qualities of Gunas that characterize the material. The Purucha is
the seventh principle, the Atman, the subject or true self; and
hence, according to Sankhya philosophy, is uncountable number
of Puruchas, as each body, each being in creation has its
particular or individual Purucha. Union of Purucha with
Prakriti, that is the spirit with matter, given its origin all animals
and inanimate beings. The Purucha, as mentioned before, is
inactive, but all activity of Prakriti is used solely for the benefit
and enjoyment of his, since presenting objects of sensation and
knowledge to the Spirit, this treasured experience, reaching the
knowledge of Himself and therefore the release. Oppositely to
Purucha, Sankhya philosophy, which, as stated above, is the self,
or individual spirit of each being, there is only Purucha of Yoga
philosophy, which is the Ishvara, God or supreme Lord of our
universe. Spirit, divine spirit, individual Spirit, Spirit of the
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page111
universe or world soul, radical or primordial spirit, the word has
many other meanings Purucha: Man; heavenly man; male; To be
or male principle; cause or creative or generating power, Creator,
or animator animating principle; Ser, Principle, Cause; person,
individual, man, hero, servant, friend, etc ..
I hope now could ye understand these two terms. It estimable a
couple of things that I can observe and draw attention. The
Purucha in one of its meanings speaks of the heavenly man.He is
not fallen into sin. Adam Kadmon, thelogos blue, the synthesis of
Sephiroth. In the hymns of the Rig Veda it is calledPuruchaThe
Man, the upper Adam who is androgynous, or rather, sexless.
This is what we express this Adam is the one who was conceived
before he could extract from the woman, or what he really did was
expose to one sex.
Is the sephira bisexual Kabbalists. Sephira is a word Hebrew.
Which tells ofan emanation of Deity, the generatrix and the
synthesis of the tenSephiroth, when it is at the head of the tree
Sephirothal; in theCabala, sephiraOr Holy Crone, is the divine
intelligence, as well as Sophia or MetisThe first emanation of Ain
Soph or the Infinite.sephira It is the singular of Sephiroth. Aditi It
is the original sephira. They are the ten emanations of the
Godhead, the highest is formed by the concentration of Infinite
Light, eachsephira produced by emanation another sephira. The
names of the tenSephiroth are as follows: 1Kether, the crown;
2ndchokmahWisdom; 3th BinahIntelligence; 4thChesed, Mercy;
5th geburah, Power; 6th Tiphereth, Beauty; 7thNetzach, Victoria;
8thHodEsplendor; 9thJesod, Foundation and 10th
malkuthUnited. At some point we will extend our knowledge to
them too, but now we must move on. The concept of content in
tenSephiroth It is very sublime, and every sephira Kabbalist is for
a representation of a group of sublime ideas, titles and attributes,
the name only weakly expressed. Eachsephira It is called active or
passive, although this attribute can be misleading; passive does
not mean a return to negative existence, and the two
aforementioned words only express the relationship
betweenSephiroth individual, not an absolute quality. In
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page112
theCabala,Adam Kadmon is the logos corresponding expressed
our third Logos. The Unmanifested is the first copy Man
idealAnd symbolizes the Universe in their deprivation. The
firstlogos It is the Light of the World, the second and third are
their shadows gradually denser. Is the heavenly man; male; To be
or male principle; cause or creative or generating power, Creator,
or animator animating principle; Ser, Principle, Cause; person,
individual, man, hero, servant, friend, etc. celeste man or
Tetragrammaton, which it is the first born of the passive deity
and the first manifestation of the shadow of the Deity.
Microprosopopeia is Adam Kadmon, the Heavenly Man or
archetype; Ain Soph vehicle. This term also applies to Microcosm.
We have set out some words that suggest be searched and cleared,
but this is not the time to carry it out. At this moment we must
move forward with our Sutra.
The electricities belonging to ether. These five electricities
belonging to ether are the causal body Purusha.
Remember that the ether is that which occupies an empty space,
and all energy guide. As I have explained above this ablando of
how the ether is a driver, just like me, the ether exists separate
energy. But we can also extract the reading that exposes us, as a
part of our body, we believe that complete and unique, bone
physics. This is really only part of the five forms of energy, and
now we think we should be more aware of what this knowledge
implies. Let us commit ourselves to what we can conceive, Let's
reflect that we have the ability to come to understand and thus the
power to fulfill ourselves through five different states or bodies.
Body part or appointed, who form the body of Purusha, this is the
last, the farthest from the physical body. This is the one that I
really joined, manifested externally, that fragment of each of you
which olvidasteis existed.
The truth of our reality is that energy part working within our
being, to find that forgotten part, that I has been outside of our
existence. We can not work from the physical part, we can not
find spiritual, mental or energetic energy as whatever name,

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page113

working from a piece of meat. That is why we have several bodies,
each body is more ethereal, less dense bone, the densest.
Energy part belonging to the body, has a very specific job in the
dense body, but do not confuse this energy with the energy body.
The reality of what we are, that energy splendor, which is
working from the less dense, which is the causal or transcendental
body, the denser it would be the physical body. Remember that
when working from top to bottom, is for two reasons irremovable,
the first and most obvious is when we decided to embody,
therefore begin our descent. Or if one can say that it has reached
an awakening, a certain evolution. Which allows you to work
from top to bottom, and vice versa.
You think for a second that energy body is a body with very low
density, which is why the reality of your energy can work in your
existence from that body, plus it can also transmit, or contact
people away. This makes it through the desire body, or mental,
which is slightly less dense than energy.
Electricities belonging to ether. These five electricities belonging
to ether are the causal body Purusha.
Maturated this for a second, electricity needs three poles, positive
or Sattva, negative, or Tama, and a neutral, or Raja. That is why
this part of the Sutra can call as of great interest although all he
Chita, spiritualized atom, in which Ahamkaara (the idea of the
separate existence Ser) appears, has five manifestations
(electricities belonging to ether) These five electricities belonging
to ether are the causal body Purusha.
Notice how on the one hand talk about the splitting of the atom of
the physical part, the most ethereal part in the less dense part we
are each of us or the energy reality that we are, and the more
physical part belonging to the densest part is that social being
slowly left behind. That being manifested outside the social self,
both separated from that energetic or spiritual part of that
contemplative I, or to put it another way that being who we really
are each of us. Imagine for a second that we are entities which lack

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page114

density, are ethereal, energy, vibrational beings. Nothing that we
are at that moment, what we're trying to figure out has nothing
to do with something dense, somewhat rough. Being an entity in
such a subtle state under any circumstances you can enter a
vehicle to sustain a high density, yet be able to penetrate into that
vehicle, we must be assured that would not be able to find good
inside. The more that it can properly handle it, we are beings that
we gradually understand how the machine works management, to
make our existence, our experience in this life. This is the reason
why not deploy a single body, but rather are five bodies that deal.
When in place in which we find ourselves before birth we decided
to incarnate, or reincarnate. We solve the birth here. From that
moment to make the decision, a couple under the influence of love,
joins sparks of life and they start a new being, at that moment we
began building our first body. That is why we passed bodies less,
more dense, until the densest of all.
As I have mentioned this is a process that begins before birth, the
first thing we do is to undertake the construction of the less dense
body, the denser. The transcendental body is so called because it is
the first, which serves as transcendence, or transcend, in fact the
word in its most common meaning tells uswhich it is to go
beyond any limits or restrictions exceed a certain level.
Transcending comes fromtransBeyond, it means moving from one
area to another, through the boundary that separatesa state at the
beginning of the next. You need to understand that in this way're
taking every body at the time, remember that the construction of
each body will affect the final result of the dense physical body, or.
Reckon up for a second harmonic way down, and a body coupled
to the next is what sets the parameters of evolution or involution,
the final result of the physical body, and its existence in this place
called earth. It would be quite impossible to be right the
Incarnation we want, if we are not the right time in each of the
bodies. By the time we make some inaccuracy is this which was,
as it might not properly merge it to us in any of the five bodies.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page115

