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Cloning: Is it Justified?

Good morning honourable judges, respected teachers, and my dear friends.

I’m Japneet Sidana of class 9 C.

In an era, when the whole world is mostly talking about the ill effects of cloning, I
may surprise you by stating that I firmly support the motion that cloning is justified.

So, most of the people even maybe you all think that cloning destroys many lives,
isn’t it? Well I agree with all those who think this but we all know one more thing
that every aspect has its pros and cons. Similarly, cloning has its pros too like it helps
in curing many deadly disorders like cancer, also it aids in faster recovery from
traumatic injuries so sportspersons can gain a lot of benefit from it, it also helps in
making medicines like scientists have produced goats which produce a protein called
antithrombin which prevents blood clots. Also it could eliminate infertility for people
without enduring painful procedures which are common today and it also gives new
meaning to genetic modification as potential parents can actually choose particular
traits for their children.

As we know, today science is developing at warp’s speed so cloning not only helps us
in medicinal field but also it is an innovative step that can change the world in a
positive way like cloning extinct animals can help revive their species to name a few.

In the light of all these arguments, I whole- heartedly support the motion that
cloning is justified but would like to caution that we do it for people’s own good and
not for bad purposes.

Thank You

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