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This is the inside story of the White Fox’s henchmen,

1. Introduction
This is the inside story

of the White Fox’s henchmen,

their jealousy and their struggles

that created horrors by his Only Kingdom.

2. Was the putsch a disaster?

Winter of 1200.

The putsch was a disaster.

The White-and-Red Band failed the coup

and now all of them were broken.

Sixteen Foxes were killed.

The First White Fox,

along with:

foxist Henry Boars

and the traitor Hephaestion Haze

are behind bars.

Hidden and seriously injured,

former Dragon-Killer Green Hermit


as shelter for his depression.

Their failure made them only terrorists,

and the public opinion in The Empire

thought that the White Fox and his band

were finished.

So, the White Fox down-spiralled in despair


‒as some White-and-Red Band members said‒

he genuinely contemplated suicide.

But ten weeks after his imprisonment,

something happened.

The White Fox’s guardian angel transformed him.

He snapped him out from his despair,

and he made him realize that

although he is going to be on trial,

it would provide a platform,

for spreading ideas.

3. From disaster, triumph!

In that state of mind

his sense of politics would come into play.

He realized that the courtroom

was a centre stage

and where else does a Fox love being more

than a centre stage?

So he showed an uncanny ability

and he turned the whole thing around;

rather than pleading for mercy,

the White Fox went on the attack.

He presented himself

as a martyr and saviour.

He made speeches

rather than answering questions.

He launched into a political discourse,

which got applause from those in the court.

“I did what I did for The Nation.

I did it for My Nation’s People.

I am on trial, but fate won’t judge me wrongly.”

The White Fox was always regarded as

this kind of Southern rabble-rouser,

but actually,

the courtroom has turned him

into a national figure.

White Fox’s audacious performance

put him in the front-page of the news

across the world.


although the White Fox was found guilty

and could have been sent to prison

for a very long time,

he’s given the light sentence of 10-times sentence.

It is clear


that the Southern authorities

were fond of White Fox’s opinions.

Bur more importantly, his performance

unified all the right Foxes.

4. Philosophies of putsch.
The old-school fighter H. Boars believed that

any revolution must start with a putsch.

H. Boars talked of a revolution.

And the White Fox said, very dramatically:

“Revolutions follow takeover of power,

they don't precede it.

We take power first,

and then we have a revolution.”

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