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"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school

bags among people in Ernakulam district” 1


"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 2


"A study on customer's opinion on advertisements of Kitex products" is to

evaluate the effectiveness of advertisement that is given by the company. To
evaluate the effectiveness of advertisement it needs to conduct a survey
among the customers of Kitex. Advertisement is the art of making products to
the world in such a way that a desire for building that product is created in the
minds of people. Advertising has positive as well as negative impact in the
minds of prospective customers. Various methods of advertising can be
adopted to influence the customers.

An Advertisement is one of the topical strategies of many brands for the

promotion of their product. The purpose of mass advertisements is to gain
attention for the product, ensuring prolonged association with consumers, or
for the purpose of recall of their product in customers' mind. This study
purports to consider the application of the AIDA theory. For the purpose, it
proceeds to analyse the impact of advertisements in influencing the
consumer's attitude to purchase the durable products like Television and
Refrigerator, etc. Today, most of the advertisements come with 'celebrity
endorsements' which act as a credible means of spending money. This could
be for the reason of their social standing. People want to wear the "right"
clothes, drink the -right- beverages and use the "right" fragrances and buy
"right" durables. Studying the attitude of consumers, it can be stated that if a
consumer observes messages for two different firm's products, one product's
message containing a better advertisement and the other not, believes the
better advertisement's product will definitely have more features and so be of
higher value. Advertising is therefore essential for creating and maintaining
demand for the products.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 3

Current project topic: "Impact of advertisements of Scoobee Day bags

in Ernakulam"

Current objective: To study the impact and feedback of Scoobee Day

advertisement in various media, based on customers in Ernakulam

Sub objectives:

To study the brand awareness of Scoobee Day bags.

To study the recollection of Scoobee Day bags brand based on


To study the suitability of various media for advertising Scoobee Day


To study the prospects of digital marketing in advertising Scoobee Day

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 4


Research is voyage from known to unknown

Research is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the

fundamentals of science to the general and overall questions of a study and
scientific technique which provide precise tools, specific procedure and
technical rather than philosophical means for getting and ordering the data
prior to their logical analysis and manipulation. Different type of research
designs is available depending upon the nature of research project,
availability of able manpower and circumstances.


Descriptive Research is used in this study as the main aim is to describe

characteristics of the phenomenon or a situation.


All the viewers of the advertisements of ScooBee Day Bags are selected as
the population for the study


The source of data includes primary and secondary data sources

. Primary Sources: Primary data has been collected directly from sample
respondents through questionnaire and with the help of interview.

Secondary Sources: Secondary data has been collected from standard

textbooks, Newspapers, Magazines & Internet.


The sampling unit is one viewer of advertisements of ScooBee Day Bags.

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 5


Sample size used for the study is 60 units.


The sampling method used in the study is Convenience sampling.


The tool used for the primary data collection is Questionnaire.


The tools used for data analysis are:

➢ Percentages

➢ Ranking


> Only limited days are allowed for data collection and analysis. So a deep
study is not possible.

> There is no guarantee that the respondents give full and correct
information. i.e. personal bias may affect the study.

> The answers will depend on the attitude, opinion and sharing mentality of
the respondents.

> The findings are only based on the data collected through survey.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 6

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 7

-George Carlin

Advertising is a form of communication used to influence individuals to

purchase products or services or support political candidates or ideas.
Frequently it communicates a message that includes the name of the product
or service and how that product or service could potentially benefit the
consumer. Advertising often attempts to persuade potential customers to
purchase or to consume a particular brand of product or service. Modern
advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased
consumption of their products or services through branding, which involves
the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate related
clinilities with the brand in the minds of consumers.

Defining Modern Advertising

A standard definition of advertising has five basic components:

 Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some forms of

advertising such as public service announcements ( PSAs), use donated
space and time.
 Not only is the message paid for, but the sponsor is identified.
 Most advertising tries to persuade or influence the consumer to do
something, although in some cases the point of the message is simply
to inform customers and make them aware of the product or company.
In other words, it is strategic communication driven by objectives, and
these objectives can be measured to determine whether the advertising
was effective.
 Advertising reaches a large audience of potential consumers.
 The message is conveyed through many different kinds of mass media,
which are largely non personal. What that means is that advertising
isn't directed to a specific person, although this is changing with the
introduction of the internet and more inter-active media.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 8

Meaning and Definition of Advertising

Advertising is nothing but a paid form of non-personal presentation or

promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor with a view to
disseminate information concerning an idea, product or service. The message
which is presented or disseminated is called advertisement. In the present day
marketing activities hardly is there any business in the modern world which
does not advertise. However, the form of advertisement differs from business
to business.

Advertisement has been defined differently by different persons. A few

definitions are being reproduced below:

According to Wood, "Advertising is causing to know to remember, to do."

According to Wheeler, "Advertising is any form of paid non-personal

presentation of ideas, goods or services for the purpose of inducting people to

According to Richard Buskirk, "Advertising is a paid form of non-personal

presentation of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor."

According to William J. Stanton, "Advertising consists of all the activities

involves in presenting to a group, a non-personal, oral or visual, openly
sponsored message regarding disseminated through one or more media and is
paid for by an identified sponsor."

Role and Functions of Advertising

Over time, as the practice of advertising has evolved, it has played many
different roles. It started out as a way to identify the maker of goods and that
continues to be an important role today. As technology, such as the printing
press, made it possible to reach a wider audience, advertising becomes more
focussed on providing commercial information along with the identification
of the product's maker.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 9

• The Marketing Role

The process a business uses to satisfy consumer needs and wants by providing
goods and services is called marketing. The marketing department or
manager is responsible for selling a company's product, which can be goods,
a service, or an idea. Products are also identified in terms of their product

• The Communication Role

Advertising is a form of mass communication. It transmits different types of

market information to connect buyers and sellers in the market place. It both
informs and transforms the product by creating an image that goes beyond
straightforward facts. The broad term marketing communication include
advertising, but it also includes a number of related communication
techniques used in marketing- such as sales promotion, public relations, direct
response, events and scholarships, packaging, and personal selling.

• The Economic Role

Advertising tends to flourish in societies that enjoy some level of economic

abundance, in which supply exceeds demand. In these societies, advertising
moves from being primarily informational to creating a demand for a
particular brand.

• The Societal Role

Advertising also has a number of societal roles. It informs us about new and
improved products, helps us compare products and features, and generally
keeps us informed about innovations and issues. It mirrors fashion and design
trends and adds to our aesthetic sense. It has an educational role in that it
teaches about new products and how to use them.

Functions of Advertising

From the advertiser's perspective, advertising, in general, performs seven

basic functions:
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 10

• Builds awareness of products and brands.

• Create a brand image

. • Provides product and brand information.

• Persuades people.

• Provides incentives to take action.

• Provides brand reminders.

• Reinforces past purchases and brand experiences.

Objectives of Advertising

The purpose of advertising is nothing but to sell something -a product, a

service or an idea. The real objective of advertising is effective
communication between producers and consumers. The following are the
main objectives of advertising:

Preparing Ground for New Product

New product needs introduction because potential customers have never used
such product earlier and the advertisements prepare a ground for that new

Creation of Demand

The main objective of the advertisement is to create a favorable climate for

maintaining of improving sales. Customers are to be reminded about the
product and the brand. It may induce new customers to buy the product by
informing them its qualities since it is possible that some of the customers
may change their brands.

Facing the Competition

Another important objective of the advertisement is to face to competition.

