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PDW 19 Ny. Irma Suryani 57 th 1-42-76-10 07-05-2019 Selulitis cruris S due to cite bite + stracth + epigastric pain +
PDW 20 Ny. Raudah 41 th 1-38-24-43 13-05-2019 Massa caput pancreas + anemia defisiensi besi + DM Tipe II
+ HT stage I
PDW 21 Ny. Sariyem 63 th 1-36-96-41 17-05-2019 SOB + CKD on HD rutin (rabu-sabtu)
PDW 22 Ny. Fitriani 46 th 1-24-14-75 16-05-2019 ISK + DM Tipe II hiperglikemik state + DKD
PDW 23 Ny. Mailiyawati 36 th 1-40-72-81 14-05-2019 SOB + CKD st V on HD rutin + Anemia renal + HF st C FC
III + Epigastic pain + HT st II
PDW 24 Ny. Masdinar 67 th 0-83-03-78 14-05-2019 Abses et regio thorakalis posterior + DM Tipe 2 +
hiponatremia hipotonic hipovolemi
PDW 25 Ny. Basriah 59 th 1-10-61-73 16-05-2019 Abses regio thoracalis posterior + DM tipe II
PDW 26 Ny. Yulianti 49 th 1-35-05-26 14-05-2019 Asites + Abdominal pain + CKD stg V on HD rutin + Anemia
renal + HT sg II + loss of vision + DM tipe 2
PDW 27 Ny. Masrawan 46 th 1-41-98-50 17-05-2019 Epigastic pain + nausea vomit + anemia MH
PDW 28 Ny. Aulia Nur A 20 th 1-42-60-24 13-05-2019 Gingiva hipertrofi + bisitopenia + Ca pain
PDW 29 Ny. Wasini 46 th 1-40-72-81 05-05-2019 Rhabdomyosarkoma post kemo + Abd pain + gastritic akut
PDW 30 Ny. Saimah 74 th 1-15-45-35 16-05-2019 Sindroma geriatri
K1 Ny. Mariah 56 th 0-58-20-92 17-05-2019 SOB + HF stg C FC IV at KKD + CKD stg V + Anemia et
CMD + Diare non disentrifum + HT on treatment + nausea
vomit at gastropati uremium
K4 Tn. Selamat 53 th 1-42-72-14 10-05-2019 Dress + leukositosis + transaminit td no 1
Isolasi K6 Tn. Arnia H 58 th 1-37-94-01 2-05-2019 Ca gaster + melena dt no 1 (resolved) + diare non disentri +
anemia + hipoalbumin + moderate + hipokalemia (improved)
+ GI loss

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