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Water is a very important part of life.

In determining the quality of water water quality

standards in Indonesia have been established, both quality standards for drinking water,
industrial water, etc. The purpose of this practicum is to be able to know the influence of media
types on the number of colonies, be able to determine growth rate and doubling time of colony
growth, and be able to compare the radius of microbial development with disinfectants with
different concentrations using water samples from Tugu Muda.
Natural waters have dynamic properties and a continuous flow of energy. This occurs as
long as the system inside does not get disturbances or obstacles, including in the form of
pollution. According to the regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,
there are several requirements for clean water and drinking water, including biological, physical
and chemical requirements. Microbial colonies have several properties that are divided into 2,
namely general properties and special properties. There are several factors that affect microbes,
namely regulating, medium, the influence of light, mechanical, chemical as well as pH.
Calculation of colonies formed can use SPC as well as manual calculations.
The materials used in this practicum are water samples from the University of Diponegoro,
aquadest, media, and disinfectants. The tools used are beaker glass, petridish, erlenmeyer, stirrer,
electric stove, and drop pipette. Before starting the water check, a preliminary step is taken,
namely preparing the media to be used and dividing the media into petridihs evenly. Colony
testing was done by preparing the media, sprinkling samples and incubating 2 days. Whereas for
the disinfecting test, it was done by preparing the media, dripping disinfectants and incubating 2
Based on the water examination practicum data, the media with the most growth of the
colonies is PDA media. Carbohydrate-rich PDAs have the highest growth rates. The higher the
concentration of disinfectant the further the radius of the development of microorganisms.
The advice from this lab is to experiment with a device that was sterilized first. Check in
calculating the number of colonies, and make sure the sample is dropped on PDA media or so
that it is still semi-solid.

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