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Hi ******,

For your visit to the shops on Thursday 10/04/2018 you will be buying the following things.
- tomato paste (home brand)
> - tomato passata
> - shaved leg ham 150grams
> - 1 bag carrots
> - 4 brown onions
> - 2 Granny Smith apples (green ones)
Please go with Ms ***** and find each of these things. You will need to visit Woolworths to
do this.

Before the Shops

Before you go to Woolworths on Thursday you will need to find out how much the
ingredients are going to cost you. To do this go on
ribbon1#view=catalogue2&saleId=21683&areaName=SA&page=33, when looking online
your screen will look like what it does below. Once you have figured out how much each
ingredient is going to cost you, you will need to add them all together to find out the total
cost. Some of the items you will need more than one of, please make sure that you count
these item prices more than once (as per the amount of that item). Make sure you know the
total cost as you will need to put the appropriate amount of money into the register.

Visit to the Shops

For this first visit to the shops I would like for you to go through the self-serve checkout
which Ms ***** will help you use. You will need to put the correct money into the register
as you will have worked out how much money you needed for the items.

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