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Name: Liross Jimenez

​Class: White

​ “Civil Peace”

The story i’ve been reading about in english is called “civil

peace” and it’s basically about a guy named Jonathan who
escaped the Nigerian war with his family but lost a son during
the war. He’s very determined to gain money and take his
family far away from the war zone.

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Jonathan in the beginning of the story is very persistent to

leave the tragedy that has occurred with the war and his son.
So he’s taking hi time but is also in a rush to take his family and
go. For example in page 3 it said “ with his family earnings he
took his bicycle to the villages around and bought fresh palm
wine…and opened up a bar for soldiers and other lucky people
with good money”. That quote shows that Jonathan raised
enough for his own business and gain extra pounds (cash). He
knows what he wants and is unhesitant.

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So the other characteristic trait that i spotted about Jonathan is
cautiousness he’s very aware of his surroundings and other
people near him. On page 4 it says “He had to be extra careful
because he had seen a man a couple of days earlier collapse
into-madness in an instant before that oceanic crowd because
no sooner had he got his twenty pounds than some heartless
ruffian”. So he basically buries his money inside his trouser
pocket since he’s not planning on getting robbed.

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