Under competitive conditions, advertisement helps to build up brand image
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
and among
brand loyaltypeople in Ernakulam
and when customers havedistrict”
developed brand loyalty, 11
becomes difficult for the middlemen to change it.

Creating or Enhancing Goodwill: Large scale advertising is often

undertaken with the objective of creating or enhancing the goodwill of the
advertising company. This, in turn, increases the market receptiveness of the
company's product and helps the salesmen to win customers easily.

Informing the Changes to the Customers

Whenever changes are made in the prices, channels of distribution or in the

product by way of any improvement in quality, size, weight, brand, packing,
etc., they must be informed to the public by the producer through

In short, advertising aims at benefiting the producer, educating the consumer

and supplementing the salesmen. Above all it is a link between the producer
and the consumer.

Benefits or Importace of Advertising

 It increases sales volume by creating attraction towards the product.

 It helps easy introduction of new products into the markets by the same
 It helps to create an image and reputation not only of the products but
also of the producer or advertiser. In this way, it creates goodwill for
the manufacturer.
 Retail price, maintenance is also possible by advertising where price
appeal is the promotional strategy.
 It ensures more economical selling because selling overheads are
 It enables them to have product information.
 It helps them to know where and when the products are available. This
reduces their shopping time
 It provides an opportunity to the customers to compare the merits and
demerits of various substitute products.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
 This people
is perhaps the onlyinmedium
Ernakulam district”
through which consumers could know 12
the varied and new uses of the product.
 Modern advertisements are highly informative.
 Advertising prepares necessary ground for a salesman to begin his
work effectively. Hence sales efforts are reduced.

 Advertising leads to a large-scale production creating more

employment opportunities to the public in various jobs directly or
 It initiates a process of creating more wants and their satisfaction
higher standard of living. For example, advertising has made more
popular and universal the uses of such inventions as the automobiles,
radios, and various household appliances.

Types of Advertising

Advertising is complex because so many different advertisers try to reach so

many different types of audiences. Considering all these different advertising
situations, we can identify seven major types of advertising.

Brand Advertising: The most visible types of advertising is national

consumer, or brand advertising. Brand advertising focuses on the
development of a long term brand identity and image.

Retail or Local Advertising: A great deal of advertising focuses on retailers

or manufacturers that sell their merchandise in a certain geographical area. In
the case of retail advertising, the message announces facts about products that
are available in nearby stores. The objective tends to focus on stimulating
store traffic, and creating a distinctive image for the retailer.

Direct- Response Advertising: Direct- Response advertising can use any

advertising medium, including direct mail, but the message is different from
that of national and retail advertising in that it tries to stimulate a sale directly.
The consumer can respond

by telephone or mail, and the product is delivered directly to the consumer by

mail or some other carrier.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people
Business-to-Business in Ernakulam
Advertising: district”
B2B is sent from one business to 13
another. B2B is not directed at general consumers. Advertisers place most
business advertising in professional publications or journals.

Institutional Advertising: Institutional advertising is also called Corporate

Advertising. These messages focus on establishing a corporate identity or
winning the public over to the organisation's point of view. Non-profit
Advertising: Not-for-profit organizations, such as charities, foundations,
associations, hospitals, orchestras, museums, and religious institutions,
advertise for customers, members, and volunteers, as well as for donations
and other forms of programme participation.

Public Service Advertising: Public service announcements communicate a

message on behalf of some good cause, such as stopping drunk driving or
preventing child abuse. These advertisements are usually created by
advertising professionals free of charge and the media often donate the
necessary space and time.

Definition of Advertising Effectiveness

Advertising effectiveness pertains to how well a company's advertising

accomplishes the intended. Small companies use many different statistics or
metrics to measure their advertising effectiveness. These measurements can
be used for all types of advertising, including television, radio, direct mail,
Internet and even billboard advertising. A company's advertising effectiveness
usually increases over time with many messages or exposures. But certain
advertising objectives can be realized almost immediately.

Testing Advertising Effectiveness

Small companies can test their advertising effectiveness in several different

ways. One way is to insert certain "word flags" into the advertising messages,
according to "Entrepreneur." This may be a simple phrase or word that
customers recognize and can, therefore, mention when inquiring from an
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
advertisement. Thepeople incan
word flag Ernakulam district”
also be in the form of a question. For 14
example, a small restaurant company may prompt

customers to ask, "What's the super special of the day?" The restaurant owner
can then track the number of people who ask about the super special
throughout the day. Those who use direct mail can insert codes on order
forms. For example, a mail order operator would know that order forms with
the "215" code came from a mailing on February 15.

Definition of Hierarchy of Effects Model

Marketing term for the sequence of five steps a consumer passes through
from the initial exposure to a product or advertisement to the purchase
decision: (1) awareness, (2) interest, (3) evaluation, (4) conviction, and (5)

Among advertising theories, the hierarchy of effects model is

predominant. It shows clear step of how advertising works. Hierarchy of
Effects model can be explained with the help of a pyramid. First the lower
level objectives such as awareness, knowledge, or comprehension are

Subsequent objectives may focus on moving prospects to higher levels

in the pyramid to elicit desired behavioural responses such as associating
feelings with the brand, trial, and regular use etc. It is easier to accomplish ad
objectives located at the base of pyramid than the ones towards the top. The
percentage of prospective customers will decline as they move up the
pyramid towards the more action oriented objectives, such as regular brand

Many marketers know the Hierarchy of Effects (one of several

theoretical frameworks that is useful in developing an advertisement for an
advertising campaign), but usually by a different name. Some call it AIDA,
others the demand chain, still more the purchase funnel. Whatever the name,
it invariably begins with the total potential market for your brand. This pool
of potential customers then progress through a series of stages that can
include awareness, preference, purchase and, hopefully, loyalty.

The AIDA Model

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
The AIDApeople
(Attentionin- Interest
Ernakulam- Desiredistrict”
- Action) model provides a 15
sophisticated illustration about the entire process of how advertising affects
consumer behaviour. Having established the basis for measuring advertising
effectiveness, the AIDA model is the groundwork for the hierarchy of effects
model. Theorizing that advertising needs "to attract attention (cognition),
maintain interest, create desire (affect), and get action (conation)", the AIDA
model proposes that consumer behaviour moves from attention to interest,
then desire and finally action.

Its first element, Attention, refers to the advertisers' efforts to gain the
attention of the consumer through effective advertisement. If consumer
response to advertising is positive, the model proceeds to the next step,
Interest, where consumer expresses interest in the particular brand. Then, in
the step of Desire, the consumer theoretically manifests an active buying
behaviour. In the last step, Action, the theoretical manifestation transforms
into actual buying behaviour.

Hierarchy of Effects Model

Unaware of product

Awareness KNOW Media


FEEL promotion

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
amongofpeople in Ernakulam
Effects Model district”
was created in 1961 by Robert J Lavidge 16
and Gary A Steiner. This marketing communication model, suggests that there
are six steps from viewing a product advertisement to a product purchase. The
job of the advertiser is to encourage the customer to go through the six steps
and purchase the product.

Six Stages


If most of the target audience is unaware of the object, the

communicator's task is to build awareness, perhaps just name recognition,
with simple messages repeating the product name. Consumers must become
aware of the brand. This isn't as straightforward as it seems. Capturing
someone's attention doesn't mean they will notice the brand name. Thus, the
brand name needs to be made focal to get consumers to become aware.
Magazines are full of ads that will capture your attention, but you'll have
trouble easily seeing the brand name.


