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5/24/2019 Natalie Franco - Google Docs

Natalie Franco

AP English Comp

Mr. Rhoades



Pablo Escobar

December 1949-1992, Pablo Escobar was known as the Colombian drug lord and narco terrorist. He created

a cartel that supplied 80% of the cocaine that was secretly smuggled into the United States. How could so much

cocaine, enter the United States without being unnoticed? The answer is simple, Pablo would pay the government,

police officers, and the DEA to cover him up. These people covered him up so well, that Pablo was making about

$21.9 billion a year at the height of his career, he was The King of Cocaine. He was untouchable, he would even

smile in mugshots, because he knew he’d be out by the next day. The DEA, the government, and everyone around

him protected him, they protected him and his cocaine cartel. I know for a fact, that if any of the partners of Pablo

were caught, they would have been beaten to death by police officers or shot right in the head, but not Pablo. He

was the king, the leader, and even now in days people from his hometown pray to him as if he was a god of some

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