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 The day you become a manager, your job changes totally.

 When you are an employee, Your performance is defined by your own work. You are engineer
or cleaner, you are concerned with your self.
 But the day you become a manager, you realize that your performance is defined by the work
others are doing, your team.
 All of a sudden,
o its not about what you are doing but what they are doing
o Its not about your performance, but their performance
 If you are an engineer, you create products. If you are cleaner, your clean properly but if you are
a manager of engineer or cleaner, your work is not to create product or clean, but you have to
get the right team together, to create a high performance culture, you have to make them more
productive and you have to create a environment where people love to work and love to give
their best.

So being a manager is a totally different job.

So many times when one becomes manager, he/she does not get it that it is about growing others and
not oneself. So he will gave a tough time being a manager. So why we are not satisfied by our manager,
because we are not educated about manager.

Eg. Home work give. Do it Authrorty.

We don’t treat people like that.

People will follow you through thick and thin, if you inspire them, if you care about them and if you do
something great.

They will not do it just because you are a CEO. They will work for you but they will not give it all and isn’t
that a pity.

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