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Matthew Munoz

Alex Sanchez

Tyler Dorlaque

Xavier Echemendia


Cyrus the Great was born 576 B.C.E and he later died 529 B.C.E. Cyrus the great was

known for his great military strategy, his strategy was based upon archers, chriots, and foot

soldiers which seemed impossible to to defeat because his archers on horses would provided

coverage. The chariots would act like spears and pierce through the enemy army quickly and

would be terrible for them. The foot soldiers would act like basic infantry and everyone's soldiers

were known to scream but Cyrus made sure everyone was silent so you don’t know where they

are coming from which proved to be powerful. Cyrus army was first made from his allies and

neighboring villages and later after conquering places he grew his army to a powerful unit. When

a man would get ill or injured or worse he would simply replace the person. Cyrus conquered

Mede and the biggest and most powerful the Babylonian which was a bloody battle but Cyrus

won the battle. He also had was known for his writing he wrote the first declaration of human

rights. Cruys had a cylinder made for him which is recorded the history of the great things he

did. Cyrus was also in the edict which explains that one day a man would be born and destroy

Babylonia which was all true and it was in Isaiah 45:1-3. Cyrus also frees the Jews from the

Babylonian and helps rebuild their temple. Some quotes Cyrus say has lots of meaning to them.

Here is one quote he says which has a lot of meaning​ “You cannot be buried in obscurity: you
are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and

benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.”

― Cyrus the Great

The Tomb of Cyrus is the monument of Cyrus the Great, it is approximately 1 km

southwest of the palaces of Pasargadae. According to Greek sources, this tomb dates back to

559-29 B.C. The most detailed description on this tomb was based on Aristobulus who had

accompanied Alexander the Great on his eastern campaign in the late 4th century B.C. This tomb

can be found in Pasargadae, Iran. It is believed that this tomb was built in the 6th century BC.

The tomb measures to about 13 ¾ by 12 ¼. The upper part of the chamber itself is two meters

wide, two meters high and three meters deep.

Cyrus the Great helped the Jews by letting them free from Babylonia, where they were

held captive. Cyrus would also let the Jews return to there home because God had ordered him.

God had commanded Cyrus to rebuild the temple as well and the Jews had liked Cyrus the Great.

After Cyrus had freed the Jews, he had gone back to conquering places and leaving the Jews

alone. Once Cyrus had died things went back to normal of the Jews being picked on by other

countries. The Jews were saved in a way by Cyrus the Great because Babylonia was the bully

and Cyrus of Persia was the hero.

When Babylonia was attacked by the Persians this was not a good sign for the

Babylonians. In October 539 Cyrus the Great executed a plan to free the Jews from the control of

the Babylonians. The babylonians were attacked by the Persians that night and the odds were not

in their favor. The Persians ended up beating the Babylonians and the jews were free at last, free

at last.
“Pasargadae, Tomb of Cyrus.” ​Livius​,​.

Frye, Richard N. “Cyrus the Great.” ​Encyclopædia Britannica​, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 5
Sept. 2018, ​​.

“Cyrus the Great – Armies.” ​Ancient Wisdom for Modern Minds​,

“Cyrus the Great Quotes (Author of The Cyrus Cylinder).” ​Goodreads,​ Goodreads,​.

Simonin, Antoine. “The Cyrus Cylinder.” ​Ancient History Encyclopedia,​ Ancient History
Encyclopedia, 14 May 2019, ​​.

“The Meaning of Edict of Cyrus and Prophecy of God.” ​Cyrus the Great and the Second Coming
Christ,​ 8 Feb. 2017,

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