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Cameron Essak

3rd Hour
All about Me
To begin with, I was always uncomfortable meeting new people. I was never good at

introducing myself to new people. I would always turn red and act different in a shy way. I don’t

mind meeting new friends or meeting family that I haven’t seen in quite some time, I’m just not

good at it. When I used to live in Arizona, I went to a catholic school. This led to me growing

closer to my faith by having a church mass every Friday and Sunday. This was the first I had

ever attended and I loved experiencing going to a catholic school. I attended this school for 3

years until my family had decided to move to Michigan.

First, not only was I the only person that attended a catholic school. I had an older brother

and sister who also did too. My sister and I had attended the same school, while my brother was

in high school. The school I had attended had went from Kindergarten to Eight grade. My

brother had had normal high school grade which were ninth to twelfth. Honestly, I always knew

how a normal public school ran, but I loved the experience of going to a catholic school. Doing

the things and activities we would do throughout this catholic school brought me way closer to

my faith, which led to me making some right decisions even at such a young age.

Second, a couple years later when I moved back to Michigan, I wasn’t familiar with the

community around. I always felt like I was unnoticed by people at my school, which wasn’t a big

deal to me considering I had just enrolled in the school. I always said to myself, as I got close to

the end of the year, I would have some friends that I know I could talk to daily. I met one friend

literally a week later. We would literally be with each other from the second school started till

the second school ended. I knew I could trust this person with everything and that’s exactly what
I did. He was always there for me, did whatever he could to make sure I stay a good kid and

mostly to make sure I was always happy. And I also did the same for him, knowing that he’d put

my life before his.

Then, as years moved on, I moved again to Sterling Heights. When I first moved to

Michigan, I was living in Warren with my grandma for about 5 to 6 years and had no problem

with it. Then comes eighth grade and my mom tells me that we are moving. I didn’t know what

to do and the fact that I was leaving this best friend behind, made me unsure about how I felt. So,

day after day, I asked and begged my mom for me to stay in Warren schools, every day the

answer was “No.” After a little while, I just gave up. I felt as if I just did not care about the

situation anymore. Later on in eighth grade is when I finally first got my phone. The next day I

went to this person got his number right away, and even after school we would talk on the phone

or text. We still would always check up on each other even after I left the school. I knew how

much he meant to me and I couldn’t just let everything disappear.

Later on, I had finally moved to these apartments in Shelby Township. I attended the

middle school of Jeannette Junior High. This is when the time came again, that I felt unnoticed

and everybody looking down on me. Slowly, day after day, I started getting comfortable with the

school, not really much friends to talk to, but comfortability was all that was needed at the time.

The day came, October 18th, on my birthday, where I met another friend like before. I was not

familiar with the location of my classes. Every day, I would get walked to class by this new

friend I made. After all that, I just got familiar with where I was going. This girl ended up

staying friends with me, and believe or not, this girl was just as a good as a friend from my old

school, if not better. I could do something so stupid, so weird, yet this person would never judge

the way I was or how I acted. I ended just trusting this girl too considering I had gone to school
with her. Everything personal about me, stupid about me, crazy things that had happened in my

life, she knew. I told this person pretty much every fact that I had remembered that happened

throughout my life.

To end off, it doesn’t matter what school you go to, or the place upon where you live. It

matters about the life decisions you decide to make. Every choice that is made, whether good or

bad, was because of you, not the person had that influence upon you. If wrong people influence

you, it is not their fault that you decided to act like them. In my life, I know I made my right

choices and I knew the choices I was going to make throughout my Junior High year. I had a

feeling of what was going to make or break my reputation. I just decided to lay low and mind my

own business instead of trying to be the “cool one” in the group. At the end of the day, it is you

who made that right or wrong choice.

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