The target audience might have product awareness but not know much more;
hence this stage involves creating brand knowledge. This is where
comprehension of the brand name and what it stands for become important.
What are the brand's specific appeals, its benefits? In what way is it different
than competitor's brands? Who is the target market? These are the type of
questions that must be answered if consumers are to achieve the step of brand


If target members know the product, how do they feel about it? If the
audience looks unfavourably towards the product to communicator has to find
out why. If the unfavourable view is based on real problems, a
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
communication peoplealone
campaigns in Ernakulam district”
cannot do the job. For product problem it is 17
necessary to fix the problem and only then can you communicate its renewed


The target audience might like the product but not prefer it to others. In this
case, communicator must try to build consumer preference by promoting
quality, value, performance and other features. The communicator can check
the campaigns success by measuring audience preference before and after the


A target audience might prefer a particular product but not develop a

conviction about buying it. The communicator's job is to build conviction
among the target audience.


Finally, some members of the target audience might have conviction but not
quite get around to making the purchase. They may wait for more information
or plan to act later. The communicator must need these consumers to take the
final step, perhaps by offering the product at a low price, offering a premium,
or letting consumers tried out. This is where consumers make a move to
actually search out information or purchase.

Thus advertising is thought to work and follow a certain sequence whereby

the Prospect is moved through a series of stages in succession from
unawareness to the purchase of the product.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 18

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 19



New innovations in clothing production, manufacture and design came during

the industrial revolution — these new wheels, looms, and spinning processes
changed clothing manufacture forever. There were various stages from a
historical perspective-where the textile industry evolved from being a
domestic small-scale industry, to the status of supremacy it currently holds.
With the invention of the spinning and weaving machines in Britain, the
world textile industry witnessed a remarkable development, culminating in
the Industrial Revolution that would once again change old customs of
manufacturing. The high production of wool, cotton and silk, registered all
over the world for the past few years, brought its undeniable contributed to
the development of economy all over the world.

Clothing Kitex manufactured during the industrial revolution formed a big

part of the exports made by Great Britain .they accounted for almost 25% of
the total exports made at that time doubling in the period between 1701 and
1770. The center of the cotton industry in Great Britain was Lancashire —and
the amount export from 1701 to 1770 had grown ten times. So the textile
industry also moved to Japan, India, Hong Kong and China, which eventually
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
found among
way topeople in Ernakulam
being leading district”
textile manufacturers, especially due to the 20
cheap labour force.

According to statistics, the global textile market possesses a worth of

more than $400 billion presently. In a more globalize environment, the
industry has faced high competition as well as opportunities. It is predicted
that Global textile production will grow by 25 percent between 2005 and
2015 and Asian region will largely contribute in this regard.


The Indian luggage market is nearly one thousand crores. It is estimated to

grow at a% CAGR to INR 50bn by 2015. The franchisee model for business
is developing as the major tool for penetration and revenue generation in this
market. Companies are targeting the mid segment by offering value for
money products and high end segment by tying up with global brands.

The increase in fashion quotient of Indian consumers and rise in western

influence is driving the market. The demand for the large pool of consumers
is attracting foreign players.

The market is highly fragmented and a considerable portion of the market is

unorganized. The market for luggage in India can be subdivided into three
segments, comprising of the premium, regular and economy segment. The
current growth rate of each of these segment shows that the premium segment
is the fastest growing one-five times as fast as the economy segment, and two
and a half times as fast as the regular segment.

The organized sector is dominated at present by the Piramal fleet of

companies- VIP Industries and Aristocrat. Between them, they account for
85% of the organized sector market. Their chief competitor is theRs.41 crores
Safari Industries, whose share in the bonded market is nearly 14%. The rest of
the market is comprised of other brands like Encore, Unilite, Genius, Club
and Novex. But the entry of Samsonite India, the 60:40 joint venture between
Samsonite India and the Bombay-based Rs.28 crores Tainwala Chemicals,
would change the whole scenario. The luggage Industry can be traced into a
triangle with the MNC giant Samsonite International trying to steal the
limelight, the $50 million Indian giant VIP Industries at one of the vertices
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
and the among peoplewith
triangle completed in Ernakulam district”
the $120 million unorganized sector at the 21
third end. The other small companies find place somewhere in between. This
then is the Indian moulded luggage industry in a nutshell.

The luggage market can be categorized across three primary product

segments- Travel Bags: Suitcases, carryon etc. it is further categorized by the
material from which the Products are constructed, with the main categories
being hard-side, soft-side and hybrid.

Casual Bags: Backpacks, shoulder bags, wheeled duffle bags.

Business Bags: Primarily for business use: Laptop bags, satchels and brief

Table 3.1: Market Size(US$ million)

Bag 2006 2010 2015 CAGR CAGR Samsonite

segment Market
(2006- (2010-
share in
2010) 2015)

Travel 225 412 866 16.4 16.0% 22.9%

Casual 172 321 687 16.9 16.5% 5.7%
Business 111 183 321 13.3 11.9% 1.8%
Total 508 916 1874 15.5 15.4% 16.8%
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 22

Going back in time, the history of Rs.10 billion Indian moulded luggage
industry can be observed in two phase's viz., the pre-1997 phase and the post-

Pre- 1997

During this period, the companies were more interested in volume sales rather
than satisfaction. The Indian market was dominated by both the small and big
players. It had still to witness the onslaught of the multinationals. American
Tourister, currently the second largest luggage manufacturer was there on the
scenes but, had to retreat in 1985 due to poor sales. Quality of the Indian
luggage at that time was suited mostly for the low end mass market and not
for the premium end quality conscious customer. Innovations were very few.
People had got used to the old type of luggage which had a top, bottom and a
lock to keep intact. The manufacturing process concentrated more on volumes
than on quality. And surprisingly, nobody was complaining. The reason is
lack of quality awareness among the customers. Then come the discounts war
in the 90's.

Customers were availing 50-60% discount on the maximum retail prices.

Even as the sales soared companies started to bleed. At this juncture, the
aggressive Piramal group took over Universal luggage and its brand
Aristocrat. This gave a body blow to all competition. The battle field now
comprised VIP Industries, Universal as part of the Piramal group and Safari to
name a few until the entry of world number one the $737 million Samsonite
International, in late 1996. Till then competition was restricted to sales.
Services and customer satisfaction didn't assume importance. In short, it was
more of selling than marketing.

Post- 1997

This was the period when the industry witnessed a paradigm shift in
terms of quality and service. Liberalized baggage rules, presence of
multinational and free import of luggage helped the Indian consumer to
access international quality luggage. In fact it ushered in a phase where even
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
the among
domestic people
companies in Ernakulam
showed the keenness to district”
compete with the foreigners 23
instead of following them.

Sanjeev Aga, former CEO says. "A few years back we were not aware
of our own strengths. We assumed that the best was Sansonite or Delsey and
we tried to come closer to their standards. But now we feel that we must do
better to outsmart them in the market." The company already seems to have
moved in that direction. While between 1990 and 1996 VIP had registered
only eight new designs in the next two years(1997 and 1998) the company
registered 16 design patents. The Indian consumer today has more choices
than before.

School Bags

Owing to our expertise, we are manufacturing and supplying a quality

range of School Bags, which is attractive and trendy in design. These bags are
fabricated by our team of skilled craftsmen keeping in mind the requirements
and comfort of clients. In addition, these are available in diverse designs,
colors and prints to meet the individual taste. Highly reliable, durable, light
weight and prefect finishing are the salient features that make our offered
bags popular in the market.

