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Plant Growth Regulation 32: 83–90, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Responses of strawberry fruit to 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and


M.S. Tian, S. Prakash, H.J. Elgar, H. Young, D.M. Burmeister & G.S. Ross
The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd., Mt Albert Research Centre, Private Bag 92169,
Auckland, New Zealand

Received 21 September 1999; accepted in revised form 21 January 2000

Key words: ethylene production, Fragaria ananassa, ionic conductivity, 1-MCP, peroxidase, respiration, ripening
index, strawberry

1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), a competitive inhibitor of ethylene action, binds to the ethylene receptor to
regulate tissue responses to ethylene. In this work, we investigated the effects of 1-MCP and exogenous ethyl-
ene on ripening, respiration rate, ionic conductivity and peroxidase activity in strawberry fruit. Strawberry fruit
can ripen without exogenous ethylene treatment, but exogenous ethylene induces secondary ripening processes.
Results indicated that stimulation of respiration by ethylene was dose-dependent. Fruit colour development
and softening were slightly accelerated by ethylene, but changes in soluble solid content were not. 1-MCP
may/may not affect the respiratory rise induced by exogenous ethylene dependent on fruit maturity. Cyclo-
heximide (CHI) reduced the ethylene-induced respiratory increase. Combinations of 1-MCP and CHI reduced
respiration more than CHI alone. 1-MCP and CHI did not influence the primary respiratory change in non
ethylene-treated fruit. This indicates that ethylene induced respiratory increase may involve an ethylene receptor
in early harvested fruit, but not in later harvested fruit. Exogenous ethylene stimulated respiration by regulating
new respiratory enzyme(s) synthesis in strawberry fruit. Ethylene induced an ionic leakage increase, and this
was positively correlated to fruit water loss and peroxidase activity. These results suggest that non-climacteric
fruit, such as strawberry, may have different ethylene receptor(s) and/or ethylene receptor(s) may have different
regulatory functions. It may be the secondary effect of ethylene to stimulate respiration in strawberry. Non-
climacteric fruit ripening may be related to the development of active oxygen species (AOS) induced by postharvest

Abbreviations: ACC – 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; AOS – active oxygen species; CHI – cyclohexim-
ide; 1-MCP – 1-methylcyclopentene

1. Introduction receptor. Experiments with yeast cultures expressing

an Arabidopsis ethylene receptor have demonstrated
Ripening of climacteric fruit is accompanied by that ethylene binds to this receptor, which may be
autocatalytic increases in ethylene production and an positioned in the membrane as a dimer [2, 13]. Homo-
increase in the rate of respiration of the fruit. Exo- logues of this gene have now been identified in a
genous application of ethylene can also induce these number of climacteric fruit, such as tomato [20], apple
irreversible events [1, 24]. Along with many other [17] and muskmelon [7].
ripening-related changes, these events are presumed In contrast with climacteric fruit, ripening of non-
to be mediated by an ethylene signal transduction climacteric fruit does not involve an autocatalytic
cascade, initiated by the binding of ethylene to a ethylene rise. In these fruit, ethylene does stimulate

