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CLL SEPTIC - TANK PRACTICE Mae ee PT an PO CORE MUU Uk UCSC CUS LL Safety Considerations It is particularly important that proper safety precautions be taken when percolation holes or larger’excavations are dug to install septic tanks or seepage pits. Means should be provided to prevent the side- walls from collapsing while workmen are in the hole. A common method of affording proper protection to the workmen is through the use of sheeting formed by semicircular sections of corrugated metal, braced with semicircular compression rods which are bolted on the inside with expansion bolts. In another type of seepage pit construc- tion, the walls are made of precast reinforced concrete sections with slotted holes. For deep seepage pits, or where there is any danger of caving, the sections are installed as the excavation progresses, and are used as the necessary protective sheeting. During non-work periods holes should be covered with boards that cannot be easily removed or the hole should be surrounded with a fence that cannot be easily entered. Any open hole is dangerous and should be filled in when the work is completed. Fatal accidents have occurred when these basic safety measures have not been observed. § Manual of » SEPTIC - TANK 3 PRACTICE Develoel in Cooperation with the Doint Committee on Gael Sanitation oc MEAL, 5+ Pug 2” ee 1 qua “tr9e* U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE id Environmontal Health Service Environmental Control Administ Rockville, Marland 20852

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