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CVS ..


1.define cardiac output describe various factors regulating cardiac outputand add a note on
methods of measurement of cardiac output

2 .essay
define mean arterial blood pressure describe various mechanisms regulating arterial
bloodpressure 2+8 marks

3. essay
draw and label normal EcG disciss cause and clinical significance of ecah part of EcG 4+6

describe innervation of heart how heart rate is regylated in the body
3+7 marks

define shock what various types of shock describe cardiogenic shock 2+2+6 marks

4 marks questions

1. pace maker tissues of heart

2.origin and spread of cardiac impulse

3.cardiac vascular adjustments during exercise

4. pressure changes in right atrium during cardiac cycle

5. baroreceptors

6.pheripheral resistance in cardio vascular system 7.pace maker potentials

8.sinus arythemia

9. heart block

10.significance of PR interval
11.heart sounds

12.arterial pulse


14.vasomotor centre and vasomotor reflexes

15.stroke volume and its measurement

16 .brain bridge reflex and sign of aortic reflex

17.vagal tone and its role in controlling herat rate

18.circulation time

19.characteristic features of coronary circulation

20.factors affecting blood flow to na organ

21.mareys law

22.triple response mechanism systemic and pulmonary circulation

24.starling law of heart

25.venous return

26.korotkoffs sounds

27.cardiac vector of laplace


30.heart failure
CNS. . . . . . . Parkinsonism
Brownsequard syndrome
Cerebellum functions
Babinski sign
Refferd pain
Conditional reflex
Wallerian degeneration
Pain pathway.

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