This will lead to being affected in the final constitution of life,
everyone develop here. That is why any of the bodies, helps the
next stage in its evolution, and its plot. So when we reached the
denser body, if all goes well, he may feel, manifest, move, therefore
we will develop all the physical, mental, and emotional faculties.
The subtler bodies also come to manifest in different ways in the
physical or gross body, for example: When you get the willies,
Dais assume that is something that has felt your physical body.
This is partly true, because when you feel cold, let this can
happen, but as nothing altered the physical part, and yet you
happens in the same way. Reckon up, why can this come to
It is necessary to understand that there are many ways to feel,
and do it with each of our bodies, help. For example it touches the
causal or transcendental body, this leads us to feel extraordinary
things, because it is a body that dominates much the spiritual
part, together with the etheric, offers us a great opportunity to feel
that we float, or astral travel.
It is a simple example so you can understand how the bodies, each
of them help you. If we are in our evolution every day a little more
aware of them, what you admit this, it is able to control much
better your existence.
By its three attributes or Gunas, Sattva (positive), Rajas
(neutralizer) and Tamas (negative), the five electricities. (Pancha
We reach a transcendental part of knowledge, as Gunas, and its
use, you can make a great form of control, and evolution within
you, they will take you to realize that really nothing is in one way
or another, just acquire that form of understanding, by
comparison. But it is better to go slowly, begin to know why that
word means. Gunas, is a Sanskrit meaning that speaks of the
qualities, attributes. Triguna; thread, string function, virtue,
merit. Matter Prakriti or Pradhana, consists of three gunas, or
modes, forms, qualities or attributes. Called respectively: Sattva,
slits, and Tamas, which are not mere accidents of matter, but are

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page116

of the same nature, and they are composed. We can translate in an
approximate way the three Gunas as follows:
Sattva: goodness, purity, harmony, clarity, truth, reality, balance,
Rajas: Passion, desire, activity, struggle, restlessness, desire,
pain, etc.
Tamas: inertia, apathy, gloom, confusion, ignorance, error, etc.
The three Gunas are universally widespread in material nature;
They exist in all creatures, determining the character or
individual condition by the proportion that are assembled in each
beings. Thus we see that Sattva is the quality of Guna, which
predominates over the other two in the world of the gods; Rajas is
that excels in humans, and Tamas, that prevailing in the raw and
in plant and inorganic kingdoms. Nothing, therefore there except
the pure Spirit, which is completely free from the Gunas, nor is
there one being a single point in the universe where there is at
least a fraction of each. In the chaotic or unmanifested matter, the
three Gunas are perfectly balanced with each other, and then all
the powers and energies that appear in the manifested universe
rests in inactivity, comparable to that of a seed, but when this
balance is broken, it produces a form, a manifestation, all
manifestation or form is a product of Prakriti, in which dominates
one of the Gunas on the remaining two.
Sattva and Rajas can not themselves become active; require the
engine thrust and action, Tamas, to get moving and deploy its
characteristic properties. For this reason it has been said that "the
path extends from Tamas to Sattva through struggle and
aspiration of Rajas"
There you have five distinct phases. Observe this, the three phases
or Gunas, are characters to conceive from one food to the evolving
shape of a person. This can be seen putting into perspective and
understand these three Gunas, as with understanding and
internalization of what they represent will achieve discern, as
knowledge is everything. But it is very necessary to understand
that everything they can also be divided up as follows.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page117

Tama or can be tamasic, or rajasic or raja, or Sattva. Let's break it
down a little more closely:
Tama, this state represents man when he is at a level of social
humanity. For example; They are those who do not care more than
the day to day, and once fenecen, nothing but a blurry existence
has left behind.
But when it starts to stir a little inside, and this leads him to
worry a little more about himself. From that moment, your
condition, and this leads him to transmute in a Tama slit.
Raja, is a being who begins to be aware that life is not only work,
be sure that there is more to the job.
But when this individual transcends, no longer fills out to have
fun, to party. Because from this moment begins to wonder, much
more momentous issues, this being begins its journey in Sattva
Finally one reaches the state of Sattva, at the precise moment in
that inner search begins. This latter being begins to have answers
to your questions.
Maturated for a second what I have set out with that little
example, so you can define what each state. It is necessary that
you have clear that these are not immutable qualities, if not
mutating according to the condition of what we discussed. At that
moment it descends or ascends. I want to stand a little Sattva,
vislumbrad for a second that the movements that each generates,
is a particular type of energy, all at the same time depend on the
energy that with every movement, born and mutating climbed,
the more we progress, energy will be of a purity and a greater
magnitude, it even happened to become something almost
physical. This will give rise to Guianendriyas or organs, or
organs to Karmendriyas action and Tanmatras or objects of the
senses. These fifteen attributes, plus the mind and intelligence,
are the seventeen "subtle members," the Lingasarira or subtle
body. Full Sutra says:
Sutras. 7 to 10. Chita, the spiritualized Atom, in which
Ahamkara appears, the idea of the separate being, existence has
five manifestations, electricities belonging to the ether. These five
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page118
electricities belonging to ether are the causal body Purusha.
Through its three attributes or Gunas. Sattva, positive, Rajas,
neutralizer, and Tamas, negative, the five electricities, Pancha
Tattwa give rise to Guianendriyas, organs, Karmendriyas, organs
of action, and Tanmatras, sense objects. These fifteen attributes,
plus the mind, and intelligence, are subtle seventeen members,
Lingasarira or subtle body.

Read it slowly, and try to see the differences that now the Sutra
awakens in each of you. The next thing I want to expose, is each of
these states, or organs, reaching Sattva, when it gives us a certain
form of energy is this more or less powerful. Depending on the
energy and power can awaken in each of us, these three different
types of organs, which are Guianendriyas, Karmendriyas, and

Jnanendriyas, jnana indriyas. Like most of the expressions we use,

it is a word that comes from the Sanskrit, it means: The five
pathways or conduits of knowledge. The five powers, or sensitive
faculties, or perception, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch,
which are manifestations or materializations physical organs,
eyes, ears, nose, hands or skin, and mouth.

Karmendriyas, or indriyas Karma. Word that has its roots in

Sanskrit and reads. Plural Castilianized of Karmendriyas;
properly, Karmendriyâni. The five powers or faculties of action, of
which the physical organs tongue, hands, feet, etc. They are
merely the instruments through which materials react on the
outside world. These faculties are: speech, manipulation,
locomotion, excretion and generation.

Tanmatras. Are the types or rudiments of the five elements; the

subtle essence thereof devoid of all qualities and identical to the
properties of the five fundamental elements: earth, water, fire, air
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page119
and ether; this is theTanmatras They are, in one aspect, smell,
taste, touch, sight and hearing, Tanmatras It means subtle and
rudimentary form, the gross type of the finer elements. The
fiveTanmatrasThey are really the properties or qualities
characteristics of matter and all the elements: the true spirit of the
word is, or merely something transcendental, in the sense of
properties or qualities. According teaches philosophySankhya, the
TanmatrasSubtle or primary elements are production Ahaṅ kāra
and they correspond to the five senses, being designated by their
names. These five subtle elements are combined together giving
rise to the five gross elements or compoundsthe which, in turn
combined together, they form the material world. Tanmatras
addition means subtle particle atom, etc.

It's very interesting what these three meanings expose us, I want
you to understand the following. Each of these parts can relate
well with each of the Gunas. I explain to you what each draw
their own conclusion.

Jnanendriyas, would in this case a group near Tamasic because its

expression shows that this group includes the senses, the bone
near the denser or gross body organs.

Karmendriyas, here in this serious group represented the Rajasik

because he enclose in what pódennos develop the senses, and could
even lead to feelings.

Tanmatras would be the Satviko group, the group to which it

belongs is the group of elements, those who give life, the great
doers energy, so this is the highest of them group.

Having explained this, I lay before completion here, Indriyas, or

Deha Samyama that speaks Sanskrit root domain of the senses in
the practice of yoga. There are ten external agents; the five senses
that are used for perception are called jnanendriyas, and the five

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page120

used for action, Karma indriyas. Pancha indriyāṇ i literally
means, and its hidden meaning: The five roots producing eternal
life. Among Buddhists, are the five positive agents producing five
supreme qualities. The word indriyas means: strength, power,
power or human power, senses. Under the name of the ten
indriyas, they are collectively referred the five powers or faculties
of sensation or perception. Jnanendriyas. The five powers or
faculties of action Karmendriyas, of which the physical organs,
eyes, ears, hands, feet, tongue, etc. they are merely physical
manifestations. Among Indriyas frequently it includes Manas, or
internal sense. Thus we read in the Bhagavad Gita: The ten
indriyas and one manas, the internal sense give rise to
Guianendriyas, organs, Karmendriyas, organs of action, and
Tanmatras sense objects. These fifteen attributes, plus the mind,
and intelligence, seventeen are "subtle members," the Lingasarira
or subtle body.

