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AGA Exmcatsianaasis, 5) + Fideity means that counselors -honest promises and honor (Heit commitments to clients, students, and supervises. This principle invol Geatinga trusting and therapeutic climate in which people can search for their own solutions, and taking care not to deceive or exploit clients. Principle ethics asks the question “What shall I do?” when faced with an ethical dilemma, whereas virtue ethics addresses the question “Who shall be?” Virtue ethics focuses on the actor rather than the action. Virtue ethicists beliewe-that professional ethics involves more than moral action; it also involves traits of character, or virtues, such as discernment or prudence, respectfulness, integrity, and selfawareness (Jordan & Meara, 1991; Meara, Schmidt, & Day, 1996). Additionally, virtuous counselors recognize the role ‘of emotion in judging ethical conduct and the importance of connected- ness to the community. Some writers (Cottone & Tarvydas, 2003; Herlihy ‘& Watson, 2006; Meara et al., 1996) believe that incorporating virtue ethics can provide a more culturally sensitive approach to ethical decision making. than can reliance on principle ethics alone. ‘* Discernment or prudence involves the exercise of caution and deliber ate reflection before taking action, along with foresight regarding possible consequences of any action. Discernment includes a toler- ance for ambiguity, which is an essential trait because most ethical dilemmas are fraught with ambiguities. Discernment also involves per- spective-taking, which helps counselors to be aware that a client’s view of a situation may not be the same as the counselor's view. * Respecifuiness is a broader term than autonomy, which is a highly indi- vvidualistic concept (Meara, 1996). When working with clients whose cultures are collectivistic or group-oriented, this virtue requires counse- lors to respect clients on terms that the clients themselves define. *+ Integrity means that counselors have stable, coherent moral values along with active fidelity to those values in judgment and practice (Beauchamp & Childress, 1994). * Selfawarenessmeans that counselors know their own assumptions and oe how these = a ae relationships with clients. This wwareness is a prerequisite for effective cross-cultural counselin; (Meara et al., 1996). i ifercan Oroeears or errata eam aminist appt ethics (Rave & Larsen, 1995). Virtue ethicists caution against assuming fia emo- tion clouds Ins r reason. Instead, they contend that emotions (such as com- Passion) can inform reason. pAnNNNeSee prrponreee PRR

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