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Multinational Corporations

Lazarus A A 1997 Brief but ComprehensiŠe Psychotherapy: The The economic definition, however, does not capture
Multimodal Way. Springer, New York the importance of the multinational corporation as the
Lazarus A A 2000 Multimodal therapy. In: Corsini R J, Wed- organizational mechanism by which different social
ding D (eds.) Current Psychotherapies. Peacock, Itasca, IL
and economic systems confront each other. The
Lazarus A A, Beutler L E 1993 On technical eclecticism. Journal
of Counseling and DeŠelopment 71: 381–5 multinational corporation, because usually it develops
Lazarus A A, Beutler L E, Norcross J C 1992 The future of in the cultural and social context of one nation, exports
technical eclecticism. Psychotherapy 29: 11–20 its organizational baggage from one institutional
Lazarus A A, Lazarus C N 1991 Multimodal Life History setting to another. In this regard, it plays a powerful
InŠentory. Research Press, Champaign, IL role as a mechanism by which to transfer organ-
Norcross J C, Alford B A, DeMichele, J T 1992 The future of izational knowledge across borders. However, while
psychotherapy: Delphi data and concluding observations. being foreign implies that it might serve the valuable
Psychotherapy 29: 150–8 role of importing new practices, its foreign status also
Paul G L 1967 Strategy of outcome research in psychotherapy. implies that its practices are likely to conflict with
Journal of Consulting Psychology 31: 109–18
Rotter J B 1954 Social Learning and Clinical Psychology.
existing institutions and cultural norms. Moreover,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliff, NJ since multinational corporations are often large, they
Williams T A 1988 A multimodal approach to assessment and pose unusual challenges to national and regional
intervention with children with learning disabilities. Ph.D. governments who seek to maintain political autonomy
thesis, University of Glasgow and yet are often anxious to seek the investment,
technology, and managerial skills of foreign firms.
A. A. Lazarus There are, thus, economic and sociological defini-
tions of the multinational corporation that differ, and
yet complement, each other. In the economic defini-
tion, the multinational corporation is the control of
foreign activities through the auspices of the firm. In
the sociological definition, the multinational corpor-
Multinational Corporations ation is the mechanism by which organizational
practices are transferred and replicated from one
The multinational corporation is a business organ- country to another.
ization whose activities are located in more than two
countries and is the organizational form that defines
foreign direct investment. This form consists of a 1. History
country location where the firm is incorporated and of
the establishment of branches or subsidiaries in foreign The multinational corporation is defined in some sense
countries. Multinational companies can, obviously, arbitrarily by where frontiers are drawn. In ancient
vary in the extent of their multinational activities in Greece, these frontiers were the borders among
terms of the number of countries in which they operate. city–states. In imperial Rome, the new administrative
A large multinational corporation can operate in 100 units of an expanding empire and its external bound-
countries, with hundreds of thousands of employees aries defined the borders. Political borders correspond
located outside its home country. only approximately to the distribution of cultural and
The economic definition emphasizes the ability of ethnic dispositions. The history of the multinational
owners and their managerial agents in one country to corporation is tied closely to the origins of trade in and
control the operations in foreign countries. There is a between cultural communities, and these communities
frequent confusion that equates the ability to control remain important in many sectors in the modern
with the flow of capital across national borders. Since economy.
Hymer’s thesis (1976), it is recognized widely that Early trade was often characterized by the difficulty
capital flow is not the distinguishing characteristic of a of transacting across borders. Trading has always
multinational corporation (see International Business). instigated from the unequal and varied distribution of
Capital can flow from one country to another in resources across geographies. The trading of salt was
expectation of higher rates of return. However, this an important factor in most continents and still can be
flow may be invested in the form of bonds, or in equity found in rather ancient forms in east Africa. Towns,
amounts too insignificant to grant control to foreign such as Salzburg, owed their origins to their fortuitous
owners. In this case, this type of investment is treated access to salt mines.
as a ‘portfolio’ investment. The central aspect of This unequal distribution incited traders to travel
‘direct investment’ is the ownership claim by a party long distances and undergo unusual risks for the hope
located in one country on the operations of a foreign of gain. The dilemma is quite apparent. How can
firm or subsidiary in another. The multinational markets for trade develop between distant cultures?
corporation is, thus, the product of foreign direct Indeed, there is good evidence that early trading was
investment that is defined as the effective control of quite precarious. Brown (1969) notes that Hermes was
operations in a country by foreign owners. not only the god of messengers but also of theft and

