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Circle the best option to finish the sentences..

1. I wish I earned more, but … I don´t / I didn’t / I wished

2. He isn't my age. I wish … He is / He were / He wasn’t

3. You don't know the truth. It’s time … you know / you knew / you don´t

4. You drive so fast on the highway. I’d rather … you didn’t / you don’t / you do

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. Be careful, both answers must be correct!
5. If he ___________ made dinner, he ___________ been on time.
A. hadn’t … would have B. hasn’t … will C. hadn’t … would

6. What ___________ you say if I told you I love you? A. will B. would C. do

7. If you ___________ your dinner, I’ll give you dessert. A. ate B. would eat C. eat

8. If we ___________ her, we ___________ known what happened.

A. have called… will B. call … will C. had called … would have

9. I wish I ___________ to college. Maybe I should now. A. will go B. had gone C. were gone

10. __________ you could visit me in Spain next summer. A. I'd rather B. If only C. Would

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct alternative.

11. If I ___________ a choice, I would leave tomorrow.

A. had B. would have C. have

12. If we ___________ the game, I’ll buy everyone lunch!

A. win B. won C. had won

13. I’d rather he __________ his feet on my furniture.

A. didn't put B. hadn't putten C. wouldn't be putting

14. Supposing I __________ there to catch you! A. was B. have been C. hadn't been

15. I wish my summer job ___________ on the beach rather than inside. A. would be B. was C. will be

16. I __________ worry if I was you. A. won't B. wouldn't C. couldn't

17. I’m just not excited about the future __________ days. A. that B. these C. those

18. There are two of them. I read this one, but I heard __________ one is better.
A. many other B. the other C. another
19. I like __________ men. Who should I choose? A. every B. the whole C. both

20. __________ cities were destroyed by the earthquake. A. Another B. Whole C. Each

21. I take a shower __________day. A. each B. every C . all

22. The play was so boring that __________fell asleep. B. all C. everybody

Complete the short answer. Choose the correct alternative.

23. A: Where have you been?
B: I was doing a little of ________________ and a little of _________________
A. this...that B. that...this C. these...those

24. A: I got another speeding ticket. I hate the traffic at school!

B: I guess you’ll just have to __________.
A. wait and see B. grin and bear it C. take it or leave it

25. A: Are you making progress?

B: It’s getting done, __________. A. now and then B. slowly but surely C. then and there


Finish the phrase using one of the words in the square.

26. safe and sound G. horror

27. ups and downs I. cons
28. peace and quiet J. quiet
29. pros and cons K. downs
L. sound

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct alternative.

30. I’m __________ of all the cigarette smoke. Please stop!
A. touch and go B. sick and tired C. slowly but surely

31. We’ve talked about going to the South Pacific __________ for the last 10 years.
A. off and on B. then and there C. sooner or later

32. I sleep a lot, but __________ I don’t remember my dreams.

A. ins and outs B. peace and quiet C. by and large
Use one of the following conjunctions to complete each sentence so it makes sense: however, so, while, unless,
because, although
33. ____Although______________ she did not study, she knew the answers.

34. You won’t pass _____unless__________ you work harder.

35. I won the contest, ___however______________ I did not receive any prize.

36. She is my best friend, _______so________ she is invited.

LISTENING. Choose the correct alternative.

37. What kind of dreams does Kate remember?
A. scary dreams 41. What does Kate do after she hears about John’s
B. dreams she has during the day dream?
C. dream she has at night A. She tells her own dream.
B. She talks about REM.
48. Why does Kate wish she could remember more C. She analyzes the dream.
A. because her dreams help her make decisions 42. How does John’s dream relate to real life?
A. He often plays the cup and ball game.
B. because she wants to analyze her dreams B. He has a hard time making decisions.
C. because she wants to know why she wakes C. He doesn’t live in an apartment.
up scared
43. What does the boss want to talk about?
39. Where does John’s dream take place? A. his employee’s progress
A. on his couch B. sales increases
B. on the street near his apartment C. the new project
C. in his bed
44. What may happen to the employee?
40. What word best describes John’s memories of A. Brian Fitzer will become his boss.
his dream? B. He may be fired.
A. vivid B. spooky C. supernatural C. He may have to work there for another year.
Read the text and answer the questions.
A dream come true
If money were not an issue and you could choose any job you wanted, what would it be? Actor? Model? Professional
athlete? A new survey by Learning Curve, adult education specialists, asked adults across the United States what
their dream job would be.
The results suggest that not only do people aspire to modest professions such as making furniture or helping the
poor, but often at the top of their list of dream jobs are the very professions that others are leaving in droves, such as
nursing or teaching.
The survey also reveals that there are striking parallels between men and women's dream jobs, and that they have an
equally similar list of nightmare occupations. While day-dreaming about the perfect vocation is common among
people of all ages and professions, very few people fantasize about having glamorous jobs.
The Seattle Post newspaper recently teamed up with Learning Curve to send a few volunteers into their dream jobs
for a day. One of them, 28-year-old Tara Rose, used to work in sales, but she found this was not making her happy.
She felt the high demands and targets made for an unhappy atmosphere. An avid bike rider with a passion for social
issues, Tara had always dreamed of working for an organization that promoted cycling as an alternative means of
transportation. When approached by Learning Curve, she told them she wanted to work at the Rockland Bike
Organization (RBO) to help out with their newsletter.
"I didn't realize how much went on behind the scenes. I knew the obvious things, like writing to deadlines, and I had
an idea of what it would be like to try and organize an event, but there was much more to it than I anticipated," she
In her day at RBO, she finished up several articles that were left half-written by a writer who had broken his arm in a
cycling accident. She also called local businesses to raise money for RBO's annual bike give-away for disadvantaged
children. "I was a bit daunted at first, but once I settled down, I loved every minute. When I got home, I needed a few
hours to wind down, as the adrenaline was still rushing!"

Now, a month later, Tara's dream job has become a reality. RBO liked her work so much that they offered her a well-
paid position as newsletter editor. She begins work on Monday!

45. According to the research ...

A) many people would like to become a nurse or a teacher.
B) many people found their jobs too simple.
C) many young people would like to be actors or athletes.
46. According to the research ...
A) many teachers and nurses have moved into making furniture or helping the poor.
B) many teachers and nurses are moving into different professions.
C) most people never think about their dream job.
47. According to the research ...
A) men dream about changing jobs more often than women.
B) men and women have similar ideas about the perfect job.
C) men and women often have nightmares about their jobs.
48. Tara Rose was unhappy in her job because ...
A) her office was unattractive.
B) she could never meet her sales targets.
C) she found the pressure of having to meet sales targets unpleasant.
49. Tara Rose ...
A) was fully aware of what was involved in working for RBO.
B) had no idea about what was involved in working for RBO.
C) was surprised at how much work was involved in working for RBO.
50. She found the experience of working at RBO ...
A) very exciting. B) really relaxing C) too stressful.

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