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User Manual

Post Trade Module (PTM)

Financial Markets Dealers


June 2010
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................1
2 PTM Documentation............................................................................................................................2
2.1 How to Sign in to the system.......................................................................................................2
2.2 How to track status of trade........................................................................................................3
2.3 How to upload flat files from ICAP...............................................................................................5
2.4 How to download feedback file from CSCS..................................................................................6

1 Executive Summary

1.1 Background
The Post Trade Module (PTM) links ICAP backend system to the Central Securities Clearing System
Limited (CSCS) for trade settlement. The PTM communicates with the CSCS through the File Transfer
Protocol (FTP).

The PTM receives End of Day (EoD) transaction file from ICAP, processes and stores important market
information from the file and updates traders information on the PTM. The PTM generates a tab –
delimited file which is transferred to the CSCS for settlement transfer tab – delimited file to the CSCS for
trade settlement.

Besides, the PTM downloads feedback file from the CSCS. The file contains trades’ status of previously
submitted trades. The PTM uses the information extracted from the file to update the trades’ status on
the PTM.

The PTM provides traders with bond market summary and updated bond information. PTM can be used
by bond dealers to track status of trades.

2 PTM Documentation

2.1 How to Sign in to the system

Every user will be required to log on to the system. The login page is as shown below

Fig 1: Log in page

Each user logs in with their email as the username and their password. Successful log in process will
redirect the page to the market summary page.

The summary page provides market information such as the benchmark bonds, bonds indicative prices.

Figure 2: Market Summary

Figure 3: Market Summary (contd)

2.2 How to track status of trade

Clicking on the Trade Tracker link will navigate the page to the trade tracker page. On the trade tracker
page, there is a detailed table showing list of securities traded by the active user. Other information
presented on this page include the trade status, counterparty name, time and other details.

Fig 4: Trade Tracking page

Listed below are possible status for a trade.

Status Image Description

The amber-colored image indicate that a trade is accepted. It signify that

trade was successfully submitted/delivered to CSCS for settlement

The blue-colored image signify that a trade is pending. This signify that has
been successfully submitted and awaiting settlement.

The green-colored image indicate that a trade is settled. This signify that has
been successfully settled.

The red-colored image indicate that a trade failed settlement.

Table 1: Possible trade status

Clicking on the Open button will open the security detail page where detailed market information about
the chosen security is displayed.

Figure 5: Security’s summary page

2.3 How to upload flat files from ICAP

The flat files from ICAP contain basic information about trades such as time of trade, trade initiator,
trade counterparty, price, volume and trade action.

The flat file is a comma separated file with the following column accordingly.

1. Time

2. Ticket/Trade Number

3. ISIN Code of Security

4. Security Description

5. Trade Initiator

6. Trade Action (Buy/Sell)

7. Size

8. Price

Only administrator is allowed to upload flat files from ICAP. To upload a flat file,

1. Click on Submit Trades, under the Trades tab.

2. Click on Browse to select the flat file to be uploaded.
3. Click on Upload to upload, extract and store the content of the file on the PTM. This will also
generated tab – delimited file of matched trades that is transferred to the CSCS for settlement
through FTP.

Figure 6: ICAP flat files upload page

Figure 7: Successful flat file upload page

2.4 How to update trade status from feedback from the CSCS
The PTM update the trade’s status through feedback from CSCS. PTM downloads a feedback file through
FTP and uses the content of the file to update the status of trades on the PTM.

Like uploading a flat file, updating trade status from feedback from the CSCS can only be performed by
logging in as an administrator.

To update trade status from the feedback from the CSCS,

1. Click on Submit Trades, under the Trades tab.

2. Click on Import button.

This will download the feedback file from the CSCS if is available. The PTM uses the content of the file to
update trade status on the system.

Figure 8: Updating trade status

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