Designer School Bags We are recognized as the foremost manufacturer

and supplier of Designer School Bags. These bags are beautifully designed by
our experts using bright colors, logos and known animated characters. In
addition, we use advanced machine for stitching purpose that enable to carry
the book load. Attractive finish, light weight, durability, reliability and fine
finish are the salient features that make these the first choice of school going
children. Clients can avail these bags at market leading prices.

Kids Trolley Bag

We have emerged as the foremost manufacturer and supplier of Kids

Trolley Bag. Designed and fabricated with utmost precision by utilizing
optimum quality raw material, our offered bags are in adherence with
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
international people
standards. in Ernakulam
Further, district”
we provide these bags in a range of sizes, 24
attractive designs, colour combinations and textures. Known for
colourfastness, light weight, reliability and durability, these have huge
demand in the market. Also, these are available in customized specifications
and at industry leading prices.

Play School Bags

We are determined to provide superior quality Play School Bags to our

valued clients. The offered bags include a range of baby school bags, kids
school bags and fashion school bags. In order to fabricate these bags, we use
the finest quality raw material and modern technology in compliance with set
industry standards. Apart from this, these bags are strictly tested by our
quality controller to assure their flawlessness. Further, we provide these
trendy and fashionable bags at industry leading prices.

Simple School Bags

With rich industry experience, we are manufacturing and supplying

superior quality Simple School Bags. The offered bags are fabricated using
quality tested raw input and latest technology as per the set industry norms.
Due to their attractive & trendy design and clean finish, these are highly
appreciated amongst our clients. Additionally, we provide these bags in
numerous designs, colours and prints in

accordance with the stipulation provided by the clients. We ensure that these
Book Bag are highly reliable & durable and are available at pocket friendly

School Backpacks Owing to our expertise, we are manufacturing and

supplying a wide gamut of stylish backpacks. These are beautifully designed
and fabricated by our skilled professionals by utilizing selected high quality
material and advanced technology. Ideal for both, ladies as well as gents,
these have gained popularity amongst our clients for their qualitative finish
features. Also, these Fashion Backpack can be given as gifts and are available
in diverse designs, colors and patterns. We provide these trendy backpacks to
our respected clients at the most affordable prices.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
THRUST AREASpeople in Ernakulam district” 25

• Innovative marketing strategies

• Diversification of product

• Enhancement of textile oriented technology

• Quality awareness

• Intensifying raw materials

• Growth of productivity

• Increase in exports

• Financing arrangements

• Creating employment opportunities

• Human Resource Development


Fragmented structure with the dominance of the small scale sector

Power costs

Rising interest rates and transaction costs

High Unfriendly labour laws _ Logistical disadvantages in terms of shipping

costs and time pose serious threats to its growth

Foreign investments are not coming in as the overall factors influencing the
industry are not investment friendly

Globalization of trade

Economic liberalization within the country

Ineffective integration of various sectors in Indian Luggage Sector

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
The among
major people
industrial in Ernakulam district”
players are 26

1 . Kitex

2. Seasons


The analysis of the external environment of the textile industry includes the


Political and legal aspects include the needs of the company to follow the
given policies and regulations of the government in order to be considered as
legal and authorized business company. In this manner, industry should be
able to consider political and legal aspects so as to show that they value the
policies and regulations of the government in any of the business operations
as follows:

1. Employment laws

2. Environmental regulations

3. Political stability

4. Tax policy

5. Trade and tariff restrictions


The economic goal of a certain industry is like an axis in which other

objectives or goals are revolving. The economic factor involves the context in
which an industry belongs, i.e. the configuration of the competition in which
a company operates the active demand of the products, general economic
condition of the nation or region, conditions in relation with other industries,
and the situation of the resource markets like:

1. Economic stability
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
2. Economic people in Ernakulam district”
growth 27

3. Exchange rates

4. Inflation rates

5. Interest rates


It is important that the company must operate in compliance with the social
systems in order to gain good reputation and effective public image. On the
other hand, cultural aspects is equally essential, in order to understand the
various needs of different individuals that belongs to different cultures. Some
aspects to be considered are as follows:

1. Age distribution

2. Career attitudes

3. Consumer behaviour

4. Population growth rate

5. Religion and culture itself


The complexities of achieving business success through increased efficiency,

effectiveness and competitiveness, combined with innovative applications of
modern technology, has heightened the awareness of both technology and
business managers towards more strategically oriented approaches for
planning and management of any industry. Hence, it is important that industry
must be able to give consideration to the technological aspects.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
1. among
Distribution and people in Ernakulam
communication channels district” 28

2. Technology incentives

3. Automation

4. Rate of technological change

5. Environmental and ecological aspect

6. Barriers to entry

7. Production level

8. Outsourcing decisions

Table 3.2 Drivers & challenges


Increase in disposable income

Increase in travelling boosting the market

Expansion in retailing & speciality store

Luggage as a life style product


Stiff competition from unorganized sector

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
Increasepeople in material
costs of raw Ernakulam district” 29

Source: Secondary data


More than three decades ago, in 1968, when Mr.M.C.Jacob founded the Anna
Aluminium Company, he made a break with the past. Belonging to an affluent
family of plantation owners, he ventured into the risky world of
manufacturing industry and hoped for the best, while working very hard to
make his maiden venture a success. Today the Group is involved in the
manufacture of Aluminium sheets, Circles, Vessels and Utensils from
aluminium ingots, Spices, Fabrics, Garments and Marine exports etc. The
'ANNA ' range of vessels and utensils are highly popular in the domestic
market and in the Middle East, U.S.A, Africa and Australia. The TQM
journey started at ANNA group on 6th June 2005.


Established in 1968 at Kizhakkambalam, Anna Aluminium Company is the

flagship company of the Anna Group. It is engaged in the manufacture of
Aluminium sheets, circles, vessels and utensils from 99.5% pure Aluminium
Ingots. Its `CHAKSON' range of packaged products, which include Pressure
Cooker, Milk Boiler, Thermal Cooker; Compact Idli Cooker etc. are highly
popular in the South Indian market. It is presently the only manufacturer with
ISI Certificate for its vessels in Kerala.

Product Range: Pressure Cooker, Thermal Cooker, Multi Steamer, Degchie,

Fry pan, Kettle...

Product Gallery: Packed I Non-Packed


Sara Spices was founded in 1978 to process and market, domestically and
internationally; spices and hill produce like Pepper, Cardamom, Turmeric,
Masala and Curry powders. High standards of quality and hygiene have won
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
accolades at home people
and abroadinasErnakulam district”
well as AGMARK, the hallmark of quality 30
in India. They are marketed all over Kerala and also exported to the Middle
East and U.S.A.

Product Range: Coriander Powder, Jeera Powder, Cardamom Powder, Ginger,

Chicken Masala, Meat Masala, Sambar Powder...

Product Gallery: Curry Powders Masala Powders




Kitex Limited, a prominent prodigy in the field of textile industry began its
spectacular display in 1975 at Kizhakkambalam, Aluva. This prestigious
company, one of the vibrant divisions of Anna- Kitex group of companies of a
celebrity among industrial giants in our country. This weaving unit is engaged
in the production of fabrics made of cotton and other blends, greige cloth, bed
sheets, mull and lungies. They are marketed through a network of over 1600
authorized dealers. Through the years, the company has carved a niche for
itself in this highly competent industry with its tradition of internationally
accepted products.

The company was established to set up an efficient industrial estate to provide

technical, industrial, financial and marketing facilities to power loom owners
to create job opportunities to reduce unemployed. Considerable infrastructure
facilities have been built up by way of buildings electronically distribution
systems, supporting machineries for warping, sizing, etc. to help power loom

owners. About 400 power loom owners were established in the premises
under the banner of Kizhakkambalam Textiles Limited.

