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Some Arabic Translations Attributed To David Myatt

Editorial Note

As an historical curiosity relating to Myatt's days as "a fierce Jihadist" {1} who
travelled to and spoke in several Arab countries {2}, we present here a few of
the Arabic translations attributed to Myatt during his Muslim years
(1998-2009). The translations range from messages by such people as Osama
bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, to verses from the Koran to an historical

Some of the translations first appeared on various Islamic forums (some of

which are now defunct, especially those supportive of Al Qaeda), and in articles
written by Myatt using his Muslim name of Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt. The
translations we re-publish here were first collected together, and published, by
JW Wright on her now long-defunct 'geocities' davidmyatt website in late 2003,
with one addition made early in 2004.

It is perhaps interesting to note that extracts from Myatt's translation of the

2003 message from bin Laden reguarly appeared, for several years and
unattributed and until around 2011, on Al Qaeda supporting, and some Muslim,
forums and websites {3}.

The translations - or perhaps interpretations would be a more accurate

description - reveal a rather fluid style as well as a clarity of expression.



{1} Martin Amis, The Second Plane. Jonathan Cape, 2008, p.157.

{2} Mark Weitzmann, Anti-Semitism and Terrorism, in Dienel, Hans-Liudger

(ed), Terrorism and the Internet: Threats, Target Groups, Deradicalisation
Strategies. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, vol. 67. IOS Press,
2010. pp.16-17.

{3} For example [URL's accessed July 7, 2014] - and
In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

Extract from a Letter from Ali Ibn Abu Talib to Maalik Al-Ashtar

Note: Maalik Al-Ashtar was the commander of the Army during the battle at Siffin (657 CE) and
was later appointed by Ali, the Fourth Caliph, as Governor of Egypt. He was a loyal and
courageous warrior and was known as the "Fearless Tiger". Mu'awiya hated Maalik and conspired
to have him killed by a cowardly gang of assassins. The letter was given to Maalik by Imam Ali
when he appointed him Governor of Egypt.


I order you, Maalik, to always fear Allah, to give priority to His worship and to
give preference to obeying His Commands over every other thing in life, to
follow the commandments and instructions which are given in His Holy Book
because without them, you cannot achieve honour and virtue just as you cannot
do what is dishonourable and wrong except by opposing them and ignoring
I order you to use your head, heart, hands and tongue to help the beings whom
Allah has created because the Almighty Allah is responsible for helping those
who sincerely try their best to help Him. Allah has further ordered you to keep
your heart under control when your passions are roused because the heart can
drive you to what is dishonourable unless Allah comes to your help.

Let it be known to you, Maalik, that I am sending you as a governor to a country

which has seen many regimes before this. Some of them were just, while others
were oppressive and cruel. People will judge your rule as critically as you have
judged the activities of other rulers and they will criticize you in the same way
as you have censured or approved other rulers.

You must know that a good and virtuous man is known and recognized by the
good that is said about him and the praise which Allah has destined him to
receive from others. Therefore, your best collection should be the collection of
good deeds. So strive to control your passions and do not let your heart stray
toward what is unlawful for you, and do this by keeping it half-way between
what is likes and what it dislikes.

Maalik! You must create in your heart kindness, compassion and love for your
subjects. Do not behave towards them as if you are a ravenous beast whose
success lies in devouring them, for remember, Maalik, that amongst your
subjects there are two kinds of people: those who have the same Way of Life as
you who are brothers to you, and those who have ways of living other than that
of yours, who are beings just like you. Both of these can be weak, make
mistakes, commit sins, indulge in vices either wilfully or foolishly. So let your
mercy and compassion aid and help them in the same way that you expect Allah
to show mercy and forgiveness to you.

Maalik! You must never forget that just as you are a ruler over them then the
Imam is the ruler over you and Allah is the Supreme Ruler over the Imam. And
He has appointed you as the governor to test you through your rule over them.

Never believe you can declare war against Allah because you have no power
before His power and have need of His Mercy and Compassion.

Never be ashamed to forgive and be merciful. Do not be hasty with punishments

when you are angry but strive to find another way if you can. Never say you
must be obeyed because you have the power of authority since this brings strife
to the heart, weakens our way of life and takes you close to ruin. If your power
brings you pride look at the kingdom of Allah which reigns over you, over which
you have no power, for this will restrain your pride, reduce your anger and
return you to the wisdom which you had strayed from.

