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Teaching is not easy to get into. Being in this field, we need to consider many things, it includes students'
behavior, religions, races, environment and their way of living. Through having an experiences in
teaching, it will make it simple and easy to do.

The Education Department has different trainings for Field Study students and Pre-Service Teachers or
should I say future teachers, under the supervision of Mr. Reynaldo C. Buenviaje, who is active and
energetic. Having this kind of training mold us to become an effective and efficient teachers. Our journey
as a future teachers starter from F.S.1 until F.S.6 as an observer. Observing the teacher, students,
classroom & classroom management has a big help for us to have a kind of effective teaching. This pace
gave us a hint on how to handle students without hirting/harming them. As we reach our practice
teaching, we asked to have a 20 teachings, in order to fulfill or pass the practicum. This experience will
help us to master the profession that we took, will give us a hint on how to manage and how to be
involve in school activities.
Through these trainings, from observer to practice teaching, this will make us stronger to face the
challenges in the field. This Narrative Report indicated my journey throughout the past and present year
as a future teacher. Attached also the Lesson Plans during my practice teaching and the observations of
my cooperating teacher. This documents will help me someday to become an effective and efficient
"Once a teacher, always a student".

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