The group got highest regards for the welfare of the employees and general
public. Seven charitable programmes were organized for the benefit of the
lower strata of the society. The group is also providing a very good
accommodation and canteen facility to employees who hail from all over
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
VITAL STATUS people in Ernakulam district” 31

Name : KITEX Limited

Address : Kizhakkambalam, Aluva

Registered Office : Kizhakkarnbalam

Nature of the incorporation : Private Limited Company

Nature of Business : Industrial products & consumer products

Total built up area : 16, 50,000 sq. feet,

: 450 modern looms,

: 750 skilled workers,

: 20 million sq. meter of cotton, cotton


Production Capacity : 2,500 sq. per day

Total Capacity employed : Rs. 3,39,01,060

Annual Sales Range : 200 crores

Growth : Steady

Chairman & M.D : Shri. M.C.Jacob

Director : Bobby. M.Jacob, & Mrs. Mini Bobby

Auditor : Mr. Anil Kumar & Co.

Banker : Federal Bank, ICICI & Canara Bank

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
A worldamong people in company
class manufacturing Ernakulam district”
focussing on all round business 32
excellence through a Total Quality Management system with committed
leadership, effective organisation.


Fabrics and processed fabrics as per the customer specification efficiently in

a professional and environment friendly manner, on time, and at the right cost
with utmost customer satisfaction to become world class organisation through
continuous improvement.


1. Increase sales of value added items by 20% from the existing level.

2. Reduce rejection by 10% from the present level.

3. Reduce customer complaint by 10%.

4. Increase product range by introducing new inner garments.





"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
PRODUCT people in Ernakulam district”

Kitex is engaged in the production of fabrics made of cotton or other blends,

grey cloths, bed sheets and lungies. Kitex lungies are available in four various
types-Executive, Medium Super, Medium and Economy all priced differently.

'Kitex White' gives you an array of white dhothies -single as well as double. It
comes with streaks of colour and gold to add to the looks of your dhothi. We
also have beautiful and wide range of bedspreads under the label of Sweet
Dreams. Through the years, the company has carved a niche for itself in this
highly competitive industry with its tradition of world class quality.

An innovative school bag from Kitex is the main off shoot of Anna Group.
ScooBee Day bags are compactly designed with unique features that make it
durable, colourful, comfortable and easy to carry. The bag features anti strain
shoulder padding and acupressure buds specially designed to minimize the
strain on the back and shoulders.

A) Lungies

Kitex lungies are available in various varieties like:


Superior quality lungies available in various designs and colours.

•Medium super

Comfortable lungies you would love to drape. Available in various designs

and colour combinations.


Experience freedom and coolness with medium range of lungies; comes to

you in warm colours and in various designs.


After a hard day work, jump into lungi to ease your tension, to sooth your
senses and feel relaxed.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
Table Products people in Ernakulam district”
and particulars 34

Products & particulars Size MRP

Executive 130 cm *200 cm Rs.175

Medium 127 cm * 200 cm Rs.138

Medium super 127 cm *200 cm Rs.150

Standard 127 cm * 192 cm Rs.175

Supreme 127 cm * 200 cm Rs.150

Economy 127 cm * 192 cm Rs.125

Regular 124 cm * 155 cm Rs.110

Source : Secondary Data

B) Dhothies

`Kitex White' gives the customers an array of white dhothies —single as well
as double. It comes with streaks of colour and gold to add to the looks of their
dhothies. It is available in the rate between Rs.100/- to Rs.310/-

Some of the varieties dhothies available in Kitex are:

•Smartline White single dhothy with streaks of either dark red or dark blue or
dark green lines, which can be worn equally at home and outdoors.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
•Smartline Gold people in Ernakulam district” 35

Cream colour single dhothy with streaks of Gold Jerry lines for special

•Ready wear

Plain white single dhothy you'll love to drape.The anywhere, anytime wear.

Pure cotton white double dhothy with lines in 5 different colours to choose

Product Range:

Yarn count average ME 4 to 100's Weft density 22 to 122 piker's per inch

Warp density to 132 tends per inches Width range 36 to 65 inches

Table 3.4: Products and particulars

Products & Particulars Size

Ready line (Single Dhoti White) 128cm x
Smart line (Single Dhoti White) 127cm x
Smart line Gold (Single Dhoti Gold) 127cm x
Smart line Ivory (Single Dhoti Kodi) 127cm x
Samrat (Double Dhoti White) 127cm x
Samrat Plux RX (Double Dhoti White Broad Kara) 127cm x
Samrat Plux XL (Double Dhoti Kodi Broad Kara) 127cm x
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
Samrat people
Ivory Plux in Ernakulam
RX (Double district” 127cm x
Dhoti Kodi Broad 36
Kara) 385cm
Samrat Ivory Plux XL (Double Dhoti Kodi Broad 127cm x
Kara) 400cm
Samrat Premium RX (Fine Double Dhoti White Broad 127cm x 385cm
SamratPremium XL (Longer Fine Double Dhoti White 127cm X
Broad Kara) 400cm

C) Bed-Spread

Kitex also have beautiful and wide range of bed spreads in the range between
Rs.150 to Rs.550. Through the years, the company has carved a niche for
itself in this highly competitive industry with its tradition of world class

Bed sheets or Bed spreads are available in the following varieties:

•Sweet Dreams 60

Beautiful Bed spreads available in beautiful designs and pleasant colour to

suit our bed rooms.

•Sweet Dreams 50

Beautiful Bed spreads available in beautiful designs and pleasant colours to

suit our bed rooms.

Table 3.5 Products and particulars

Products and particulars Size

Size Sweet Dream-50 (Single sheet) 128cm x 225cm

Sweet Dream-60 (Double sheet) 152cm x 225cm

Solo (ISD 60 bed sheet + 1 pillow cover) 152cm x 225cm

Duo (ISD 60 bed sheet + 2 pillow cover) 152cm x 225cm

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
Solitude (1 doublepeople
sheet) in Ernakulam district”
152cm x 225cm 37

Solo Minor (1 solitude bed sheet + 1 152cm x 225cm

pillow cover)
Duplex (1 solitude bed sheet + 2 pillow 152cm x 225cm
Source: Secondary data

D) Mull

Price ranges from Rs.40/- to Rs.60/-. Mulls are basically produced in two
classes in Kitex. They are:

Table 3.6 Mull varieties in Kitex

Classes Size MRP

Economy 127 cm Rs.48/-

Medium 1228 cm Rs.60/-

Source: Secondary data

E) ScooBee Day Bags

ScooBee Day —the prodigy in Bags

At the dawn of new millennium the new generation was presented with
an innovative school bag from Kitex, the main offshoot of Anna Group.
ScooBee Day Bags are compactly designed with unique features that make it
durable, colourful, comfortable and easy to carry. The bag features anti strain
shoulder padding and acupressure buds specially designed to minimize the
strain on the back and shoulders. Race through the features and see your heart
fall in love with ScooBee Day.

ScooBee Day became a close companion to all school going kids. With
shoulder strap cushions and rear padding for added comfort, ScooBee Day
bags come in various colour combinations. Using Ribstob fabric and Leak
proof material ScooBee Day bags are attractively priced. The unique features
include special pouch for water bottles, Tiffin Boxes and even a secret pocket.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district”
Features 38

 Made from imported Dineer Nylon for durability.