Beware of comparing your power and your glory to that of Allah, for Allah can
and does humble those who claim power and those who are full of pride.

Let your justice be because of Allah and be just to all of the people as you would
be to yourself, your family and those of your subjects whom you like, and if you
are not just, then you will be a tyrant and when a being is a tyrant, oppressing
others, Allah becomes his opponent, and when Allah becomes someone's
opponent, He goes to war with them until that person repents. Swift will His
blessings turn to retribution if oppression continues, for Allah listens to the
prayers of those who are oppressed just as He always knows who is a tyrant.

New Message from Sheikh Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin


In The Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

A Message to our brothers in Iraq: Assalam Aliakum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa


You who believe, fear Allah as He should be feared by doing everything that He
has commanded and by keeping away from what He has forbidden.

Obey Him, be thankful to Him, always remember Him, and strive to die only in a
pure state of Islam through complete submission to His will.

We are following with great interest and grave concern the preparations by the
Crusaders for war, by which they seek to occupy a former centre of Islam, loot
Muslims' wealth, and install a puppet government, which would follow its
masters in Washington and Tel Aviv, in the same way the other treacherous and
puppet Arab governments do and have done. And all this is preparation for the
establishment of a Greater Israel.

Yet Allah is our guide and protector.

As this unjust war continues - the war of the kuffar and hypocrites led by
Amerika and its allies and agents - we seek to draw attention to several
important issues.

First, our intentions should be honourable: that is, we should fight for Allah and
Allah alone. We should not fight on behalf of some ethnic group, or nation, or for
some non-Islamic government, such as that of Iraq or other Arab countries.

Almighty Allah says: "Those who believe fight for the cause of Allah, and those
who do not believe fight for the cause of Taghut. Therefore, fight the allies of
Shaitan, for the plots of the Shaitan are fragile."
Second, we should remind ourselves that victory comes only from Allah, so that
all we have to do is organize ourselves for, motivate ourselves for, and strive
for, Jihad. Almighty Allah says: "You who believe! If you help the Cause of Allah,
He will assuredly help you and strengthen your resolve."

In addition, we should urgently seek Almighty Allah's forgiveness for our sins,
particularly the great sins.

The Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Avoid the seven
great sins: not believing in Allah, sorcery, killing - unless permitted by Allah -
usury, taking the money of orphans, fleeing from combat, and dishonourably
accusing honourable women."

Also, we should avoid all other great sins, such as consuming intoxicating
liquor, committing adultery, disobeying parents, and giving false testimony. We
must obey Allah in all things, and we should especially mention Allah's name
more before engaging in combat. Abu-al-Darda, may Allah be pleased with him,
said: "Perform a good deed before combat, because you are fighting through
your deeds."

Third, we came to understand from our defence and combat against the
Amerikan enemy that they, in combat, rely heavily on psychological warfare.
They depend on their massive propaganda machine - their Media - just as they
rely on massive air strikes. By these things, they try to conceal their major
weakness, which is the fear, the cowardly nature of, and the absence of a
genuine fighting spirit among, Amerikan soldiers. For these soldiers know full
well how their government lies and how dishonourable it is, just as they do not
have an honourable cause to defend. They are fighting for capitalism, for the
usurious Bankers, for the arms merchants, for oil, and for the ignoble cabal at
the White House. Not to mention because of Crusader hatred and the personal
hatred of people such as Bush, father [and son].

We also understood that our most effective and practical method of rendering
the air superiority of the Crusader enemy ineffective is to construct a large
number of camouflaged and hidden trenches.

I have mentioned this battle of Tora Bora, last year, in a previous statement.
This great battle was one where the power of belief triumphed over the
materialistic forces of the people of evil: where we adhered to our [honourable]
principles, thanks to Almighty Allah. Thus, I will narrate for you part of that
great battle to reveal just how cowardly our enemies are and how effective
trenches are in a war of attrition.

We were about 300 Mujahideen and we dug about 100 trenches, spread over an
area less than one square mile, with one trench for every three brothers, thus
avoiding any great human losses that might result from bombardment.

