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(Por llamada)

-Enfermera: Hello, how I Can help you?

-Familiar: Hello. Can I have an appointment to see the doctor, please?

-Enfermera: Yes of course. When would you like to come in?

-Familiar: Could it be this afternoon? Is it okay? It is urgent!

-Enfermera: Yes, that’s fine. You can come this afternoon. So, What is your

-Familiar: My name is Sofía.

-Enfermera: That is all. I already confirmed your appointment at 5 p.m. ...

See you this afternoon

-Familiar: Ok! Thank you.

(En hospital)

-Paciente y familiar: ...Good afternoon. I have an appointment at 5 p.m.

-Enfermera: Good afternoon. Are you Sofía?

-Familiar: Yes I am

-Enfermera: What is the problem?

-Familiar: My brother have general discomfort

-Enfermera: So, I'm going to ask the patient some questions

-Familiar: it's okay! No problem

-Enfermera: What are your symptoms?

-Paciente: I don’t feel very well, I think I have a fever, vomiting and a lot
of pain in my body

-Enfermera: How old are you?

-Paciente: I am 20 years

-Enfermera: Are you allergic to any medications?

-Paciente: I don’t think so! I haven’t had any problems so far.

-Enfermera: Wait for a moment, please. The doctor comes immediately…

(En el consultorio)

- Doctor: Good afternoon! How I can help you?

- Patient: I don’t feel very well
- Doctor: What symptoms do you have?
- Patient: I have the flu, fever, stomach ache, diarrhoea
- Doctor: When did the symptoms start?
- Patient: Since 4 days
- Doctor: Did you eat food poisoning?
- Patient: I was eating junk food in the street
- Doctor: OK!, it seems that you have acute gastroenteritis.
- Patient: how could we fight that doctor?
- Doctor: Are you allergic to any medication?
- Patient: I’m allergic to ibuprofen.
- Doctor: OK! You should take oral serum for 5 days, ciprofloxacin 750
mg every 12 hours for 7 days and paracetamol 500 mg when you have
a temperature. You will eat soft diet for now and you avoid drinking
milk and coffee.
- Patient: Okey doctor, I will see you in 7 days. That’s all?
- Doctor: That’s all. Have a good afternoon.
- Patient: Thanks, doctor

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