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Let’s dive straight into the list.

Here are the 7 Self-Defeating Traits:

1. Spend time dwelling on problems as opposed to coming up with

2. Too proud to learn anything outside of your comfort zone
3. Unable to enjoy solitude
4. Unwilling to make mistakes
5. Slave for instant pleasure
6. Live in the past or the future
7. Love to compete with others as a source of self-esteem

Now let me ask you:

Do you indulge in any of these things regularly?

If yes, then you’ll be forever stumbling at the steps of your success ladder.

Fortunately, by recognizing bad behavior, you can switch your focus and
actions to good behavior. This can be as simple as moving your car from
reverse gear to a forward gear.

More often, these come up once in a while during times of weakness. But
being aware of them will help you to snap out of it before they drag you down!

Now, I could easily wrap this email up at this point, but I don’t wish to. Instead,
I’d like to share with you three potentially life-changing articles that we’ve
published in the last few days.

17 Ways Deep Work Will Help Wipe Out Modern Distractions and

Carl Pullein reveals a simple but highly-effective technique for avoiding

modern-day distractions. By using this technique, you’ll enhance your
creativity and boost your work output.

Signs You’re in a Healthy Intimate Relationship (and What to Do if Not)

Are you in a healthy relationship? David Klow suggests five ways to find out.
And, for those needing help with their relationships, Klow offers invaluable tips
such as communicating your feelings to your partner.

How to Read People’s Minds During a Conflict (At Work or Home)

You may think mind reading is strictly for magicians such as David Blaine, but
Eugene Cheng argues otherwise. In his persuasive article, Cheng shows how
to identify the different types of anger that lead to conflict. He doesn’t stop
there, however. But instead, reveals the little-known methods for stopping
conflict in its tracks.

Life is too short for it to be lost in distractions, bad relationships and conflict.
By reading the articles above, you can begin to step away from these things,
and start to build a life you can be proud of.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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