From the very the first hour of the US campaign on 20 Rajab 1422, that is 7
October 2001, our sites were subject to a concerted, massive, bombardment
with this bombardment continuing until the middle of Ramadan. On 17
Ramadan, an intense bombardment began, since the US leadership was certain
that some of Al-Qaeda leaders were still in Tora Bora, including this humble
servant of Allah and our brother Mujahid, Dr Aymin al-Zawahiri. This
bombardment was continuous with the warplanes flying over us both day and
night. The US Pentagon, together with its allies, worked without a break to blow
up and destroy this one small area. War-planes poured their fire down upon us,
intent on accomplishing their main mission in Afghanistan.

The US forces attacked us with smart bombs, with bombs that weighed
thousands of pounds, with cluster bombs, with bunker-busting bombs. Bombers,
such as the B-52, flew above us for more than two hours at a time, dropping 20
to 30 bombs each. Modified C-130 aircraft carpet-bombed us at night, using
sophisticated bombs.

But the US forces dared not attack our positions, despite this massive bombing
and despite an ignoble unprecedented propaganda campaign directed against
us, and even though we were besieged in a such a small area. And this is
without even mentioning the forces of hypocrites, whom they [the US]
demanded must fight us continuously for 15 days. Every single time these
forces attacked us, we forced them out of our area, carrying their dead and

Is there any clearer proof of their cowardice, their fear, their lies concerning
how their own power is superior?

In conclusion, that battle was a complete, total, failure for the international
alliance of evil, for all its forces could not overcome a small number of
Mujahideen - 300 Mujahideen, secreted in trenches spread over an area of less
than one square mile when the temperature was 10 degrees below zero. The
battle resulted in the deaths of only about six percent of our people - may Allah
accept them as martyrs - and damaged only about two percent of the trenches,
All Thanks and All Praise are for Allah.

If all the international forces of evil could not achieve their goals in an area less
than one square mile, against a small number of Mujahideen who possessed
only limited weapons, how can these evil forces triumph over the entire Muslim
world? If our people adhere to their Way of Life and insist on Jihad in Allah's
name, then - InshaAllah - it would not be possible.

Brother Mujahideen in Iraq: do not therefore be afraid when the United States
propagates their lies about their power and such things as their smart, laser-
guided missiles. These smart bombs will not be effective in the mountains, in
the trenches, on plains, and in forests. For they must have identifiable targets.
But well-camouflaged trenches and other such places cannot be reached by
either their smart or their stupid missiles. There will only be haphazard
bombing that dissipate the resources of the enemy and waste its money. Thus:
dig many trenches.

Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said "Make the terrain your cover, for this
will cause the depletion of all the stored enemy ammunition within months."

As for their daily fighting, it is not much and - InshaAllah - it can be dealt with.

We also recommend luring the enemy forces into a protracted, close, and
exhausting fight, using the camouflaged defensive positions in plains, farms,
mountains, and cities. The enemy especially fears combat in cities and streets
most, for there the enemy expects great loss of life.

In particular, we stress the importance of martyrdom operations against the

enemy - operations that have inflicted damage both on the United States and on
Israel: damage that has been unprecedented in their history, all thanks to
Almighty Allah.

We must also make it quite clear that whomsoever supports the United States -
including the hypocrites of Iraq or thee rulers of Arab countries, those who
approve their actions and follow them in this Crusader war by fighting with
them or providing bases and administrative support, or any form of support,
even by words, and who thus aid and abet the killing of Muslims in Iraq - are
apostates and thus do not belong to the Muslim Ummah. Hence it is permissible
to spill their blood and take their property.

Allah says: "You who believe! Do not take Jews and Christians for your friends
and protectors: for they are only friends and protectors to each other. And
whomsoever amongst you that turns to them is of them. In truth, Allah does not
guide an unjust people."

We also stress to honourable Muslims that they should work to inspire and
mobilize the Ummah, and so confront these great events and harsh conditions,
and thus liberate themselves from unjust and apostate ruling regimes, which
are puppets of the United States. They should do these things to establish
Allah's law on this Earth. The areas now ready for such liberation are Jordan,
Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Land of the Two Holy Places, and Yemen.

