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Interview with Jacob

1. What is your current position/job title?

a. I’m currently in the Marines

2. Do you have any special skills/experiences relating to my project?

a.I actually started with the same diet you did and it helped a lot. I also did similar lifts then

you so i'm experienced with this

3. What is your education/background?

a. I graduated from Triton High School now I’m in the Marines

4. .What made you get into to lifting?

a. I wanted to change the way my body was and wanted to up my confidence

5 . What was the hardest part while starting?

a. The hardest part was probably starting and staying consistent because I wanted to

change right away

6. When you did you start lifting?

a. I started lifting when I was 16 and stayed consistent till now

7. Do you follow a strict diet?

a. I did, I followed the same bulking macro diet as you, but it’s harder to follow now as life

gets busier.

8. How did lifting help you?

a. It helped my confidence and made me feel way healthier and just made me happier

mentally and gave me some friends i met at the gym

9. What are some challenges you had and still have?

a. Challenges I had was motivation and just going every day. I wanted to see change

everyday and that’s unrealistic so that was probably the hardest part. Now my

challenges are going everyday as I get busier

10. Do you plan on lifting in the future?

a. Yes I plan on doing it lifelong because there’s so many benefits of lifting

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