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Study tour to Malang

We had study tour to Malang,we left from school at 21.00 with 4 buses.I took a bus 4,the
bus is yellow and very confortable. We will go to Kebun Apel,Jatim Park 1,and Museum angkut.
So that we are not exhausted,we had slept at night.

We were transit in Deduwa at 04.00. In here we had a shower,pray subuh,and breakfast.

On 07.00 we went to Kebun Apel,there we saw many apples that have been mature. In Kebun
Apel we could eat a lot of apples.

After that we went to Jatim Park 1 at 10.00. Before logged,we had to buy tickets in the
form of a bracelet. In there we could see many games that can be played,I just played to a
Keraton Hantu. We were out of Jatim Park 1 at 01.00.

After from Jatim Park 1,we went to Museum Ankut. In here many vihicles from time to
time.The most vehicle I like is the old BMW in the display in the middle of the museum.

Before we went to home,we had dinner. After dinner we went to school at 19.00. we
arrived to school at 22.30.

Name : Hafizh Nafiardi M.

No/Kelas :15/8D
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

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