The truth is that this Crusader war is primarily targeted against the people of
Islam, and, regardless of the removal or the survival of the Ba'ath Party or
Saddam, Muslims in general and the Iraqis in particular must ready themselves
for Jihad against this unjust campaign and acquire ammunition and weapons.

This [Jihad] is a prescribed duty. Allah says: " Take precautions and bear arms:
for the unbelievers want you to neglect of your arms and your belongings so
that they can attack you swiftly."

It is known that fighting in support of non-Islamic causes is forbidden. It our

Muslim way to fight only for the sake of Allah. But as the Prophet (salla Allahu
'alayhi wa sallam) said, "Whoever fought to raise the word of Allah, is fighting
for the sake of Allah.".

Thus, and given current circumstances, there is no harm if the interests of

Muslims converge with the interests of the socialists [in Iraq] in the fight
against the Crusaders, despite our belief in the apostasy of socialists. For the
power of these socialists and their rulers vanished a long time ago. Socialists
are apostates wherever they are, be they in Baghdad or Aden.

The fighting, which is being waged and which will be waged in the days to
come, is similar to the fighting of Muslims against the Byzantine [Empire] in the
past. And our convergence of interests, now, is not detrimental. Then, the
interests of the Muslims fighting against the Byzantine [Empire] converged with
the interests of the Persians, and this was not detrimental to the companions of
the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam).

Before concluding, we emphasize the importance of good morale and caution

against false rumours, defeatism, uncertainty, and discouragement.

The Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Bring good omens and do not
discourage people." He also said: "The voice of Abu-Talhah among the ranks is
better than one hundred men."

During the Al-Yarmuk Battle, a man told Khalid bin-al-Walid : "The Byzantine
soldiers are too many and the Muslims are few." But Khalid said to him: "Shame
on you. Armies do not triumph because of large numbers but they can be
defeated if the spirit of defeatism prevails."

Always remember this saying: "It is not fitting for a Prophet that he should have
prisoners of war until he has completely subdued the land. Therefore, when you
meet the unbelievers in battle, strike at their necks."

Your wish for the Crusaders should be the same as in this verse of poetry: "The
only language between you and us is the sword that will strike your necks."

In conclusion, I advise you, as I advise myself, to always fear Allah both when
alone and when with others, and to be patient in Jihad. Victory will be achieved
because of patience. I also advise you, as I advise myself, to offer more prayers.

"You who believe! When you encounter an obstacle, be steadfast, and remember
Allah often, for thus will you prosper."

Allah, who gave The Book to the Prophet, who makes the clouds, who defeats
our enemy, defeat them now and make us victorious over them. Give us honour
in this world and honour in Jannah and save us from the torment of the Fire.

May Allah's peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad and his

(February 2003)

Ayman Al-Zawahiri: A Message from Al-Qaeda

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

It now two years since those raids on New York and Washington, and thus
a [fitting] time to recall the sacrifice of those nineteen heroes - our
brothers - who by the shedding of their blood wrote a new page in the
history of Amerika: one of rejection by the Muslims of Amerikan
arrogance and tyranny, one which expressed their pride in their own Way
of Life, one of honour, and one which manifested their striving to
avenge the Muslims and all who are oppressed.

This second recalling of those raids on New York and Washington is a

reminder to Amerika and its aggressive Crusade, and comes at a time when
it is feeling the wounds that have been inflicted upon it in Afghanistan
and Iraq. This recalling challenges its deception, just as they continue
to hide how great are their losses in those two lands.

On this day of recalling we speak to the peoples of those aggressive

Crusader countries, and inform them of the following.

We do not seek to kill and destroy. But - with the help of Allah - we
will act to chop off the hand of the aggressor who acts against us. We
inform you that there has been enough deception and dishonesty, and
enough dishonourable behaviour. You should cease to attack those who are
oppressed, and the property of those who are oppressed. You should cease
your trade in slogans such as "freedom and justice" and "human rights".

Instead, we invite you to Islam - the Way of the one and only God: the
Way of justice, honour, reason and nobility. Yet, even if you reject
[this invitation to] Islam you should cease your aggression against the
Muslim Ummah. For a very long time you have been murdering our women,
our children; you have been stealing our wealth; and you have kept in
power the tyrants who have oppressed our communities.

