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the problems of transport

Most of the air pollution in our cities is caused by traffic.

the excessive use of the car is the main cause of the problems of congestion, noise, air pollution,
accidents and high costs of tickets in the city

Main transportation problems in Bogotá

Among the most obvious problems that public transport presents are congestion and disorder in
circulation along with institutional problems and consequences that make transport in Colombia a
problem of great magnitude that deserves a prompt solution.

Among the main problems originated from the previously mentioned are:

 The inadequate functioning that occurs in public transportation

 The system causes a considerable disorganization in the circulation.

According to the figures, on the most congested roads, transport vehicles occupy almost 40% of
the streets.

The search to adjust the costs of the tariffs causes that many times the public vehicles
have a poor maintenance which generates another important problem that is the negative
impact that is caused to the environment

 The private automobile is considered one of the means that produces the biggest
congestion, this because it occupies almost three times more of the road space per
passenger, comparing it with a public bus. Requires additional space resources such as

The environmental impacts

 Transportation is a generator of many negative effects that cause strong environmental

and economic impacts

 Emissions of gases and particles in the country, about 70 percent are the responsibility of

There are other externalities that affect the environment such as:

 Traffic accidents in Bogotá amount to almost 1079 per 100 vehicles per year.

 Congestion rates negatively affect driver behavior

 The time lost due to congestion leads to tiredness and low performance at work.

 Recommendations Using the bicycle as a means of transport, does not pollute, the city is
known in another way, strengthens the body doing exercise and helps the environment
and motivates others to use it

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