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Katherine Pineda

Professor Batty

English 101

28 March 2019

This class was a very difficult class for me. In this semester I did learned a lot about

writing, I have learned that it is so important for you to go back and see your essays. Even

though you think that you have done a great essay you still should go back and check your work

because it can always use some improving. In this class we learn that all rough draft are bad and

that it is okay to have a bad draft because it is not the one that you are going to turn in. A way

you make your writing better is by showing it to others. Also before you start writing make sure

you are brainstorming before you start writing. This One way you can turn off writer’s block is

by just free writing and letting your ideas flow.

Learning about how important it is to read the book before you go to class is so good

because you need to know what the class is going to talk about and if you did not read the book

then you would just be completely lost. Reading is such a good way to make your writing better,

we learned that the best writers are the ones that read the most. Something else we learn was that

you always have to go back to the book and just keep reading it so you can fully understand it.

This class taught us how to think a lot with your brain and make sure that you know what

you want to say. There is so many ways that you can start brainstorming. You can start in the car

when you are going home and thinking about what you are going to be writing. You can watch

videos about the subject that you are going to write about or just read articles about things.
This class made me a stronger writer because it got to help me see how important it is to

go back and see your own writing. I can really say that the writing center really helped and

wished that i could have gone a bit more than how much I actually went. I hope I improve more

on my structure and writing a strong thesis. I know that I am always going to need help in

writing things but this class has really helped. It was a difficult class but did learn a lot.

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