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How Brexit hit the pound in your

pocket (Summary)

- The value of the pound has changed a lot over the past three years,making
UK people a little poorer.

- Back in December 2015, £1 would buy about €1.40. Today it will get nearer

- A big part of the fall occurred literally overnight, once the result of the EU
referendum became apparent in the early hours of 24 June 2016.

- You can easily get less than €1 for your pound if you exchange at the wrong

- The fall in the pound has also increased the price of things in the shops

- Most analysis suggests that prices are now at least 2% higher than they
would have been if the pound had not fallen in 2016

- It fell because people and companies deciding where to keep their money took
the view that the UK had become less attractive.

- A falling pound acts as something of a safety valve. It makes UK exports cheaper

abroad, helping to cushion the impact of leaving the EU.

- An important fact about international trade is that most of it is between

businesses, rather than straight from business to consumers

- As a result, UK people are able to consume more than they produce.

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