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Nursing care for pregnancy in the third trimester with a focus on the risk study of constipation in the


Introduction: The third trimester of pregnancy begins at the 24th week and lasts until the birth of a baby.
Pregnancy in the third trimester of a woman experiences physical, mood, or hormonal changes, one of
her complaints is constipation.

Objective: To describe nursing care for third trimester pregnant women who are susceptible to
constipation in Kedungbanteng health center.

Research Methods: In writing this case report the author uses a qualitative design with a case study
approach. This study used 2 respondents who had been given nursing care for 3 times.

Results: On the third day the problem of the risk of constipation from both patients (Mrs. P and Mrs. S)
was partially resolved with the second subjective data of the patient saying defecation from 2 days to 1
day at the NOC: Elimination of the intestine with the implementation that had been carried out namely
nutrition for third trimester pregnant women, making red guava juice, and pregnancy exercises.

Conclusion: The author gave counseling on the nutrition of third trimester pregnant women, making red
guava juice, and pregnancy exercise as a result the risk of constipation was partly overcome even though
the elimination pattern had not returned to normal. This is due to an increase in the hormone
progesterone to relax the muscles of the pencernan organs so that the faeces are less efficient and tend
to be harder and harder to get out.

Keywords: Pregnant women, third trimester of pregnancy, risk of constipation.

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