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The controversial product I decided to discuss on was hair coloring since it

relates to me and a lot of females. There are many reasons why people color their

hair. One reason is to cover up gray or white hair. Another reason is to ​change to a

color regarded as more fashionable or desirable. Finally, people color their hair to

restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes

or sun bleaching. Sometimes while we do these things to our hair to achieve a

specific look or style you forget about what is being put into these products and if it is

harmful to your hair or maybe just your outer body in general.

Even when hair dyes are used correctly, they can cause toxicity. ​Skin damage

and allergic reactions are well documented. Eye exposure can cause a range of

toxicities from mild irritation to loss of vision. Unintentional swallowing can cause

irritation or injury to the mouth and stomach as well as life-threatening allergic


Changing the natural color of hair is popular with both men and women but

does have some health risks. Hair has two parts hair follicles and the hair shaft. The

hair follicles are at the root of the head while the hair shaft sticks out the follicles. The

hair follicles contain living cells.

Hair color comes from the pigment melanin, which is made by cells. Hair turns

gray when the production of melanin decreases or stops. Dye removes the natural

color or adds new color to the hair shaft. Usually it’s either Natural or Synthetic.

Natural dyes are obtained from henna’s which is in plants. Synthetic dyes are divided
in two categories: semi permanent or Permanent. They both reach deeper into the

hair shafts. ​These chemical changes can damage the hair. Permanent hair dyes are

those most frequently associated with health risks. These products typically include

an alkalizing agent like ammonia, an oxidizing agent like hydrogen peroxide, a

primary intermediate such as paraphenylenediamine , and coupler molecules like

resorcinol. ​ ​The alkalizing agent helps the product penetrate the outer layer of the

hair shaft, and the other ingredients cause the chemical reactions that create color

molecules inside the hair shaft.

Even though hair coloring might bring your eyes out or adds a pop of color to

your everyday boring life, They give harmful health risks. Up to 25 different

ingredients in hair dyes can cause harmful skin effects. One of the main culprits is the

primary intermediate PPD. (​PPD​) is a chemical substance that is widely used in

permanent hair dye. This chemical was founded by William Henry Perkin accidently

in his house.

Advertising is a big part of selling and trying to get people to buy their products.

It’s kind of like a placebo effect. You tell people that using this product will give them

healthy hair, that it’ll become shiny and voluminous. First, on the box it would display

usually a celebrity or somebody who people look up too or trust enough that they

would consider coloring their hair. The box would usually have things that will attract

the consumer like their favorite celebrities, the exterior of the box and designs of it

and the way they address how your hair would come out if you were to use their
product. People go off of who they trust and also who would give the best outcome

compared to other companies.

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