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Masks- the survival kit in the society

What pops up in your head when you hear this very word ‘Mask’? Do

you recall of Halloween or masquerade ball or say any literature text or

dualism? Do you think that people wear mask? Are you one of them?

Well, I have seen a lot of peoples who wear masks. Mask here is use in a

metaphorical sense. Mask refers to the duality which surface human

beings. We are a piece of society and to live in society we are compelled

to adhere by certain rules and regulations. We met multiple peoples in this

one life and different people, cultures, religion demands different role to

play. We can’t be same with every single person we meet on this planet..

But this duality is imposed on us by our very own society. The way with

the change in demands, we get to see shift in the prices similarly human

beings adapt to this dual nature according to the demand of the society.

Every individual living on this Earth leads two fold lives or may be more

than two. One face is that which we present to our society and the other

face is which we cover up inside us. No matter how hard we try, we all

end up living double lives and may be multiple lives. Some are aware of

this reality and some are certainly not.

We wear different types of mask depending upon the bond we share with

that person. Emotional mask, people wear this to hide their emotions.

When they can’t show their emotions to others they pretend to laugh or

indulge themselves in other activities. For example, fight has been

occurred between the parents but in front of their guests they hide their

emotions and pretend as if all okay. Identity masks,people are very

concerned about their identity . They can’t take the risk of being judged

by others. It is the biggest fear in every individual. People wear them to

conceal their identity. Apart from these, people nowadays can be seen

indulging in themselves; they hardly pay any attention to their

surroundings. Mobiles, computers all others electronic devices are like

mask. We use them as a medium to escape from reality. We wear mask

most of the time and no people can tell the hidden truth behind it.

We are mask less in front of those who wins our trust, people we are

comfortable with. We believe in them and don’t care about the rest of the

things. We are fearless and we don’t feel conscious about our image. We

get a call from our inner conscience to turn mask off. Wearing masks

doesn’t portray negative role in fact it has become essential to wear mask.

When one wear a mask that means we have set certain boundaries just

like we have our personal and public space. Being mask active on, you

can reflect upon the roles you want to play. This reminds me of

Shakespeare’s famous lines ‘All the world's a stage, And all the men and

women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one

man in his time plays many parts Wearing a mask is healthy and it is the

need of the hour.. Hence, for a harmonious expansion of human Nature

balanced attitude of this mask is very crucial. We should know where we

have to be with mask on and where to be with mask off. Imbalanced

attitude may result in the imperfection and might take a turn from healthy

to uhealthy growth. Never subdue your reality, true self beneath that

mask. This has become the important part of our life cycle in order to

survive ourselves in the very society. This is the symphony neither we

want to live with that mask nor we can’t part with that masks. And this

idea penetrates throughout our life.

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