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In an attempt to prevent the unauthorized sending of email from your computer, as a security

precaution Microsoft Outlook does not save passwords by default. As a result, the program displays
a pop-up prompt that requests your email account password each time you try to send mail. If
sending email is a major part of your day-to-day work activities, this constant prompting can
become quite tedious. To prevent the password prompt from popping up you must update your
email account settings to tell Outlook to remember your password.


Click "File" on the main menu in Outlook, click "Info," select the "Account Settings" pop-up menu and
then click "Account Settings."


Click the "Email" tab if it is not already selected.


Click the email account that keeps prompting you to enter your password. Accounts are listed under
the Names heading.


Click the "Change" link located just above the list of accounts.


Enter your password in the Password field located under Logon Information.


Place a check mark in the Remember Password check box to have Outlook remember your


Click "Next" and then click "OK" to save your settings.


 If you've told Outlook to remember your password and the password prompt is still appearing, you may
have entered your password incorrectly or the password may have been changed by your network
 If you're using Outlook to pull in email from a Gmail, that service's two-step authorization procedure
requires app-specific passwords, so the appearance of the password prompt may indicate that you've
inadvertently entered the wrong one.
 Information in this article applies to Microsoft Outlook 2013. It may vary slightly or significantly with
other versions or products.

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