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Honorable chairs, fellow delegate:

The delegate of Japan is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this conference and
the chance to find suitable solutions for environmental issues.
Regarding first topic,Japan thinks fake fashion is surely the most pervasive. However,the
problems which Japan try to combat are
1)People don’t see what all the fuss is about.We should try to work with people’s
mentality, to teach people that the original is better because the quality is better.
2)encourages other habits which Japan is trying to combat for example fake documents
and fake passports
Regarding second topic, Japan knows that Our world nowadays is facing so many issues
about global warming, and fighting greenhouse gases is for sure one of the most importance,but
at this moment, Japan has an elaborate and well-developed plan, which in short term, he has
results and in long term, we will see.
And about the third topic, Japan supports the idea of state, where freedom of exprimation
is the most important.
Japanese law provides for freedom of speech and of the press, and the government respects
these rights in practice. These freedoms extend to speech and expression on the Internet. An
independent press, an effective judiciary and a functioning democratic political system combine
to ensure these rights.

This delegates hopes for a fruitful and constructive debate in order to solve the issues at hand
today.Thank you

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