We can not help but know what this new expression brings us
therefore rebuscaremos to find and expose here. It has been
somewhat more complicated to expose this new word. Linga
sharira word comes from the Sanskrit and presents it is the body,
that is, the air symbol body. This term designates the astral body
of man or animal. Is the Eidolon of the Greeks, the vital and
prototypal body; reflection or duplicate ethereal man meat. Born
before and dies or fades with the disappearance of the last atom of
the body. In Theosophical language, the Linga sharira is the third
principle of the human constitution, also known under the names
of double ethereal, ghost body, astral double, etc. Quaternary
lower part. This body, which has the same shape as the physical
body is a vehicle, and battery life, Prana, whose current addresses
and regularly distributed according to the needs of the organism.
It is also the factor that perpetuates organic types of man and
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page121
other living beings, determining their limits and structure, draws
or sculpts its organic forms and the typical characteristics of the
species, and race, and even certain family traits; in a word, it is he
nor his training, the officer presiding over the evolution of organic
forms. Linga is also the main factor sharira where our diseases
originate, causing reactions, crises and other healthy operations,
becomes possesses medical force when our body undergoes some
ailment. This etheric body is the secret of the wonderful effects of
homeopathic medicine, and infinitesimal doses of remedies.
Finally, the Linga sharira plays an important role in seances, and
may in some cases be perceptible to our eyes, and impress us in a

We can call it as the astral body, we will determine later this as

before I have already mentioned.
Sutras. 7 to 10. Chita, the spiritualized Atom, in which
Ahamkara appears, the idea of the separate being, existence has
five manifestations, electricities belonging to the ether. These five
electricities belonging to ether are the causal body Purusha.
Through its three attributes or Gunas. Sattva, positive, Rajas,
neutralizer, and Tamas, negative, the five electricities, Pancha
Tattwa give rise to Guianendriyas, organs, Karmendriyas, organs
of action, and Tanmatras, sense objects. These fifteen attributes,
plus the mind, and intelligence, are subtle seventeen members,
Lingasarira or subtle body.

I this ablando crystallization of the body, that body you are now
reading this book, emoting with another body collecting
knowledge with others, and so on up to the resolution of the
questions that drove you get close to this being, It is shown after
these words.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page122

I have just explained how your being is separated from the social
reality of the densest energy that is within your body, how you
can connect with the reality of your denser body, at least heavy.
The reality of what this life will seem so strange, and wanted to
know how it is produced, more or less, the reality of your life, like
more or less embody. Well there you have it, being once it is
ready, and chooses to embody the energy signal to the body that
will shape and dwell commands first.
The embryo before being fertilized exposure begins, the less dense
bodies, which you occupy gradually.
Your spiritual side chooses the less dense body, so you disgregáis
your energy, less, more density, finally reaching the thicker body
of all your bodies, the physical body.
Will develop the energies in defining the union or separation with
the rest of your body, everything depends on the combination of
the three Gunas. They will give you the chosen event, depending
on how you may be able to express, and be aware of what you are,
the more aware your energy, the more peace, the more harmony,
contemplate the Guna further from the subject. The more closer
When you are in Tamas, this is the social state which considers
only what he sees. When you begin to wonder momentous
questions that lead him to think for himself, going to leave a
tamasic state, and you will be closer to a rajasic state. And
internalized the new state, from there begins to look your way,
evolution is in a less rajasic state, and more Satviko. When one
supports its existence and understands that it is much more than
what you see, what we can touch, it is understood that it almost
does not care too much, but for the reality of what is contained in
his being. From this moment it begins to be near Sattva. When
you revolves around your in energy, their evolution, and to give
himself understood everything begins to penetrate a total Satviko
state. This has to deploy a little the great secret of life.
Asirvadam namaskar.

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07/23/2016 11:04

In the previous lesson I have tried to lay before the formation of

the various bodies as well as we can fit in, or how to get to each of
them. But IMHO I missed something very important that we do
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not try. I'm in my duty, which only I force myself to it, to expose
much more widely every body by name, function etc.
I define a little more in several ways to understand them. I will
elaborate a little more on this subject because I have found that
there are many gaps that exist around this issue. That is why it
often comes even to the confusion of everything around something
as profane as this issue unfolds. This is very likely lead to a
profound confusion, people who study, it is my humble hope that
when we finish with this topic it may understand better and
deeper. What I try to expose you always, is the definition I right
now regard as more accurate, which at no time to say so, you
know each one should look on their own and find their own
conception of what here show thus each possess their own way to
understand its truth.
We start the denser, or gross body to the least rude to everyone.
We will begin by bone:Annamaya Kosa, or physical body. Then
explain, Kosa pranayama, or energy body. Turning to Maya
Mano Kosa, or mental body. Continuing, vijnanamaya Kosa, or
intellectual body, ending with, Anandamaya Kosa, or
transcendental body.
Each of them has a very specific function, but if we expose as the
body itself indicates, we can interpret from an idea how to
transcend our existence. But you'd better first pass to expose each
body, and all the information that each can expose in this small
reflection of knowledge.
Annamaya Kosa,or Kosha. Sanskrit meaning. Which discloses
that in the Vedantin equivalent term Sthula sharira, or Sharira,
Or the gross body, physical, or material. It is the first shell of the
Monad, among the five allowed by the Vedantins, meaning shell,
which is known in Theosophy with the name of principle.
Annamaya Kosa, or physical body,shape, firmness, strength,
elasticity and smooth functioning of each of its parts, from the
little toe to head. We need to understand that this body is we need
so we could move and live our experience in this dimension.
Think that is the vehicle, which without the reality of energy that
each of us, this or Annamaya Kosa, or physical body would only
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be what it represents, an animal entity. Which only have a form of
accumulation of vital energy, this being absolutely necessary to
survive. Of course this vehicle should be the temple, one that we
must take care, because without him the experience ends in this
Pranayama Kosa,Kosha. Sanskrit diction that describes vehicle
Prana, the life, or theLinga sharira: According to the Vedantic
classification is the prana along with your vehicle or astral body,
or even thelinga sharira. Kosa pranayama, or energy body,in this
body is where the seven major chakras. Working with Prana, or
life energy at all levels: physical, mental, intellectual, sexual,
spiritual and cosmic. Why it is so linked to the first of the bodies
to the physical body. This body is where we can find the energy of
the physical self, the self that transcends not outside, but rather
inside, but which can reach exhaling its slight density due to the
vehicle other bodies come to represent. Therefore entended this
energy body is very important that we are aware of it, because as I
have stated in it are the Chakras which are likewise a reflection of
the glands in the physical part, both are very important for good
development of both the physical body and the energy body, and
those who will come after. In addition to the Chakras appointed in
this body they are born and grow from them all the energy
channels of the physical body that bind the mental body are
established. For these energy channels, energy, that part of the
energy body is CapAd to demonstrate and reached perceive. Think
for a second, everything can really feel thanks to the energy part
as may from dense body, or physical, or energy body.
maya Kosa hand,Kosha. Sanskrit term that describes us Vedantin
term meaning wrapper orKosaof the Mayan hand, An equivalent
of the first quarter, and fifth man. In esoteric philosophy, thisKosa
It corresponds to Manas dual. It is the third wrap of divine
Monad, the mental principle; The individualized mind, which is,
so to speak, a shell, or cover for her spiritual energy, particularly
as we find the mind operating manifest. Rama Prasad. Is together
animal soul with the lower portions of the intellectual principle,
or the wrapper I, composed of the lower primary mind or, and the
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page126
principle or seat of emotions and passions, the union of the mental
body, and the body passionate soul animal, or astral body, as
others call it. Therefore the astral body, or also called Double
astral, the Shade or ethereal counterpart of man or animal, linga
sharira. Do not confuse the reader with the astral soul, another
nameManas less than or Kama ManasAs it is called, which it is a
reflection of higher self, something we have already here. The
astral body becomes the bridge between the soul and the body.This
is also called the mental body, the vehicle of this consciousness
that conditions in the four lower subdivisions of the mental plane.
It consists of matter of these subdivisions, by various
combinations produced by vibrations of the principle called
Pensador, or human Soul, varying kinds of material drawn
according to the nature of the said vibrations. This is the type of
the mental body is closely related with the degree of evolution that
man has achieved. The general characteristics of the Body
qualities depend on past lives and experiences of the Thinker on
earth. Impressions recorded in the mental body are more
persistent than the astral plane, and are consciously reproduced
by him.maya Kosa hand, or mental body,It is essential to
understand the workings of the mind and human consciousness.
If we understand how we think, nothing can harm us on a
psychological level, because we understand the many diseases that
occur in this area, it is for this reason that extend so much in this
body. But let us a little more focus on the reality that we have. We
should define this state as it begins to be away from all forms of
matter, beyond a dense state. Understand that analyzing it from
the psychological level, we are very close to the great way to help
those suffering from diseases in this plane, which are much more
varied than we can imagine, as I have already explained. On the
other hand, conceiving a higher spiritual level, this body is in the
function of internal thinking is done, for in it all knowledge that
transcend what we really are accumulated. Bone that this body is
now a real part of our inner being. For a moment you should
pararos understand that this body is the body that links the higher
or spiritual part of being, the other two bodies are already far
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page127
removed from the dense body, or physical, so this mental body sets
the tone the bond between the two states of consciousness, so it is
very special and dangerous because when the altered energy
reaches him, it can also happen that energy sickens the remaining
two bodies produced with this strong alterations in the ego, and
even physical and psychological illnesses.
Vijnanamaya Kosa,or vijnanamaya Kosha. Sanskrit word that
describes us andl causal body, the second principle of the human
constitution according to Vedantic philosophy. It corresponds
toManas,or intellectual soul of the sevenfold classification.
Hecausal body into thinking wenot as a body, it really is no body,
no objective or subjective, butBuddhi, The spiritual soul. It is so
named for being the direct cause of the state ofSuchupti, That
leads to thuriya, The highest state of samadhi. Yogis who
practiceTaraka Raja Yoga, They give the name Karanopadhi,
Based on the cause, and the system corresponds to
Vedantinvijnanamaya, and Anandamaya Kosa, being noticing
that the latter principle follows immediately after AtmanAnd is,
therefore, the vehicle of universal Spirit. HeBuddhi alone it could
not be called a causal body, but becomes one in unionManas, he
Ego or entity that reincarnates. Thus, it is called causal body as a
wholeBuddhi Manas, or is the fifth and sixth principles attached,
so called because it includes within it the results of all
experiences, which, acting as causes, shape the lives to
come.Vijnanamaya Kosa or intellectual body, remember thatto
understand our physical condition, we should think that is
something that spreads throughout the physical body. As we are
talking about the nature of thought, the idea. Consider that while
the mind leads the thoughts, intellect leads them intelligence and
wisdom. The idea is to approach every day consciousness, through
the development of this body. This can come to feel it and
understand it through meditation, being more abstract to us
through dreams. When we undertake a healing, and our energy is
ready, it joins the energy that comes to us from the ascended
masters, this body is delegating power to the mental body, so that

