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upcat reviewer Engineering Student Council 2006-2007 Engineering Student Council ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ACADEMICS COMMITTEE of the Engineering Student Council 2006-2007 wouid like to extend its deepest gratitude to: * the Engineering Student Council 2005-2006 academics committee headed by Ms. Cherrie May Avena © Julius Calubayan o Leo Dacon © Johanna Joyce Demetria ' © Geomar Lubaton o Melissa Manuel Lauren © Joane Rose Nario © Lady Marianne Polinga * and the rest of the incumbent Engineering Student council officers. for taking an active part and for the unceasing tireless support in the making of this College Entrance Exam Reviewer. We share the success of this reviewer with you. Godspeed. NESTEE - EXY - PAUL - HAROLD — LEW — MICX - NEIL - SOL - TANYA W HAT TO DO BEFORE THE EXAMS... 1. Know the coverage of the entrance exams in each of the schools where you are applying for admission. ‘the usual coverage is English-Math-Science. ‘Somme schools require non-verbal tests: 2. Go over your textbooks and class notes, and attend a good review class. A review class will give you a comprehensive summary of your major high school ith the different types of test questions and teach you the corresponding techniques and strategies for enswering them. Thus you will feel more confident and less nervous during the actual exams. You won't waste precious time analyzing and understanding subjects. Tt will also familiarize you instructions. Remember, most entrance exams are under time pressure. 3. Your admission to college depends on both your high school grades (usually 40%) and your score in the entrance exams (usually 60%). You can greatly improve your chances for admission by performing well in the exams. 4. When you get your Test Permit, check if it was properly accomplished. Does it have the necessary signatures? Do you resemble your photo? Prepare your school ID - you may need it for verification of your identity. 5. Know the exact location of your Testing Center. Visit it several days before your exams so that you won't waste time looking for it right on the day of reckoning. Check out your assigned room. Is it air-conditioned? Then bring a jacket because it's hard to take an exam when you're shivering. Ts there a CR nearby? Familiarize yourself with the location so that you will not waste time looking for it at the time of need. © Prepare your pencils and erasers ahead of time. Is your pencil the prescribed brand and number? Does the eraser erase easily or does it leave smudges? 7. You will not be allowed to go out and eat during the exams. Engineering Student Council Academics Committee 2006-2007 TIPS.

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