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Assignment 4. Writing session

Yonatan Arevalo Garcia
CC. 1116251171
Orbilio de Jesus Echeverry Isaza
CC. 1114059113

Group: 275

Universidad Nacional Abierta a Distancia (UNAD)

October 2017

A. Introduce yourself and select role.

B. Check grammar structures/vocabulary.

C. Exercise 1

D. Planning the letter to your mother.

E. Drafting
Development of Activities

A. Introduce yourself and select role: Each student will share IN ENGLISH the
following information on complete sentences (Name, age, address, phone number
and occupation). Also, he/she will select a ROLE for the collaborative work.

Presentation Yonatan Arevalo:

Hi. goodnight, tutor and companions. My name is Yonatan; I am twenty-seven
years old. I am from Pereira, i live in Nueva Villa. My phone number is
3022773617. I am Police Officer in the city Pereira.
For this collaborative work I will select the role of Reviewer

Presentation Orbilio de Jesus:

Kind regards tutor and colleagues
I am Orbilio De Jesus Echeverry Isaza, I am 30 years old, I am in the industrial
engineering program, I live in the city of Pereira, I work as an operations assistant
in a commercial center. My cell phone number is 3114546638.
For this collaborative work I will select the role of the delivery.
B. Check grammar structures/vocabulary: Each participant will select ONE
Grammar topic to COMPLETE the chart in the forum with the explanations of such
grammar topics.
Used for:

-To express habits and routines, general facts,

repeated actions or situations, emotions and
permanent desires: I smoke (habit); I work in London
(stay); London is a large city (general fact).

-To give instructions or directions:

You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.

-To discuss scheduled, present or future events:

Your exam starts at 09.00.
-To refer to the future, behind some conjunctions: Arevalo
after, when, before, as soon as, until: Garcia
I'll give it to you when you eat next Saturday.

Watch out! The "simple present" is not used to talk

about what is happening at the moment.

Structure: subject + verb.

Affirmative: I think; you think

Interrogative: Do I think? Do you think?
Negative: I do not think; you do not think.

The progressive present (the present continuous o

the present progressive) is used to talk about an
action that is happening right now.
Orbilio de
The progressive present is formed by the verb to be
Present Jesus
(being) in the present, plus a gerund (present
progressive Echeverry
Formula of the present progressive:
to be + gerund
Let's look at some examples of phrases that use the
progressive present.

The kids are playing.

I am eating a sandwich.

We are watching a movie.

The progressive present is formed with the verb to

be in the present. Here is an example of the verb
conjugation to

eat in the progressive present.

I am eating.

You are eating.

He/she is eating.

Affirmative contractions with to be

I'm running.

You're talking.

He's dancing.

We're eating.

They're sleeping.

Negative contractions with to be

I'm not running.

You're not talking.

You aren't talking.

He's not dancing.

He isn't dancing.
We're not eating. We

aren't eating.

They're not sleeping.

They aren't sleeping.

Questioning forms

To ask questions using the present progressive, you

have to invert the subject and the conjugated form of
to be. We compare the affirmative form with the
interrogative form.

Am I running this heat?

Are you talking to me?

Is he dancing alone?

Are we eating soon?

Are they sleeping in the living room?

The progressive present is used to talk about what is

happening now. Unlike this, the simple present is
used to speak of habitual actions, statements of facts
and realities, opinions and general truths. Compare
the examples below; the first example of each pair
uses the progressive present, while the second uses
the simple present.

Present simple

You are running.

You run every day.

Present progressive

Dan is talking now.

Dan always talks quietly.

Some of the words and phrases most commonly
used with this progressive present are presented


right now

at this time
There is / there's (singular)
There are (plural)

"There is", "there are" and tenses

There The structure is easy, just conjugate the verb "to be"
is/are in the time you want to use:


Let's look at some examples in Simple Present and

Simple Past:

There is / there's a chair in the room.

3 rules for making sentences with frequency adverbs:

1.1.- Adverbs of frequency usually go before the verb:

frequency adverb + verb

Example: I always eat cereal for breakfast.

1.2.- With the verb "to be", adverbs of frequency

usually go after this verb.
"to be" auxiliary + frequency adverb
Example: She is always happy.

1.3.- The words "Sometimes" and "Usually" can go to

the beginning or end of sentences.

Example: Usually I'm late.

Connectors Linking words or connecting words help you to build a
in writing logical argument in your text by linking one statement
to another. A text without linking words reads like a
series of unrelated statements with no flow.

Linking words can be used to:

- Link the flow of ideas in your writing

- Guide your reader towards the next stage of your
- Link paragraphs together.
C. Exercise 1. From the picture of the refrigerator. Write 5 complete positive
sentences, three negative sentences and two interrogative sentences using
+ BE

positive sentences:
there is a soda on the refrigerator door.
there is a lot of meat in the fridge.
there is a box of strawberries in the refrigerator.
there is an old orange on the last tray.
there is fresh lettuce on the last tray.
negative sentences:
There is no fresh milk
There is no Parmesan cheese in the refrigerator.
There are not onions dwelt anywhere.

interrogative sentences using THERE + BE:

There is butter in the refrigerator?
There are meats of beast in the door of the refrigerator?
Exercise 2: write corresponding sentences to the images in Present simple tense.
Use The subject according to the pictures.