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the final pass by the energy and passing canals, even reaching the
chakras, this energy ends up reaching the patient.
Anandamaya Kosa. Sanskrit term, which showsthe illusory shell
or envelope of bliss, this is the mayavic or illusory form, the
appearance of what isreport. HeBlessed is the superior soul. The
Vedantic name that is designated one of the five Koshas,or
koshasOr human principles, identical to ourAtman Buddhi, or
spiritual soul. Thisfifth wrapper or shell soul, in the system
corresponds to VedantinBuddhi, sixth Theosophy human
Anandamaya Kosa, or transcendental body,It refers to the soul
and center of our being. It is to understand the human to
understand the outer being, the universe in which we find
ourselves, and in some others. But man can not understand the
five sheaths that transformed into a conscious being in an
unconscious body, that can only come with the awakening of
consciousness. Therefore we can designate as theBuddhic body,
thisvehicle formed by the grouping of components Buddhic plane
under the vibrations of the Higher Self. It is very appropriately
named, Body of bliss. This is a more distant from us than the rest
body, but look for a moment, each body belongs to an element, this
is the transcendental body, which we can call it as ether, or the
fifth element. The elements are earth or vital body. Air or energy
body. Fire or mental body. Intellectual water or body. Ether or
transcendental body, or Buddhic.
From the moment I hope that the bodies are more or less clear.
Think for a second, Why should we have a part of our energy, our
being in each of these bodies ?, Do you remember what we are?
What my understanding at this time shows me. Are we really
energy, vibration, speed and wisdom, wisdom can call as any
conscious awareness. Thanks to this wisdom all that is in us, in a
state of waking consciousness. For example, according to my
knowledge always exposes me, we can understand that:
The body would be the less denseTranscendental or Buddhist

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This would be represented faithfully by the element called Ether
could say that here lies the wisdom that conscious awareness.
The second, the vibration which would deal water, or Intellectual
The third speed, which would develop thefire, or mental body.
The fourth power, which would leave theair, or energy body.
The fifth, serious earth, physical body, or vital. In the latter would
be the acquired knowledge, is not nothing but everything else
bring bodies to advance this new existence.
That is why we can say that all knowledge or rather most of the
knowledge that comes to us, he is already in us. The big problem
is that we lose it as we go into this social state, without even
imagine what it costs us so much time again that it can
stimulate,or awakening. Take counsel for a second that this body
is the reflex actions, which is a part of the physical body brings.
Within each reflex act, also it is knowledge in due time, but it is
something we like everything educate our inner.
From the beginning all these bodies are united, but when we lose
evoking the memory of what we really are, and that eventually
must recover, at that moment our lucidity fades losing the
veracity of everything really are. Contact divert lucid and
coherent, we really have a body to the next, this leads to lose
complete communication with the intrinsic part Delo that we,
with our different bodies.
Although they continue to act in us, we can not be aware of it.
For this reason as we present, we are in a dormant state.
Remember the three Gunas, although it seems that has no direct
consequence to what we are trying, you will see how if available.
Think for a moment and consider that actually born in Satviko
state, our environment and what happens in leads without
reference to go down to a rajasic state.
Notice that moment each of the Gunas, we have them within, or
even just some of them, that will always depend on each, and its
particular way of being, and to understand it.
Finally we have no choice but to develop a tamasic state. This
occurs for a specific purpose, and depending on what each is
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experiencing. For when one comes shall be subject to everything
that resonates us from within, it always has to do with that
experience we decided to try, this will lead us to an awakening to
occur, but always also depend on the development of our inner
state. Those who do not need to climb, with mean waking up a
spiritual state, they will stay in a social evolution, some more,
some are anti-social and even their existence in this place becomes
decadent and lonely. But each of them has the experience they
have chosen before embarking on this new phase in life. On the
other hand those who are born to look, if we had not fallen could
not really enjoy the experience of choice, every step in awakening
is necessary to direct our life experience.
In our descent we have reached that state Tamasic, we are at the
stage that we can determine how sleepers, we are mired entities
within a society, so we can ensure that we are in that state
Tamasic. Those who have to live a remote experience Tamas, start
at the moment we decided to wake up and look. The moment this
happens a Rajasic been spent.
I am insisting both on this issue because it is very important, or
so I believe. I pretend that you understand one thing. Different
bodies, as well as the three Gunas, really ought to conceive some
higher than others, that's just a concept to guide our thinking.
Objectively we must understand that there is no up or down, or
left or right, just different states of understanding of being, this
does not mean that nothing is really below or above. Only
depending on certain criteria, states, or the way in which we
compare, we can be consistent with the absence of above and
below. Look in fact, if you consider the sky as something up, you
will be very confused. Because really if I look at the earth from
space everything changes.
Imagine for a second that you are in the space station, where you
can perceive your nation is, the region in which you live, you can
glimpse the different parts of the planet. But since there really
check it as only you float inside a blue sphere, which is deep in a
dark space. From that instant check as what we call as heaven, it

