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Sr. No. Title

1. Acknowledgement
2. System Introduction
a. Introduction to system
b. Study of Existing system
c. Drawbacks of the existing system
d. Scope of the system
e. Need of the system
2. Feasibility study
a. Technical feasibility
b. Economical feasibility
c. Operational feasibility
3. Gathering data requirements & Functional requirement
4. System Requirement
a. Software requirement
b. Hardware requirement
5. E-R Diagram
6. Designing the Normalized Database
7. UML Diagrams
8. IO screens
9. Test case design
10. Future plans
11. Bibliography
System Introduction

We have developed a project on “Online Job Portal” to manage a job management in an easy
and quick manner. Technology is constantly changing, Society as we know depends on this fact.
That which we take for granted today would have been the stuff of science fiction as little as fifty
years ago. In the early years of the twenty first century, it is computers and the Internet that have
captured the public imagination, and found their way into not just the working environments, but
increasingly into the domestic spaces. In this modern society, if we are not capable to cope up with
these changes than we are not going to stand or survive anywhere in this technical world.

Today there is no place for errors, so as to make a system more effective and efficient we need
such technology where error prone chances must be least. In the scenario of this project, we are
required to develop a web-based application on Online Job Portal. In this time of recession where
everyone, is either experienced or fresher, is in search for a job. This job portal can prove to be
very helpful since it allows users of different profile to upload their CVs, search job on the basis
of their qualification.

Every user can access through user id and apply for multiple jobs at a time. Viewing available
jobs, or applying for the job at the agency can be done for which jobseekers has to go to the agency
and check the available jobs at the agency. Job seekers check the list of jobs available and apply
the job. Then the agency will show available jobs for the job seeker for his qualifications and then
updates the jobs database. The developed Job Portal management system is web-based which
Requires Employee Registration & Profiles, Job Search, Employer Registration & Profiles, and
Subscription Option for both Employee and Employer etc. Employer can add Own Profile and
post jobs and Job Seeker Can Search Jobs based on Geographical Area (Country, State, and City),
Qualification, and Company wise or on the Basis of Experience and Expertise wise.
Problem Definition

1. Study of Existing System:

 The old system requires applicants to search through print and visual media for
job opportunities.
 Applicants need to apply for jobs using conventional methods and appear for
interview on a specified date at a specified location.
 Employers need to advertise the vacancies and sort all applicant details, conduct
selection procedures and complete the formalities.
 This approach is tedious and requires much effort and resources.
 Manual system is difficult and time consuming:
Delay for job searching due to manually that is find a vacancy in paper or any
article so that manual system is more time consuming.
 Less reliability and maintain a data:
For company it is hard to maintain the job seeker detail after applying for the job
in manual system.

2. Drawbacks of Existing System:

 The old system requires applicants to search through print and visual media for
job opportunities.
 Applicants need to apply for jobs using conventional methods and appear for
interview on a specified date at a specified location.
 Employers need to advertise the vacancies and sort all applicant details, conduct
selection procedures and complete the formalities.
 This approach is tedious and requires much effort and resources.
 Manual system is difficult and time consuming:
Delay for job searching due to manually that is find a vacancy in paper or any
article so that manual system is more time consuming.
 Less reliability and maintain a data:
For company it is hard to maintain the job seeker detail after applying for the job
in manual system.

Need for the new System:

 The solution of that problem is “Online Job Portal” where applicants easily find
the jobs and employer can find suitable candidates for the job.
 To overcome the problem of job seeker for finding a job.
 And also overcome the problem of company. Because company need an
employee for working purpose. So that it is difficult task for company to find job
seeker for his company.
 Employers need to advertise the vacancies and sort all applicant details.
 Applicants need to apply for jobs using new methods and appear for interview on
a specified date at a specified location.
Scope of the Work

 The online job portal that is developed provide jobseekers with different jobs information

 online applying for jobs

 search for jobs

 Supported by well-designed database and web-based design.

 A friendly user interface is provided to facilitate different services.
 The basic scope contains:

 Jobseeker’s Area
 Company’s Area
 Administrator’s Area
Feasibility Study

While designing any system preliminary investigation part has very important and essential
one. Preliminary investigation has title case of the system. While building of system depends upon
the preliminary investigation.

