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Hypothermia is a very low body temperature of 35,4°C or lower. It is a serious

condition that can be fatal. Hyperthermia is a very high temperature.

Treating hypothermia

Hypothermia is a medical emergency. Call 999 immediately. While you wait for

the emergency services yo can:

 Take off the patient clothes if they are wet

 Give the patient extra clothing and/or a hat

 Cover de patient with a blanket

 Prepare a warm (nor hot) drink for the patient

 Close all windows and doors

 Turn up the room temperature

 Wash the patient’s hands and face in warm (nor hot) water

Fuente: Wright R and Cagnol B. English for Nursing. Editorial Pearson. England. 2012


1. What is Hypothermia?

Increase in body temperature above normal

2. How do you know if somebody has hypothermia?

I will realize by its symptoms that the person presents, most notably the chills are

the first thing you will notice when the temperature starts to fall below 35.4 C

3. What do you have to do if you are with somebody who has hypothermia?

Move the person inside carefully, if possible. Sudden movements can cause
dangerous irregular heartbeats. Remove the wet clothes carefully and replace

them with coats or dry blankets that keep the heat.

4. What is the difference between hypothermia and hyperthermia?

It is considered hypothermia when the body temperature drops below 35ºC. and

hyperthermia at any increase in body temperature that exceeds 38ºC

5. Which one is more dangerous: hypothermia or hyperthermia?

I think both are dangerous because they have to do with temperament

6. Explain how to fulfill one of the steps for treating hypothermia.

Seek medical attention immediately for anyone who appears to suffer from

hypothermia and until medical attention is received, I can do the first aid for

hypothermia already mentioned in the text.

7. Do you know what FIRST AIDS mean?

The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS is a chronic, life-threatening

condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging the

immune system, HIV interferes with the body's ability to fight off organisms that

cause disease.

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