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has ceased to exist as such. For he is everywhere, neither up nor
down. If we get away, we warn as our planet in the depths of that
dark space disappears, everything is great at that moment, the
concept above, or below, opens lost.
Most of what we establish in a certain way, and we think that is
an immovable truth is just an indicative element, but both used
have been as absolute truths, it is hard but in my vocabulary say
that this has been prostituted.
Look at one thing to expose what is above, or below, near or far.
To be able to define such issues, you need to have a reference.
Differences which the entity will contribute one point and
another, if there were such a reference will be entirely impossible
that it can be defined. As one of the greats. Hermes Trismegistus.
"As above, so below, and as below so above".
The different bodies which we live, or are part of our reality in
this dense space, in this dimension. Really they have no existence
in what can be termed as judiciously, because for the vast
majority have no presence, and therefore do not exist. That's how
society works. That is why we are always in a form of greater
social exclusion according wake. For society as we also have an
existence in a plane of evolution, they tested only in a physical
state. And that physical fitness the person is valued according to
their property, according to its material contribution within what
society determines as life.
On the other hand we have the Gunas. The Gunas are great ways
to measure our state of evolution. With our knowledge of them,
we can go through one or the other, depending on the condition in
which we find ourselves, that moment we are facing, how we find
within ourselves.
In fact you can develop from Gunas behavior, even as you feed.
We are talking about a way to understand our passage through
this life.
We can use our power, this will help to define how you should
take your way of eating, until you ingest food. This is a sample of
how to improve our health. This way if you hold control of food,

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page132

knowing which are Tamasic, which rajasic, and which Satvikos,
you can have a much healthier development, because everyone
will have in his hand, achieving choose the style of food that best
suits your metabolism.
The five bodies or five Koshas have them all, like the three Gunas.
At the moment we begin to take them into our consciousness, as a
result we can understand more deeply. Once this starts to be an
asset in our lives, from that moment we boarded a different
development in this physical existence, not only internally
produced if not we took it outside as well. In fact this knowledge,
we will provide you carry such a large contribution, you'll have
the opportunity to join the social outer self, the lower Manas,
with that other self, spiritual, ignored or higher Manas. Linking
the two will transport you to be closer to the reality of what you
As I touched a little food I want to expose any food that may
belong to each of the Gunas. Imagine a food. Meat, she because of
its density and shape it as food part of a living being, it would be
therefore a tamasic food. Vegetables, cooked, milk, eggs etc.
Rajasic foods are this is because they are less dense than meat.
Raw vegetables and fruit would Sattvic food.
But look really some rely on others to ascend from one state to the
next, as in meats such as beef serious pig Tamasic, it is denser
and more harmful to the body, then Baca, who Raajasik would,
because this is lighter. The chicken or rabbit Satvika will therefore
be that is less harmful and less dense of all. Think for a second,
always compare what will be defined in one of the Gunas,
depending on what you need to look within a particular group,
this will give us the result we are looking for. For example, if you
look in the flesh as we have, you see how well we define the
different Gunas. In the same instant analizásemos vegetables will
check as any plant is Satviko. This will only happen if you
compare it to meat, from that moment the whole plant is Satviko,
and all flesh Tamasic. Reckon up even on a personal level, if any
vegetable you feel bad, or digerís evil, your body will Tamasic this
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page133
That is why I assure you that a Gunas are dependent on each
other to be able to create or maintain a principle of comparison.
The three Gunas of your life can apply to everything from
behavior to ideas that will arise. So if you are objectives will help
you understand what state you are you, if you aplicáis beings defy
anyone, or that you come, you can see in what condition are these
people, what degree of evolution are. This way you can from the
first moment really treat them as they deserve, and as is best for
them they encounter in a moment of confidence.
After I explained I think will help you to know yourself and learn
more about all that surrounds you, always on a personal level.
I begin to expose the Sutra 6 Budha. I hope so interesting and so
far it has been shown, although I know that this is just an
allegory, as each Sutra helps us advance along the path of
darkness, brightening with each of them meant that we started.

Sutra 6: Beyond judgments.

A mind beyond judgments observed and understood. (Budha). As
always each of the Sutras, it pleasantly surprises us, transport us
to the center of knowledge. I begin to try to expose you what I
believe or understand that exposes us cryptically this Sutra.
This exposes you Sutra, which do not fall into the perseverance of
power or no power. Most of the time when using this form of
control imperative leads us to be a slave to express, it is our duty
to try to be flexible at all, because failure to do so will end up
break us. If you ADVERTIS well that tax form control, ye shall
give account that only you will constantly limitation, the truth of
this Sutra is what he says:
Sutra 6: Beyond judgments. A mind beyond judgments observed
and understood. (Budha).
Halt for a second to think that at the very moment when we broke
to make judgments, from that second stop being targets. My well
loved Remember that from the moment we lose objectivity, we
began to take part in what is happening. Reality should turn
away to take part, to make judgments. Our middle path or Rajasik

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page134

is the state of neutrality. And here it is where we have to fight to
stay. Remember that always tell you that the only science that is a
lie is the story.
Look, when you write the story, if the description given is of a
battle, the narrator describes from the winner, this being would
tell us: The battle was heroic, we assume a deserved victory, the
heroes of this crusade They were wonderful beings, Herculean.
This is what express more or less the narrator who carried out the
description of the battle from the point of view of the winner. But
if that narrate the same battle he lost. At that moment everything
would change, and the narrator would begin to explain the reality
of these beings is, they are cowards butchers, who took advantage
of a number, and a higher weapons, which brandished against a
people who only he defended. For the unreasonableness of a
madman, who just wants land and power, smashing a wonderful
Behooves you to understand that if you read the same story from
one side or another will change completely. also bringing your
feelings to wake up and drive, whether they are positive or
negative, depending on the part you read. It is entirely true that
what the narrator explains in its history, pass the time has passed.
He performs the great miracle of carrying out that anyone who
reads his words feel sentimentally attached to what is pronounced
That story will drag you to take part in the reading, which will
pass over at that time to be judges who will be involved with their
feelings in history. Therefore the judgment of the historian, you
will expose your own judgment, wrapped around the feeling that
reading occurred to you. The teacher does is abstracted from
words, to observe the facts, he must leave behind feelings to be
primarily an observer.
Sutra 6: Beyond judgments. A mind beyond judgments observed
and understood. (Budha).
When the teacher is able to abstract, to get out of what you
produce feelings, they are the feelings that will not let him be

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page135

neutral. At that time the teacher is able to reach a complete
observation, and consistent of what is happening, away from the
fire of passion and emotions. The teacher is able to understand the
reality of what is happening there, and make it their own
legitimacy. Think for a second how many have you been occasions
when I have been carried away by the moment and the situation
?, How many times have been the last few moments and cold, I
observe, and understand how much has been mistake you have
committed? Abstracting remember the feeling is essential because
failure to do so is not possible to reach the observation.
Sutra 6: Beyond judgments. A mind beyond judgments observed
and understood. (Budha).
Thus when the observation comes comes understanding.
This gives us the power to be consistent with the reality of what
happens, without being drawn into the implications of the
moment and the situation. If we are realistic we can see how most
of the population is governed by the warmth of feeling, if we are
consistent in that we come to understand: "We let ourselves be
governed by feelings is not profitable".
Abstraction, and understanding. Imagine for a second what a
creation like this in which we live, how many times I have been
following occur:
There comes a moment of exaltation, and you let yourself carried
away by the heat of a concept of internal exposure, which rumiáis
that is successful in one hundred percent, that this is something
completely consolidated. That security takes out abroad without
thinking for a second, but when you expose yourself, the warmth
of feeling that led up to that moment. At that moment what you
hear from your mouth out, and you discover how hard is what
you expose yourself, as this unseated off-site. But that suffering,
upset, feeling tries by all means that you continue thinking that
what we said is a wonderful thing for us is that which is truth,
and therefore can never be wrong. Those were the feelings and ego
who showed you, who caused you to think wrongly, but actually
it was not a coherent reality. They would not let you see the truth,
why this work should not be applied initially to large external
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page136
battles, rather Begin by adapting to the deep internal conflicts.
Stay away from the warmth of feeling, be objective at the right
time, when the heat comes up. Thanks to this you will understand
much better the reality of what happens, and perhaps you were
going to say never out of your minds, because what you believed
undisputed him contemplate only as possible, and losing the
security, it will take not exhale more a sigh. Thanks to this you in
this way you will get rid of the ego that exposed you as something
totally undeniable, as this is what awakens, the blow, the hard
sound of silence that occurs to such exposure. Therefore the
abstract, it is like a mini meditation fleeting, it is most useful that
can be performed at that time. So if you do not know the answer,
or the question, until you have clear is optimal the stilling
locutions inside. Then drop the words because if not lead to
anything charitable, affable, helpful, ultimately to nothing
positive. Moreover, when silence comes at us, and hear what is
externalizing, depending on how you perform, this will tell us a
lot about who is pronounced. This must have it all in mind,
because the reality of knowing what is said or expressed, indicates
much of each. Emotions whatever, sometimes or almost always we
do not allow to be objective, because as I have said feelings lead us
to inflame that great energy that emotion produces, which we will
get to uncontrollable when and the ego is sick. So when you fill
you with a certain feeling, and estalláis, at the precise moment
when you let out all that energy girders of the word, of the
explanations that you seek to impose, etc.
This inevitably leads to a loss of energy, so when we finished we
feel tired, and we could also say that a little relieved, this is caused
by the fact that exposed or tax, the firm opinion that our feelings
and our ego provided. What other words, we have stated without
being able to restrain our judgment with force and firmness. In
that first moment what happened makes us feel really fair,
consistent with what we discussed. Because we think this is the
right thing, and of course something unanswerable. But our inner
reality exposes us how tired we are of the energy used.