Multinational Corporations

trade. He was often worshipped at borders, marking raised for a single voyage or, eventually, could be
the place of trade. Herodotus describes the practice of maintained in the company in the form of stock
the ‘silent trade’ of goods at boundary markings in ownership. With the evolution of limited liability law
which one party would deposit their goods at the in the nineteenth century, and the diminished role of
border, the second party would later deposit a cor- the state in restricting the growth of the joint stock
responding offer. The original party might accept this company, this organizational form expanded rapidly
bid, take the goods, and leave their initial offer. in many European countries as well as in the United
Clearly, only a strong demand for unusual foreign States. Along with the growth of equity markets, the
goods could sustain such a treacherous institution of financial resources to invest overseas became more
transaction. available due to advances in the banking system and
Not surprisingly, Curtin (1984) doubts the accuracy also in bond markets. Indeed, the great capital needs
of this account. Instead, he stresses the importance of of the railway industry created an international market
ethnic groups, such as the Gujerati or overseas for the sale and purchase of railroad bonds. However,
Chinese, or the force of imperialism and military international loans and bonds were risky and it was
power as ways in which ‘cross-cultural trading’ was not uncommon for sovereign governments to default,
permitted to develop. But such solutions remained including state governments within the United States.
fragile, with foreign enclaves and ethnic groups subject The increasing wealth of western countries, along
to local hatred and military rule often confronting with constraints on the speed by which national
competition from other powers. industries could absorb new loans, encouraged mass-
Yet, trade persisted through the centuries. Indeed, ive foreign investments by the end of the nineteenth
the demand for foreign goods was so strong that century and early twentieth century. This was a period
incredible profits could be realized by international of globalization in terms of the percentages of capital
trade. Since transportation was poor, and technology outflows to total capital accumulation. Great Britain
to hold inventories rudimentary, an agent in the right is estimated to have exported some 25 percent of its
spot at the right time could earn fortunes. And in this capital prior to World War I and French capital
laid the great problem. For in times of great demand, exports were often greater. This capital went to
prices could rise astronomically, as Braudel (1973) countries hungry to finance their industrial expansion,
documents in his history of material life. With such including the newly industrializing countries of Russia
distances between the agent and the principal in the and especially America.
exporting country, an agent could easily, and often The British were unusual in directing a considerable
did, disappear with the profits. amount of their outward capital flows in the form of
The early solutions were many and provide insight direct investments. A great deal of this investment
into one of the great properties of the multinational went into their colonies. Prior to the mid-1800s,
corporation: its ability to organize transactions within companies operating overseas engaged largely in
its own organizational boundaries. Great fairs were wholesale operations; they did not run factories,
one solution, where principals met their customers in operate mines, or own agriculture. The British direct
one place. But fairs were intermittent and often distant investments were, thus, different than before, as British
from final markets. The further development of came to own and run local operations. Moreover, the
Roman commercial law during the medieval and British invested in South and North America.
Renaissance periods strengthened the liability of the The ‘free-standing’ company, as labeled by Wilkins
principal and also legal recourse in principal–agent (1988), was a peculiar form of investment that was
conflict. However, the application of law between two quite prominent in many British colonies. This firm
parties in different legal jurisdictions has always been raised capital in the domestic financial market where
a difficult form of dispute resolution. In his study of its administrative office was located, but it operated no
the Jewish Magrebi traders of the twelfth century, domestic activities. All operations were overseas. This
Greif (1989) places considerable emphasis upon the form of company represents the advantage of western
value of membership in ethnic ‘trading communities.’ countries in being able to raise capital from efficient
Since ethnic enclaves in foreign sites could monitor the financial markets. However, it posed the same problem
activities of agents, principals could be informed of as facing the medieval agent relationship, namely, how
malfeasance. Agents could then be excluded from could foreign investors be confident that they would
future contracts within the community, thus deterring recover profitably their investments if the assets were
dishonest behavior. Partnerships were also another located overseas, often in countries with very poor
way in which agents were also bonded to the firm. legal infrastructures? Wilkins found that oversight
However, another solution was the company, a occurred through the executive boards of the com-
word whose roots come from the Latin meaning ‘with panies, where prominent people located in the home
bread’ which implies the familial origins of this market faced the loss of reputation if the company
business organization. The company permitted in time should prove to be dishonest.
the investing of capital in its ownership by outsiders in The United States offers an unusual case. A rapidly
promise of future dividends. The capital might be growing country, it imported more capital than it