the respiration rate [6, 24], although the effect is 2. Materials and methods
reversible and is dependent on continuously elevated
levels of endogenous or exogenous ethylene. Little 2.1 Plant material
work has been done to investigate the mechanism of
these different respiratory responses to ethylene in the Strawberry fruit (Fragaria ananassa Duch. cv. Pajaro)
two types of fruit. Although a number of ripening- were harvested at the pink stage during the summer
related genes from strawberry have been reported seasons of 1996 to 1998 from a local grower property
[8, 21], to our knowledge no ethylene receptor has in Auckland, New Zealand. Fruit were harvested only
been isolated from any non-climacteric fruit. An in the late season (November-December) in 1996 and
ethylene signal transduction pathway is in operation 1997, and both early (October) and late during 1998.
however, as evidenced by the effects on respiration Fruit were transported to the Mt. Albert Research
and other work showing ethylene-enhanced straw- Centre. To compare rates of fresh weight loss and
berry fruit softening and reduced storage life [4, 22, relative ionic conductivity for fruit of various harvest
23]. maturities, fruit were harvested at the green, white,
1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is a competitive pink and red stages.
inhibitor of ethylene action which binds to the ethyl-
ene receptor to regulate tissue responses to ethylene 2.2 1-MCP treatments
[9, 14]. 1-MCP has been used as a tool to investig-
ate ethylene action and tissue responses to ethylene Fruit were placed in 10 L sealed jars, and treated with
during climacteric fruit ripening and flower senes- 1-MCP (2 µl L−1 ) for 18 h before being vented to air.
cence [15]. Application of 1-MCP delays ripening
of banana, apple and tomato, and flower senescence 2.3 Inhibitors of protein synthesis
[10, 11, 15, 16], presumably via its blocking effect After 1-MCP treatment, fruit were dipped in a 0.4 M
on the ethylene signal transduction pathway. A pho- mannitol solution containing cycloheximide (50 µg
tolysed derivative of DACP, an other ethylene action ml−1 ) for 0.5 h, and then dried on paper.
inhibitor used in earlier trials of this nature [18, 19].
In our laboratory, we studied the effects of DACP 2.4 Ethylene/propylene treatments
on ethylene-induced respiratory rises in strawberry
[19]. This work indicates that ethylene biosynthesis in In an experiment investigating ethylene dose effect
nonclimacteric strawberry fruit may be regulated by on respiration rate, each replicate of four fruits was
ethylene receptor(s) with inhibition of ethylene pro- placed in a 600 ml jar (n = 4), and flushed with an
duction. DACP may release this inhibitory effect, and air flow of 50 ml min−1 containing various concen-
resulting in increased ethylene production. Respira- trations of exogenous ethylene, at levels of 0 (air),
tion in strawberry fruit may not be regulated by an 0.5, 1, 5, 20, 50 or 100 µl L−1 . In other experi-
ethylene receptor at most stages of maturity. Present ments, fruit were treated with 50 µl L−1 ethylene at
work did not investigate differences of the responses a continuous flow rate of 50 ml min−1 (with air as the
to 1-MCP and ethylene in fruit harvested at early and control).
later seasons. It is possible that they have different
sensitivities and responses to ethylene. 2.5 Colour, firmness and soluble solids content
Here we report further investigations on the role
of ethylene in strawberry ripening and respiration. We Fruit skin colour was measured with a Minolta CR300
used 1-MCP as a tool to investigate whether exogen- reflectance Chroma Meter (Minolta Camera Co. Ltd.,
ous ethylene binds to the receptor to induce the res- Osaka, Japan). The ‘a’ and ‘b’ values on the ‘Lab’
piratory rise and to affect ripening in strawberry fruit. mode were used as indices of colour changes from
We also used cycloheximide to determine whether the pink to red. Colour was measured at two opposite
ethylene effects are the result of new protein syn- points around the equator on each fruit. Fruit firmness
thesis, and measured changes in ionic conductivity (N) was assessed using an Imada penetrometer (PSM-
and peroxidase activity in ethylene-treated strawberry 10, Imada Co. Ltd., Toyohashi, Japan) fitted with a flat
fruit as markers for the progression of ripening and as round 13.16 mm diameter head. The head was pushed
indicators of tissue stress. into the strawberry flesh through the skin to the depth

of the head (5 mm). Soluble solids content (%) was

measured using a digital 0–20% refractometer (Atago
model PR-1; Atago Co. Ltd. Tokyo).

