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2 @ Street Kid ? Q) q ® Prelude: “If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.” That's what % OF they used to tell you at the orphanage, before you ran away. Despite your 9 daydreaming, you were realist at heart. Nobody was goingtoadopt aseven- o ° year-old, screwed-up kid. So you left one night with nothing but a backpack full of food and a change of underwear. 2 Sickos offered you food for sex, but couldn't care less about you otherwise. You had to eat. After a while, tuning tricks got stale, so you searched out G_someother way osuvive nell You begged by day and slept underneath ’ bushes at night, never realy sleeping for fear ofthe cops... or worse. Still, anything was better than the orphanage — or so you thought until the ice storm. 4) The blizzard shut the city down. Suddenly, there was nobody to beg from. Crowded shelters were turning folks away, and the grizzled old drunks ® were too mean to let you share their space. You gathered what you could to ® stay warm, but nothing could keep the wind and hunger away. That night almost killed you, and the frosty gray morning found you wishing for clean clothes, ‘good meal, and a warm, dry place to sleep. Looking atthe scraps of paper blowing around the alley, you wished harder than anything else that it was money, not garbage. At that moment, you felt strange string in the airand a tingle up you spine. The world lurched like a subway car; when you looked down at the scraps, ‘you saw one change into a fresh $10.00 bill. Transforming your dirty clothes into clean ones, afew bricks into bread, and the newspapers into a warm blanket proved that what you'd done wasn’t a fluke. Suddenly, life on the streets was going to be a whole lot easier! Concepts There's a genie with an unlimited amount of wishes, and that genie is you. As you've developed your raw talents with Matter, your life on the streets thas gotten better. Now the trick is to make these wishes work to your greater advantage. Roleplaying Hints: You're akid. Think like one. Magick isthe best thing that ever happened to you. Now you can have all the cool stuff you ever wished for! There are limits, though— sometimes things happen easily; sometimesit takes more work; sometimes they never happen at all. Still, this shit is awesome! Consequences and responsibility? Huh? Whatever, Magick: Call it “wisheraf,” a talent focused by concentrating on a single object while wishing real hard it was something else. A strong affinity for Matter equals a goldmine of possibilities, and other Spheres (which you don't define as such) reflect your sharp senses. Unlike most magi, you're a natural. If you're this goo! now, imagine how powerful you'll be when (if) you get older....(see "Wisheraft," p.123.) Equipment: Backpack, cash, switchblade, items to wish upon. & wv 8 The Orphans Survival Guide

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