Multinational Corporations

exported up to World War I. However, whereas it economic wealth. Yet, both countries are relatively
imported largely portfolio investments, its outward wealthy and successful, and their many small com-
flows were dominated by foreign direct investments. In panies have achieved high rates of exporting. Even in
other words, American companies showed an early the case of the United States, the evidence implies that
penchant for expanding overseas (Wilkins 1970). The American firms, large and small, came to Europe,
Singer Company built within two decades of its riding on the back of the national organizing principles
founding a large factory employing thousands of of standardization in work methods (Kogut 1992).
workers in Scotland. Oil companies, Kodak, Chandler’s larger point of the effect of national
Westinghouse, Ford, and mining and agricultural systems on firm capabilities is largely accepted; his
companies all invested overseas. Companies in oil, belief that large firms reflect better management
mining, and agriculture often invested in poorer because they achieve scale is disputed far more.
markets where there were resources to be found. These
early investors were often involved inextricably in the
politics of the foreign governments, and the American
military itself intervened aggressively numerous times 2. Organization of Multinational Corporations
in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America, and
South America. As in the British case, the history of The national origins of the multinational corporation
American direct investment occurred in the context of influence their subsequent organizational evolution.
an expanding military presence of the home govern- In the United States, the great post-World War II
ment. Moreover, since many of these countries were expansion of multinational corporations coincided
poor, the multinational corporations responded to the with the diffusion of their adoption of the multi-
demands of the host nation, especially in the form of divisional structure. Indeed, the refinement of
concessionary contracts, to provide public services, ‘organizational technologies’ permitted American
e.g., hospitals, roads, and power (Robinson 1964). firms to manage their rapidly growing operations on a
This complicated legacy of the early history of the worldwide basis.
multinational corporation created hostility on the part The young American multinational corporation
of the local population that persisted throughout most began with little knowledge and experience of the
of the twentieth century. foreign market. Initial foreign sales are exports
It is important to underscore that the multinational executed within the existing organizational structure.
corporation usually evolved in the context of specific These structures could be functional (e.g., organized
national institutions. As many others have pointed by production and sales) or divisional (e.g., organized
out, the multinational corporation is a growing firm by geographic area or product division). As foreign
whose organizational borders have spilled across sales increased, an international division was created
borders. Moreover, since this large firm is usually tied to make the sale and to provide customer support. In
to a larger domestic network of suppliers and consequence, the domestic organizational unit would
customers, its expansion overseas is accompanied by sell to the international division its products at an
the co-investments of these other members. This is a internal ‘transfer price.’ As this price was set by the
pattern seen in American investments in the United domestic market, it was unlikely to reflect the com-
Kingdom in the 1950s and repeated by Japanese petitive conditions in the foreign country. Moreover,
multinational corporations investing in the United the products were often not designed to the tastes of
Kingdom in the 1980s and 1990s (Dunning 1993). foreign demand. Because of this internal conflict, the
Chandler (1990) noted that these multinational American multinational corporation would replace
corporations reflected the national characteristics of the international division by transferring responsi-
management. In comparing the cases of the largest bilities to area divisions (e.g., Europe, Asia, South
firms in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the America) or to product divisions (Stopford and Wells
United States, Chandler found that differences in 1972). While these structures diminished the internal
managerial capabilities, reflecting national institu- conflict, they ran the hazard that the divisional
tions, explain their success and failure patterns. He managers across areas did not cooperate or that
particularly criticized the managerial capabilities of managers across product divisions tended to fall back
British firms, a point not shared by some British upon focusing on the home market.
historians (Hannah 1999). But more importantly, European firms grew up in a different environment.
Chandler’s thesis assumed that size itself constituted Europe was a highly unstable continent during the
the realization of scale and scope economies instead of twentieth century, with significant political and econ-
the outcome of success and growth. This observation omic conflicts. Borders sometimes changed, and they
is especially important for understanding the lack of also marked the necessity to pay commercial duties.
large multinational corporations in Italy or in Taiwan, The gradual creation of the European Union in the
both of which have very successful small firm econ- last third of the twentieth century eliminated tariffs
omies but do not have multinational corporations and lessened national differences. This history marked
comparable to other countries of similar levels of their firms. The organizational technologies in most of

