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For me, the place that caught my attention was this place because there is history and it starts

the beginning to be able to discover it

seems to me a story of quite a lot of drama and it catches my attention because if some day I had
childen I would like to tell you this story in a good way because it allows you to observe that nothing
is impossible in this life if you propose it but we need to be under pressure for some I always need
to do it in the best way possible, it makes me feel very good because it teaches many values that

will happen in the story but the end is happy because they finally found it
Mr Carter's men find the door to a tomb in the sand

Mr Carter's yellow bird dies.

Lord Carnarvon comes to Egypt with his daughter

Carnarvon and Carter are excited when they look at the

tomb door.

Lord Carnarvon dies.

Carter finds the bodies of Tutankhamun's children

AII the lights in Cairo go out

Carter and Carnarvon leave Anne one night.

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