2.6 Respiration and ethylene production

Fruit were sealed in five 600 ml jars (four fruit per

jar) for 1 h. The respiration (−1.h−1 ) and ethyl-
ene production (µ−1.h−1 ) rates were measured by
withdrawing two 1 ml samples from the head space.
These were analysed immediately for CO2 using an
infra red detection cell (Servomex 01514/701 infra-
red transducer; Servomex PLC, Crowborough, East Figure 1. Respiration rate (−1 .h−1 ) of strawberry fruit har-
Sussex, UK), and for ethylene using a gas chroma- vested at the pink stage and treated with various concentrations of
tograph (Hewlett-Packard HP5890 Series II gas chro- ethylene.
matograph; 1.5 m × 6 mm alumina F1 column, injec-
tion temperature 160 ◦ C, detector temperature 200 ◦ C,
3. Results
column temperature 130 ◦ C).
3.1 Ethylene-induced respiration rise
2.7 Ionic leakage
Exogenous ethylene stimulated respiration in pink
Six fruit discs were placed in a 45 ml test tube (n = 4) strawberry (Figure 1). The increase of respiratory rate
containing 20 ml distilled water and incubated at 25 ◦ C depended on ethylene concentrations and treatment
for 0.5 h. Thereafter, fruit tissue was homogenized duration. Fruit respiration was enhanced by treatment
twice at top speed for 10 sec. The electronic con- with 20 µl L−1 ethylene for one day. It was signific-
ductivity was determined with a conductivity meter antly increased in fruit treated with ethylene at less
before (as initial conductivity) and after (as final con- than 1 µl L−1 for 2 days. The higher the ethylene
ductivity) homogenisation. The ionic leakage of the concentration, the greater the increase in respiration
tissue was calculated as: ionic leakage (%) = initial rate.
conductivity/(final conductivity × fresh weight).
3.2 Ethylene- or propylene-induced respiration rise
in 1-MCP treated fruit
2.8 Peroxidase activity
Continuous ethylene (100 µl L−1 ) treatment stimu-
Samples of fresh tissue (10 g) were ground with 20 ml lated respiration in early-harvested strawberry fruit
of 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5) con- within 2 days (Figure 2A). Thereafter, respiration
taining 4% (w/v) insoluble polyvinlpolypyrrolidone decreased to a similar level as the control fruit (air
(PVPP) and 1% Triton X-100 in an ultrahomogen- treatment) by Day 3. 1-MCP treatment inhibited the
izer at high speed for 3 min with stop intervals each ethylene-induced respiration rise in early-harvested
30 sec. The suspension was centrifuged at 8000 g at fruit (Figure 2C). However, in late-harvested fruit,
4 ◦ C for 15 min, and the supernatant was used to assay 1-MCP neither significantly changed the respiratory
enzymatic activity. Enzymatic activity was assayed by rate, nor influenced the ethylene-induced respiratory
adding 200 µl crude enzymatic extract to the 2.7 ml rise (Figure 2E & G).
reaction mixture containing 0.05 M sodium phosphate
buffer (pH 6.5), 200 µl 1% ρ-phenylenediamine as 3.3 Effects of cycloheximide on respiration in
a H-donor, and 100 µl 1.5% (w/v) hydrogen perox- strawberry fruit at the pink stage
ide as an oxidant. Enzymatic activity was determined
by the increase in absorbance at 485 nm (A485) after Cycloheximide (CHI), a translation inhibitor, was used
incubation for 3 min at 22 ◦ C. The enzymatic activity to investigate whether the ethylene-induced respirat-
unit was defined as the change in absorbance.g−1 fresh ory rise in early-harvested fruit was regulated at the
weight.min−1. translation level. Dipping fruit in 1 mM CHI for

Figure 2. Respiration rate (−1 .h−1 ) of (A–D) early- and (E–H) late-harvested pink strawberry fruit in ethylene (100 µl L−1 ) after being
treated with 1-MCP (2 µl L−1 ) and CHI(1 mM). A and E, –MC, –CHI; B and F, –MCP, +CHI; C and G, +MCP, –CHI; D and H, +MCP, +CHI.