Multinational Corporations

these countries were quite different to those found in the pan-European multinational corporations. Many of
United States. Holding company structures were the most important cross-European mergers in the
common, banks or other financial institutions played 1970s failed within a decade. Instead, American
powerful roles in ownership and cross holdings, and multinational corporations, less bound by these sep-
firms were tied together in complex financial webs. arate national traditions, were able to create integrated
These structures, often called ‘mother–daughter’ European strategies.
organizations, reflect the linguistic terms used in Nevertheless, it was in Europe where new organ-
northern Europe to describe headquarters and sub- izational structures developed to resolve the conflict
sidiary. These mother–daughter structures consisted between integration and differentiation. Multinational
often of a headquarters that held a portfolio consisting corporations from smaller countries offered the lab-
of ownership control over dozens of companies, many oratory experiments that influenced the evolution
of them in the same sector but located in different of multinational corporations from larger nations.
countries. Reporting relationships among these Because of the small size of many European countries,
companies and headquarters was less formal than large firms in Sweden, Switzerland, and the
found in American companies, and control was often Netherlands quickly became multinational corpor-
exercised through the movement of managers who ations, and these corporations had far more assets and
were lifetime employees. These structures were often employees outside their home countries than within.
seen as inefficient, especially compared to the size and Over the course of the last two decades of the twentieth
organization of American multinationals that were century, organizational structures developed, labeled
investing rapidly in Europe at this time. European as transnational corporations, that distributed global
critics called for the restructuring of European firms responsibilities to national subsidiaries, created global
and industry along American lines. teams and projects, and encouraged the transfer of
The structure of Japanese companies reflected also ‘best practices’ across borders.
their historical origins. In Japan, the trading company
performed an extraordinary role in the exports during
the first two-thirds of the twentieth century. These 3. Diffusion of Organizational Knowledge
companies started primarily as wholesalers, but over
time developed their own industrial companies located In its evolution the multinational corporation is not
in Japan and eventually overseas. Though the forced without serious contradictions. Evolving from its
imposition of American antitrust law after World War national context, the multinational corporation em-
II disrupted these patterns, trading companies and ploys large numbers of employees of diverse
other affiliated company networks, called keiretsu, nationalities and ethnicities. Westney (1993) notes
reconstituted the earlier pattern of constellations of that a subsidiary is, thus, caught between the in-
domestic companies competing in home and, through stitutional pressures to conform to the company norms
their trading companies, in foreign markets. As in the and values, as well as to the cultural and social
American and European cases, Japanese firms varied influences of its local national environment. At the
in their internal structures, with functional and even heart of the evolution of the multination corporation,
factory-based organization being the predominant thus, lies the tension between national institutions and
structures. Still, a dominant trend emerged over time the fragile emergence of a global culture.
as the role of trading companies declined, especially The international evolution of the organizational
for the exportation of industrial and high technology structures of American multinationals mirrored, as we
goods. This trend consisted of the appendage of an noted above, the broader diffusion of organizational
international division to the existing structure (Suzuki technologies in the home market. The initial invest-
1991). ments by a firm took place, often, on the basis of
These different national structures confronted an opportunity and the extension to familiar countries.
increasingly more globally integrated environment in Much like the ethnic trading communities dating back
the course of the twentieth century. This environment to the earliest times, the inexperienced multinational
posed the classic organizational problem of balancing corporation preferred countries that are culturally
integration and differentiation. For the multinational similar to what their managers know at home
corporation, this problem posed itself as meeting the (Johanson and Vahlne 1978). In these countries, they
demands to achieve global scale against the needs of often established foreign enclaves where their ex-
national markets and governments. Given different patriate managers could live in the simulated
national principles of organizing the activities of familiarity of their home environments.
multinational corporations, there was not a rapid The relevance of the second definition of foreign
convergence to a global structure. The growth of direct investment as the transfer of organizational
multinational corporations, especially in Europe, was knowledge is critical to understanding the powerful
stymied by these traditions. Continuing national conflicts posed by the multinational corporation. The
differences and the failure to develop harmonized multinational corporation, competing often on su-
European corporate law deterred the emergence of perior technologies and managerial capabilities, serves

