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5/28/2019 Integrity - Google Docs

Jada Vasquez

Mrs. Casady


The beach, I can closely relate my life and journey to the entirety of a beach. The beach

has many factors and complex parts to it. The beach is just so welcoming and freeing, it’s beauty

is never ending and unbreakable. The obvious structure of the beach involves the sand, waves,

sun, clouds. The sand is my footing in my future plan, it’s what keeps me ground. The sand is

what always helps me think on my feet, it’s what keeps me ready and awake. The sand is

everywhere I go, always there for through my plan and journey. The waves is what makes me

stronger. When I stand there, taking steps from sand, to the cold wet sand oozing between my

toes, to the shallow water, to where the waves crash I begin to lose breathe. Partially from

excitement partially from fear. As you took those steps I were taking steps closer to my future,

following through with your plan. Once I get to where those waves crash, its where an wrench is

thrown into my plans. Because we all know not everything goes as planned. There are up and

downs to life, it’s up to me to push through it. There are ups and downs to the never ending

waters of the ocean, it’s up to me to push through it. The waves will knock me down but I will

get back up, I will bounce back. We are unbreakable. I am unbreakable. Each time I get back up I

come back stronger. Don’t let anyone get in the way of your plan, don’t let anyone tell you

“you’re not good enough” or that “you can’t”. The sun always stands so high, and so bright.

Representing the importance for optimism in my journey. Optimism helps you get things done 1/4
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with excitement, with the best possible outlook. It's important to look at the good in life and even

so appreciation to the bad. For the bad is how we learn, grow, and become stronger. However,

blind optimism is never good. Being ignorantly optimistic is not apart of my plan. That's where

clouds come in. over cast is common and sometimes the clouds stay sometimes the sun pierces

through. The clouds remind me to hope for the best but to expect the worst. Always have hope

but don’t expect anything in life. If you want it that made then go get, and don’t let the waves get

in your way.

There are a few aspects of a beach that make it so beautiful and unique, such as when you

look out at the water there is no end. The beach meets no end an human eye can see from shore.

Representative to my uniqueness because my compassion really has no end. I will show

compassion and kindness till the day I die. Additionally, my plan has no ends. I will take my plan

and my goals as far as they can go. The beach is also an beautiful place to visit year round.

Where its cold, warm, or hot you can get bundled up or shed some clothes. A walk on the beach

always soothes the soul no matter the time of year. Just as I am always hear to listen and help

everyone no matter the day or circumstances. I don’t change, my heart never flips a switch.

Anyday, anytime I have a great listening ear and a soft shoulder to cry on.

The feeling of completion or wholeness comes from either doing something you love or

from being around someone/something. My family and friends bring completion and wholeness

to my life, but most of all my mom fills my heart. My mom is my sand. She’s the one that keeps

me ground, she’s is my everything. The sand is what makes the beach an beach. My mom is what

makes me, me. Everywhere I go she’s there; whether it’s a call, text, or in person conversation.

Everywhere i go the sand is there. My mom is my best friend, her love and comfort always keeps 2/4
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me warm, just like the warm sand between my toes. My friends like the rare sand dollars you

stumble across on the shore. It’s hard to find true friends that similar to you so when you do you

collect and treasure them. Each sand dollar is different, each friend is different which makes me

love each one just that much more. I’m so very blessed for the family and friends that play an big

part in my journey.

We all stress over something whether it’s big or small. Sometimes it feels like when your

done stressing about one thing there is always something else waiting. I am learning to let go of

what is out of my control. It is extremely unhealthy to be stressing. So sunscreen is my protector

from stress. Sunscreen protect you from the deadly rays of the sun, through cloudy and sunny

days. Sunscreen doesn’t just protect you from getting sunburnt but from getting skin cancer. It

the ultimate savior. However, let's be real how many people truly wear sunscreen on the regular?

How many people apply every hour like it tells you to? Sunscreen is my protector against stress

but I don’t use it often enough. I need to use it more and out of this analogy. The towel

I lay on at the beach is my comfort. The tower represents the gym. The gym is where I go to

release the stress and find peace. We all need to unplug somehow.

It’s obvious most wish for their future plans to be an lifelong one. Most prayer that their

plan doesn’t fall through. I’m okay with where the waters take me as long it ensure that I’m

making a true difference being made in this broken world. The ocean is neverending, the ocean is

what is going to ensure my plans to be an lifelong one. My never ending ocean represents my

never ending trust in my heart. As long as you truly feel and believe that what you are doing is

wrong then not matter where you go or what you do it's going to be an beautiful and life long

journey. Trust in yourself and god, then anywhere you end up will be just right. 3/4
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A lifelong plan doesn’t mean to be stuck or set on one idea of living but to be able to ride

the waves. I must move with the current not against it. To move forward in these terms means to

not fight the current but to allow it to take you to where you’re supposed to be. God has a plan,

don’t fight it. The rip current is my direction in life. My mom always told me that if went to deep

in the waters and was being sucked out, to go with the current and i'll be okay. It’s normal to get

pushed a few steps back but I will brush it off and keeping pushing forward. It’s only a test to see

how much you truly want it, and how strong you truly are. So I will insure my plan/path is

moving forward by not fight what’s meant to be because then you could end up at the wrong

place at the wrong time. I am going to make a difference, I know I am meant to. So whatever I

may be doing to make that difference I trust in my gut and god will point me in the right

direction is just gotta put in the work. Because after all there’s a huge difference from wanting to

see a difference and working to make a difference.

Have faith, show compassion, and release love. 4/4

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