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You see a Blank Page

A blank white page indicates a PHP error which isn't being printed to the screen.
To force this, add the following lines to the LocalSettings.php file, underneath
the <?php:

error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
You can also set a value for error_log in PHP.ini and read the PHP error log to
find out what's going on. In some cases, PHP errors might also be recorded in the
web server error log.

Error reports may include:

"Warning [...] It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are
*required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set()
function." Check if date.timezone = is set correctly (or set at all) in PHP.ini.
Certain files may be reported as missing (e.g. when the media folder in your
/includes folder is no longer present, you may receive the message that a required
imaging process "failed to open stream"). Check the original installation package
at MediaWiki (make sure to consult the appropriate version) to see if this is the
case. If so, simply copy the missing files from the package into your MediaWiki
directory. It may be necessary to refresh the cache and restart the webserver
MySQL socket cannot be found. If LocalSettings.php is set to the correct MySQL
socket but php.ini is not, it may result in a blank screen with no error output
from the webserver or php. The fix is to update the mysql.default_socket entry in
the php.ini file.
Many people report blank pages in recent versions after submitting articles to
their new wiki. A likely cause is the memory limit in default php installations
(usually 8 MB). Please check your PHP and/or Apache error logs. To modify this
setting edit /etc/php.ini and increase the "memory_limit" setting. For example to
raise it to 32 MB replace the existing text with "memory_limit = 32M". Make sure to
restart your webserver after you have changed this value.

The memory limit may also have been set in your LocalSettings.php file. Scan for
the line containing the memory_limit setting and increase as needed. 20M may not be
enough if you are running version 1.15.1. Change it to e.g. "memory_limit = 32M".
This change does not require you to restart apache.

If the page just hangs loading during some time (like 30 seconds) doing a specific
action, and then it results in a blank page or HTTP 500 error, the problem is a
timeout connecting to some server. This may be the database server, or if it
happens doing a specific action, the mail server (if you have configured email
settings). If it's the email server, check if you can connect to it from the server
running MediaWiki, for example, running the Telnet client to the server and port
configured on $wgSMTP and seeing if it can connect.

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