Multinational Corporations

as a conduit of knowledge across borders. Some kinds These institutions interact and their complex inter-
of technologies can be purchased on markets and the actions causally influence behaviors. For example, the
flow of licensing payments attached to the sale of the German system of centralized bargaining, enterprise
right to use a technology constitutes a nontrivial flow clubs, strong banks, and social welfare has, until
in international balance of payments. Technology can recent times, composed a national configuration of
also flow by the movement of people. Just as English institutions that influences the capabilities of resident
craftsmen were imported by continental Europe in the firms to be able to manufacture high quality goods for
early industrial period, there exists an international export markets (Streeck 1995, Soskice 1990). The
market for managers and skilled workers. introduction of Japanese and American teams con-
However, some knowledge is embedded in organ- fronts in Germany the presence of existing work
izations and can only be transferred as an organization councils. These councils are fairly rigid features of the
across borders. The issue is more than whether German environment. Since Japanese methods may
knowledge is tacit or explicit, for this pertains to the not be effective without teams as complementary
knowledge held by individuals too. The central feature factors in organization, this institutional refusal can
of the diffusion of knowledge by the multinational is effectively deter the diffusion of these methods. In
that it transfers the knowledge of how to organize and short, national organizing principles are embedded in
how to coordinate people and across divisions. These the wider social institutions. Inconsistency between
organizing principles then provide the capabilities for these institutions and principles, then, is an empirical
the firm to achieve quality, speed products to the question of the bargaining strength of vested powers.
market, or lower costs (Kogut 1992). For this the
multinational corporation is required, which through
its own activities or in joint ventures with host
companies, transfers the organizational knowledge. 4. Economics and Politics of Multinational
The global market for knowledge extends also to Corporations
consultants. The large American consulting practices
often have their origins in their acquisition of Since the multinational corporation is definitionally
American organizing principles that they then trans- equivalent to foreign direct investment, theories of
ferred around the world. The international diffusion foreign direct investment must account for why one
of the divisional structure, for example, reflects the country invests in another and why this investment is
knowledge acquired in American consulting practices carried out within organizational boundaries of a firm
that was then sold in abroad. Channon (1973), for (see Buckley and Casson 1976, see Foreign InŠestment:
example, observes that half of the firms he observed as Direct). In distinguishing between portfolio and direct
adopting the divisional structure relied upon the investment, Hymer noted that firms operate at a
consulting services of the same American firm. Simi- disadvantage in foreign markets and hence they must
larly, British and then American banks spread have an offsetting competitive advantage to compete
throughout the world on servicing the needs of their overseas. These advantages for overseas investments
expanding home clients, and then on transferring their are the same ones that allow a firm to compete and
practices into these countries (Jones 1993). grow in the home market. These observations have
It is important to realize that once this transition important implications. The first is that direct invest-
period passed, the multinational corporation and ment is the growth of the firm across borders and
multinational service firms, such as those engaged in hence the firm expands internationally on what it has
consulting, banking, and advertising, had permanently learned at home. This observation is the basis for the
and historically changed the global economy. No evolutionary theory of the firm. The second obser-
longer was the flow from the US to Europe, or from vation that Hymer made is that firms that expand
one ethnic community to another. The network of overseas, because they have competitive resources, are
connections developed by the multinational corpo- also likely to be large and to belong to oligopolistic
ration permitted the flow of ideas and practices among industries.
and between countries. Thus, whereas it took half a In these observations, we can understand the am-
century for American practices to diffuse to Europe, bivalence expressed in popular and policy debates
the introduction of quality circles from Japan hap- regarding the multinational corporation. Competition
pened within a decade or two of their original among multinational corporations often is the ex-
innovation. In Europe, Japanese innovations were tension of their home domestic and oligopolistic
often diffused by American firms, including consulting rivalry that spills across national borders. In many
companies. global industries, the same company names dominate
However, this image of the free flow of knowledge each country’s list of the largest firms inside their
needs to be strongly conditioned on the continuing national frontiers. No matter if it is Poland or France,
importance of national institutions. Nations consist of Singapore or Mexico, the same multinational cor-
defined cultures and economic and social institutions, porations will be found in the local oligopolistic
such as unions, financial systems, and religious values. industries (e.g., consumer goods or automobiles).