It has done by following four techniques:

1. Interview of the Roaster Owner

2. Record Review
3. Questionnaires
4. Observation


The major part of this preliminary investigation was done by using this technique.
Interviews of concerned people, made us aware of the existing system, its disadvantage & what
was required by them.

Though helpful, this technique suffers diversion of the original subject.


Questionnaire is a technique of fact finding in while there is a sequence of questions for

the roaster owner to retrieve the required information.
We asked some questions to company employee like this,

 what is your need?

 Which problems occurred while searching a job seeker?


Careful observation of whole process is carried out which helped to find out the defect in
the process that is at which point the process is going wrong and dally process.

Using these techniques preliminary investigation has been done to gather the relevant information
of system.
Requirement Analysis
A. Data requirements of the system:

1. Identify End Users of the system:

There are three types of users of the system: Admin, Employee and Job Seeker.

2. Input Data to the system:

The most important inputs for the system is company registration. Because if no
one company is register on the portal applicant cannot apply for the post.

The next one is, job seeker registration is needed. After the registration of job
seeker, they apply for the multiple job.

3. Output Information from the system:

Admin can manage company registration and approval of company registration on

to the portal. Admin also manage job seeker registration.

When company employee login to the system he can view job seeker request for
the job. The he approved their request for job and then he announce interview date,
time and location.

Company employee can also view curriculum vitae of job seeker.

H/W and S/W Requirement
Operating System:

Because of web application it supports any operating system to run a website.


The system will be intent to run on Firefox, Google Chrome etc. for client
For Server side or for developer require Wamp or Xamp Server and at
least one browser is required to developed web application.

The system should work on most home desktop and laptop PC’s which
support PHP, HTML or MySQL.

RAM: At least 1GB.

HDD: At least 500 MB.


1 1


View Notification View


Employee Jobseeker
1 1


View Post Search

M Job

Resume Upload
Normalized Database

Table Relationship Table

1. Jobseeker_reg 1-M Application_master

2. Jobseeker_reg 1-M Jobseeker_qualification

3. Jobseeker_reg 1-M feedback

4. Jobseeker_reg M-M Job_master

5. Job_master 1-M Application_master

6. User_master 1-M Jobseeker_reg

7. User_master 1-M Employer_reg

8. Employer_reg 1-M Job_master

Data Dictionary

1. User_master

Field Name Type Size Constraint

UserID Int 11 Primary Key
Username Varchar 20 Not Null
Password Varchar 20 Not Null

2. Employeer_reg

Field Name Type Size Constraint

EmployerID Int 11 Primary Key
UserID Int 11 Foreign key
Company_name Varchar 20 Not Null
ContactName Varchar 20 Not Null
ContactPerson Varchar 20 Not Null
Address Varchar 100 Not null
City Varchar 20 Not Null
Email Varchar 40 Not null
Mobile Bigint 20 Not null
Area_Work Varchar 40 Not null
Status Varchar 10 Not null
Username Varchar 20 Not null
Password Varchar 20 Not null
Question Varchar 100 Not null
Answer Varchar 50 Not null

3. Jobseeker_reg

Field Name Type Size Constraint

jobseekID Int 11 Primary Key
UserID Int 11 Foreign key
jobseekerName Varchar 20 Not Null
Address Varchar 100 Not Null
City Varchar 20 Not null
Email Varchar 40 Not null
Mobile Bigint 20 Not null
Qualification Varchar 20 Not null
Gender Varchar 10 Not null
Birthdate Date Not null
Resume Varchar 200 Not null
Status Varchar 10 Not null
Username Varchar 20 Not null
Password Varchar 20 Not null
Question Varchar 100 Not null
Answer Varchar 50 Not null

4. Jobseeker_qualification

Field Name Type Size Constraint

EduID Int 11 Primary Key
jobseekID Int 11 Foreign key
Degree Varchar 20 Not Null
University Varchar 40 Not null
Passingyear Mediumint 9 Not null
Percentage Float Not null

5. Job_master

Field Name Type Size Constraint

jobID Int 11 Primary Key
EmployerID Int 20 Foreign key
companyName Varchar 20 Not Null
jobTitle Varchar 50 Not null
Vacancy Int 11 Not null
Minqualification Varchar 50 Not null
Description Varchar 200 Not null