If you refuse, and continue with your aggression against us, then you
must know that we will retaliate against you using each and every tactic
that you yourselves have used both against the Muslims and against the
oppressed of this world.

If you refuse, and continue with your aggression, then you will be
moving toward destruction, for we are prepared, knowing as we do that
not only is there is a people who prefer to die striving for the Cause
of Allah than live in humiliation, but also that this people, with
Allah's help, can never be defeated.

It is now two years since those raids on New York and Washington, and
since you launched your aggressive Crusade, and what, in that time, have
you achieved? Of the two of us, who has spoken truthfully? Us, or Bush
and Blair, those arch criminals?

Consider that those arch criminals made a promise to you that what they
called "terrorism" would be defeated. They manipulated you, pledged you
the oil of Iraq and said they would be victorious there. Has this pledge
come true? Do you see us dishonoured, bowing? Have we surrended? Or have
we - asking only Allah's help - attacked, and become martyrs? Do we not
fight you everywhere?

Those arch criminals of yours pledged that they would destroy Al-Qaeda
so that you would be secure. Has Al-Qaeda been destroyed, despite all
the dishonourable tactics that been used against it? Or has it expanded?
Has it, Alhamdulillah, gained new support? Are you now more secure? Or
do you lurch from one alert to another, fearing threat after threat?

Do you recall the promise made by the Mujahid, Sheikh Usama Bin Ladin
(hafidhahullah), that Amerika will never enjoy peace until we [Muslims]
are free in Palestine and in all the lands of Islam? Has he not honoured
his word? Or - have Bush and Blair been truthful about their aggressive

Do you really understand Al-Qaeda? Do you know that it arose from the
Muslim Ummah who, refusing to submit to you and your dishonourable ways,
has instead pledged to wage a deadly struggle against you? Can you
trample down the entire Muslim Ummah?

We speak to you to inform you that what you have witnessed is only the
beginning: the start of our combat against you. For the real war has yet
to begin. Thus, you should know there will be retribution for the
dishonourable deeds you have done.

We invite you to stand back, and look at yourselves, and consider the
dishonourable deeds you have committed against Muslims. You should
request those arch criminals of yours to tell you about your real losses
in Afghanistan and Iraq, for we challenge them to have the decency to
tell the truth. Yet they are so cowardly, they cannot even do that!

We speak to the mothers of the soldiers of the Crusade: if you desire to

see your children again, insist that your government brings them back,
for otherwise they may return in coffins.

On this day of recalling, we speak to our Muslim brothers in Palestine.

You should know that Palestine is an unhealed wound in the heart of each
and every Muslim, and - by the power and grace of Allah - we will never,
ever, let Amerika have peace until we live in freedom in Palestine and
in all the lands of Islam.

We ask you, the Palestinians, to remain steadfast in the way of Jihad

and to not be deceived by Amerika and those lackeys who have accepted
the so-called "Road Map to Peace". For the liberation of Palestine will
occur only through Jihad.

We urge you not to lay down your weapons. You must fight the kuffar, and
aid the believers. This is the way to unity. Be wary of forming any
alliance with those who have accepted Israel's right to exist, and who
are pleased with the scraps they bestow.

In regard to our Mujahideen brothers in Iraq. We greet you and shake

your hand, praying that Allah accept your heroic sacrifices in your
combat with the Crusaders. To those in Iraq we say: Allah and the Muslim
Ummah are with you. Thus, place your trust in Allah, and hunt the
Amerikans as lions hunt their prey. Let Iraq become their graveyard:
victory will arise from being steadfast and patient.

To the Muslims in the lands bordering Iraq: those in Syria, who stood
fast to triumph; those in Turkey, descendants of Muhammad the Victorious
(may Allah have mercy on him); and to those of the Arabian Peninsula,
descendants of the Companions of the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa
sallam); as well as to all who are at the forefront of Jihad in
Afghanistan, Chechnya and Bosnia.

When the Amerikans are there en route to Iraq let them learn the taste
of death; let them flee from this lesson!

