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Sayes 1

Roberto Sayes

Holly Batty

English 101

28 May 2019

Putting Things Into Perspective

I’ve always felt a little overwhelmed in this class over the past few months and I’ve been

trying my best to improve my writing skills since my first writing project yearned less than

successful results. I hope to keep improving myself even after this class ends. Writing is such a

necessary skill and an important tool for excelling in an English 101 class. When it comes to free

writes I wouldn’t say I’m amazing and I’m probably a disaster whose thoughts are all over the

place and my grammar is probably garbage.

I would like to use this time to discuss the reading we conducted in the class. While I

think reading is fundamental and useful for staying sharp and learning new things, I did not

enjoy Still Water Saints and how dreary and disjointed it all felt. Personally I don’t mind reading

for class but when you have to read something twice in order for certain things to make complete

sense or have a full understanding of certain characters it just seems kind of like bad storytelling;

of course that’s solely my opinion since I know other people in the class actually enjoyed the

book or thought it was okay at most. Personally I wish we had read a little more during this class

but we were on a set schedule and were to do specific things every day, so if we wanted to do

reading it’d have to be in our spare time. It’s just unfortunate that the only book it was

mandatory for us to read was so lackluster and such a letdown.

Sayes 2

This is a minor thing I want to gripe about for a bit that sort of vanished after a while but

I was not too pleased when working in groups. My first experience working in a group in this

class I was put into a group where they threw me under the bus and made me do the work for

them, later on the very same people from this group would expect me to do all the reading and

answer the questions for them while we were reading Still Water Saints. Needless to say if it’s

one thing I hope I don’t have to deal with often in the future is incompetent groups like these. I

don’t mind contributing but when everything is just put on me it’s just a bit unfair and


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