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This is a miserable way to go wasting our energy. As you know
the energy we use is better than more consistent ways. Being able
to be in a place like this, sharing and wrapping all times of love
and understanding. Now that's a great job we all need to
Go to the next Sutra of Buddha.
Sutra 7: Surely fool. The fool who recognizes be very wise. A fool
is thought wise it is certainly a fool. (Budha).

The fool who recognizes be very wise. In this case we must first
consider is the following. If we remove the word fool Sutra we can

"Because he knows what it is." Just think for a second that we

really can not leave the folly without knowing what we are. It
does not matter what we think externally we really be. Think for a
moment that at the moment we wake up in the same second, we
see the reality of what we are. This will be with us forever, and
forever will help make our way never lost. We will be consistent
in what we are, and all that we hold, so any rush action leads us
to feel and understand that we have faced our inner being, we've
taken everything we kept him. We have had the courage to observe
the self, or that higher Manas. In doing so we have not fled in
panic, rather to see us we really had the courage to go on.

Most beings who come to this moment they do not, do not dare to
look at the reality of what they are, as a result remain blind fools
remain within their world of color. So the simple fact of knowing
what we are, brings us a little closer to mastery, to wisdom.

Sutra 7: Surely fool. The fool who recognizes be very wise. The
fool is thought wise that is certainly a fool. (Budha).
So once I explained this, you understand that many people in this
age in which we live, prefer to sleep the sleep of folly. A wise fool

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page138

is believed, it is undoubtedly the greatest of fools. The rush to
watch you, makes you blind, but still above not know more than
cover his eyes, to run, you stop, and you wise proclamations, or
teacher. At that very moment you are you becoming the greatest
of fools.
One should never proclaim anything at all. Only his actions, and
those who receive them is what they put one in their particular
place, or proclaim it as others see it, and feel it, no one needs to be
seen. Never one is neither more nor less than anyone else.
In my humble circumstances, I have never called master, I just
consider myself a seeker, because in my humble condition, I have
always thanked everyone understands what I can be or mean to
each of you. That is why I always thank you.
Well do not forget, abstraction, observation and understanding.
That is what will lead you to understand you, and always more
in-depth look at you thereby able achieve absolute happiness.
Asirvadam. '. Namaskaar. '.

30/07/2016 11:00

As we advance in this knowledge that until now have seen, I

think the understanding of a possible reality is now much clearer.
All this will help you to pose your existence from a more
consistent level and practical. From a much more accurate way of
observation, and objective, but all are just a way of understanding

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page139

that everyone should ripen inside, do not forget this. We turn
now to the exhibition and explanation, the following Sutra.

SUTRAS, 11, 12. Those five objects, which are negative attributes
of the five electricities, when combined together, produce the idea
of gross matter in five aspects: Kshiti solid; liquids; Texas, fires;
Marut, gaseous substances; and Akasha ether. These five aspects
of gross matter and its attributes fifteen -together with Manas
Mind or sensory awareness, Buddhi intelligence-discrimination),
Chita (heart or ability to feel, and Ahamkara the Ego. They are the
twenty four basic principles creation.

Thanks to what we have previously dealt with, that we have

applied a more extensive knowledge, which is why we are more
prepared to understand what this Sutra exposes us.
Before I begin I want to explain that there are many beings
seeking enlightenment, trying to get nectar, or all discernment, to
one of these Sutras, always respect any action, but in my case I
really open to each of the Sutras and what I present my reach me
SUTRAS, 11, 12. Those five objects, which are negative attributes
of the five electricities.
What are those five negative attributes? Think always negative,
and a density ranging from compact to less, or more subtle. After
the above so far, you can understand that each of us is on that
scale well. Which takes us from the grossest to the most ethereal. I
think we all speculate the same, is certainly already have in
yourminds what we are trying, which is nothing other than the
five bodies.
Each body is necessary to survive in this life, that we all have it
absolutely clear. First we face once aware of this heavy existence,
full of discomfort, discomfort, grief, etc. These forms of
understanding of a physical condition, is because we compare our
lives with what we understand as a lower density. Even for the
poor sometimes life is wonderful, and for the rich is hell. In the
comparison it is where we find the Gunas, do not forget.
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page140
As we have shown here the Sutra hides more than it shows us, for
the Gunas they seem three, but with two intermediate states are
automatically converted into five different states, as stated above.
Do not forget that we set from the most material to the subtlest.
As we have seen, and explained between tamasic and rajasic, there
is an intermediate state, as between: Rajasik, and Satviko.
That is why they become five. As it occurs in states of matter. Is
able to define these states from the most compact to the most
ethereal, this would be as follows. Most solid belong to Tamasic,
when the solid is changing to liquid, that state between one and
another, then we could say that lies between Tamas and Rajas.
For instance when melting occurs. The liquid Rajasik serious, but
when it is changing to a gas, is still not one nor the other, so that
space would be between Rajasik and Satviko.
At the moment it is already a gas, serious Satviko.
This would be the definition of the five states, but going deeper,
that's what we're trying to accomplish, we could understand, or
even get to expose that our five bodies also can be exposed through
the five Gunas. Try to remember for a moment the five bodies, of
which our vehicle is made in this dimension. I hope the perfectly
remember as I have emphasized that it pudieseis understand,
appreciate, understand, and know each of them. These are the
following from less to more dense.
Transcendental, intellectual, mental, and finally Physical Energy.
I want to make a point. I prefer to reveal the different states're
names to make it easier and understandable, to bring them
strange names, because in the end the perception of them have
really be the same.
Our being begins to develop first the transcendental body, as you
know is slowly giving life to each of the other bodies to end in the
physical, but never forget that both are entirely necessary, and
none isplus,or better than the other. They are just parts of a
whole, one is connected to the next following an ascending scale,
or down, depending on what is happening at that time and the
needs of each of them have. What can never try to achieve is to

