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Query Practice Using Northwind


1. Modify the “Products by Category” query with the following

a. Category Name ~ Seafood
b. UnitsInStock ~ greater than 50
c. Write down (or type) on a separate sheet of paper the 4th
record (Product Name and Units in Stock)
2. Modify the “Invoice” query with the following criteria
a. Ship Name ~ only those beginning with R (hint: R*)
b. Ship Postal Code ~ sort in Ascending order
c. Ship Country ~ USA or Switzerland
d. Write down the Product Name for the last product in the
Query datasheet
3. Open the Suppliers table
a. Apply a filter by selection using Japan. Write down the
Company Name for the first record.
b. Apply a filter by form using USA and Ann Arbor. Write
down the Company Name for that record.
4. Design a new query using the Products table and the Suppliers
a. Use the following fields: Supplier ID (Suppliers), Contact
Name (Suppliers), Product Name (Products), Unit Price
b. Sort in Descending order by Supplier ID
c. Unit Price of less than 15
d. Contact Name Peter Wilson or Cheryl Saylor
e. Save the Query as “Your Last Name Supplier Query”
f. Print the results

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