Table 1. Colour (a/b ratio), firmness (Kg) and soluble solids

0.5 h before ethylene treatment did not change the content (%) of strawberry fruit harvested at the pink stage and
respiratory rate in the control fruit, but significantly continuously treated with various concentrations of ethylene
reduced the ethylene-induced respiratory rise at 1 and between 0 and 100 µl L−1
2 days after treatments (Figure 2B & F). Combina-
tions of 1-MCP and CHI inhibited the respiration rise Days after Ethylene Colour Firmness Soluble solids
treatment (µl L−1 ) (a/b ratio) (Kg) content (%)
at Day 2 more than CHI treatment alone (Figure 2D
& H). Inhibition of respiration by CHI in the con- 0 At harvest 0.67c1 2.37a 6.28a
trol fruit (air) and 1-MCP-treated fruit was greater in 3 0 1.53b 1.99b 6.46a
early-harvested fruit than late-harvested fruit. 0.5 1.50b 1.78c 6.46a
1 1.59b 1.76c 6.24a
3.4 Colour, firmness and soluble solids content in 20 1.54b 1.80c 6.24a
40 1.72a 1.75c 6.42a
1-MCP, CHI and ethylene-treated fruit
100 1.62ab 1.72c 6.44a

The a/b ratio of skin colour and soluble solids content 1 Different letters represented significant differences at the 5%
increased, and firmness decreased significantly after level (n = 16).
harvest in the control fruit (air) at 20 ◦ C (Tables 1 &
2). Exogenous ethylene appeared to accelerate colour
development and softening, without affecting soluble ‘a’ value for these fruit. The decrease in fruit firmness
solids content. The enhancement of colour develop- was greater in fruit treated with ethylene at concen-
ment and softening depended on ethylene concentra- trations over 0.5 µl L−1 . No significant difference in
tion and duration of exposure (Table 1). After treat- soluble solid content was evident in fruit treated with
ment for three days, the a/b ratios were significantly different concentrations of ethylene. Again, ethylene
greater in fruit treated with higher concentrations of at 50 µl L−1 significantly enhanced the a/b ratio and
ethylene (>40 µl L−1 ) than with lower concentrations accelerated softening in the control fruit (Table 2),
(Table 1). This was mainly due to the increase in the but did not change soluble solids content. 1-MCP,
Table 2. Colour (a/b ratio), firmness (Kg) and soluble solids content (%) in strawberry
fruit harvested at the pink stage and treated with 1-MCP (2 µl L−1 ), cycloheximide
(CHI, 1 mM) and ethylene (50 µl L−1 )

Days after Treatment Colour Firmness Soluble solids

harvest (a/b ratio) (Kg) content (%)

0 Air –MCP/–CHI 0.48d1 2.97a 5.85b

4 Air –MCP/–CHI 1.43b 2.54b 6.18a
–MCP/+CHI 1.08c 2.32b 5.84b
+MCP/–CHI 1.11c 1.89c 5.85b
+MCP/+CHI 1.19bc 2.32b 5.63b
4 Ethylene –MCP/–CHI 1.64a 1.81c 6.11a
–MCP/+CHI 1.32b 2.31b 5.98ab
+MCP/–CHI 1.35b 2.00bc 5.50b
+MCP/+CHI 1.21bc 2.41b 5.60b

1 Different letters represented significant differences at the 5% level (n = 16).

ene (100 µl L−1 ) stimulated ionic leakage within 2

days of treatment. Thereafter, it reached the same level
as in control fruit after three days.

3.7 Peroxidase (PEO) activity

PEO activity decreased after harvest in control fruit

(Table 3). Treatment with ethylene (100 µl L−1 ) main-
tained PEO activity during the first three days after

Figure 3. Changes in relative ion conductivity (%) in strawberry 4. Discussion

fruit at various ripening stages.