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page141

move from transcendental, energy, without crossing the next on
the scale, either upward or downward.
Therefore to pass the transcendental, physical furrowing is due
before the other three, intellectual, mental, and energetic. Reckon
up for a moment, if we add this to the above, and we begin the
transcendental, the scale will continue as we will expose here
right now.
Transcendental Satviko, Gas.
Intellectual, Satviko-Rajasik, between gas and liquid.
Mental. Rajasic, liquid.
Energy, Rajasik-Thamasic between liquid and solid.
Physical, Tamasic, solid.
Let's remember what the Sutra tells us:
The aforementioned five objects, which are the negative attributes
of the five electricities.
Think for a second. Why are the five negative attributes? If we
add what we just discussed, and transmute to as the Sutra shows
us, intuiremos that as we have explained before, they are called
negative by its density, this is necessary because the attributes are
the vehicle of energy. Energy is always what can be termed as
positive. We check according to the denser the energy bodies we
find the solution to the very definition we do with this
comparison. Perhaps this will come to roll a little but observe that
we are making a great discovery.
Think for a second. All organizations or entities that exist in this
place, are similar. They are composed by five bodies, even after the
physical changes are noticed, caused by what could have happened
in transit through each of the bodies, or even the place where one
lives. In fact what happens away from the physical body, it is
what helps to change what in dense or lower Manas part happens
to us. As each transcend far with a burden, a different knowledge,
changes that occur in the physical part, they are sufficient to
reach the permutations are so strong that it makes everyone we
are different, complicated, convoluted, and sometimes even
enmarañamos us with our own ideas. Remember atoms, they are
closely related to proteins, these atoms become the DNA These
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page142
transformers receive information from each of the bodies, this
coupled with the communication received by the ancestral energy.
Which is the energy it receives the physical body in its formation,
girders of the union of their parents. This gives us the strength to
DNA chain Punctuate your hair is blond for example. But
remember lhe three Gunas, Tama, Raja and Sattva.
Outside your life in your development cycle well as you
encounter, you'll be dominating more or less consciously, for all
that you are, everything can get cover, everything can come to
understand. The lotcarryto a state more or less evolved. This is in
line together every body, so the internal evolution of eachone can
remember the whole depends on what you really are, why you will
express to the outside only what you can develop.
Here we are really considering the negative and the densest and
least dense positive or immaterial. Energy is less dense than any
of your bodies, which is why every body really needs to activate
energy, and vibration for this to take place. As I discussed in the
previous chapter.Rememorad for a moment, the physical body,
ourbody is active thanks to its internal energy. This is precisely
what we need to understand, internally our physical body holds
three types of energies, which do not depend on what we really
are, that complete I who decides to incarnate, of what is actually
in us, vibration, energy , speed, and conscious awareness.
These energies are born in the physical body, are well defined in
traditional Chinese medicine, for example: Qui I mean energy,
these energies each has a different well defined function, I think it
would be quite profitable the expose and explain a little, to better
understand what treatment you learn, and I with you of course.
Rong begin with energy. This is responsible for encouraging and
helping start the movement of our bodies, filling them with vigor
so that in this way have an effective operation.
Wey energy is responsible for the external protection body, it
protects us through what may be called Auric, auric energy or
mantle. With it we are protected from any external aggression, as
the energy of the cosmos, which is the energy that emits
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page143
electromagnetic radiation, as well as emit electrical appliances.
Thanks to this energy mantle Wey, or auric, this electromagnetic
energy can not be inserted inside the body, energy Wey has its
birth in the womb.
Finally we have the power Zhong. This is a very important
energy, since it is one that we inherited from our ancestors, our
parents. She is the vital energy of the body, it is the energy that
we can not replenish and exhausted as we proceed in our way of
life. Therefore the more stress,plusWear vital energy. These three
forms of energy are absolutely necessary for the body to have its
existence away from the vital energy, which is the reality of what
we are. We must not replenish our energy shortages of the
physical body. He has his own way of doing it, as long as our
passage through life is consistent and not overly desgastemos
vital energy.
Reckon up now, energies above serve to survive, not to live life in
all its intensity. For the existential energy, or that we are really
occupies the body, it does not give life. The body could be just a
representation of what is, without us ocupásemos. This would be
an almost vegetable existence. Well, as I always say, surviving is
not live, like having an existence, it is not the same as having a
full life. Take counsel this for a second. We need to embody, this
leads us to create these five bodies. Why?
You come to realize that each of your bodies, feel an energy
glimpse, which is specific to the body which deal in that time.
Reality shows us that in each of these bodies, it should be
appreciated something very different from before, or later. For
example, the physical body is hit, is the physical body that feels
pain ?, Which of the five would feel the pain you have received?
Reflect for a moment on the body that appears after physical, is
the energy body. In the physical part it has been given the reality
of the experience which produces pain, but the truth goes beyond
what we think of as the physical pain, the body at the moment of
impact exhales, an electrical impulse which passes in a flash the
energy body. This body reacts giving a primary message to the

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page144

physical body, to be in his reaction, imposes his hand on the
damaged place, as hundreds of tiny energy channels end at that
point in our body, it demands so that peel off that energy into the
affected area. The energy body instinctively energy channels this
state of exaltation. In this way the message can reach the mental
body, in this the idea of what happened occurs, and joins the
action hit, the result it produces, without delay one
secondplusPasses the information now bypassing energy
excitement that produces pain as this is secondary, for it only
passes the information to the intellectual body. This is very
important, as the two bodies more attached to the physical body,
the energy body bone and mental body, they are able to recognize
the pain by strong exaltation of energy, not the information itself.
From the mental body exhales information, through thought, this
comes to intellectual body. Energy excitement is lost, and only get
accurate information of what happened, the intellectual body,
decides to pass this information, or reject it, will have the scale to
indicate what really deserves to be recognized, and in his hand
arrives the transcendental body. The transcendental body
produces the transformation of this information, which so far is
only a thought, the transcendental body transmuted into a feeling
that the action of thought itself can produce. His work can also
make thispenetrate morethere. Until you return this information
to the physical body, or never will. But this very issue, the lesson
must be learned, so this information automatically lowers the
intellectual body, so that it can recognize at any time in which
this being again a blow. Once this happens again, the process will
no longer have to do all the way through the different bodies, as
the information will be recognized before reaching the end of the
chain that comprises different bodies.
Think for a second as the energy body can pass the physical. We
know that the physical body originates within the body of the
mother, through the energy Zhong, or essential. But the energy
body is in the inner part of the physical body, very attached to
him. According to the dense, or physical body it is being formed,
millions of different energy sparks are exhaling at the time cells
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page145
divide, so you will create the energy body. That is why the link,
union with the physical body is total. Remember how bodies are
creating less dense, more dense.
The transcendental body is embodied in the very moment in
which the decision of the entelequia to incarnate again occurs. The
entity that decides to incarnate, creates the energy necessary so
that cognition is taken towards the transcendental body. IsWe
need to understand that our being what we are, at that moment in
which it is necessary to make a decision like this, is full of
energy.We think that once let out this great energy that have been
accumulating at the crossing point where we get carried away by
what the find, in that indefinitely in that place every memory each
broad knowledge our energy state, our emotional state rises and it
takes just a fill us with great energy. This energy will always be
related to the choice of that experience that we must suffer or
enjoy the new incarnation, as you can imagine the energy that
emerges from each of you at that moment is sufficiently intense
and exuberant as to take a shape, energy base, a gateway to this
new existence in this world that you know, that door really is that
transcendental body.
Once created the transcendental body, it begins its descent from
that totally immaterial world, to a place with a higher density,
ever closer to the physical world. It descends as a moment in
which feelings and conserve energy, emerge towards the physical
body, which is in development approaches. At that very second
starts the formation of a new energy form, gradually takes the
structure of a new body, this decline is a profound change,
because what form this new body, not just the pure energy let go.
At this time that energy joins a certain number of atoms,
therefore this new body has that transcendental body higher
density. It is in this way you end up creating the intellectual
body. That energy in the body is transformed into pure energy
vibration, this is accomplished by the binding energy, and these
first atoms, A atom is in constant agitation, this agitation results
in vibration. But every atom in isolation can only conceive of it as

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page146

ignorance, but the union becomes awakening. The union of
energy and vibration produce a feeling that grows because of the
energy produced by the union of both, all in their alliance leads to
the creation of the intellectual body.
The image produced by the thought, the energy generated itself,
and the atoms together. Exhale a new way of understanding, and
density. The result of vibration of the atoms linked to the energy
that has broken away from us, produces an effect called therefore
irretrievablyplusatoms come to the formation of a new body. This
is closer to the physical state because of the density which now
holds all in its union originates creation of the mental body. This
body must consider very important, because from him comes to
states that might call higher orplus spiritual than physical, or
otherwise takes that information, that knowledge, from spiritual
state, the state plus physical, say which is the intermediate
bonding is spring everything together.
The energy body will get their turn to training through the atoms
in a much larger number, because this body is almost we indicate
morematerial than spiritual, feeling, thought, energy, vibration,
and that part of the conscious that occupies it. The union of these
five factors gives existence to the energy body. Let us not forget
what has been said already, this is a body that begins to run from
the first spark of energy-producing cells in their division, in
feeling, thought, vibration and consciousness of self. All transport
you to be seen as a very unique body. Since this is a body of low
density but perceptible in the physical body, it is the first of which
we are aware, because of certain elements that build on its alliance
with the physical body. They are from the farms, or concentrated
energy points, which come to life in the physical body by binding
to energy. Thanks to these energy points they form the energy
channels of the body, this is gradually produced.
These channels linking the physical body with the energy body, it
will take a long time to give them as true in this place, not only
because of our own ignorance if not all around us. We could say
that the physical body takes a longer time to develop, the time