Example: The man takes a shower in the morning

1. he likes to take a shower
2. he dresses in his favorite clothes
3. She wakes up in the morning
4. She goes away to the bed early
5. She goes to the college to studying
6. He eats his food
7. She washes his face
8. He washes the teeth to be going to sleep
9. She does his homework
10. He sees the tv in the night
Exercise 3: Describe ten actions of the people in the picture. Use presente
progressive in both positive and pegative.

Example: The man in the red shirt is skating. The man is not walking
1. The man in the blue shirt is reading. The man is not sitting down.
2. The couple are having lunch. The couple is not reading
3. The orange blouse lady is walking the dog. The lady is not eating.
4. Mr. Brown shirt is taking a picture. Sir is not running.
5. The young man in the blue shirt is trotting, the young man is not walking.
6. The kid in the red shirt is playing guitar. The child is not standing
7. The lady in the blue dress is reading. The lady is not eating.
8. The man sitting on the bench is playing on his computer. Sir is not lying
9. The orange dress lady is drinking water. Madame is not sitting down.
10. The couple is riding a bicycle. The couple is not playing guitar.
Exercise 3: Answer five questions about you and five about one member from your
family. Use Adverbs of frequency.

How often do you do these activities?

How often does your family member do these activities?

I NEVER play Basketball. My brother SELDOM reads a book

I RARELY play basketball. My brother ALWAYS plays chess.
I RARELY rest and relax. My daughter HARDLY EVER goes swimming.
I OCCASIONALLY visit a friend. My parents SOMETIMES send messages
I ALWAYS take a shower. My sister OFTEN reads a book / magazine
I USUALLY make a favor. My kids SOMETIMES go shopping.
D. Planning the letter to your mother: You will write a letter to your mother
describing what your life is like after two months of moving with your
husband/wife/partner to a different country. You will include description of the city,
description of daily routine and description of a picture you sent.

Hello Mother.
I am writing this letter to tell you that we are very well, elizabeth and I we enjoy the
life and our new family. Jerusalem is very beautiful, calm and the persons are good
with us. There are many tourists in this city and the economy is good. There are
many business and it is easy to obtain a good employment. The city is home to
renowned institutions covering a wide range of professional and cultural fields and
is one of the most important economic drivers. I already have several work options.
Your granddaughter this sofia very well of health, in addition is very intelligent and
already aprendio to walking. Every day we get up early in the morning and
elizabeth it prepares the breakfast and the lunch for me to lead to the work. I am
charmed with the fried chicken. She continues studying in house and we meet in
the evening that I return from the work. To speak and then to play with sofia. Since
at 8 p.m. we meet a movie in netflix. And then we are going to sleep with sofia.

Description of the Picture

In the image it is observed to lizabeth, sofia in way and I, estabamos in the central
park of the city. Which is big and green. Many families are going the weekends to
happen in relative and to realize activities entertained with his pets.
The group will fill in this planning CHART




ROUTINE have breakfast
to work
to converse
to play
to entertain
E. Drafting: After having decided about the city, the pictures and the actions, the
group will start writing the letter that will be divided into paragraphs:


Hi mother, how are you?
How do you feel in your house?
Are you happy with your life?
I hope you're happy living with my
father. We miss you a lot
Grammar: present simple - questions
TO BE - greetings.

Through the streets of Jerusalem,

people from all walks of Christianity are
People are watching the place.
The people of Jerusalem are positively
criticizing the walls of the city.
There are Catholics in the street, there
are Christians, there are Jews and
there are Protestants.
As it is a holy city, there are no papers
or earth.
Grammar: present progressive - there

In my house there is a bed. There is a

very comfortable armchair. There is a
Beautiful lamp that hangs of the ceiling.
There are also several pictures in the
wall. There is a dining room of form
round and done in glass and wood. On
the soil there are several carpets.
About the room there are very strong
walls. Finally next to the armchair there
is a small table.
Grammar: there is/are. Prepositions of
In the morning my wife and I get up at 6
a.m. Then we have breakfast rapidly,
she guards the lunch in the briefcase.
Normally it is a chicken with
vegetables. She then continues
studying even in the evening that I
return of working. Then we continue
conversing until 7 p.m. And at 8 p.m.
we see a movie of our taste. Then we
pray and fall asleep.
Grammar: present simple – adverbs of
We miss you so much and we love
you. Take care and greet the whole
family. Good bye...
Say good bye

Note: Utilize the colors to identify the different grammar structures used in each
References Bibliographies

Present progressive. 18 de October de 2017. E LEARN ENGLISH

LANGUAGE Recuperated of:

Present Simple. 18 de October de 2017. British Council. recuperated of:

COMO USAR ‘THERE IS’ Y ‘THERE ARE’. 12/07/2017. English Live.

Recuperated of:

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