Multinational Corporations

Because they are large even in their home markets, often negotiated the terms for entry by multinational
investments by multinational corporations can have a corporations, sometimes requiring licensing to dom-
large impact on a host country (Caves 1974). estic competitors as a price. The efficacy of such
As a consequence, the multinational corporation policies for these countries is much disputed. However,
has often been the subject of debates concerning for many other countries, the intervention of the
national sovereignty and welfare. In recent decades, government in demanding licenses unquestionably
acquisitions have generally been the primary way by leads to internal corruption and to insufficient domestic
which multinationals invest in wealthy foreign competition.
countries, where the vast proportion of direct in- There are many channels by which a country can
vestment is concentrated. Given the size of a multi- absorb foreign technology and managerial techniques.
national corporation and occasional national Most of the evidence shows, however, that prohibi-
importance of the targeted acquisition, even wealthy tions on the in-flows of direct investment can be very
countries frequently evidence discomfort, if not out- costly for many countries. With their domestic in-
right public hostility, to multinational investments. dustries still to be developed, a developing country
Moreover, multinational corporations are sometimes requires substantial investment. Some countries, pri-
the vehicles for foreign policies of their home or host marily in Asia, have been able to achieve very high
country. The decision, for example, of the US to savings rates to finance their industries without direct
embargo technology and investment flows to Cuba, investment. Moreover, high savings rates, plus pol-
the former Soviet Union, Iran, and other countries itical stability, create growth, and growth attracts
periodically has caused conflict with other countries. foreign portfolio capital. A poor country that pro-
Multinational corporations are especially problem- hibits foreign direct investment but does not have high
atic in developing countries. By definition, developing rates of saving is entirely dependent upon portfolio
countries are relatively poor, thus both in need of capital. The history of debt and currency crises in the
capital and yet concerned over their loss of inde- 1990s convinced many poor countries that foreign
pendence. As discussed above, the history of multi- direct investment was a preferable means of attracting
national corporations in developing countries is capital, because it could not be easily pulled out of a
marked by its origins in policies of imperialism and country on short-notice in response to a financial
colonialism. Especially in Latin America, where a crisis.
school of thought labeled Dependencia has been in- However, multinational corporations also respond
fluential, the concern over dependence on the United to the volatility in the global market. This volatility
States resulted in efforts to curb the power of the derives from changes in exchange rates, politics, and
multinational corporations by restricting the amount productivity. Once having achieved sufficient experi-
of equity ownership a foreign firm could hold in a ence and having established subsidiaries around the
domestic company or by prohibiting investment in world, the multinational corporation might choose to
certain sectors. Mexico’s constitution forbids foreign close a plant in one location and open plants in new
investment in the oil industry; Brazil pursued for a locations. Of course, such actions might provoke a
long time a policy to restrict foreign participation in response by labor, but historically, labor has been
the electronics industry. organized by national, not by international, organ-
The other side of the coin is that multinational izations (Martinelli 1975). Yet, there is also the
corporations bring investment and technology to the possibility that locations lose some kinds of plants but
foreign country. Vernon (1966) hypothesized that gain more sophisticated investments. Cantwell (1999)
innovations start in wealthy countries. As the market proposed that some regions and countries pull
is saturated and as oligopolistic rivalry increases, multinational investments. Yet, it has long been
multinational corporations are pushed out from their noticed that foreign direct investment among devel-
home markets to expand abroad in new markets and oped countries flows to high cost locations. Regions
to locate less expensive places. Thus, Vernon seized such as Silicon Valley, Baden-Wuertemberg, and
both sides of the debate, recognizing the value of the Singapore attract multinational investments not be-
transfer of technology but also emphasizing the cause wages are low, but because productivity levels
oligopolistic nature of multinational investment. are high and workers are well trained. In many cases,
It is, in fact, difficult to draw simple conclusions developing countries have given rise to their own
regarding the relationship of foreign investment and multinational corporations acting in the region and
national growth. Countries such as Singapore, sometimes globally (Lall 1983). In this sense, the
Malaysia, and Thailand have encouraged foreign multinational corporation acts as a training center in
direct investment actively. The growth in China’s the developmental strategies of emerging economies.
coastal sector is indisputably linked to the massive
investments by multinational corporations. However, 5. Globalization
historically Japan and Korea have pursued more
cautious policies regarding investments by multi- The peculiar conflict in the world economy is the
national corporations. In these countries, the state has growing trend toward economic integration without a