 Shoulder strap cushion to prevent shoulder pain.
 Soft padding and acupressure buds on the rear side to cushion your
 Unique stitching using strong Nylon treads.
 Quality zip with zip guard to prevent water leaking into the bag.
 Secret pocket to hold chocolate and money.
 15 different colour combinations.
 Special leak proof Tiffin Box pouch at attractive price.
 Bags for college and travel purposes also available.

F) TraWell Day Bags

The Renowned Anna-Kitex group manufacturers of quality consumer

products forayed into the travel bag segment with its- TRAWELL DAY
BAGS- wide range of luggage and baggage products. Coming up with latest
designs and models, these travel and everyday travel luggage needs are
designed to meet the modern trends and requirements of the customers. Made
from the imported materials, the bags are available in attractive styles and
different colour combinations. Trawellday offers:-

"Travel Bags

'Trolley Bags

'Business Bags

"Lap-Top Bags

-Back-Pack Bags

-Beauty Case Bags

Trawell Day bags caters to our every day needs and is most suitable for
individuals and families for travelling both by train and bus. Another
speciality of these bags are they are fully lined with water proof nylon
material, and it is spacious, capable of accommodating the luggage that would
require 4 to 5 bags in just 1 TraWellDay Bags.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
productpeople in Ernakulam
range consists district”
of soft trolley (H2O, Gladiator, and 39
Premium), Wheeler duffels (Maxima), Air duffels (Aurora and Orient), Back
packs (Platinum and fair) and Executive bags (E-Bags and Unique) are rated
from Rs.2970/- available in various models and sizes.


Dago Bert Shirting's and Suiting's are woven from the finest cotton,
using the toughest materials that are soft to touch when draped on your body.
Featuring the most contemporary designs along with the latest weaving
techniques, Dago Bert Shirting and suiting are available in variety of colours
and shades.


Kitex has made its foray into the untapped lingerie segment with brand
names Adonis and Agna. ADONIS- Innerwear for men; and AGNA-
Innerwear for ladies. With Anna groups promise of quality, both Adonis and
Agna comes competitively priced and ensure complete value for money.

Adonis a range of refined vests and briefs; and Agna a range of bras
and panties ensure seamless fit and finish. Both brands use specially
processed fabric which feels smooth and healthy even on the soft skin of new
horns. It provides ample space for stretching, bending and rigorous exercise
without tearing.


 Main markets are:

 North America
 South America
 Western Europe
 Eastern Europe
 Eastern Asia
 South East Asia
 Mid East Asia
 Africa
 Oceania
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district”

Kitex uses a combination of both traditional and modem technologies for the
production of their products. Some of the Techniques used for the production
process in the Kitex are:

a. Warping

b. Sizing

c. Beam drawing

d. Weaving

e. Cutting, Un-winding and checking in warehouse

f. Folding g. Recounting

h. Grading and sorting

i. Bailing (Packing)


Mr. M.C.Jacob, the founder of Kitex limited has won several awards for his
meritorious contributions in the field of business. To mention a few:

• Has won the TRANSWORLD TRADE FARE Gold medal in the year 1975.

• Has been awarded the UDYOG PATHRA AWARD by the vice president of
India Sri.B.D.JETTI in the year 1979.

• A moment was presented to Mr. Jacob in December 1992 for his valuable
contribution to the Evangelistic Convention held at puthencruz.

• Considering his outstanding contribution as an Industrialist Mr.Jacob was

awarded the BUSINESS MAN OF KERALA 1999 award by the BUSINESS
DEEPIKA, the business daily from one of the oldest Malayalam Newspaper
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
•bags among
JAYANTHY in Ernakulam district”
for the year 2000 was conferred to 41
Mr.Jacob during the 82nd ALL KERALA CATHOLIC CONGRESS for his
noteworthy contribution to the economy of Kerala.

• For the meritorious services of Mr.Jacob to the community, he was awarded

by major Arch Bishop Mar VARKEY VITHAYATHIL in the year 2000, on
behalf of the Most Gracious IGNATIUS MOOSA 1 ST, PATRIARCH OF

• AKSHAYA AWARD 2000 for his outstanding contribution to `Malayanma'

• The Eranakulam Chamber of Commerce the Joseph Chakola Memorial

`Vyavasaya Jyothi' Award to Mr.Jacob for the year 2000-2001.

• Department of catechism Eranakulam-Angamaly has recognized his

contribution by giving a memento for special service rendered to Catechism

• Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd (A government of India Enterprise) service

recognition Award.

• Samman Patra of Government of India, Ministry of Finance department of

Revenue for outstanding revenue performance.

• Advertising Industries media presented a memento 'Kerala Adi fest 2007'


We find that the Kitex faces competition from only a few brands like:


• Diesel

• Marvel

• Seasons
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 42


Kitex Limited follows the line/military organization structure. Managing

director is in the top level. Other functional managers are followed by him.
The span of control of the organization is narrow spans. The main advantage
of this type of control is that close supervision, clear chain of command and
close control and fast communication between subordinates and superiors.
The model of the organizational design is mechanistic model.

An efficient management system plays a dominant role in the success of all

business units. It is this section that declares the level of output, its production
pattern, pricing technique, marketing style and even the mode of conduct of
its executives.

The chairman and the managing director who are the representatives of the
shareholders take the important decisions of the group concerns. They
perform strategic planning and policy making function of Kitex Limited. For
their help, the general manager, top executives of the company's management
are appointed. General Manager is responsible for the smooth, efficient and
productive functioning of the unit, from the production to the marketing.

The middle level management comprises of production manager,

marketing manager, finance manager, personnel manager, purchase manager,
store manager and quality controller.
Chairman& M.D

Vice President


General Manager

Manager QualityPurchase Manager

oduction Manager Store ManagerFinance ManagerGeneral Manager

Administration Personnel&

Shift in Charge Quality Inspector PurchaseOffice

Assistant Assistant Manager
Assistant Manager
bags among people in Ernakulam district”

Supervisor Assistant InspectorAssistant Officer

Accounts Executive Admin Manager
Personnel Manager

Worker Manager Executive Executive

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 44

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 45


Following charts and tables shows the analysis of the personal data of

Description No.of respondents Percentages

Male 93 46.66
Female 107 53.34
Total 200 100
(Table 4.1) source: primary data

No. of respondents

No. of respondents

Male Female

source:- Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
From table and people inabove
chart shown Ernakulam district”
it is inferred that out of 200 46
respondents about 53.34 % are female and 46.66% are males. This shows the
awareness about the advertisement of ScooBee Day is higher in female rather
than male respondents.

Age Group

Age group No. of respondents

Below 30 24
30-45 128
46-60 48
Above 60 0
total 200
( Table 4.2 )Source: Primary data

Age group







Below 30 30-45 46-60 Above 60

(chart 4.2) Source Primary data


From the table and chart shown above it is clear that people in the age group
of 30-45 & 46-60 are more aware of the advertisement of ScooBee Day .The
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags amongNo.of
Descreption people in Ernakulam district”
Respondents people in the age group 47

Rural 136 of 20-29 are less aware

Urban 64 about the advertisement.
Total 200

Locality Background

(Table 4.3) Source: primary data


Rural Urban

(chart 4.3)Source: primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
From table andpeople
chart it isin Ernakulam
clear district”
that out of 200 respondents, majority are 48
rural area located. Other 64 belongs to urban area.




(Chart 4.4) Source: Primary data


From the table and chart shown above it is inferred that most of the
respondets have two children who are going to school.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 49


First remebering brand in school bags


(Chart 4.5)Source primary data


From the table it is clear that out of 200 respondents 120 recollect ScooBee
Day bags for school bag brands.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 50

Respondents who knows aware of ScooBee Day schoolbags

Brand Awarness

Yes No

(chart 4.6)Source: Primary data


Out of 200 respondents only 3 are unaware of ScooBee Day schoolbags.

