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Teeth and Oral Health is a part of whole body health which cannot be separated one another. Less
treated oral hygiene as well as bad diet may affect teeth and oral health may cause damage to the teeth
such as tooth caries. Consuming fruits rich of fibers and water can accelerate teeth cleansing so that
debris can be reduced and tooth caries can be avoided.

Papaya (Carica Papaya) is one kind of fruit which contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes that is good for
digestion ; also contains fibers and water. This research is an experimental study with one-shot case
study pre-experimental design by pretest-postest approach. The population include third grade students
of Inpres Kaiwatu Manado Elementary School with age range 8-10, and the whole samples are 32
children based on total sampling.

The result of debris index research before and after consuming Hawaiian and Californian papaya,
significance value of dependent T-Test both p are <0.0001 ; the average reduction of debris index after
consuming Californian papaya is 1.31 and after consuming Hawaiian papaya is 1.71 ; the result of
Independent T-test, p value = 0.010 or p <0.05. Conclusion, there is an effect of consuming Hawaiian and
Californian papaya to caries index reduction in children at Kaiwatu Inpres Elementary School, where
consuming Hawaiian papaya is more effective compare with Califonian papaya.

Keyword: Californian papaya, Hawaiian papaya, debris index

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