Differences between ethylene-induced respiration

CHI, or a combination of these, depressed ethylene- rise in climacteric and non-climacteric fruits have
induced colour development and softening, but did not been reported [1]. Ethylene irreversibly induces the
influence soluble solids content. autocatalytic respiration rise in climacteric fruit, but
it increases the respiration rate reversibly in non-
3.5 Ionic leakage and fresh weight loss climacteric fruit. The respiration rise induced by ethyl-
ene in non-climacteric fruit is dependent on ethylene
Fresh weight of strawberry fruit harvested at the vari- concentration suggesting that ethylene response of the
ous stages of maturity (green, white, pink and red) tissue may be linked to respiration [24]. It is not clear
decreased significantly one day after harvest (data was why different respiration responses to ethylene occur
not shown). Ionic leakage of fruit tissue increased with in both types of fruit.
maturity development and ripening (Figure 3). The In this work, different respiration responses to
greater the maturity, the greater the increase in ionic ethylene were found in early- and late-harvested
leakage during postharvest life. strawberry fruit. 1-MCP inhibited, or did not affect,
the respiratory rise induced by exogenous ethylene
3.6 Changes in ionic leakage in ethylene-treated pink in early- and late-harvested strawberry fruit, respect-
fruit ively. Colour development and fruit softening required
different treatment duration and concentrations of exo-
Ionic leakage increased continuously in strawberry genous ethylene. These results may be explained by
fruit for three days following harvest (Figure 4). Ethyl- the fact that fruit at different ripening stages may have

Figure 4. Changes in ion conductivity (%) in ethylene -treated (100 µl L−1 ) strawberry fruit harvested at the pink stage.

Table 3. Peroxidase activity (1A485 .g−1 FW.min−1 ) in and ethylene production were not recovered by applic-
propylene–treated (0.5%) pink strawberry fruit (n = 4)
ation of exogenous ethylene [16]. It was hypothesised
Days at 20 ◦ C Air Ethylene that ethylene may bind to metal in the reactive or
catalytic centers of enzymes to stimulate their activ-
1 1.66 1.66 ities [15]. Ethylene binds to the receptor, then diffuses
2 1.47 1.59 rapidly from the receptor, whereas 1-MCP and other
3 0.47 1.47
inhibitors remain bound for a long period. While
inhibitors are bound, ethylene cannot bind [15]. There-
fore, responses to ethylene in climacteric fruit are
different sensitivity thresholds to exogenous ethyl- 1-MCP stimulated ethylene production, but did not
ene. Also, different ripening processes such as colour, induce a respiratory rise, in late-harvested strawberry
softening and soluble solids may all be regulated by fruit [19]. The ethylene-induced respiratory rise was
ethylene, but may have different threshold levels. dose-dependent. Thus, this result can be explained
In late-harvested fruit, 1-MCP did not affect the that the respiratory rise in strawberry fruit required a
ethylene-induced respiration increase. This result can greater concentration of ethylene than that induced by
be explained by the fact that ethylene may not neces- 1-MCP.
sarily bind to the receptor to enhance respiration of Cycloheximide (CHI), a protein synthesis inhib-
strawberry fruit. Similar results were observed with itor, depressed ethylene-induced respiration in straw-
another ethylene action inhibitor, DACP, which stim- berry. This indicated that de novo synthesis of respirat-
ulated ethylene biosynthesis without changing res- ory enzymes may be required for the ethylene-induced
piration rate in late-harvested strawberry fruit [19]. respiratory rise. Combination of 1-MCP and CHI
Different results were detected for DACP-inhibited reduced the ethylene-induced respiratory rise more
ethylene biosynthesis and respiration in climacteric than CHI alone. Thus, there is an interaction between
fruit, such as apple and tomato [16, 18]. A pos- 1-MCP and ethylene in the regulation of synthesis
sible explanation is that there may either be different of respiratory enzymes, but the mechanism of this
ethylene receptor(s), or the same receptor has differ- interaction still remains unclear.
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N Lallu from the Horticulture and Food Research nia, USA.
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