Multinational Corporations

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without cost and risk. The growth of a world digital erstwhile dominance of the American multinational corpor-
economy permits alternative ways by which labor can ation. Industrial and Corporate Change 1: 285–325
cooperate and be coordinated on a world basis. The Lall S 1983 The New Multinationals: The Spread of Third World
intriguing question at this point in history is whether Enterprise. Wiley, Chichester, UK
the multinational corporation, though still a vital Martinelli A 1975 Multinational corporations, national econ-
presence in the world economy, nevertheless will omic policies and labor unions. In: Lindberg L, Alford R,
recede relatively in importance as information tech- Crouch C, Offe C (eds.) Stress and Contradiction in Modern
nologies reduces the meaning of geographic distance. Capitalism. Heath, Lexington, MA pp. 425–43
Robinson R D 1964 International Business Policy. Holt, Rinehart,
and Winston, New York
Soskice D 1990 Wage determination: The changing role of
institutions in advanced industrialized countries. Oxford
See also: Development and the State; Diaspora; ReŠiew of Economic Policy 6: 36–61
Globalization: Geographical Aspects; Globalization: Stopford J M, Wells L T 1972 Managing the Multinational:
Legal Aspects; Globalization: Political Aspects; Organization of the Firm and Organization of the Subsidiaries.
Basic Books, New York
Globalization, Subsuming Pluralism, Transnational
Streeck W 1995 German capitalism: Does it exist? Can it survive?
Organizations, Diaspora, and Postmodernity; Inter- In: Crouch C, Streeck W (eds.) Modern Capitalism or Modern
national Business; International Law and Treaties; Capitalisms? Pinter, London
International Marketing; International Organization; Suzuki Y 1991 Japanese Management Structures, 1920–1980. St.
International Trade: Economic Integration Martin’s Press, New York