To our fellow Muslims in Pakistan we say this. How much longer will you
tolerate the traitor Musharraf - he who trades in the blood of the
Muslims in Afghanistan and who sold the descendants of the Companions of
the Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) - the Arab Mujahideen - to
Amerika for its Crusade? It was his treason which established the puppet
government in Kabul and with this rule India is now at Pakistan's
Western borders.

But he has not stopped at that. In addition, he has allowed Amerika,

with its inspections, to oversee Pakistan's nuclear programme, he has
suppressed the Jihad in Kashmir, is ready to surrender it, and will
recognize Israel. All these things he has done and will do just so that
he can stuff his pockets full of Amerikan dollars.

Someone who sells his Way of Life like this is completely selfish. Thus,
let it be known among the military - Officers and men - that Musharraf
will abandon them and surrender them to India just as Yahya Khan gave
them Dakka before fleeing abroad to satiate himself with his ill-gotten

All the Muslims of Pakistan must unite together in order to defend

Pakistan from the aggressive Crusaders who are forming a coalition with
the Hindus against the Muslims.

Those whose Imaan is weak should know that Amerika only and ever looks
after its own interests - that it does no one any favours. They should
know that, in the Sub-Continent, Amerika is forming a coalition with the
Hindus against the Muslims. Awake now, you Muslims of Pakistan, before
you are awakened from your sleep by Hindu soldiers smashing their way
into your homes with the aid and assistance of Amerika!

To our Muslim brothers, in Afghanistan. We convey to you the good

tidings that victory is near, InshaAllah; for the Amerikans have begun
to retreat because of your attacks. But do not let them run away.
Instead, bury them and their English allies in Afghanistan.

We say to those in Kabul who humbled themselves before the Crusaders -

those who once were engaged in Jihad - that the Amerikans will toss you
aside when you are no longer of any use to them. Then, you will not only
have dishonoured yourselves in this life but will also have lost the
life in the world to come. You should take heed of what has been
commanded in the Quran for those such as you, for Allah says:

"And you will see how those in whose hearts is a disease will run
toward them saying: "We are afraid we will be defeated." But it is
Allah who will bring them victory - or some punishment - and so, one
day, they may awaken from their sleep remorseful about that which
they concealed concerning themselves." (5:52 Interpretation of meaning)

We say to Muslims everywhere, in all the lands of Islam, that the past
two years have taught us that victory will arise from being steadfast
and patient, and that our enemy is, in truth, weak. Therefore we must
remain committed to the way of Jihad.

So-called political solutions are irrelevant and worthless. Our enemy

will not be defeated by demonstrations. You must arm yourselves and
defend your Imaan and your honour. The assets of our enemy are visible
everywhere - therefore do not let them find safety anywhere at any time,
even in their own land.

We praise and thank Allah that He has ensnared Amerikans in Iraq as well
as in Afghanistan, for they are now trapped between two infernos. If
they withdraw, they will lose, while if they remain, they will be bled
to death.

Muslims: you should understand that the Crusaders and the Jews cannot
take our lands except it be through the treason of puppet leaders and
those who support them, like the Ulamaah who have sold our lands to our
enemies. You possess a weapon - that of knowledge - so use it, and
quickly spread the message among every group within the Muslim Ummah.

We say to our chained lions - to Muslim prisoners everywhere:

"In every hardship, there is gain; in truth, with every hardship

there is gain." (94: 5-6 Interpretation of Meaning)

"The help of Allah is near." (2:214 Interpretation of Meaning)

You should know that your freedom is a debt [of honour] owed by each and
every Muslim, and that we swear an oath to Allah that we will never
cease to strive to free you from your chains, InshaAllah.
Now, as for those who trade in Muslim prisoners, selling them to our
Crusader enemies, we tell them that these Crusaders will cheat and
attack them even were they to offer them their own wives and daughters.
Theirs is a despicable, dishonourable, contribution to the history of
Islam - as is that of all those traitors, those lackeys, who have
bartered their Way of Life. For them, there will be the punishment of
Allah in the life to come.

"What a wretched bargain they made!" (3:187 Interpretation of Meaning)

These people must understand that the giving of Muslims prisoners to our
enemies is a most serious crime which will and must be punished.

