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Sayes 1

Roberto Sayes

Holly Batty

English 101

28 May 2019


My essay is about college artists and the issues they face. Well since the original essay

was apparently hot garbage I decided the best thing to do would be to start fresh with brand new

research while still using some of the data from the original. I also went to the writing center for

a second opinion since I always want my work to look its best or in this case better than the first

report. I’m glad I had the library sources to work with this time since it was easier to find

scholarly sources. An issue I had with the original was that it wasn’t organized at all so I made

sure to make it coherent for the revision this time. I also made sure to address a specific problem

and offer a solution since there wasn’t really any sort of solution/counterargument present in the

first essay. The writing center’s assistance was pretty useful as well as the people who helped me

told me to make my essay less wordy since the sentences needed to flow better. Another thing I

made sure to do was not do the rewrite at the very last second since that was what kind of ruined

my first essa and. I hope that my rewritten essay is an improvement from the original. I hope that

this time around I’ve let my ideas flow a little better and that my essay came out looking nicer.

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