6. Walkin_master

Field Name Type Size Constraint

walkinID Int 11 Primary Key
companyName Varchar 20 Not Null
jobTitle Varchar 50 Not Null
Vacancy Int 11 Not null
Minqualification Varchar 50 Not null
Description Varchar 100 Not null
interviewDate Date Not null
interviewTime Time Not null

7. News_master
Field Name Type Size Constraint
NewsID Int 11 Primary Key
News Varchar 200 Not Null
NewsDate Date Not Null

8. Application_master

Field Name Type Size Constraint

ApplicationID Int 11 Primary Key
jobseekID Int 11 Foreign Key
jobID int 11 Foreign Key
Status Varchar 30 Not null
Description Varchar 200 Not null

9. Feedback

Field Name Type Size Constraint

feedbackID Int 11 Primary Key
jobseekID Int 11 Foreign Key
Feedback Varchar 200 Not Null
feedbackDate Date Not null
Use case Diagram



View Profile

Add Qualification
Update Profile
<<Jobseeker>> Search Job

Give Feedback <<include>>

Apply for Job


<<include>> <<include>>
Employee <<Admin>>

Login <<include>> Verify Post News

Post Job


View Application

Manage Walkin

Class Diagram

-Username: Varchar(20)
-Password: Varchar(20)
1 -SecurityQue: Varchar(100)
Manages Manages

1..* 1..*

Employer JobSeeker

-EmployerID: int -JobSeekerID: int

+CompanyName: Varchar(50) +JobSeekerName: Varchar(50)
+ContactPerson: Varchar(100) +Address:Text
+Address:Text +Mobile: Bigint
+Mobile: Bigint +Email: Varchar(40)
+Email: Varchar(40) +Birthdate: Date
+AreaOfWork:Varchar(40) +Gender: Varchar(40)
-Username: Varchar(50) +Resume: Varchar(100)
-Password: Varchar(20) -Username: Varchar(50)
-SecurityQue: Varchar(100) -Password: Varchar(20)
-Ans: Varchar(100) -SecurityQue: Varchar(100)
-Status: Varchar(10) -Ans: Varchar(100)
-Status: Varchar(10)
UpdateProfile() Login()
ManageJob() UpdateProfile()
ManageWalkin() SearchJob()
ViewApplication() ApplyForJob()
ResetPassword() GiveFeedback()
1 Search
1 1
1..* Has
Job 1..*

-JobId: int Qualification

+CompanyName: Varchar(100)
+JobTitle:Varchar(100) -QuaId
+Vacancy: Int +Degree:Varchar(20)
+MinQualification: Varchar(40) +University:Varchar4(0)
+Description: Text +PassingYear: mediumint
ManageJob() +Percentage: Float
SearchJob() Add()
ApplyForJob() Delete()

Object Diagram

-Username: "admin"
1 -Password: "admin" 1

Manages Manages

1..* 1..*

E:Employer J:JobSeeker

-EmployerID: 1 -JobSeekerID: 6
+CompanyName: "Wipro" +JobSeekerName: "Mehul Mistry"
+ContactPerson: "Mr. Sunil Pandya" +Address:"Swastik Society"
+Address:"Baroda" +Mobile: 9876543210
+Mobile: 8989898989 +Email: ""
+Email: "" +Birthdate: 2013-10-09
+AreaOfWork: Hardware +Gender: "Male"
-Username: "sunil" +Resume: "470X310_1.jpg"
-Password: "sunil" -Username: "mehul"
-SecurityQue: "Who is Your Favourite Person?" -Password: "mehul"
-Ans: "sunil" -SecurityQue: "What is Your Pet Name?"
-Status: "Confirm" -Ans: "mehu"


Jb:Job 1..*

-JobId: 1 Q:Qualification
+CompanyName: "Wipro"
+JobTitle:"Marketing Executive Required" -QuaId:6
+Vacancy: 05 +Degree:"M.B.A."
+MinQualification: "M.B.A" +University:"SPPU"
+Description: "Freshers Only" +PassingYear: 2018
+Percentage: 70
Component Diagram



Offer Job


Comoany Profile

Selection For
Admin JobSeeker Employee Job


Apply for job

Result Selected

Store Information

Sequence Diagram

Jobseeker Employee Web portal Administrator

Post News
Registration Verify.
Login Info.