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 51

Companies associated with ScooBee Day schoolbags

Companies associated with ScooBee Day schoolbags

John’s Kitex Popy Ramraj VIP Others

(Chart 4.7)Source: Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 52

cartoon character appears in Scoobee Day

cartoon character appears in Scoobee Day


(Chart 4.8) Source: Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 53

Awarness of "3S"

Awarness of "3S"

Yes No

(Chart 4.9) Source: Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 54

The phrase to describe the ad to others.

Description 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39

NR % NR % NR % NR %

Attractive 12 50 4 33.34 2 28.57 2 50

Creative 5 20.83 3 25 1 14.29 0 0

Irritating 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Draws attention 5 20.83 2 16.67 2 28.6 1 25

Persuasive 0 0 0 0 1 14.29 1 25

Realistic 1 4.17 1 8.33 0 0 0 0

Boring 0 0 1 8.33 0 0 0 0

True 1 4.17 1 0 0 0 0 0

Informative 0 0 0 8.33 1 14.29 0 0

Total 24 100 12 100 7 100 4 100

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
40-44 people
45 Ernakulam district”
Total 55
NR % NR % NR %

3 50 5 71.42 28 46.67

2 33.33 0 0 11 18.33

1 16.67 0 0 1 1.67

0 0 1 14.29 11 18.33

0 0 0 0 2 3.33

0 0 0 0 2 3.33

0 0 0 0 1 1.67

0 0 0 0 1 1.67

0 0 1 14.29 3 5

6 100 7 100 60 100

(Table 4.10) Source: Primary data


60 Creative
Draws attention

20 Informative


(chart 4.10) Source: Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
From table out people in Ernakulam
of 60 respondents district”
46.66% were of opinion that the 56
advertisement of ScooBee Day is Attractive .Only 1.67% of the respondents
were of an opinion that the advertisement is boring.

Respondents comparing the ad of ScooBee Day with the ad of competing


Descri 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total

ption 45
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Much 6 25 3 25 1 14.3 2 50 4 66. 4 57. 20 38.3
better 7 2
Some 1 54. 3 25 4 57.2 1 25 2 33. 3 42. 26 43.3
what 3 2 4 9
Just 4 16. 3 25 2 28.6 1 25 0 0 0 0 10 16.7
same 7
Not as 1 4.2 2 16. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5
good 7
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
Worse 0 0 1people
8.4 0in Ernakulam
0 0 0 0district”
0 0 0 1 1.7 57

Total 2 100 12 10 7 100 4 10 6 10 7 100 60 100

4 0 0 0
(Table 4.11)Source: Prmary data





Much better Some what better Just same Not as good Worse




(chart4.11)Sourse: Primary data


From the table it is inferred that in age groups 18-24 &30-34 majority were of
opinion that the end of ScooBee Day is somewhat better than their

Advertising describing the product.

Descript 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above total

ion 45
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Very 6 25 1 8.3 1 14. 2 50 2 33. 1 14. 13 21.
good 3 3 3 7
Good 14 58. 7 58. 5 71. 2 50 2 33. 5 71. 35 58.
3 3 5 3 5 3
Average 4 16. 3 25 1 14. 0 0 2 33. 1 14. 11 18.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among 7 people in Ernakulam
3 district”
4 3 3 58

Bad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Very 0 0 1 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.6
bad 7
Total 24 10 12 10 7 10 4 10 6 10 7 10 60 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Table 4.12) Source: Primary data

Advertising describing product

Very good
60 Good
No. of respondents 40 Bad
Very bad

Axis Title

(Chart 4.12)Source: Primary data


From the table it is inferred that majority of the respondents in all age groups
are of opinion that the advertisement of ScooBee Day is good and also
21.67% of the respondents were saying the advertisement is very good.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 59

Advertisement influences purchase decision

Descript 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total

ion 45
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Yes 11 45. 7 58. 4 57. 3 75 3 50 4 57. 32 5
8 3 2 2 3.
No 13 54. 5 41. 3 42. 1 25 3 50 3 42. 28 4
2 7 9 9 6.
Total 24 10 12 10 7 10 4 10 6 10 7 10 60 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Chart 4.13) Source: Primary data
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people80 in Ernakulam district” 60
No.of respondents 40 Yes
30 No

Age group

(Chart 4.13) Source: Primary data


From the table it is clear that the most of the respondents of age group 25-29,
30-34, 35-39, and above 45 were of opinion that the advertisement will
influence the purchase decision.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 61

No. Of respondents may purchase the product in future

Desc 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total

ripti 45
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Very 2 8.3 1 8.3 0 0 2 50 1 16. 1 14. 7 1
likel 6 2 1
y .
Like 20 83. 8 66. 7 10 2 50 5 83. 6 85. 48 8
ly 3 6 0 3 7 0
Not 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unli 2 8.3 2 16. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6
kely 6 .
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 6 62

Very 0 0 1 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
unli .
kely 6
Toal 24 10 12 10 7 10 4 10 6 10 7 10 60 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Table 4.14)Source: Primary data

Respondents may use product again


Very likely
80 Likely
Not sure
No.of respondents 60
40 Very unlikely


Age group

(Chart 4.14)Source: Primary data


From the table it is inferred that out of 60 respondents 80% of them were
saying that they would likely purchase the product the next time they need
based on the advertisement.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 63

Level of satisfaction regarding the purchase of the product.

Descripti 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total
on 45

N % NR % N % N % N % N % N %

Very 0 0 0 0 1 14. 2 5 2 33. 1 14. 6 10

satisfied 3 0 3 3

Satisfied 1 79.1 7 58. 5 71. 2 5 4 66. 4 57. 4 68.3

9 7 3 4 0 7 2 1

Neutral 5 20.8 5 41. 1 14. 0 0 0 0 2 28. 1 21.7

7 3 6 3

Unsatisfie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Very 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Total 2 100 12 10 10 4 1 6 10 7 10 6 100

4 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Table 4.15)Source: Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 64
Level of satisfaction
120 Very satisfied
100 Satisfied
80 Neutral

No. of respondents 60 Unsatisfied

Age group

( chart 4.15)Source: Primary data


From the table it is inferred that out of 60 respondents 68.3% were satisfied
with the ScooBee Day bags. 21.67% were neutral and 10% of the respondents
were very satisfied.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 65

Respondents opinion about the brand image of ScooBee Day.

Descript 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total

ion 45
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Excellen 4 16. 0 0 0 0 1 25 1 16. 1 14. 7 11.
t 7 7 3 6
Good 17 70. 10 83. 6 85. 3 75 4 66. 6 85. 46 76.
8 4 7 6 7 7
Average 3 12. 1 8.3 1 14. 0 0 1 16. 0 0 6 10
5 3 7
Poor 0 0 1 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.7
Very 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 24 10 12 10 7 10 4 10 6 10 7 10 60 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Table 4.16Source: Primary data
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 66
opinion about brand image

100 Excellent
no. of respondents 60 Poor
Very poor

Age group

(Chart 4.16) Source; Primary data


From the table it is clear that out of 60 respondents more than 75% were of
opinion that the brand image of ScooBee Day is good and 11.67% were
saying that ScooBee Day is excellent. Only 1.67% have an opinion that brand
image is poor.

Respondents believe in advertising.