The Jihad against the Crusaders and their allies is - InshaAllah -

uniting the Muslim Ummah, and over the lands of Islam, a new dawn - of
strength and honour - will arise, for the Muslim Ummah is following the
way of victory, martyrdom and obedience in the Cause of Allah

Muslims! This is the time for Jihad when governments and political
parties are stumbling. Trust in Allah, and go to the battlegrounds of
Jihad. Allah (Tabarak wa'tala) said to His Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi
wa sallam):

"Undertake combat in the Way of Allah, for you will be held

responsible only for what you do. And inspire the believers. It may
be that Allah will restrain the dishonourable deeds of the
unbelievers. For Allah is the most powerful, in both strength and
punishment." (4:84 Interpretation of Meaning)

To end, we praise and thank Allah, Rabb of the 'Alamin. May the Peace,
Blessings and Mercy of Allah be upon the Messenger, Muhammad, and his
family and Companions.

Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Rajab 1424
(Translated by DWM)
In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

In truth, they took an oath to Allah that they would never flee in retreat,
and Allah will judge them according to that oath.

From Saddam Hussein to the Great Iraqi People, to the Sons of the Arab
Community and the Islamic Ummah, and to men of honour everywhere: May
the Peace, Blessing and Mercy of Allah be upon you.

Just as Hulagu entered Baghdad, because of treachery, so did the criminal Bush
enter Baghdad, although he had the help of many traitors.

If you refuse to accept occupation and humiliation, they have not conquered
you, and if you who have Arabism and Islam in your hearts and minds, then they
cannot defeat you, except through treachery.

By Allah, there is no victory [for them] as long as there is resistance in your


What we predicted has now become fact, for we will not have peace and
security as long as that evil, the Zionist entity, is on our Arab land, and for this
reason there must be no disunity in our Arab struggle. You - the sons of our
great people - must risee up against the occupier just as you should not put
your hope in those who speak of Sunnis and Shiites, because the only problem
that now afflicts our homeland, your great Iraq, is foreign occupation.

There is nothing more urgent than the expulsion of the cowardly, murderous,
infidel occupier. No one of any honour would extend their hand to shake his -
only traitors and collaborators would doo so. I say to you that even though all
the countries around you are against your resistance, Allah is with you, because
you are fighting disbelievers and defending what is right.

Even though their treachery is a dishonourable thing, the traitors have openly
proclaimed their treachery. You in your turn should proclaim your complete and
total opposition to the occupier, and this for the sake of our homeland, Iraq, for
the sake of Islam, and for the sake of civilization itself. Iraq can and will
triumph, and with it shall triumph men of honour - the sons of our homeland.
We shall restore the archeological artifacts they stole, and we shall rebuild Iraq,
the Iraq they seek to render asunder, may Almighty Allah bring them down.

Saddam owned no property, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise, for the
Palaces belonged to the Iraqi State. I abandoned them long ago and went to live
in a small house.

Forget everything other than the occupation - and resist that. The error of sin
begins when there are priorities other than the occupier and his expulsion.
Remember that they seek to divide you into conflicting groups so that your Iraq
will remain weak, for then they can plunder it as they have begun to do.

Your Party, the Party of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath, is proud that it never extended
its hands to the Zionist enemy and did not make concessions to the
dishonourable American or British aggressors. Whoever stands against Iraq and
plots against it shall not enjoy peace even if they rely on American support.

May blessings be upon every man of the resistance, upon every honourable
Iraqi citizen, and upon every woman, child, and elderly person in our great Iraq.
If you unite the enemy will run away from you, and with him will go the traitors
that emerged when he came here. You should know that those who came with
those invading forces and those whose planes flew in order to kill you will only
give you that which will destroy you.

Allah willing, the day of liberation, of victory, will come, for us, for our
homeland, and - above everything else - for Islam. A time will arise when things
will get better - and this will be, as it always is, when honour triumphs.
Therefore, guard your property, your departments, and your schools, and
boycott the occupier. For such a boycott is your duty towards Islam, your Way of
Life, and toward your homeland.

Long Live Great Iraq and its people!

Long Live Palestine, free and Arab from the river to the sea!

Allahu Akbar!

Dishonoured are the traitors!

Saddam Hussein
26 Safar, 1424

(Translated by DWM)


An English Interpretation of Surah 112

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

"Say - He is Allah, The Unity;

Allah - Eternal, Infinite;
He has no children, and neither was He born.
And there is no-being, no-thing, comparable to Him."