Update Profile Verify

Manage/Post Job Info.
Save &
Login Info.
Add Education
Search Job Info.

Apply for Job

Send Call Letter Notification

Send Walkin Interview

Send Feedback
View Feedback
Collaboration Diagram

2 Select Company 11 View Job Application

4 Check Vacancy 15.1 Sort by Date
8 Check Job Description 15.2 Sort by Performance
9 Write Application Letter 17 Ask For Resume
23 Check For Job 21 Post Call Letter

Job Seeker JobPortal Employee

1.Display Home page 14 Display list

7 Display vacancy 16 Display sort List
3 Rediredct to company wall 20 Display Resume
26 Display call letter

6 Query result 5 Query Database for Vacancy

13 Provide list of Applcants 10 Store Application Letter
19 Provide User Resume 12 Request of view applcants
25 Provide Job Offer 18 Request Specific applicant Resume
22 Store Call later
24 Query Job Offer

Activity Diagram
1. Jobseeker



Log in



Search Job Add Education Manage Account

Qualification Walk In Interview

Apply Job
Deatail Update Profile
Manage Applied Job

Log Out

2. Employer



Log in



Post Job Manage Walk In Manage JobSeekers Manage Account


Job Details
Approved/Reject Update Profile
Manage Active/
Active/Inactive Job

Log Out

3. Admin

Log in



Manage JobSeeker
Manage User Manage JobSeeker

View Details
Add/Update/Delete View Details Create/Delete

Approved Approved
View Feedback
JobSeeker JobSeeker

Log Out

State Chart Diagram

1. Admin


Create User

Manage Employee

Post News

View Feedback

Manage User

2. Employee


Update Profile

Manage Job

Manage Walkin

View Application

Send Call Letter

3. Jobseeker


Update Profile

Add Qualification

Search Job

Apply for Job

View Walkin

Send Feedback

Input Output Screens
1. Admin Dashboard
Test Case Design

Software testing is the process of executing a program with the intention of finding errors
in the code. It is the process of exercising or evaluating a system or system component by
manual or by automatic means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements or to identify
differences between expected and actual results.

The objective of testing is to show incorrectness and testing is considered to succeed when
an error is detected. An error is a conceptual mistake made by either the programmer or
the designer or a discrepancy between a computed value and a theoretically correct value.
A fault is a specific manifestation of an error. An error may be cause of several faults. A
failure is the inability of a system or component to perform its required function within the
specified limits. A failure may be produced when a fault is executed or exercised.

Other activities that are often associated with software are static analysis and dynamic
analysis. Static analysis investigates the source code of software, looking for problems and
gathering metrics without actually executing the code. Dynamic analysis looks at the
behavior of software while it is executing, to provide information such as execution traces,
timing profiles and test coverage information.

7.1 Levels of testing

7.1.1 Unit Testing or Module Testing
The starting point of testing is Unit testing. In this, a module is tested separately at each
step. This helps to detect syntax and logical errors in the program and is performed by the
coder himself /herself during coding.

7.1.2 Integration Testing

The modules, which are tested in the Unit Testing, are integrated to build the overall
system. It is observed that many errors crop up when the modules are joined together.
Integration testing uncovers these errors while integrating the modules. It helps in
establishing confidence (correctness) in the complete, assembled system. It tests the
System Design. It focuses on control, communication, interfaces, performance (other
system qualities). It makes use of stubs, test-beds, data generators. It is the phase of
software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group.
It follows unit testing and precedes system testing.
Integration testing takes as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in
larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates, and
delivers as its output the integrated system ready for system testing.
Integration testing concentrates entirely on module interactions, assuming that the details
within each module are accurate. Module and Integration testing can be combined,
verifying the details of each module's implementation in an integration context. Many
projects compromise, combining module testing with the lowest level of subsystem
integration testing, and then performing pure integration testing at higher levels. Each of
these views of integration testing may be appropriate for any given project, so an
integration testing method should be flexible enough to accommodate them all.
The System testing is bringing together of all programs that a system comprises for testing
purposes. System testing is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate
the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the
scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design
of the code or logic. Programs are typically integrated in a top-down, incremental fashion.
It is a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer-
based system. It includes the following tests: -
 Recovery Testing: - It is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety
of ways and verifies that recovery is properly performed.
 Stress Testing: - These are designed to confront program functions with abnormal
situations. It executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal
quantity, frequency or volume.
 Security Testing: - This testing attempts to verify that protection mechanism built
into a system will protect it from unauthorized penetration.
The system testing is an investigatory testing phase, where the focus is to have almost a
destructive attitude and test not only the design, but also the behavior and even the believed
expectations of the customer. It is also intended to test up to and beyond the bounds defined
in the software/hardware requirements specification(s).