Multinational Corporations

Vernon R 1966 International investment and international trade result in standard error estimates that are too small,
in the product life cycle. Quarterly Journal of Economics 80: confidence intervals that undercover, and P-values
190–207 that are too significant; even if the modeling for
Westney D E 1993 Institutional theory and the multinational
imputation is carried out carefully. For example, large-
corporation. In: Westney D E, Ghoshal S (eds.) Organization
Theory and the Multinational Corporation. St. Martin’s Press, sample results by Rubin and Schenker (1986) show
New York that for simple situations with 30 percent of the data
Wilkins M 1970 The Emergence of Multinational Enterprise: missing, single imputation under the correct model
American Business Abroad from the Colonial Era to 1914. followed by the standard complete-data analysis
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA results in nominal 90 percent confidence intervals
Wilkins M 1988 The free-standing company, 1870–1914: An having actual coverages below 80 percent. The inac-
important type of British foreign direct investment. Economic curacy of nominal levels is even more extreme in
History ReŠiew 39: 259–82 multiparameter problems (Rubin 1987, Chap. 4),
where nominal 5 percent tests can easily have rejection
B. Kogut rates of 50 percent or more when the null hypothesis is
Multiple imputation (Rubin 1987) retains the ad-
Multiple Imputation vantages of single imputation while allowing the data
analyst to obtain valid assessments of uncertainty. The
Missing data are ubiquitous in social science research. key idea is to impute two or more times for the missing
For example, they occur in a survey on people’s data using independent draws of the missing values
attitudes when some people do not respond to all of from a distribution that is appropriate under the
the survey questions, or in a longitudinal survey when posited assumptions about the data and the mech-
some people drop out. A common technique for anism that creates missing data, resulting in two or
handling missing data is to impute, that is, fill in, a more completed data sets, each of which is analyzed
value for each missing datum. This results in a using the same standard complete-data method. The
completed data set, so that standard methods that analyses are then combined in a simple generic way
have been developed for analyzing complete data can that reflects the extra uncertainty due to having
be applied immediately (see Nonsampling Errors imputed rather than actual data. Multiple imputations
and Statistical Data, Missing). can also be created under several different models
Imputation has other advantages in the context of to display sensitivity to the choice of missing-data
the production of a data set for general use, such as a model.
public-use file. For example, the data producer can use
specialized knowledge about the reasons for missing
data, including confidential information that cannot 1. Theoretical MotiŠation for Multiple
be released to the public, to create the imputations; Imputation
and imputation by the data producer fixes the missing
data problem in the same way for all users, so that The theoretical motivation for multiple imputation is
consistency of analyses across users is ensured. When Bayesian (see Bayesian Statistics), although the pro-
the missing-data problem is left to the user, the cedure has excellent properties from a frequentist
knowledge of the data producer can fail to be perspective. Formally, let Q be the population quan-
incorporated, analyses are not typically consistent tity of interest, and suppose the data can be partitioned
across users, and all users expend resources addressing into the observed values Xobs and the missing values
the missing-data problem. Xmis. If Xmis had been observed, inferences for Q would
Although imputing just one value for each missing have been based on the complete-data posterior
datum satisfies critical data-processing objectives and density p(Q Q Xobs, Xmis). Because Xmis is not observed,
can incorporate knowledge from the data producer, it inferences are based on the actual posterior density
fails to achieve statistical validity for the resulting p(Q Q Xobs), which can be expressed as
inferences based on the completed data. Specifically,
for validity, the resulting estimates based on the data &
p (Q Q Xobs) l p(Q Q Xobs, Xmis) p (Xmis Q Xobs) d Xmis (1)
completed by imputation should be approximately Equation (1) shows that the actual posterior density of
unbiased for their population estimands, confidence Q can be obtained by averaging the complete-data
intervals should attain at least their nominal cover- posterior density over the posterior predictive dis-
ages, and tests of null hypotheses should not reject true tribution of Xmis. In principle, the set of multiple
null hypotheses more frequently than their nominal imputations under one model are repeated indepen-
levels. But a single imputed value cannot reflect any of dent draws from p(Xmis Q Xobs). Thus, multiple im-
the uncertainty about the true underlying value, and putation allows the data analyst to approximate Eqn.
so analyses that treat imputed values just like observed (1) by separately analyzing each data set completed by
values systematically underestimate uncertainty. imputation and then combining the results of the
Thus, using standard complete-data techniques will separate analyses.


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International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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