Qunoot e Nazla

This du'a (supplication) is recited after Rukoo in the last Rak'aat of Salah, especially when the
Muslim Ummah is engaged in conflict with infidels. The Prophet Muhammad offered this du'a for
the success of the Mujahideen and for the defeat of the infidels.

O Allah! Forgive us, and forgive all the true Believers, men and women, and all
Muslims, men and women, and make them all as brothers and sisters to each
other. End our disputes, and aid us against our enemies.

O Allah! Curse the infidels who oppress the Muslims and who prevent them
from following Your path.

O Allah! Create disputes and difference between the infidels and make them
lose heart, and punish them with that torment which You will use against those
who disobey You.

O Allah! We seek Your help against them and seek Your protection from their
ignoble deeds.

O Allah! We leave You to judge the Jews and the Christians, just as we know You
are the final judge of all disbelievers.

O Allah! Destroy our enemies: those who oppose our Way of Life. Destroy their
homes, disrupt their unity and their peace, and bring all kinds of devastation
and destruction to them. O Allah! Kill their young men, orphan their children,
and make their women widows.

O Allah! Help and assist the Mujahideen. Help and protect them as a powerful
leader would help and protect them. Make their aim true so that they hit their
targets, and provide them with strength.

The Noble Quran


(The Cow)

An English Interpretation of Surah 2, Ayat 2-22

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful.

Alif. Lam. Mim.

This is the Book with no doubt:
A Guide for those who can restrain themselves;
Who accept there are things they cannot see;
Who offer prayers correctly;
Who give in charity some of that
Which We have given them,

And who trust the Revelation

We have given to you
And others before;
And who affirm there is
Another life to come:

These are the rightly guided ones,

Who will assuredly triumph.

But as for those Unbelievers -

It makes no difference whether you warn them
Or do not warn them,
For they will not believe:
Allah has sealed their hearts
And covered their ears
And great is the penalty
They will incur

For such people say: "We do believe in Allah

And the Last Day"
Even though they do not believe this

And seek thereby to deceive Allah

And those who truly believe
Even though they are blindly deceiving themselves.

There is a sickness within which ails them

And Allah has increased this sickness
Because they lie even to themselves:
For this, they will grievously suffer.

And when someone says to them:

"Do not be so ignoble on this earth,"
They reply: "We are only bringing peace!"

Although it is they who bring disorder

While so deceiving themselves.

And when someone says to them:

"Why do you not believe, as the others believe?"
They reply: "Are we to believe what fools believe?"
Even though they themselves are the ignorant fools.

Thus do they when they meet the faithful say: "We believe!"
While among their own kind they affirm:
"We were playing with them -
We are really with you!"

And so Allah will play with them,

Letting them blindly blunder about
In their arrogance.

For these are they who came to trade guidance

For error because they believed this was a bargain
Although they made no profit
Because they lost their way.

They may be compared to the person who to see what was around
Kindled a fire which, as soon as it was lit,
Was put out by Allah since this blind person was already
In the dark:

So they - being blind, speechless, ignorant -

Cannot find their way back.

They are those who, under a darkening sky

Wherein is thunder and lightning,
Stick their fingers in their ears
Because they fear death by lightning
Even though Allah is around them:

The lightning almost blinds them

But they walk a way by its light
Stopping when there is darkness again.

And yet Allah could have taken away

Their hearing and their sight:
For He has power over all things.

Thus should you humbly give thanks to your Creator,

- the Giver of Life to those before you -
Who sustains you so that you might do your duty:

For He made this Earth a resting place for you

And placed the sky upon it so that from this sky
Water might rain down and bring forth fruits
To feed you.

(The Opening)

An English Interpretation of Surah 1

I begin in the Name of Allah,

The Compassionate, The Merciful.
All Praise belongs to Allah, Creator of all that exists:
The Compassionate, The Merciful,
Who controls of Last Day, of Reckoning.
To You alone we humbly give thanks:
You alone we turn to for help;
Keep us on the Straight Path -
The Path of those You have guided:
Not that of those who have earned your wroth,
Nor that of those who have gone astray.

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