7.2 Types of testing

7.2.1 Black Box Testing
It is also known as Functional Testing. It tests the overall functional requirements of
product. Inputs are supplied to product and outputs are verified. If the outputs obtained are
the same as the expected ones, then the product meets the functional requirements. In this,
the internal procedures are not considered. In this the tester would only know the "legal"
inputs and what the expected outputs should be, but not how the program actually arrives
at those outputs. This Testing is more effective on larger units of code. In this tests are done
from user point of view.

7.2.2 White Box Testing

It is also known as Structure Testing. It focuses on the internal functioning of the product.
It tests the loops of the Procedure, Decision points, Execution paths etc.
White box testing uses specific knowledge of programming code to examine outputs. The
test is accurate only if the tester knows what the program is supposed to do. He or she can
then see if the program diverges from its intended goal. White box testing does not account
for errors caused by omission, and all visible code must also be readable. As the knowledge
of internal coding structure is prerequisite, it becomes very easy to find out which type of
input/data can help in testing the application effectively. The other advantage of white box
testing is that it helps in optimizing the code. It helps in removing the extra lines of code,
which can bring in hidden defects.

7.2.3 Acceptance Testing

This Testing is done when the software is developed for the specific customer. A series of
tests are conducted to enable the customer to validate all requirements. The end user/
customer conducts these tests and may range from adhoc test to well-planned systematic
series of tests. Acceptance testing may be conducted for few weeks or months. The
discovered errors will be fixed and better quality software will be delivered to the customer.
Acceptance testing is performed by the customer on a system prior to the customer
accepting delivery or accepting transfer of ownership of that system.
The customer specifies scenarios to test when a user story has been correctly implemented.
A story can have one or many acceptance tests, whatever it takes to ensure the functionality
works. Acceptance tests are black box system tests. Each acceptance test represents some
expected result from the system. Customers are responsible for verifying the correctness
of the acceptance tests and reviewing test scores to decide which failed tests are of highest
priority. Acceptance tests are also used as regression tests prior to a production release. A
user story is not considered complete until it has passed its acceptance tests. This means
that new acceptance tests must be created each iteration or the development team will report
zero progress.

7.2.4 Alpha Testing

Testing after code is mostly complete or contains most of the functionality and prior to
users being involved. Sometimes a select group of users are involved. More often this
testing will be performed in-house or by an outside testing firm in close cooperation with
the software engineering department.
In house virtual user environment can be created for this type of testing. Testing is done at
the end of development. Still minor design changes may be made as a result of such testing.

7.2.5 Beta Testing

Testing after the product is code complete. Betas are often widely distributed or even
distributed to the public at large in hopes that they will buy the final product when it is

Sincere efforts were taken for the implementation of the following goals.

 Maximizing the output reliability

 Maximizing the source test readability
 Minimizing the development time.

 Bulk SMS & Email facility not provided. So jobseekers & employers visit a

website time to time.

 When admin post news then it will not know who will see the post or read the


 “Online Job Portal” where applicants easily find the jobs and employer can find
suitable candidates for the job.
 To overcome the problem of job seeker for finding a job.

 And also overcome the problem for company. Because company need an

employee for working purpose. So that it is difficult task for company to find job

seeker for his company.

 Applicants need to apply for jobs using new methods and appear for interview on
a specified date at a specified location.

 Fully responsive web site so that any user can view or visit website on their smart
Future Enhancement
 Adding bulk and email facility.

 We will add features like tick read message in WhatsApp.

 We provide saved job facility and also messaging facility.


Reference Books:
 PHP and MySQL Web Development 3rd edition by Luke Welling & Laura
 PHP A Beginners Guide by Vikram Vaswani.
 Unified Modeling Language by tutorial points.

Internet References:

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