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page147

period in which the energy body must be erected, it is longer. This
is because it is attached to the physical body. This is because there
is this energy body from the first cell division. It is absolutely
necessary that this extraordinary energy which emit cells in their
division, is channeled somehow not be the body could not get to
have a form, and that energy would destroy it before it was
formed. Therefore, the energy body is formed him at first, then
give way to all energy channels that circulate throughout the
physical body and energy centers as already mentioned are the
The physical body is a gift from our parents, our ancestors.
Although they do not understand because their experience will
not take them to investigate this issue, they are grateful that you
have been given the opportunity to play, the token of appreciation
is granted to another being the opportunity to do well. For this
reason there comes a time in life when mothers who have not had
children everything they ask for them being able to be on tape.
Because there were no offspring experiences that other beings
should live in this place would be over. My humble tells me that
there are many similarities, or places, to this place, which also
enjoyed the way to embody and experience. But perhaps here we
come to know, what we can not do anywhere else.
Returning to the example, I want you to think for a second. If the
body does not transmit the message through its internal energy,
their receivers and transmitters. That punch is as well not exist,
as if it never had occurred. So if this were to occur, the energy
body, and other bodies could do nothing to prevent it from
happening again, so would fail to help the physical body. It is the
union of the physical part with the energy part, which sends that
string to react.
I think I have dwelt too much but in my opinion it was absolutely
We continue now with the Sutra.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page148

When combined together, they produce the idea of gross matter in
its five aspects: Kshiti solid; liquids; Texas, fires; Marut, gaseous
substances; and Akasha ether.
Look in correspondence with each of the five bodies.
Solid = Physical
Liquid Energy =
Fire = Mind
Gas = Intellectual.
Ether = Transcendental.

Remember that our body is composed of innumerable atoms, these

in turn cause the body to have its solidity. The following is the
energy, the constituent atoms are less, thus as this liquid is
malleable. Take counsel a little what basaos set before you and
what you know. For example the water really can not stop, now
also think of energy, it can not be completely annihilated.
Understand the similarity, on the other hand you can conceive of
the water with its continuous movement, this is the great energy
generator. Move on to the next in mind originates mind thinking,
remember what thoughts can lead us. Rememorad this, you can
not take anything out, you have not been inside before. The same
thought is like fire always want to grow, always wants to spread.
Remember that as the heat of fire ignites the feeling extends and
can not control once is a big fire. Itself as it can burn everything
can also help. Take up that like mind produces thought, is really
the intellect that leads to the feeling, but this would not be
possible without the air or gas, which allow the fire to expand,
and plasmación feeling, but intellect allows this to happen or not
depends. So the intellect is the gas, is the great deliverer. To
distribute one should decide to do so in ascension, as all gas can
rise, or burst. That will depend on what transportation. Finally,
the ascending gas is swallowed up by the ether, only can find it all
in, because ether is a space which is responsible for ensuring that
The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page149
all energy comes as befits and where it should. Just think for a
second that energy is to turn knowledge through the ether energy
is not expanded, and lost. This body bone is dense space between
this time and that other. Which is neither more nor less than that
from which we start, the feeling that comes there will be analyzed
until it down, or not, in this ether the search for the most accurate
channel for each particular energy. In this state of consciousness
you can also be reached through sleep, or meditation. As we are
just energy at that moment. I now better understand the
transcendent state that transcends bone. Therefore the physical
matter, joins the most energetic form, which is one that we arethat
I, or higher Manas, is absolutely necessary to know, as this will
help us define the state we occupy in each body, what made us
what we really can understand. So let's differentiate.

Transcendental Satviko, Gas, Aether.

Intellectual, Satviko-Rajasik, between gas and liquid, gas.
Mental. Rajasic Liquid Fire.
Energy, Rajasik-Thamasic between liquid and solid, liquid.
Physical, Tamasic, solid, solid.

These five aspects of gross matter and its attributes fifteen -

together with Manas (mind or sense consciousness), Buddhi
(intelligence-discrimination), Chita (heart or sentience) and
Ahamkara (ego) - are the twenty four basic principles of creation.
Imagine for a moment our nervous system. Observe as always
active at any exaltation, be it physical or mental. We must
understand that the first impulse that leads to the nervous system
activated, occurs here in the physical part. This begins to launch
the great chain, but originates in the physical body, everything
that has to do with this physical world. Think of this example in
that coup, when you magullas, all are energetic impulses. Which
they require the intricate neuronal state to go from something

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page150

physical, to an energetic impulse, after the image transfer, and the
feeling that this leads to mind. As I say, all that is in the physical
state, as changes occur beyond the body part, which then affect the
body. These can originate from dreams, meditations, when we
transcend beyond the physical, energetic and even beyond mental
status. But since everything is connected, we still feel everything
that happens in each of the bodies will be different what happens
in each, the union of all end in the physical body resulting in the
necessary message in every situation. Think for a second, here we
question what will be the 15 attributes? It is therefore necessary
to fit the three Gunas what we're dealing with.
Sattva is the positive.
Tamas negative. Rajas neutral.

The three Gunas can be applied to all if we apply here at 5 bodies,

the result is 3 by 5, and we always give you 15. Reckon up for a
second to each body, each state you add the three Gunas, the end
get the specified amount, 15. These five aspects of gross matter,
and his fifteen attributes together with Manas, which is the mind,
or sensory awareness, Buddhi, which is the intelligence or insight,
Chita, which is the heart, or sentience, and Ahamkara, which is
the Ego, that are the twenty four basic principles of creation.

Those 15 states would be the physical part, there you have the
other four states. How can we interpret in last place says, the ego
is here I know he declaims as one aspect of gross matter. Really
the ego, is what we are, is that energy, that vibration, that speed
we really are. there can not be an ego like another, just as there
can not be a person like another, you can hold internal alike, what
should they come from a common vibrational group but
adjustments you a vibrational group does not mean one ceases to
be an individual entity.
The Ego is a Latin word which means I, consciousness in the man
I am, I, that is the feeling of quality or condition I am. Esoteric
philosophy teaches the existence of two Egos in man, mortal or

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page151

personal, and superior or divine and impersonal. At first he called
Personality, and the second Individuality. That is why when the
external ego decays, all with just ill or altered.
There is one thing I want to make clear, really has been given a
bad name ego, for the wrong praxis, or whatever you want to
define, perpetually because religions, to give man as a being that
is nothing, only son of a entity that will never know. If the ego as
the part which really are was understood, he would say so much
nonsense about it.
Therefore as I say this Sutra, the union of all this is what gives
life to creation.
When we speak of creation you must remember the difference
between emanation and creation. The creation of all that is
external to us, but out of our energy, which is implicit in it, not
us we give the existence, if not the union of atoms, energy, etc.
Remember that we can create houses, artwork, and even bodies.
You must understand that all creation ends up extinguished,
death, cease. However emanation never be extinguished.
In this Sutra you this ablando of creation, how to get to embody,
to enjoy a state of life in the dense body. The union of all expresses
what we are, but explained, not only must understand the
creation, if not beyond. Incumbimos power we achieve what is
within each and every one of our bodies, understanding,
internalizing this knowledge youhelp toto develop the internal
parameters of the actual creation. To reach the emanation, which
will be able to find, beyond the Transcendental body, because as
its name suggests, this is one that transcends, it is one that we
needed to get hooked to the existence of a previous existence. So
when we are aware of it, that wehelp to to transcend to a new
consciousness, which is that we really are.
And with these words and this knowledge I close here the first
volume, I hope many others will follow because this is a
wonderful knowledge that everyone, and each of those who
approach him, one way or anotherhelp toto change. Thank you
very much. Namaskar. Asirvadam. '.

The message initiates the Sutras. Volume 1. Page152

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