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 To be familiarwith differentdata type,operation,conditional statements and loops in

programming in c
 To be familiar with diferent data type ,operation ,conditionalstatement and while (for)in C.

1, Write a program that calculate the radius of a circle where area=pi*r2.

Problem Analysis:

This problem is to calculate the redius of a circle with the area of a circle is already given as area
=pi*r^2 having the area(int type),and the value of pi(float type) .the output of the programming is the
redius of a circle .the redius has float data type

The redius of the circle is the square root of area devide by the pi(3.14)


Input variable Processing Output variable Neccesserly header

variable/calculation file/functions/macron/
Pi(float)area(int),R(float) R(float) R=sqrt(area/pi) Math.h,stdio.h


1. Start
2. Define variable(pi,R(float),area(int))and assign values pi=3.14
3. Calculate the value of redius R=sqr(area/pi)
4. Output is the redius(float)
5. Stop
Flowchart code
#include <stdio.h>
Flowchart code
#include <stdio.h>
Int main() #innclude <math.h>

Int main()

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