Descript 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total

ion 45
N % N % N % N % N % N % N %
Yes 1 70 3 25 7 10 2 50 4 66 6 85 3 65
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
7 .8people in Ernakulam
0 district”
.7 .7 9 67

No 7 29 9 75 0 0 2 50 2 33 1 14 2 35
.2 .3 .3 1
Total 2 10 1 10 7 10 4 10 6 10 7 10 6 10
4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Table 4.17) Source: Primary data

Respondents believe in advertising



No. of respondents 60 No



age group

(Chart 4.17)Source: Primary data


From the table it is inferred that out of 60 respondents 65% believed in

advertisement. 100% of the respondents of age group 30-34 believe in

The media through which respondents get attention of advertisement

Desc 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Above Total

riptio 45
N % N % N % N % N % NR % N %
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
2 91. people
1 91. in
7 Ernakulam
10 3 75 6district”
10 7 10 5 93. 68
ision 2 7 1 7 0 0 0 6 3
News 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Radi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maga 1 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.7
Word 1 4.2 1 8.3 0 0 1 25 0 0 0 0 3 5
Total 2 100 1 10 7 10 4 10 6 10 7 10 6 10
4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Table 4.18) Source: Primary data

Medium of attention
No.of respondents
Television Newspaper 60 Radio Magazine Word of mouth Total
Age group

(Chart 4.18)Source: Primary data

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 69

Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion

5.1 Findings
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among
 Majority of people in Ernakulam
the respondents district”
had been the customer of Scoobee Day for 70
0-1 year.
 Majority of the respondents were not currently using Scoobee Day.
 Majority of the respondents had watched the advertisement of Scoobee
Day only once in the past month.
 Majority of the respondents were not familiar with any of the
advertisement of Scoobee Day.
 Majority of the respondents agrees that the advertisement of Scoobee
day is misleading.
 Majority of the respondents agrees that the advertisement of Scoobee
Day is entertaining.
 Majority of the respondents agrees that the advertisement of Scoobee
Day is persuading.
 Majority of the respondents agrees that the advertisement of Scoobee
Day tells them about what people like them prefer to buy & use.
 Majority of the respondents were not sure that the advertisement of
Scoobee Day shows them the important features.
 Majority of the respondents agrees that the advertisement of Scoobee
Day were representing the true picture of the product.
 Majority of the respondents liked the advertisement as it is funny.
 Majority of the respondents were of an opinion that the advertisement
of Scoobee Day is attractive.
 Majority of the respondents were saying that the ad of Scoobee Day is
somewhat better when compared with the competing ads of similar
 Majority of the respondents were saying that the advertisement of
Scoobee Day is good.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags amongof people
 Majority in Ernakulam
the respondents district”
were influenced by the advertisement in 71
their purchase.
 Majority of the respondents would likely purchase the product the next
time when they need based on the ad.
 Majority of the respondents were satisfied regarding the purchase of
the product.
 Majority of the respondents were of opinion that the brand image of
Scoobee Day is good.
 Majority of the respondents believes in advertising.
 Majority of the respondents were saying that they get attention more
through television.
 Majority of the respondents were saying that they will be influenced
by the ad which provides information.
 Majority of the respondents likes animations in the advertisement of
Scoobee Day.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district”
5 b. Suggestions 72

 Advertisements should provide the information.

 Should introduce new models with peppy colours.
 Do advertising more frequently.
 Advertisements should represent the true quality of the product.
 Give more important to the product features while doing advertisement.
 Advertisement should have more creativity & innovations.
 Introduce trendy models for college students.
 Advertisements should provide brand information.
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 73

5 c. Conclusion

This study was conducted to measure 'Advertisement effectiveness of

KITEX with reference to Scoobee Day bags. The research design adopted for
the research is descriptive research and the study was conducted on a sample
of 60 respondents. The sampling technique is convenience sampling. Based
on the questionnaire, data was collected and analysed and it was found that
respondents are of an opinion that the advertisement is attractive but they
suggest that the company should do frequent advertising. Recommendations
are provided to increase the effectiveness of advertisement.

This study helps me to study about the company and insight about
effectiveness of advertisements and respondents perception about the
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 74


 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett: Advertising principles and practice 7th

 C.R. Kothary: Research Methodology, New Age International
Publishers 2nd edition.


"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 75



Gender: ❑ Male ❑ Female

Age: ❑Below 30 ❑30-45 ❑46-60 ❑ Above 60

"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people
Education in Ernakulam
❑Non-matriculate ❑Matriculate district”
❑Intermediate 76
❑ Graduation ❑PG & above ❑Others(………………….)

Occupation: ❑Private Sector employee ❑Govt Sector Employee

❑Self-employed ❑Home maker ❑Others(.................................)

Residence locality: ❑Rural ❑Urban

Monthly family income:❑Less than Rs.15,000 ❑Rs.15,000- 30,000

❑Rs.30,001 – Rs.45,000 ❑Above Rs.45,000

Number of school going children at home

1. Which brand comes to your mind first when you hear about schoolbags?
❑Adidas ❑Puma ❑Reebok ❑Skybags ❑ ScooBee Day
❑ Wildcraft ❑VIP ❑Other …………………..

2. Have you heard of ScooBee Day schoolbags?

❑Yes ❑No

3. If yes, how?
❑ Advertisement ❑ Friends ❑ Children ❑ Relatives ❑ Others

4. Which of the below companies do you associate ScooBee Day schoolbags with?
❑ John’s ❑ Kitex ❑ Popy ❑ Ramraj ❑VIP ❑Others ………………………..

5. Has your child/children requested you to purchase ScooBee Day schoolbags?

❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Can’t recollect

6. Have you ever noticed the advertisements of ScooBee Day schoolbags?

❑ Yes ❑ No

7. If yes, which media of advertisement?

❑TV ❑Movie Hall ❑Newspaper ❑Magazine ❑Hoardings

8. Which cartoon character appears in Scoobee Day schoolbags’ advertisements?

❑ Donald Duck ❑ Honey Bee ❑ Mickey Mouse
❑ Barbie ❑ Spider Man ❑ Not in the list

9. Are you aware of as to what “3S” signifies in the advertisements of Scoobee Day schoolbags?
❑Yes ❑No
10. Please rate the ScooBee Day bags’ advertisements in the various media:

Media Type Very Good Good Neutral Bad Very Bad

Movie Hall
"Impact of the advertisements of Scoobee Day school
bags among people in Ernakulam district” 77
11. Which are the school bag advertisements you recollect other than those of ScooBee Day bags?
❑ Skybags ❑ Wildcraft ❑ Puma ❑ Adidas ❑ Reebok
❑ VIP ❑ Others…………………...

12. Do you go through the advertisements you receive via email?

❑Always ❑Often ❑Sometimes ❑Rarely ❑Never
13. Do you go through the advertisements you receive via SMS/Text Message?
❑Always ❑Often ❑Sometimes ❑Rarely ❑Never
14. Do you go through the advertisements you come across in Facebook?
❑Always ❑Often ❑Sometimes ❑Rarely ❑Never
15. Where have you bought school bags from?
❑ Retail Store ❑ From School ❑ Online Shopping ❑Others ………………………….
16. Please rate the suitability of advertising school bags in the following media on a scale of 1 to 5
(1-Most Suitable, 5 – Least suitable):

Media Type 1 2 3 4 5
17. Magazine
Movie Hall
Social Media
What improvements do you suggest in this year’s advertisements of ScooBee Day School Bags?
❑Change in advertisements’ theme
❑Change of cartoon character
❑Increase the frequency of advertisements
❑Decrease the frequency of advertisements
❑Others (Pls. specify................................................................................................)

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