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Daily Activities

Name: Lester John T. Precillas

Department: Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Date: April 29, 2019

Day No.: 9 No. hours rendered: 8 hours

Activities during the day:

For today’s work we started to pray and a flag ceremony. We continue to work with our design
project and analyze the best possible economic design. We also created a new possible design
for our design report. Also, we search a similar design from their file storage for our reference.


From the file we have been search from their file storage we find a lot of design project and
get an idea of how a design project gets a budget. We learned that in the bidding process a full
design and specifications must be presented. As we analyse the possible economic design we
are also enhancing our creative and innovative skills.

_________________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature over printed Name of HTE Supervisor Signature over printed Name of Program

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